Northeast Roofing Insurance Company Minimum Safety Operating Procedures (SOP’S) As of 1-1-09 Hiring Practices Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Social Security Verification SS# must be provided as part the I-9 Employment Forms by law. The employer is only responsible to verify SS# thru 3 rd party if it appears false at face value. Upon audits, HC&A will review recently hired employee files to ensure this is being obtained. I-9 forms, as well as HR & administrative assistance to ensure they are completed. Mandatory Post Offer Physical Examination & Human Performance Evaluation All employers would be required to implement a Physical Examination & Human Performance Evaluation program. A functional test developed after the measurement of a given position's essential job functions; this test helps the employer assess the applicant's/employee's ability to perform the job and/or to return to work following an injury. Due to some Union Bargaining Agreement, all contactors may not be able to perform this evaluation. Unless the Employer can provide documentation that pre-employment drug screening is prohibited by State Employment Laws, or by a Collective Bargaining Agreement, all members shall be required to conduct pre-employment drug testing for all new applicants. Upon audits, HC&A will review recently hired employee files to ensure this is being obtained. Ensure that SS # provided is valid. Provides employers with information in making a good hiring decision. Ensure that the employees hired can performed the required functions of the position. Members would have to locate a facility who performs these evaluations. A list of the essential job functions must be created. Financial resources will be necessary to cover the cost of the examinations. Recommended A program must be developed. Due to varying state laws, specific union requirements, and legal concerns HC&A recommends the captive utilize a lawyer experienced in labor & employment matters specific to the states each contractor operates in. Mandatory Prof. reference checks are required for supervisory level key positions, I.E. foreman, superintendent, project manager, office personnel of high level, etc. Prof. Reference checks are not required for entry level personnel. Upon audits, HC&A will review recently hired employee files to ensure this is being obtained. Reduce workers comp. costs and assist in making a good hiring decision. Statistically, substance abusers have 50% higher worker comp. costs. To provide employers with information in making a good hiring decision. Obtains info about work ethic & personality. HR &/or administrative assistance will be necessary to ensure background information is completed on the application and contact prior employers. Screening services may also be used to contact prior employers though it requires financial resources. Mandatory Preemployment Drug Screens Professional Reference Checks Management Upon audits, HC&A will review recently hired employee files to ensure this is being obtained. 1 Date Required 10/1/07 7/1/07 10/01/07 Recommended that this be done for all employees. Hiring Practices Criminal History Checks Post Injury Mgmt. Return-toWork Programs First Report of Incident to Insurance Carrier Supervisor’s Accident Investigation Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Criminal History Checks are required for supervisory level positions, I.E. foreman, superintendent, project manager, etc. Criminal History Checks are not required for entry level personnel. Upon audits, HC&A will review recently hired employee files to ensure this is being obtained. To provide employers with information in making a good hiring decision. Prevent theft and other criminal activities. Members would be required to locate a service to perform these background checks. Financial resources to obtain the information would be required. Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results A reduction in lost-work days is critical to the overall success of the captive. Members shall be required to accommodate restrictive duty, as feasible, within the treating physician’s restrictions. HC&A will monitor days away from work thru benchmarking submitted monthly. In addition, during audits HC&A shall evaluate the implementation of this program when reviewing losses. RTW Programs greatly reduce the direct & indirect costs that WC claims can incur. Timely reporting of injuries is critical. Each Member shall forward the completed First Report of Injury Form to the Insurance Carrier by next business day after reported. This includes FRI’s for all injuries and record only cases. Supervisor Accident Investigation’s must be completed within 48-hours of notification of the accident. Accident Investigation shall be completed by the Safety Coordinator or the onsite foreman. If completed by the onsite foreman, the company Safety Coordinator must review and sign the Investigation form. During audits, HC&A shall review the date of injury and date reported when reviewing losses. By reporting injuries quickly, costs and damages can be minimized. During audits, HC&A shall review the date of injury and date the investigation was completed. HC&A shall evaluate the quality of the investigation reports. By investigating accidents fully, we can determine root causes which must be eliminated to prevent a reoccurrence. 2 Date Required Mandatory 10/01/07 Recommended that this be done for all employees. Required Resources A written program is necessary. HC&A has provided a model Returnto-work program in the NERI Safety Manual. Employees & Supervisors must be trained of the programs requirements. Someone in the organization must take on the responsibility of overseeing the programs implementation, and checking in with those on modified duty. Each contractor must have an FRI for their particular state. Administrative assistance to send FRI’s to the carrier, and oversight to ensure accidents are reported immediately. Investigation forms must be available for Incident (GL/Property), Auto, and WC investigations. (samples available on NERI website) Those performing the investigations must receive training. Time must be allocated to allow for a thorough investigation of all incidents & accidents. A digital camera should be available to those performing investigations. Date Required Mandatory 7/1/07 Mandatory 7/1/07 Mandatory 7/1/07 Committee Structure Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Implementation of a Safety Committee. Each contractor shall be required to implement a safety committee which will review the company safety policies, programs, and accidents. HC&A shall review the Safety Committee meeting minutes during each visit. -25 or more employees : quarterly committee meetings. -24 or less employees, quarterly safety meetings with all employees. Expected Results Set plan of action each meeting to address safety items that arise, and set forth programs that reduce workplace injuries, accidents, near misses & hazards. Required Resources Members must allocate time of employees from various departments including managerial & nonmanagerial employees to implement an effective committee. Administrative time in creation of meeting minutes. HC&A has provided a Safety Committee Program in the NERI Safety Manual. Employee Drug & Alcohol Testing Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Post Accident, Random, Reasonable Suspicion drug & alcohol testing. Each contractor shall be required to implement a Drug & Alcohol Testing Program that is the most stringent allowable under the state laws which the company operates in. HC&A shall review each members policy & compliance individually based on their state laws for drug & alcohol screening. Reduce workers comp. costs, reduce turnover, and provide a drug free workplace. Statistically, substance abusers have 50% higher worker comp. costs A program must be developed. Due to varying state laws, specific union requirements, and legal concerns HC&A recommends the captive members utilize a lawyer experienced in labor & employment matters specific to the states each contractor operates in. Financial resources will be necessary to cover the cost of the drug screens. Each contractor shall have two employees trained in reasonable suspicion. 3 Date Required Mandatory 1/01/08 Date Required Mandatory 1/1/08 Specific Safety Training Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Documented New Hire Orientation Documented new-hire orientation records shall be kept for employees hired after (date to be determined by LCC). Orientation shall include all the elements provided by HC&A in the Safety Orientation Outline. Each employee shall take the Orientation test (to be provided by HC&A) and the test shall be corrected and reviewed with the employee prior to hire. The employee shall sign the test documentation stating he/she has reviewed the test answers with the employer, and understands each of the answers & requirements. Contractors would be required to ensure all Safety Coordinators, Superintendents & Foreman have completed the OSHA 10-Hour Training. Any new supervisory level employee would then have 12 months posthire to complete this training. HC&A shall review new-hire files to ensure each new-hire has completed the orientation program and documentation prior to hire. Provide new-hires with an orientation into the safety culture of the NERI company. Ensure they are made aware of the potential hazards, and required controls the company has put in place. Utilize the HC&A provided Orientation Outline & Test that will be placed on the NERI Website. A company officer trained in OSHA regulations must be made available to conduct the orientation, and correct & review the test answers with the employee. Each Company shall ensure that a toolbox talk is conducted with all employees on a weekly basis. The TBT shall be specific to the roofing industry. HC&A shall review the TBT documentation during each audit. Provide supervisors with OSHA regulatory