Remote AC Training Notes Post to AC section of Family Force Website – notes, draft November 23, 2010 SWOT Remote Community Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Diverse backgrounds, skills and experience to share Complete spectrum of life experiences to draw on Disconnected from each other Connection with others through web-based meetings, courses messages, newsletter, warm-line calls, volunteer opportunities Both general and Centre staffing and resource shortages make it challenging to be timely – ie Family Force website still isn’t really helpful so we have been without anything useful as far back as the Centrepointe days. Feelings of isolation moved to threats Employment/income issues Chain of Command support Language/culture challenges E-business, e-employment possibilities Educational opportunities Stable office Support from CMFRC and other CFSU(E) elements Lack of understanding of the role of the CMFRC and what it can and can’t do Chance to exchange ideas Some Mmght not be comfortable with computer technology Virtual Coffee morning Scattered through Europe Cultural experiences Psycho-social issues, which because of distance may go undetected Employment/income issues – lack of knowledge on how to pursue “E” opportunities Difficult to communicate Local politics/issues Getting to the family Lack of reliable technology in some areas Situations/Needs change with personnel each year creating a rolling target Surveys are at least a year behind and don’t’ create a true picture of the current needs of the community. Lack of childcare options in some areas Lack of adequate screening measures for overseas postings and lack of realistic pictures of and preparation for what “remote” life is like. Budget Funding Feeling of isolation SWOT Advisory Committee Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Energy, enthusiasm and a desire to get involved Committed Advisory Committee To develop a sound understanding of the MFSP program and Parameters for Practice, how it applies here in Europe and how to use it effectively for our community Privacy issues make communication challenging Diverse locations – data from all over Still working out how to function as a team and find what it is we can and should do to make the remote experience an easier, more pleasant one, both in the transition phases (arrival and departure) and in the “stuck-in” phase. Support of Director, upline managers and Chain of Command Everyone is busy and it is a challenge to have everyone at every meeting. Virtual coffee morning Lack of thorough understanding of the Parameters for Practice A wide variety of skills and abilities Virtual meetings Lack of understanding o how to look at issues, surveys and information critically from and AC perspective. Continuity (moved to threats) Overworked staff Professional development Recruitment difficulties pose a potential threat to funding and create difficulties in succession planning Volunteer training All the same issues that apply to the community, because we are the community, and these things can affect how we function as a committee What if no one wants to join? Continuiy Opportunities Summarized Programming AC Connection with others through web-based meetings, courses messages, newsletter, warm-line calls, volunteer opportunities To develop a sound understanding of the MFSP program and Parameters for Practice, how it applies here in Europe and how to use it effectively for our community E-business, e-employment possibilities Educational opportunities Chance to exchange ideas Cultural experiences Virtual Coffee morning Increase outreach warm line calls o capture feedback connections Professional development Analysing details, issues, surveys, and information Operating effectively as a team/committee WebEx Training for AC members and/or volunteer facilitators Adding training component to each On line meeting Community Connection to Remote AC – all locations Team Operating Agreement Succession Planning Volunteer Program Capture feedback from virtual coffee mornings Cultural Awareness Session/Info (more detailed, possibly add Fodor) - Check out the, the Childcare Care Option Investigation Realistic European Posting Information Virtual Coffee for Canadian market Gather/note location challenges IT Politics Peer support possible family that returned to Canada youth program Ensuring information gets to family - f/u CFSU(E) master list Volunteer training Pre-posting member information Virtual meeting Include MFRCs in communication Priorities: Communication / Marketing Plan - brochure - Newsletter Training - WebEx for AC and/or volunteers AC Succession Planning Marketing / communication plan SCO’s Sponsors MFRCs in Canada Identify communication protocol (AC to community) Naples SWOT analysis Ramstein SWOT analysis Heidleberg SWOT analysis - Naples rep Recruitment Recruitment package Pre-posting member information - - Virtual meeting - Include MFRCs in communication Action Item AC Development I/C Sub-Committee Membership Completion Timeline Priority (low, medium, high) Task/Item AC structure AC Recruitment Plan AC Standard Operating Procedures AC Training Plan i/c Deliverables Summary of current structure Recruitment package: Application, Brochure, Benefits handout, contact information for questions Recruitment Campaign Recruit Naples committee member Succession plan -documentation of current membership departure dates -summary of current membership skills Face to face meetings: frequency, open/closed meetings