Summary of Abstracts

2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session I:
Session Chair:
New Technology, Research and
Adam Cole
Presentation 1 Title:
Real-Time Visualization of Rod
Pumped Well Performance
Lynn Rowlan
Jim McCoy
Dieter Becker
Echometer Company
Contact Information:
Real time analysis and visualization of the performance of a rod pumped well are achieved using multiple small and
compact wireless sensors that simultaneously transmit acquired data to a digital laptop manager that integrates the
measurements, displays performance graphs and provides advanced tools for analysis and troubleshooting of the
pumping system.
Battery powered wireless sensors for fluid level, pressure, and dynamometer data acquisition are easily deployed
and quickly installed on the well. The user sets up and controls the acquisition of data which may include multiple
sensors that synchronously monitor variables such as tubing and casing pressures, fluid level and polished rod
acceleration/position and load as a function of time.
Among the many innovations provided by these well performance analysis tools stand out the real time visualization
of the operation and fluid distribution in the down-hole pump, the simultaneous display of quantitative surface and
pump dynamometer graphs in conjunction with fluid level and wellbore pressures. Acquired data, wellbore description
and pumping system characteristics are saved as a historical data base creating a continuum of the well's information
and performance for direct comparison and detailed analysis.
The paper shows several examples of field data and well performance analyses for a variety of rod pumping
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session I:
Session Chair:
New Technology, Research and
Adam Cole
Presentation 2 Title:
Dewatering Horizontal Gas Wells by
Beam Pump
Contact Information:
Lynn Rowlan
Jim Lea
Norm Hein
Echometer Company
PL Tech
Norris Rods
With the advent of Shale gas, fractured horizontal gas wells are being the preferred method of well construction. The
well construction of horizontal wells can take on many forms; the horizontal wells can be drilled up from the kick off
point, approximately horizontally from the kick off point, and downward from the kick off point. The wells can be more
complex. However for horizontal wells, when using pumps, the pumps cannot be set below the perforations as they
sometimes can be for gas separation in near vertical wells, so this advantage is lost. However there are advantages
to using beam pumps that still can be considered.
Dewatering horizontal gas wells is discussed in this presentation. Some recent methods of gas separation are
presented. Other factors such as where to land the pump, gas separation, rod protection, analysis of the rod string,
and horizontal well drilling control are discussed. Fluid level shot and dynamometer data acquired in Horizontal
produced wells are presented.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session I:
Session Chair:
New Technology, Research and
Adam Cole
Presentation 3 Title:
The Benefits of Sucker Rod Shot
Nom Hein
Norris Rods
Contact Information:
There have been many discussions on the potential fatigue performance from surface treating equipment using
special techniques, such as shot peening. This presentation will provide a back ground on surface treating
techniques and focus on the potential benefits of shot peening. Also discussed are the main process parameters that
have to be controlled to assure the fatigue benefits can be obtained and laboratory test results from fatigue testing
shot peened sucker rods.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session I:
Session Chair:
New Technology, Research and
Adam Cole
Presentation 4 Title:
Polished Rod Failure Prevention
Rodney Sands
Contact Information:
The polished rod carries the weight of the entire rod string plus the fluid load and the imposed dynamic loads. This
paper will show that polished rod failure is caused by fatigue-type stress due to improper installation. It will also
review how to recognize the alignment problems and what steps can be done to prevent polished rod failure.
It is my belief there is more that can happen to cause polished rod failures than rod, tubing, and pump failures. If
these items are not addressed, then polished rod failures can increase your failure rate significantly and affect your
production as well. In addition to the production loss and the cost of repair, a parted polished rod can cause
additional damage to the rod string, tubing, and pump. When the part happens at the top of the stroke, then the entire
rod string drops the length of the stroke coming to rest on top of the pump. That shock is then transferred through the
pump to the seating nipple and the tubing. Another important factor is, if you are using fiberglass rods, this puts those
rods into compression damaging them.
