NOTES Meeting Educational Technology Advisory Group Date Monday 17 May 2010 Time 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm Location Building 56 Level 7 Room 80A Attendees Amgad Louka, (Chair), DVC (Academic) Julianne Reid, Rod van den Akker, Mark Smithers, Allan Morris, Joyce Kirk, Craig Anderson, Rod McCrohan, Bernie Broom, John Benwell, Robert Hollenbeck, Warren Nageswaran, Garry Allan, Tom Molyneaux, Franklin O’Carroll (for Rod Noble), Angela Carbone (notes). Apologies Brian Corbitt, Rodney Noble, Ron Wakefield Item Discussion/Outcomes Previous Minutes Notes from previous meeting were accepted as true and accurate. Business Arising 2.1 Proposed VET eLearning Reference Group (Rod van den Akker) Membership was finalised and includes representatives from ADGs and teaching staff from each College. The first meeting was held on 6 May and the next has been scheduled for early June. It was agreed this reference group would capture eLearning issues currently affecting VET staff before finalising an action plan to bring forward to ETAG members at a later meeting. 2.2 An overview of the role of the learning hub and possible future directions (Mark Smithers) Mark is working with EduTAG to develop a project proposal to review the Learning Hub from both a technical and user perspective. The agreed deadline to put forward this proposal is in July. (Added to Action Log) 2.3 Melbourne Lectopia content trial for Vietnam (Robert Hollenbeck) The issue of RIUV access to learning materials of the same courses in Melbourne was raised again. The discussion was initially in context to Lectopia recordings, but was broadened to cover all learning resources. The DVC highlighted the University’s position regarding equitable student experience and access to resources. An email will be sent to PVCs of all three colleges (with cc’ to Associate PVCs) advising that RIUV staff will have access to the learning materials of corresponding Melbourne courses (including Lectopia recordings). Action: Email to be circulated by DVC (A) to all PVCs and Associate PVCs. Action Mark Julianne 106760373 Page 1 of 3 New Business 3.1 Blackboard visit and update (Allan Morris) Allan reported on his visit to the U.S. where he visited the Blackboard data centre which hosts Blackboard instances for US institutions. He also visited two colleges that use the Blackboard hosting service and they were very positive about the hosting service including system availability and response times. Discussion also centred on RMIT’s Blackboard upgrade project which has not formally commenced as there is currently no budget specifically allocated to undertake this project. Discussions with Blackboard are underway regarding the hosting service they provide from their Sydney data centre, particularly around their disaster recovery plan. The decision to use the Blackboard hosting service has not been finalised but is preferred over intenal . Given that the change to the upgraded version is January 2010, concerns were raised that the new version needs to be implemented in six months. There is a substantial change management exercise required including extensive communication and training of academic staff on new system features. Budget for the project will therefore need to be sourced as soon as possible and a decision about the project will need to be finalised within the next ten days. Allan committed to discuss the funding with Travis Walker (Finance) and the DVC (A). It may be necessary to submit a paper to the VCE outlining funding required overall, including costs associated with training staff. 3.2 ETAG Quarterly Status Reports (Amgad Louka) This item was carried over from the last meeting. The ETAG Quarterly Status Report document circulated at the last meeting provides a brief snapshot of where each project is at. Action: All members were asked to bring any issues or questions relating to this document to the next meeting. All members 3.3 Revised Educational Technology roadmap (Rod van den Akker/ Garry Allan) This item was carried over from the last meeting. A new draft of the RMIT Educational Technology Landscape and Roadmap document was presented. Feedback received on an earlier version was incorporated into this document. A paper was also presented with the roadmap: Proposed Plans for Educational Technology Roadmap – Brief Outline. It is a “living” document that will be updated regularly and formally reviewed twice yearly – July and December. The July review will focus on the projects required in the following year. A further roadmap perspective is in development which is based on the 7 principles of good teaching and aligned with the new “Teaching with Technology” website nearing completion. This looks at it from a pedagogical perspective. Action: To be presented at the next ETAG meeting Garry, Rod 106760373 Page 2 of 3 3.4 Storage (Craig Anderson) There is an assumption among staff that LCMS will manage the archiving of learning objects but it was not designed as an archival tool. RMIT needs a policy around archiving of L&T and research materials. This also ties in with the need to review the “data-model” for learning objects. That is, guidelines for where learning objects should be stored. This is potentially a large project and should be included in the 2011 ETAG workplan. 3.5 Elluminate (Rod van den Akker) A paper will be submitted to the ICT Strategic Committee next month recommending the “launch” of Elluminate in time for Semester 2 2010. It is currently in production, integrated with Blackboard and continues to be used by the pilot group. Processes are currently being implemented to manage Privacy compliance. Training courses are being offered by ITS from June. Other Business Date, Time & Location of next scheduled meeting Action: Follow up with Mark Shortis on the status of the Assessment Software project and report back Amgad Monday 16 June 2010 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm Building 56 Level 7 Room 80A (The Hermitage) 106760373 Page 3 of 3