knowledge to act as competent persons, and effectively recognize and address hazards in the workplace. Provides a method of refresher training on various topics. Specific regulations require comprehensive training in addition to the Orientation & Tool Box Talk Program. Each contractor shall be required to provide this training on an annual basis, and have documentation on file. These shall include but are not limited to; During audits, HC&A shall request to see documentation when employees are observed exposed to these hazards. Documentation must be made available. Each contractor must locate an OSHA Outreach Trainer, or have an employee become an OSHA Outreach Trainer so they can train all employees. Financial resources to obtain a trainer will be necessary. HC&A to provide information on pricing for them to conduct training. Employers must provide time each week for all employees to attend these meetings. HC&A has provided a Tool Box Talk Program in the NERI Safety Manual. Time and financial resources in provided training for all employees. HC&A shall provide technical support on the implementation of these programs, and will post presentations on the NERI Website. Conduct OSHA 10-hour Training for Safety Coordinators, Superintendents & Foreman and other lead personnel. Weekly Toolbox Talks Documented Regulatory Training (OSHA) - Comprehensive Fall Protection Training (1-2 hours) - Scaffold User Training (all employees using scaffolding) (1 hour) - Ladder Training (30 minutes) - Fire Protection/Prevention (30 minutes) - Hazard Communication (30 minutes) - Electrical (30 minutes) HC&A shall ensure all contractors supervisory level employees have completed this training during audits. 4 Ensure employees have knowledge & understanding of OSHA regulations pertaining to these specific high hazard areas. Date Required Mandatory 10/1/07 English & Spanish. 10-hour OSHA card offsets orientation if test is passed with 70% or greater and wrong answers reviewed. (HC&A TO PROVIDE A MORE DETAILED TRAINING MATRIX AND ASSOCIATED COSTS TO CONDUCT THE TRAINING) Mandatory 5/1/08 Mandatory 10/1/07 Mandatory 5/1/08 Specific Safety Training Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Annual Safety Day Each member of the Insurance Captive Program shall send their Safety Coordinator to the Annual Safety Day Meeting. HC&A will ensure all company’s are represented at these meetings. Employers will have to allow their Safety Coordinator to attend these meetings. HC&A shall coordinate and conduct these meetings. An agenda will be created for each and approved by the LCC. Employers must make their employees available for this training. Financial costs are associated with the training. CERTA Training shall be conducted for all employees performing torch down roof installations. It is not mandatory for members who utilize torches for general purposes. HC&A shall review this documentation at subsequent audits. Provide safety managers with training to perform effectively, share experiences and network. Prevent fires associated with torch down applications. Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Members shall be required to conduct random job site safety evaluations for each foreman. The safety director, superintendent, or project manager shall complete the documented evaluations. Each project lasting more than one week shall be inspected on a weekly basis. Every company foreman shall have their jobsite inspected at least once every two weeks. HC&A shall ensure the completion of this documentation and frequency during audits. Improve the safety culture by placing an emphasis on Safety Compliance. Assess the implementation of company programs. Correct identified hazards. Time must be allocated for those performing inspections. HC&A has provided a Jobsite Safety Inspection Program and forms in the NERI Safety Manual. Driver/ Auto-Safety Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Driver Motor Vehicle Records Motor vehicle history reports shall be reviewed upon initial hire for all employees whom may drive a company vehicle and on an annual basis thereafter for each driver listed on the auto policy, or who are using personal vehicles on company business. HC&A shall periodically review company documentation ensuring that all drivers on the auto policy have had annual MVR’s pulled. HC&A shall review the company’s compliance with the SSOP. Allows members to review the driving history and make an educated decision on whether or not the employee should drive a company vehicle. Provide a structured format to gauge an employees driving history by. CERTA (NRCA’s Torch Training Program) Jobsite Evaluations Documented Jobsite Safety Inspections Penalty Point System A standardized penalty point system should be utilized when reviewing MVR’s to determine if a driver shall be allowed to drive a company vehicle. 