Nearly all polished rod failures can be attributed to some type of misalignment. There is a long list of items that can
cause a bending moment in the polished rod. If the polished rod is not centered over the well bore, then the rod is
bending during the pumping cycle. When the polished rod is at the top of the stroke, the misalignment is spread over
the entire length of the polished rod between the carrier bar and the stuffing box. As the carrier bar gets closer to the
stuffing box, this bend is concentrated immediately in the area below the polished rod clamp. That is why nearly
every polished rod failure I have investigated has occurred at or very near the polished rod clamp.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session I:
Session Chair:
New Technology, Research and
Adam Cole
Presentation 5 Title:
Identify Problems using Pump
Plunger Motion
Lynn Rowlan
Echometer Company
Contact Information:
Animation of dynamometer data collected at the well is used to explain normal pump plunger motion when the tubing
is anchored/unanchored and the pump is full or incompletely full. The plunger velocity can be used to identify
downhole pumping problems. Normally the pump slows or stops at the beginning and end of the stroke. When the
plunger stops unexpectedly during the up stroke the cause frequently is sticking down hole. The rods must stretch
when downhole sticking occurs and when the spring force from the stretched rods overcomes the friction causing
downhole sticking, then the plunger is suddenly released.
Pump motion with respect to polished rod motion is delayed due to the rod stretching to pick up the fluid load, plus
the time required to transmit the force from the pump to the surface. When the traveling ball delays going on seat,
the impact loads from the plunger suddenly impacting the rods with the fluid load; results in unusual motion of the
Animation of the polished rod motion and the pump plunger motion make identifying this downhole problem easier to
perform. Real time analysis and visualization of the performance of a rod pumped well is simpler when the motion of
the pump is displayed in time along with the loads displayed in position. These plunger and polished load velocity
and position plots provide advanced tools for analysis and troubleshooting of the rod pumping system.
Battery powered wireless sensors for fluid level, pressure and dynamometer data acquisition are easily deployed and
quickly installed on the well. The user sets up and controls the acquisition of data which may include multiple sensors
that synchronously monitor variables such as tubing and casing pressures, fluid level and polished rod
acceleration/position and load as a function of time.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session I:
Session Chair:
New Technology, Research and
Adam Cole
Presentation 6 Title:
Downhole Diverter Gas Separator
Jim McCoy
Contact Information:
The Downhole Diverter Gas Separator increases the liquid capacity and gas separation capacity over conventional
poor boy or Improved Collar Sized gas separators. The increased separation capacity of the diverter gas separator
is provided by using the larger tubing-casing annulus for both gas separation and liquid separation. A simple
movable rubber seal is used to divert the flow of liquids and gas vertically through a central tube approximately 5 feet
in length. When the fluids exhaust into the tubing-casing annulus the large flow area reduced the annular gas
velocity which allows the liquid to fall back through the large area tubing-casing annulus into the pump intake. Larger
tubing-casing annular area below the diverter exhaust port provides high liquid capacity. Large tubing-casing annular
area above the diverter exhaust port reduces the gas velocity, reduces liquid holdup and provides high gas
separation capacity.
The diverter provides a seal similar to a swab cup. The inverted cup seal provides an effective seal at low pressure
seal and at high liquid and gas production rates. The diverter is not damaged by running in the well or by tubing
movement if ran on wells with unanchored tubing. If fill falls onto the diverter and sticks the diverter, then the gas
separator can be pulled from the well by lifting up on the tubing to cut through a low force shear pin.
The Downhole Diverter Gas Separator is a simple gravity type gas separator. The Diverter allows the use of the
large area of the tubing-casing annulus to separate the liquid and gas due to the lower gas and liquid velocities. Use
of the large area of tubing-casing annulus for both gas and liquid separation provides increased performance when
compared with conventional gas separators.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session II:
Session Chair:
Design, Automation, Optimization,
Presentation 1 Title:
System Design & Diagnostic
Analysis of Group 2 Systems
John Svinos
Contact Information:
Many years ago while working on shallow high rate wells common in the Bakersfield Area, I determined that rod
pumping systems must be divided in two groups: Group 1, and Group 2.
Based on field experience, Group 1 systems have pump depths of greater than 4,000 feet and any plunger size, or
pump depth of less than 4,000 feet with plunger size of 2.0” or less.
Group 2 systems have pump depths of less than 4,000 feet and plunger size of 2.25” or above. Group 2 systems are
affected by additional dynamic loads on the plunger due to fluid inertia effects which depend on fluid compressibility
and become more and more important as the pump depth decreases and plunger size increases.
