
10 minutes before students come in, turn on the overhead projector
and load the first PPT file. Also, write the following on the board,
as this will be mentioned in the PPT only briefly:
 CS033 Lab #1
 Lab time (e.g. 2:30-4:20pm)
 Your name
 Your email address
 Your office and office hours
[Show PPT Slide 1, so people coming in know they’re in the
right place!]
[PPT Slide 2]
My name is Cole, and I will be your TA for the CS033 tutorials.
I’m a Master’s student in the department of computer science,
specializing in software engineering and bioinformatics. I actually
did my undergrad here as well, then did a stint at IBM before
coming back for my Master’s degree. So if anyone has any
questions about either the Computer Science program here at
Western, or what the working world is like, feel free to email me.
Also, my office hours and email address are displayed on both the
board – be sure to write these down so you can email me any
questions that you have this semester.
[PPT Slide 3]
So welcome to the CS033 tutorials. In this course, attendance at
the tutorials is mandatory, and will be part of your final grade. In
each tutorial, I will start by giving a brief 5 minute introduction to
the tutorial, after which you can work through it at your own pace.
The tutorials are designed to let you work independently, but if you
get stuck or have any questions, just raise your hand and I will help
There are 11 labs in total, one per week, and you will get a mark
for each lab you do. Basically, if you finish everything the lab
write-up asks you to do, you’ll get the full mark for the lab. Also,
out of the 11 labs, only your 10 “best” marks will count towards
your final grade, so even if you miss one lab during the course, its
still not the end of the world. Completion of these labs is worth
15% of your final grade.
Right now there are many lab sections, but there still might be
some changes to them, and some people might get transferred to
another lab section. For example, if there are 2 labs with only a
few people in each of them, they might end up getting merged
together. If there are any changes, you will be notified by the
instructor in class or via email.
Also, some of the labs are already filled to capacity. Please try to
come to your own lab section, otherwise you may not be able to
get a computer, and priority goes to people who are actually
registered in that lab section!!
If you cant make your own lab one week, you might be able to
attend a different lab for that week. But you will have send me an
email about that first, so I can consult with the TA in charge of the
other lab to ensure there is enough space.
[PPT Slide 4]
All the software that you need for the tutorials and assignments has
already been installed in our labs, MC-230 and MC-235. But if you
want to work on assignments from somewhere else on campus,
you can use the computers in NCB-105 and UC-2, they have
Photoshop and Dreamweaver installed. Of course, if you already
have some of these programs installed on your home computer,
you can work from home as well. If you have a slightly older
version of the software at home, that’s still OK, but if it’s a very
old version, be sure to ask us first so we can check to make sure we
can open your submissions!
[PPT Slide 5]
This course has a final exam, and the material covered in the labs
is also testable. I’m pretty sure the exams are all going to be
multiple choice, but don’t worry, we wont be asking you anything
hard, like the exact keystroke combination to do something, or how
to spell Vivi's last name. Heck even I don’t know the answer to
that one. But here’s an example of what *might* be asked in the
Which of the following is a common image format?
a) mp3
c) GIF
d) UPC
e) None of the above.
Finally, before we start with the lab itself, I just wanted to talk a bit
about my personal teaching style. When I’m going through what
I’m going to talk about in the tutorials, I sometimes use my friends
as sounding boards to see if everything makes sense. Since some of
them don’t have a lot of experience with computers, I have to
make sure I explain everything in terms that they can understand.
So why am I mentioning this? Well I know that some of you have
had some experience in these programs already. I’m sure some of
you know HTML even better than I do. But when I’m designing
what I’m going to talk about, I’m going to try to make things as
simple as possible, so everyone can understand it.
[PPT Slide 6]
So lets get into the material for the first lab. The next few labs are
going to discuss how we go about designing webpages.
How many ppl have used an online blogging system, like MySpace
or MSN Spaces? **Ask students about what they have specifically
Those sites are kind of like the coloring books you got in
kindergarten. In a coloring book, you can pick whatever colors or
background you want to use, but you really cant do anything too
crazy because you still have the constraints of this pre-made
image. MySpace and MSN Spaces are the same way, you can
change the color or background, but you cant really "change"
anything major. In this course, we start by teaching you some
HTML, which is like giving you a pen and letting you draw out
your own shape, before coloring it in.
[PPT Slide 7]
When we make a website, we need to first put it on a server. But
why do we have to put our websites on servers?
- well we can put them on our own computers, but every time it
gets shut off, our webpage will disappear too.
- so instead, we put them on computers that are on all the time and
set up on the Internet, called "servers"
- putting it on these servers also addresses any security problems
that we might have with our website, like hackers or viruses. By
putting it on the servers, we’re letting the people who are running
the servers to take care of all that security stuff.
[PPT Slide 8]
 panther: the name for the UWO computer that will have your
website copied on it
 publish: the "address" to get at your website
 This means we will connect to the computer “Panther” only to
upload our website
 We connect to “” when we want to actually SEE
the website on the Internet
[PPT Slide 9]
The program that we use to transfer files to these servers is called
S-FTP. FTP actually stands for "File Transfer Protocol", which
makes sense because we’re transferring files. The "S" before it
stands for "secure", meaning you need a user name and password
to get in, and all the information you're sending and receiving is
actually "encrypted", so hackers cant see what you're doing, or
upload viruses and stuff onto your website.
[PPT Slide 10]
*** Difference between SSH and SFTP  just read off slide. ***
[PPT Slide 11]
*** Permissions  just read off slide ***
[PPT Slide 12]
So that should be enough detail to help get you started on the
tutorial. But before that, I’m not sure if everyone has a printed
copy of the tutorial. The website for the tutorial location is on the
board, but if you want to print to the printer in this lab, you first
have to set up that printer. The reason you have to do this is
because all the printers in this building are networked together, so
we have to tell your computer which printer you’re going to use!
One final note, printing in this lab does cost money, its 5 cents for
every page you print out. However, the powers that be have
decided to grant all of you $15.00 of print quota to use as you like,
so that basically means you can print up to 300 pages. If you don’t
use all of your print quota, unfortunately you cant get a refund for
whatever you don’t use for beer money or whatever, trust me, I’ve
already tried.
* walk students through how to add a printer using the computer
connected to the projector, basic steps are below *
- Go To Start  Settings  Printers & Faxes  Add a Printer
- Click on “Network Printer” (and “browse for a printer”, if you
get that option)
- Click the dropdown arrow where it says “Entire Network”, and
click on “GAUL”
- select the printer associated with the room (MC230 or MC235)
The tutorials are in PDF format, and to make sure they print
properly, there’s a little trick. To print, open the tutorial, and click
on “File > Print”. In the dialog box that opens, be sure to put a
checkmark beside “Print as Image”.
The red arrow shows you the checkmark that should be ticked. Of
course, if you want to print in MC-230 instead, make sure that
printer is selected first!
* Next, help them start the actual program using the computer
connected to the projector*
Right now, I’m going to show you how to start the program itself,
after which you can work through the tutorial at your own pace. If
you have any questions, please raise your hand, and I will come
around to answer it.