Clinic of Psychiatry JFM CU and UHM in Martin

Clinic of Psychiatry JFM CU and UHM in Martin
The teaching program of Medical psychology and basics of communication
3rd year GM, summer semester, AY 2013/2014
Medical psychology and basics of
Lectures in 6th. semester
14 hours
Practicals in 6th. semester
14 hours
Person responsible for subject:
Lecturers: Igor Ondrejka, M.D., PhD.
Dana Flešková, PhDr., PhD.
Valéria Kerná, M.D., PhD.
Eva Šnircová, M.D., Internal PhD student
Tomáš Kulhan, M.D., Internal PhD student
Igor Hrtánek, M.D., PhDr., Internal PhD student
L E C T U R E S: large lecture hall UNM Martin, even weeks, monday 16.00 – 17.30
1. Medical psychology – basic terms, characteristics and content of the field. Psychosomatic
and psychophysiology, psychosomatic and somatopsychic relations. Psychopathogenesis.
Bio-psycho-social model of disease. /17.2.2014/
2. Mental functions – basic characteristics, issues of normality and pathology, behaviour and
experiencing (externalizing and internalizing behavior), state and trait variables,
psychopathology. /3.3.2014/
3. Psychological aspects of the disease and the sick person/patient. Experiencing and
elaboration of disease (adaptation to disease, disorder, illness). Pathopsychology. The issue of
pain, aggravation, simulation, dissimulation, self-harm, deliberate induction of symptoms,
alexithymia, types of patient´s behavior, problems of terminal states and dying. /17.3.2014/
4. Psychological problems of medical examinations, observation and interview as a diagnostic
tool in medicine /31.3.2014/
5. Psychological problems of treatment. Psychological methods of treatment, psychotherapy
and its mechanisms. Psychological crisis, crisis intervention. /14.4.2014/
6. Psychological aspects of the doctor´s work and other health professionals. The issue of
burnout, coping with the burden and frustrating experiences, problems of cooperation and
rivalry. Medical ethics. Iatropathogenesis. /28.4.2014/
7. Mental hygiene, prevention, specific psychohygienic problems. /12.5.2014/
Clinic of Psychiatry - University hospital in Martin, education room I, even weeks, 8.00 -9.30,
groups – 3, 4, 5, 6: monday; 9, 10, 11, 12: tuesday; 7, 8, 13, 14: wednesday; 1, 2: friday
1. Mental functions I – perception, thinking, memory, attention, intellect - characteristics, methods
of examination
2. Mental functions II – emotivity, consciousness, volitional behaviour (will and action), personality
- characteristics, methods of examination
3. Psychological problems of health environment, outpatient and inpatient care
4. Verbal and nonverbal communication and its importance in medicine. Communication with
specific groups of patients. Patient noncompliance.
5. Specifics of communication in different developmental stages. Communication with
pediatric patient, geriatric patient. Communication with seriously ill and dying patients.
6. Communication with patients with acute and non-acute mental disorder, with physical,
sensory and intellectual disabilities.
7. Psychological diagnosis and its importance in medical practice.
8. Compensatory and repeating exercises
Requirement to apply for exam:
- participation in practicals at least 6 times (12 lessons)
- favourable results during running controls
- favourable results in test
Check in the course of practicals:
- Evaluation till the end of 7th week: control questions during the practical exercises, written test (10
- Evaluation till the end of 14th week: control questions during practical exercises,
Evaluation of the results of running controls:
minimal success 65 %; rating: A/1 = 93 – 100 %; B/1,5 = 86 – 92 %; C/2 = 79 – 85 %; D/2,5 = 72 –
78 %; E/3 = 65 – 71 %, Fx = less than 65 %
The share of the running controls on final evaluation of the subject: 10 %
Final evaluation: oral exam
Compulsory literature: McManus IC. Psychology in Medicine. Butterworth 1992
Ayers S., Visser R. Psychology for medicine. Sage, Los Angeles 2011, 530 p.
Lloyd M, Bor R. Communication skills for medicine. Elsevier, 2009, 222 p.
Recommended literature: Alder B. et al. Psychology and sociology applied to medicine.
3rd. ed. Elesevier, Edinburgh 2009, 182 p.
Assoc. prof. Igor Ondrejka, M.D., PhD.
Head of Clinic of Psychiatry
Questions on the exam
1. Medical psychology – basic terms, characteristics and content of the field.
Differences between medical and clinical psychology.
2. Psycho-somatics and psychophysiology, psychosomatic and somatopsychic relations.
3. Psychopathogenesis. Bio-psycho-social model of disease.
4. Mental functions – basic characteristics, issues of normality and pathology,
behaviour and experiencing (externalizing and internalizing behaviour), state and trait
variables, psychopathology.
5. Perception, thinking – characteristics, methods of examination.
6. Memory, intellect - characteristics, methods of examination.
7. Emotivity, volitional behaviour - characteristics, methods of examination.
8. Consciousness, attention - characteristics, methods of examination.
9. Personality - characteristics, methods of examination.
10. Psychological aspects of the disease and the sick person/patient. Autoplastic pattern
of disease.
11. Experiencing and elaboration of disease (adaptation to disease, disorder, illness),
types of patient’s behaviour. Pathopsychology.
12. Psychological problems of pain.
13. Psychological problems of terminal states and dying.
14. Psychological problems of medical examinations.
15. Observation and interview as a diagnostic tool in medicine.
16. Psychological diagnosis and its importance in medical practice.
17. Psychological problems of treatment.
18. Psychological methods of treatment, psychotherapy and its mechanisms.
19. Psychological crisis, crisis intervention
20. Psychological aspects of the doctor´s work and other health professionals. Medical
ethics. Iatropathogenesis.
21. The issue of burnout, coping with the burden and frustrating experiences, problems of
cooperation and rivalry.
22. Psychological problems of health environment.
23. Psychological problems of inpatient care.
24. Psychological problems of outpatient care.
25. Mental hygiene, prevention, specific psychohygienic problems.
26. Verbal and nonverbal communication and its importance in medicine.
27. Communication with specific groups of patients. Patient non-compliance.
28. Specifics of communication in different developmental stages. Communication with
pediatric patient, geriatric patient.
29. Communication with seriously ill and dying patients.
30. Communication with patients with acute and non-acute mental disorder.
31. Communication with patients with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities.