
ACC Course
Biology 1408
High School Credit
(Fall): Intro to
Biology for NonScience Majors
ACC Dual Credit
Biology for Non
College Credit
1st Year College
Freshman Biology
BIO 1408: 4 hours
BIO 1409: 4 hours
College credit is
mandatory. Must
be enrolled in ACC.
Must be TSI
*This is a preferred
This course follows
transfer sequence to
(Spring): Unity (4th Year Science
the ACC calendar
all Texas public
of Life for Non- Credit for all
year and is taught
Colleges and
Science Majors
EXACTLY as if it
graduation programs)
were taught on an
ACC campus.
Biology 1409
Earn College and
High school credit
Built into your high
school schedule so
you don’t have to
leave campus
It’s free!
BIOL 1414: Intro Advanced
to Biotechnology Biotechnology
( 4th year science
credit for all
graduation plans)
BIO 1414: 4 Hours
College credit is
*This course may
transfer as a science This course follows
the AISD calendar
and follows all
AISD rules and
Taught by Anderson
teachers on
Anderson campus
Sign up on your course selection sheet
For more information see
Mrs. Mason in Registrar office
Mrs. Lazare in Room 104
[To replace any tip text with your own, just click it and start
typing. To replace the photo or logo with your own, right-click
it and then click Change Picture. To try out different looks for
DNA analysis/extraction,
Paternity Testing, disease
gene detection, forensics,
blood testing, cloning,
bacteria transformation of
GFP, stem cells, ethics,
designer babies,
genetically modified foods,
tissue cultures
Cells, biochemistry, DNA,
Central dogma,
biotechnology, Paternity
Testing, cancer gene
detection, survey of
organisms, dissections of
all kingdoms, organ
systems, Case Studies
Course Title: Advanced Biotechnology (High School)
Course Code: 8686.HT0C.Y
Weighted/Articulated/Dual Credit: ACC Course BIOL 1414 (Introduction to
Student must complete Early College Start Application and all requirements by September
to receive college credit- see Mrs. Mason in Advance Office. See back for more info
Completion of Biology
Algebra I
Concurrent enrollment in Chemistry
College Enrollment is optional and occurs for Spring semester. See back of this paper
and Mrs. Mason for registration information
Grade Level:11-12
Work load outside class (homework)
Assessments per 6 weeks: 4 Lab Reports, 2 Test, 2 Projects. The majority of course assessments
require students to be in class performing labs or working with team members on projects
and/or skills; therefor, most work for this course in done in the classroom.
Short Description:
This is a hands on lab intense course that is designed to prepare students for entry-level lab
technician position and give students skills required for the science workforce. Skills acquired
in this course can be used to obtain lab tech positions while in college.
This course is an introduction to biotechnology. It includes career exploration, the history of
biotechnology, the use of DNA/RNA technologies, molecular biology, bioethics and safe
laboratory practices. The course includes laboratory exercises and field trips to facilities using
biotechnologies. This course can be taken for articulated or dual credit.
Skills/Software taught:
Basic biology/biotechnology lab skills employable in any entry level lab technician position
For a detailed list please go to:
Certifications Offered: NONE. Students will possess skills necessary to apply for lab
technician positions on their schools campus.
Course Title: Dual Credit Biology for Non-Science Majors (Scientific Research &Design)
Course Code: 8716.HC0C.Y
Weighted/Articulated/Dual Credit:
 4th year science credit for all graduation plans
 BIOL 1408-Fall semester (4 credits)
 BIOL 1409- Spring semester (4 credits)
 This course follows ACC School Calendar
 Biology and concurrent enrollment in Chemistry
 MUST have Lazare signature: room 104
 MUST enroll in Early College Start* by April 2012. See Mrs. Mason for information. This will
ensure that you receive college credit for transfer.
 MUST enroll in 8716.HC0C.Y Dual Credit Biology for Non-Science Majors
Grade Level:11-12
Work load
This course is graded per semester (not 6 weeks)
Assessments per semester: 3 Test, 10 online HW, 10 lab reports, 2 lab
Short Description:
This is an Introduction to Biology course for NON-SCIENCE majors offered by ACC on Anderson High
School campus. This course will be taught by an Anderson/ACC faculty member, Mrs. Jennifer Lazare.
Class will meet during the 4 period school day. After successful completion of the course, student’s will
receive 8 freshman college Biology credits that can be transferred to any Texas university or college
(other schools may accept the credit, but you will have to contact that school directly for questions).
BIOL 1408 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY -- UNITY OF LIFE (4-3-3). Introductory biology
course designed for non-science majors who desire a conceptual approach to biological topics. An
introduction to the nature of science, the characteristics of life, the molecular and cellular basis of life,
genetics, reproduction, and development. An emphasis will be placed on how these topics are
related to current issues such as genetic engineering, biotechnology, and problems facing modern
BIOL 1409 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY -- DIVERSITY OF LIFE (4-3-3). Introductory biology
course designed for non-science majors who desire a conceptual approach to biological topics. An
introduction to the diversity of life: viruses, prokaryotes, protists, fungi, plants, and animals
Certifications Offered: NONE.
Sequence: Note, SCI res and design is what my dual credit biology is coded as.