5 Financial costs are associated with obtaining these records. Time for collecting and reviewing these records by administrative personnel. Date Required Mandatory 7/1/07 Recommended HC&A to develop a Torch Training Program Date Required Mandatory 10/1/07 Date Required Mandatory 10/1/07 A program must be implemented, and time to review must be allocated. HC&A has provided two penalty point systems in the NERI Safety Manual. Mandatory 10/1/07 Driver/ Auto-Safety Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Reduce automobile claims by providing employees with defensive driving techniques and reducing complacency while behind wheel. Provide employees with a ‘to do’ list should they be involved in an automobile accident. Cameras allow for pictures to be taken which could provide additional information. Provides a formal structured notifying employees of expectations while operating company vehicles. Defensive Driver Training Each contractor shall provide a DDC at least once every two years. There are many agencies which provide this service, each contractor will be responsible for locating an agency in their area to conduct this training. HC&A shall review company documentation to ensure this training is completed once every two years. Vehicle Accident Investigation Kits Liberty Mutual to provide a vehicle accident investigation kit in each company owned/leased vehicle. Accident Investigation Kits shall include a document to record involved party’s information & witness statements. Members must provide disposable cameras with the vehicle accident investigation kits and place in each vehicle. During HC&A audits, random vehicles will be inspected to ensure they have this kit. Company Vehicle Policy All members shall have all drivers of company vehicles sign the NERI Company Vehicle Policy. HC&A shall review documentation to ensure all listed drivers have signed the document. Interactive Safety Manual Written Administrative Programs Written Compliance Programs Required Resources Financial resources must be made available to hire a service or trainer to conduct this training. HC&A shall assist contractors in locating a suitable agency for this training. There are online training programs available as well. Liberty Mutual to provide all company’s with Auto Incident Kits which will be placed in each vehicle. HC&A shall provide the Company Vehicle Policy on the NERI Website Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources Each contractor shall ensure they have Written Administrative Programs as a part of their overall Safety Manual. Administrative Programs include Commitment to Safety, Return-to-Work, Injury Reporting Procedures, Employee Rules & Responsibilities, & Disciplinary Procedures Each contractor shall ensure they have Written Compliance Programs as a part of their overall Safety Manual. Compliance Programs include Fall Protection, Scaffolding, Material Handling, Fire Prevention, Ladders, Electrical Safety, Aerial Lifts, and Jobsite Setup HC&A will review each contractors written programs during future audits. Ensure administrative programs and policies are in writing for purposes of consistency. HC&A has provided these programs in the NERI Safety Manual. HC&A will review each contractors written programs during future audits. Ensure Compliance programs and policies are in writing for purposes of consistency. HC&A has provided these programs in the NERI Safety Manual. 6 Date Required Recommended Mandatory 10/1/07 Mandatory Date Required Mandatory 1/1/08 Mandatory 1/1/08 Employee Accountability Safety Counseling Program Progressive Disciplinary Program Member Requirements Contractors shall be required to implement a Safety Counseling Program consistent with the program provided in the NERI Safety Manual. Auditing Procedures HC&A shall review company documentation during subsequent audits. Contractors shall be required to implement a Progressive Disciplinary Program consistent with the program provided in the NERI Safety Manual. HC&A has provided this program in the NERI Safety Manual. HC&A shall review company documentation during subsequent audits. General Liability Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Subcontractor Requirements General Liability minimum for subcontractors: $1M per occurrence with a $2M aggregate. There may be circumstances where the scope of work within the contract may not warrant $1M/2M, in which case an exception may be made for the small specialty subcontractor. This would require approval from underwriting committee The subcontractor should provide the NERI member with an Insurance certificate naming the NERI member as additional insured using forms CG20 33 07 04 and CG20 37 07 04 together Additional Insured requirements HC&A will review during future audits Expected Results Required Resources Counseling is a nonconfrontation approach towards eliminating unsafe acts through retraining. After retraining has been completed, crewmembers shall be held accountable for future violations of the company’s safety program. Accountability is one of the key components in developing a safety culture. Implementation of a program, and