Chapter 5-6 Test Name

Chapter 5-6 Test
Directions: Choose the best answer.
_____1. All the following are characteristics of linear population growth
a. limiting factors involved
b. curve type graph
c. smaller increase in population
d. line graph
_____2. The effect of animal populations during habitat destruction by humans is
a. density-dependent limiting factor
b. density-independent limiting factor
c. not observable
d. stabilizing
_____3. The sequence of communities forming in an originally lifeless habitat is
called ______.
a. primary succession
b. secondary succession
c. convergent evolution
d. coevolution
_____4. A parking lot has been abandoned for some years now. Grass and weeds
are growing through the cracks in the cement. This would be an example of _____.
a. primary succession
b. secondary succession
c. convergent evolution
d. coevolution
_____5. The first type of community that begins growing during primary succession
is called_____.
a. climax community
b. beginning community
c. aquatic community
d. pioneer community
_____6. Lichen would be considered to belong to which community in primary
a. climax community
b. beginning community
c. aquatic community
d. pioneer community
_____7. The lichen is a combination of what two types of organisms?
a. algae and moss
b. moss and fungus
c. fungus and algae
d. moss and lichens
_____8. The relationship mentioned above would be considered what type of
symbiotic relationship?
a. parasitism
b. mutualism
c. commensalisms
_____9. Use the picture below to answer question 9.
The picture above shows the similar traits and features in two different types of
cacti. This would be an example of ________________ evolution.
a. Convergent Evolution
b. Coevolution
c. Concurrent Evolution
d. Successive Evolution
_____10. Use the picture below to answer question 10.
The picture above is of a sword-billed hummingbird(Ensifera ensifera) which is a
South American hummingbird with the longest bill to body proportion among
birds. It specializes in flowers with long corollas such as Datura, passionflowers and
fuchsias. This mutualistic relationship would be an example of ________________
a. Convergent Evolution
b. Coevolution
c. Concurrent Evolution
d. Successive Evolution
Flowers and bees would represent what type of symbiotic relationship?
_____12. An increase in herbivore populations in the ecosystem would soon lead to
a. more vegetation
b. more predators
c. ecosystem balance
d. all the above
_____13. An organism that feeds on the tissue or body fluids of other organisms is
called a(n) _____,
a. predator
b. prey
c. parasite
d. barnacle
_____14. A predator promotes great niche diversity by _______.
a. causing a certain prey to become extinct
b. controlling the population of other predators
c. controlling the population of prey
d. causing competition with other predators
_____15. Through aquatic succession a lake or pond may become a(n) _____.
a. barren rock
b. ocean
c. meadow
d. aquifer
_____16. Oak and chestnut trees would be considered what type of community in
primary succession?
a. pioneer
b. climax
c. beginning
d. middle
_____17. A forest fire destroys the trees in a certain forest. The grasses and shrubs
are lost also. This area would then experience ________.
a. primary succession
b. secondary succession
_____18. In the endangered species act process, the second step is the designating
critical habitat process. Critical habitat is based o the following except________.
a. Breeding area
b. Food Supply
c. The number of symbiotic relationships
d. Water supply
_____19. The barnacle and whale represents commensalisms. This is a relationship
where __________.
a. one organism is harmed and other benefits
b. one organism benefits and the other is neither harmed or benefits
c. both benefits
d. neither benefits
_____20. The reason that linear growth of a population has a rate growth or can be
seen on a line graph is because of _______.
a. no limiting factors
b. multiple growth from previous generations
c. limiting factors
d. all of the above
_____21. The number of species that can be supported by an ecosystem is called the
______ of a population.
a. adaptation
b. exponential growth
c. carrying capacity
d. linear growth
____22. The major item that is not destroyed in ecosystem that would promote
secondary succession would be ________.
a. trees
b. shrubs
c. soil
d. lichen
_____23. Lichen is a valuable tool in primary succession because it ____________.
a. creates eutrophication
b. is the climax community
c. breaks rocks down into soil
d. has a symbiotic relationship
_____24. Pennsylvania practices deer management because of all of the following
except __________________.
a. Prevent the destruction to forests
b. To get more female deer
c. Save habitats for other animals
d. Balance deer numbers with the ecosystem
_____25. All are characteristics of a niche except _________.
a. role of organisms
b. organisms habitat
c. amount of symbiotic relationships
d. abiotic and biotic factors
_____26. In exponential growth, the population grows according to a multiple of the
previous generation. This will continue until it reaches__________.
a. extinction
b. linear growth
c. carrying capacity
d. niche diversity
_____27. The wolves that were reintroduced into Yellowstone in 1995 were from
a. New Mexico
b. Idaho
c. Walmart
d. Canada
The graph below shows a predator-prey relationship. Use the graph to answer the
following question.
28. What is happening to the predator population between points c and d on the
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Remains the same
29. What is causing this to happen?
A. More prey population
B. Less prey population
C. More habitat
30. What is happening to the predator population at point E and the end of the
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Remains the same
31. What is happening to the prey population between A and B?
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Remains the same
32. Why is this happening?
A. Increase in predators
B. Decrease in predators
C. Predators remain the same
33. Ecological succession can occur as a pond fills up with silt and fallen leaves.
Place the following numbered pictures in the correct order to show the succession
from pond to marsh then to dry land and finally to climax community.
A,B,C,D,E, F
B, C,D,E,A,F
Use the graphs below to answer questions 34 to 35
34. On the graph on the right, what does the area between points E and F represent?
A. Increasing population growth
B. Decreasing population growth
C. Zero population growth
35. On the graph on the right, what does line 1 represent?
Symbiotic relationship
Carrying Capacity
Death rate
Birth rate
Each of the statements below refers to exponential population growth or linear
population growth. In the blank next to each statement, place an E if the statement
refers to exponential growth and an L if the statement refers to linear growth.
A. Linear Growth
B. Exponential Growth
C. Both
36. ________ A lack of food prevents a certain population from growing any
37. ________ In the steady state, the average growth rate is zero.
38. ________ The larger the population gets, the faster it grows.
39. ________ One pair of elephants could produce 19 million offspring in less than
750 years.
40. ________ A particular environment is limited to a certain number of rabbits that
it can support.
41. ________ All of the offspring of a given population survive and reproduce.
Each of the following situations describes a form of symbiosis. After each situation,
write the type of symbiosis that is being described.
A. Parasitism
B. Commensalism
C. Mutualism
42. Situation 1: A flowering plant cannot pollinate another plant unless pollen is
transported between the plants. While gathering nectar from the plant's flowers, a bee is
lightly dusted with pollen. The bee then transports the pollen as it moves from one flower
to another. This enables the flowering plant to reproduce.
43. Situation 2: A liver fluke enters the human digestive system on a piece of beef. The
fluke derives nourishment from the human; the human is seriously weakened by the
presence of the fluke.
44. Situation 3: Tall trees provide birds with a place to nest that offers them protection
against many kinds of predators.
Each of the statements below describes a situation that affects population growth.
Some of the statements describe density-dependent factors, and others describe
density-independent factors. In the blanks before each item place a D for a densitydependent factor, and an I for a density-independent factor.
A. Density Dependent (D)
B. Density-Independent (I)
45. ________ A severe frost wipes out 50% of the citrus crop in southern Florida.
46. ________ Since snakes prey of frogs, an increase in the frog population causes an
increase in the snake population.
47. ________ Due to severe overcrowding in an underdeveloped country's village
many children do not survive to reach adulthood.
48. ________ The eruption of Mt. St. Helens destroys most of the wildlife in the
immediate vicinity of the volcano.
49. ________ Because rabbits in Australia have no natural enemies, their population
increases exponentially.
The pictures in the accompanying illustration show five stages in the development of
an ecological community. These stages are not in order.
A. Grass and shrubs
D. Barren Rock
B. Pine Forest
C. Oak and Chestnut
F. Soil and rock
50. Which picture (A, B, C, D, or E) shows the first stage of succession? _______
51. The second stage of succession? ________
52. The third stage of succession? _________
53. The final stage of succession? ________
54. What type of succession is shown in the pictures above (primary or secondary)?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
Counting Populations
A student in IPS class needed to count the total population of grasshoppers in a field.
The student went out on the first day and collected 50 grasshoppers. This student marked
and released the grasshoppers. The next day the student went out in the same field and
collected 30 grasshoppers. The student noticed that 15 were marked.
The formula that you would use to solve this problem would be_________.
____56. In the example above 50 grasshoppers represents what variable in the
a. ( P)
b. (p)
c. (M)
d. (m)
_____57. The method for counting population described above is called __________.
a. Random Sampling
b. Lincoln Index
c. Census
____58. True or False. This method is the fastest and most accurate way for
counting a population
a. true
b. false
_____59. After reading the scenario above, what is the total grasshopper
a. 56 grasshoppers
b. 100 grasshoppers
c. 115 grasshoppers
d. 225 grasshoppers
_____60. A forester wanted to figure out the total amount of red oaks that were on a
10 mile by 10 mile property. The grid will contain a 1 mile by 1 mile boxes. He used
random sampling to find the answer. He randomly counted the trees in 5 grid
boxes. The following was found.
a. 10 oaks, 12 oaks, 10 oaks, 15 oaks, and 23 oaks