Because of the distortions caused by fluid inertia effects the dynamometer card shapes for Group 2 wells are very
difficult to interpret as compared to Group 1 wells that most operators are familiar with. Also, fluid inertia effects must
be simulated correctly in order to successfully design new rod pumping systems. Modern rod pumping software with
the ability to analyze and design Group 1 or Group 2 wells has been developed and can be used to deal with the
difficult task of designing or analyzing Group 2 wells.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session II:
Session Chair:
Design, Automation, Optimization,
Presentation 2 Title:
Inferred Production Using Unique
Pump FiIlage Calculation
Victoria Ehimeakhe
Weatherford Artificial Lift
Contact Information:
In wells produced with rod-pumping, the value of the pump fillage varies not only with the level of reservoir fluids in
the wellbore but also with downhole conditions. Pump fillage can therefore be a difficult quantity to estimate. A unique
multi-method pump fillage calculation, recently developed by Weatherford, is used by the WellPilot controller to
calculate inferred production. Results are compared to carefully-recorded fluid production on several wells.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session II:
Session Chair:
Design, Automation, Optimization,
Presentation 3 Title:
Fishing Fiberglass Rods in the 21st
Mike Poythress
John Crane
Contact Information:
Since their introduction into the oilfield over 30 years ago, Fiberglass Sucker Rods have been recognized as saving
capital costs, increasing production (where available), lowering lifting costs and increasing run times. However, they
have long been haunted by the claim of “not being fishable”. Even with a significant improvement in the end fitting
design, a change in the composition of the rod, and an improved fishing rate, the fiberglass rod seems to have
difficulty shaking the “I’m allergic to fiberglass” claim that many uneducated Operators have.
Through this presentation we will share the changes in the end fitting that have all but eliminated the rod pulling out
of the end fitting and we’ll address the claim of fiberglass not being fishable. Using statistics from the last 12 months,
we’ll show the install base, number of rod parts and number of successful fishing jobs. With over 10,000 fiberglass
rod strings in the Permian Basin alone, there has been a significant savings by many Operators. The opportunity to
reduce the size of the pumping unit by one and sometimes two sizes has a positive impact on the cost to put a well
on pump. A brief overview of the benefits will be included in the presentation.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session II:
Session Chair:
Design, Automation, Optimization,
Presentation 4 Title:
Rods Pumping Deviated CBM Wells
in San Juan Basin
Tom Cochrane
Contact Information:
ConocoPhillips San Juan Business Unit has been drilling directional “S” shaped wells to reduce drill site preparation
costs, reduce operating footprint, and enable drilling below surface features like Navajo Lake State Park. These
wells potentially pose a special challenge to rod pumping by increasing the wear on the rod and tubing strings in the
curved sections of the wellbore. COP San Juan installed their first rod pump in a deviated well in 1989, and have
installed fifty two in “S” wells, and three in horizontal wells.
To mitigate the effects of friction and wear in the curved sections of the wellbore, most wells have guided rods
through the curved intervals. Recent installations and some repairs have included poly-ethylene lined tubing, which
reduces friction vs. bare or guided rods. A Corod pilot has been started in one well, and is planned to expand to
more wells in combination with the polyethylene lined tubing.
Performance has generally been good, with few wells experiencing frequent repeat failures. Current running time is
just short of three years in the wells. Failure rates have declined the last two years. Wear has been determined to
be a factor in less than half the wells, and the balance of the failures are due to causes typical to vertical CBM wells
in San Juan Basin (coal fines, corrosion, scale).
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session III:
Session Chair:
Case Histories, Field Experiences,
Recommended Practices
James Martin
Presentation 1 Title:
The Value of Failure Tracking &
Analysis with WellView
Bill Pesek
Contact Information:
Production downtime is costly in the capital intensive operations of drilling, completing, and operating wells. For more
than two decades, E&P companies have understood the business value of systematically documenting equipment
failures in the field and analyzing their root causes. Knowing the specific frequencies and root causes enables the
identification of trends and patterns in failures over time, which can reduce both costs and production downtime. This
paper illustrates the importance of having a consolidated data repository for tracking and analyzing failures in the
field by equipment type, location, and cause. The ability to capture and analyze failures enables trends and patterns
to be identified, so that changes to equipment and processes can be made to increase the Mean Time between
Failures (MTBF).
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session III:
Session Chair:
Case Histories, Field Experiences,
Recommended Practices
James Martin
Presentation 2 Title:
Sucker Rod Pump Handling and Rig
Crew Safety
Justin Conyers
Contact Information:
Presentation will cover care and handling best practices for a sucker rod pump from the pump shop to the well bore
and introduce a new tool for safely lifting a sucker rod pump from horizontal to vertical at the well head. For years,
long and heavy insert pumps have been lifted into the vertical position to be run into the well by various means, some
causing damage to the pump and contributing to failures. In most cases this process places undue stress on the rig
crew, as they have to support the entire weight of the pump while it is lifted and it places them under a suspended
load. These safety concerns can be reduced with the use of this tool and recommended procedures.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session III:
Session Chair:
Case Histories, Field Experiences,
Recommended Practices
James Martin
Presentation 3 Title:
Steel – Factors That Affect
Reliability of Sucker Rods
Eric Tietz
Arun Sriraman
Contact Information:
Failures in the sucker rod industry can be costly and time consuming. A thorough understanding of the
critical factors affecting the overall reliability of steel in sucker rods is important to address these failures.
Sucker rod manufacturing involves a lot of processes from different industries. The manufacturing and
servicing of sucker rods involves a chain of processes starting with the steel mills, sucker rod
manufacturer and eventually goes to the end user. There are a lot of critical factors involved in every step
of the process before the product goes down hole. The goal of this presentation is to prevent failures
through awareness and education of critical factors affecting the final and overall reliability of steel
products used in oil production. Some of the topics addressed in this presentation are as follows:
Methods of steel rolling (traditional ingots vs. modern continuous casting).
Induction heating & upsetting and factors affecting the final quality of the steel.
Heat Treatment and factors affecting quality and reliability of steel.
Shot peening vs. shot blasting.
CNC machining.
Factors affecting overall reliability in the field.
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session III:
Session Chair:
Case Histories, Field Experiences,
Recommended Practices
James Martin
Presentation 4 Title:
That’s the Way We’ve Always Done
Don Villines
Echometer Company
Contact Information:
“That’s the way we’ve always done it”, is often the reason given by an operator for their current sucker rod pumping
operating practices. Over pumping the well is a practice that leads to high operating cost and frequent failures.
Incomplete pump fillage contributes to rod buckling and subsequent accelerated rod/tubing wear. Operating the
pumping system with each pump barrel stroke full of liquid is the primary requirement for trouble free, efficient
operations of the sucker rod pumping system.
When the operator attempts to produce more liquid than the maximum liquid that the reservoir will produce, this
practice leads to incomplete pump fillage, “fluid pound”, mechanical damage and low energy efficiency. When the
well is pumped-down, a POC will detect incomplete pump fillage and stop pumping to allow fluid entry before
automatically restarting. Controlling the pump run time with a percentage timer is a low cost method to adjust the
number of strokes so that the pump displacement will equal the volume of liquid that flows into well bore.
Data will show before and after case histories where severe fluid pound existed in wells and after run time changes
were made the pump filled with liquid and operated less than 25% of the day. In another example, wells had high
down hole friction from paraffin and effective hot water and chemical treatment resulted in increased down hole
stroke and reduced loads. A hole in the pump barrel appeared to be a defective pumping unit; just because the
pumping unit sounds like its coming apart does not mean that you need to replace the pumping unit. A simple
dynamometer analysis can be used to identify any of these problems and corrective action can be taken.
Controlling run time resulted in no change in production; currently operating costs are lower and runtime between
failure is much longer. Changing “That’s the way we’ve always done it” practices to best operating practices have
made a significant impact in the economic viability of the field. Fluid level and dynamometer data can guide the
operator to make changes to his practices and follow-up analysis can confirm that the new best practice is working as
2011 International Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop
Technical Presentations
Session III:
Session Chair:
Case Histories, Field Experiences,
Recommended Practices
James Martin
Presentation 5 Title:
Sucker Rod Pumping - RIFTS
Cleon Dunham
Artificial Lift R&D Council
Contact Information:
For more than ten years the Petroleum Industry has used and benefited from a Reliability Information and Failure
Tracking System for electrical submersible pumping (ESP-RIFTS). More recently there has been another RIFTS
system for progressing cavity pumping (PCP-RIFTS). At the 2010 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop, discussion
started about developing a RIFTS project for sucker rod pumping. This is now becoming a reality.
The RIFTS systems collect and store information on pumping systems and system failures. This information is
tracked to discover different types of failures and failure mechanisms. Companies that are members of the RIFTS
Joint Industry Project (JIP) can search this information to determine which system components work best in differing
conditions. They can determine if some metallurgies or system suppliers are more effective in their situations.
Membership in the ESP-RIFTS and PCP-RIFTS projects is limited to Operating Companies. From the start, a
different strategy has been pursued for SRP-RIFTS. Here, Operating Companies may be “Full” members with full
access to sucker rod pumping failure information. But Service/Supply Companies, Universities, and Consulting
Companies can be “Affiliate” members and have the right to purchase selected information. Service/Supply
Companies can evaluate how their equipment is working in differing environments so they can make improvements if
needed. Universities and Consultants can use the information for instructional purposes.
The current status of the SRP-RIFTS project will be presented.