time must be allowed to administer the program. HC&A has provided this program in the NERI Safety Manual. Expected Results Required Resources Ensure subcontractors have acceptable insurance limits. Date Required Mandatory 5/1/08 Implementation of a program, and time must be allocated to administer the program. HC&A has provided this program in the NERI Safety Manual. Mandatory 5/1/08 Date Required To be determined. Mandatory 7/1/07 HC&A will review during future audits Mandatory 7-1-07 7 General Liability Member Requirements Auditing Procedures Expected Results Subcontractor’s Insurer Requirements Subcontractors insurance should be primary and noncontributory. Carrier Rating of AVIII or better HC&A will review during future audits Waiver of Subrogation Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the NERI member should be requested for each line of insurance whenever possible. (Auto, WC, and GL) Members shall endevour to document whenever feasible the pre-existing conditions for all projects that are not new construction. Documentation would include photos or video, and would require signature of the projects primary contract. HC&A will review during future audits HC&A shall review recent job files to determine if preexisting damages have been evaluated. Protect the member from fraudulent claims. A subcommittee would be developed to create a tie-in / Roof Penetration training procedures with pictures and examples of proper and improper tie-ins. The program will emphasize the importance by giving examples of poor tie-ins and some disastrous outcomes. This training program will then be required for all employees on an annual basis. To be determined. Minimize the possibility of water damage resulting from improper tieins. Documented Pre-Existing Damages Tie-In / Roof Penetration Training Program. Required Resources Date Required Mandatory 7-1-07 Mandatory 7-1-07 8 Implementation of a program, and time must be allocated to administer the program. HC&A has provided a PreExisting Jobsite Inspection Program in the NERI Safety Manual. Time must be allocated to develop this program and provide training to all employees. Mandatory 1/1/08 Mandatory 5/1/08 Crane Safety Auditing Procedures Expected Results Required Resources NERI Members shall ensure that each crane they own, operate, or rent has a 3rd party annual inspection. HC&A shall review each members documentation to ensure 3rd party certs are current. Ensure crane is given a comprehensive and unbiased review of safe operating capacity. Provides level of comfort to all parties. Crane Rentals Insurance and rental operator training requirements If a crane is rented the crane supplier shall provide evidence as follows; a. Workers compensation (if rented with operator) b. General liability with minimum limits of $1,000,000 naming NERI member as additionally insured. c. A one-time letter from the rental company stating that their crane operators are fully qualified, and licensed (if necessary). HC&A shall request copies of insurance certificates during annual compliance audits. Ensures adequate insurance coverage is provided by the rental company. Financial resources will be required. Tracking of the equipment to ensure reinspections occur yearly. Because no state (other than CA) licenses crane inspectors, it is recommended that the inspection be conducted by an agency associated with the Crane Certification Association of America. Communication with crane rental companies. Operator Training 1. Operators working in states which require licensing must be licensed. HC&A shall review certificates of training during inspections. Improves competency of operators, helps prevent incident. Contact HC&A for assistance in finding such a program. Ensure that when working in different states, that the requirements are met. Provide time & resources to operators to complete this training. This is a recommended SSOP. Provides assurance that the crane operators are fully qualified and possess the highest level of training. Raise awareness of crane safety requirements, and improve knowledge of rigging, hand signals, and safe crane operation. For information about the NCCCO or CCO visit; 3rd Party Annual Inspection Member Requirements 2. Operators working in states that do not require licensing must receive a minimum of 8-Hours Mobile Crane Awareness Training every two years. (MANDATORY) Operator National Certification Training Crane Safety Awareness Training for Superintendents, Foreman & Lead Personnel It is highly recommended that each company mandate their crane operators pass the Certification of Crane Operators (CCO) exam which is conducted by the Nationally accredited agency for crane certification (NCCCO). Superintendents, Foremen & Lead Personnel should attend the 8-hour mobile crane awareness training. (RECOMMENDED) This is a recommended SSOP. 9 Date Required Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Recommended Contact HC&A for assistance in finding such a program. Recommended