Teleconferences Emails Location of AC files Departing AC Member: Thank you letter template Exit interview questions Recognition process AC Calendar New Member Orientation Checklist New Member Training Plan Committee Training Plan Timeline Mentoring program by current member Member evaluation process Schedule WebEx for AC and/or volunteers Training Plan Action Item Strategic Plan I/C Sub-Committee Membership Completion Timeline Priority (low, medium, high) Task/Item Needs Assessment Review Review of business plan DMFS Site Visit Report Strategic Plan Prepare Strategic Plan i/c Deliverables Strategic goals and objectives from CNA results Summary of needs assessment information List of creative ways of assessing needs for Remote community Recommendations for change Action plan Review and completion of SWOT analysis for AC Review and completion of SWOT analysis for Remote Community Transfer all known information (SWOT, action plan, etc) to draft plan Timeline Action Item Communication/Marketing Plan I/C Sub-Committee Membership Completion Timeline Priority (low, medium, high) Task/Item Clarify what the MFRC is and what it is there to do Communication Plan Promotional Materials i/c Deliverables Agreement on messages Communication plan: frequency, media to be utilized, evaluation mechanism Email Web Brochure Mailers Welcome package Welcome visits Newsletters AC Messages AC presence/messages communicated personally by members at Community functions AC email checked on a regular basis Promotional Package Promotion plan for AC email AC section in newsletter AC web page AC Brochure AC Members Business Cards Timeline Communicate AC activities Annual General Meeting Publication/distribution of agenda Publication./distribution of meeting minutes Publication/distribution of annual calendar of meetings Scheduled and Planned Personalities: Linda: Gold – Blue – Green – Orange Mike: Green – Gold – Orange – Blue Laurel: Blue – Green – Orange – Gold Michelle: Green – Gold – Blue - Orange Trisha: Blue – Gold – Green – Orange Maggie: Green – Gold – Orange – Blue Recruiting an Orange exercise: - offer a challenge - offer leadership - offer competition - offer faced pace, exciting environment - offer action - offer risk Needs Assessment/Evaluation Method Exercise Notes: Information needs to get back to community Remote Community Situation versus Remote Community Needs Other methods: - Briefing/Formal Presentation - Anonymous mail box - On line survey - Town Hall - Have community identify their needs/situation Feedback Form Pros - tailored questions - creative answers - immediately and timely Telephone Interviews Pros - personal - tone of voice (caller can react) - can problem - good method for Remote Cons - timing could be too soon - question design critical - language challenges (interpretation) - no body language - people may not want to answer honestly Cons - Personal (invasive) Timing problems No body language More timely Tone of voice (caller may have tone in their voice) Statistics Pros - Concrete - Can show failings/successes - Scientific analysis - Impartial - Indentify long term trends Personal Interview Pros - Get individual’s opinions - Can control - Ability to react to body language - Tangents can reveal other important notes Cons - Doesn’t answer “why” Out dated Subject to interpretation Need expert analysis Boring/dry Cons - Can lead - Reluctance to provide negative feedback - Complaint tangents - Difficult to organize/coordinate - Requires active listening skills - Results dependent on skills of interviewer Volunteer Opportunities - - - Web Master Newsletter writer Warm line caller o Outreach o Deployment Tour guide Seminars on line o Skill sharing o Business Local tour guide Volunteer Coordinator Web Content gathering/populating Friendly visits Community information and/or resource gathering AC membership Skype video programs Chaperone Community Liaison Focus Group Pros - Many voices and opinions - Discussion reveals more - People braver in a group Survey Pros - Time to think about questions/responses - Target everyone - Anonymous - Frank comments Cons - “Lemming” effect Tangents Monopolizing participants Difficult gathering people Need a facilitator Cons - Survey fatigue May not reach right person Mail delays Difficult to structure Team Operating Agreement Communications - acknowledgement of emails or nil responses required within 48 hours, use of “out of office” automatic reply is encouraged - committee members need to notify Chair when they will be away Meetings - Remote AC meetings will be held monthly, with the exception of July, August, and December - Committee members are to read documents and/or prepare for meeting agenda items and discussions On line meeting protocol - members to register for on line meetings - committee members to go online 10-15 minutes before start - start and end times on agenda will be respected - members to raise hands before speaking - members to use x and check to respond to yes/no questions o rotating message agenda/protocol - on line meetings will be held from 0900 to 1100 - Skype is encouraged with training and procedures Document distribution - documents for review and/or input: to be sent one week in advance - agenda and other online meeting documents: to be sent to Caterina one week in advance - Meeting minutes will be distributed within 2 weeks of the meeting o Amendment requests will be handled at next meeting Note: This agreement should be signed by all members of the Remote CMFR Advisory Committee