Binary opposition is a two term conflict. When something is good, there
must be something bad. Through the way it is used, we can understand more about
the characters and the story. When you try to use the binary opposition to make the
example of a film, it becomes very interesting. Usually, we are in hero’s side of
view, so the bad guys are really mean. But, if you use another character’s view to
re-study the film, you may find something totally different from what you thought
before. Take Casablanca for example, in Rick’s view, Victor may be a rival in love.
In Ilsa’s view, they are both the people that Ilsa doesn’t want to lose. In Victor’s
view, he only takes Rick as someone who can help him and Ilsa escape to America.
In the film, they all have different views toward the war and their goals in life. If
Capt. Renault is considered to be good in the film, then German Generals are
considered to be bad. First of all, Capt. Renault is a friend of Rick who is the
leading character in the film and could be a hero. German generals always appear
with bad atmosphere. And they are against Rick. Second, in Casablanca, most
people speak in French and German Generals are the minorities there. When
German Generals sing the national anthem, the French are sad. Then Victor comes
out singing French national anthem, and almost every customer in the Rick’s happily
follow him with tears in the eyes. It shows that we are in the French side.
Capt. Renault
German Generals
Friend of Rick
Against Rick
Not the Nazi
the Nazi
France(Allied power)
Germany(Axis power)
Structuralism’s main virtue is that it is most interested in those things that
narratives have in common, rather than in the distinctive characteristics of specific
narratives. The notice tends to be a component of all narrative, or the narrative
systems of a particular medium, rather than the features of a particular narrative. In
Structuralism, every story has some lines of conflict. The film, “Casablanca”, too,
establishes its lines of conflict. From the beginning, we know that Rick has his own
dark side. We wonder what happened. Not until Ilsa appears do we know the
reasons. Then the story tells what happened between them. Finally, the story
reveals the relationship between Ilsa, Rick and Victor. How to give the best solution?
Tom, the black one, who plays the piano, becomes a bridge between Ilsa and Rick.
Because of him, Ilsa and Rick meets each other again in the Rick’s. Because of the
music we went to the past and enjoyed a romantic story. Come back to the reality,
the solution is again sacrifice the love between Ilsa and Rick. We accept that
because it is great and we know that the most important thing is that Rick and Ilsa
knows they love each other. Under such circumstances, the death of the German
General becomes necessary. I like the solution of killing the German General.
Rick has given up his opportunity to live with Ilsa, and the last thing he can do to help
Ilsa and Victor is to kill the German General. It also shows the side that Rick takes.
Codes and conventions are influenced by the social influence on films. The
Second World War was happened during 1939 to 1945. Casablanca was filmed in
1942. In the film, it shows people’s desire to go to America. America means
freedom and getting out of war. Ugarte plays the role of selling permission to go to
America. In the Rick’s a lot of people use money and diamonds to buy permission
to go to America. To people in Casablanca, the place means long process of waiting.
But to people haven’t get there, Casablanca means a land of hope. It shows that
people do not want to have war. On the other hand, many people want to fight
against the Nazi, such as Victor. In the end of the film, Victor successfully leaves
Casablanca and Rick kills the German General reveals the truth that the film is an
anti-Nazi one. The scene that the German General nearly stops Ilsa and Victor goes
to America is fearful. The gun shot scene, too, makes people worried for Rick.
This is the code. As for convention part, Ilsa plays the important role. Usually we
have the idea that women are weak and need to be protected by men. Women don’t
know how to use the gun. Ilsa doesn’t not know hoe to use the gun. And they
always betray their love ones because of the irresistible reasons. Ilsa doesn’t tell
Rick why she has to leave him. Ilsa is beautiful, elegant and she is the cover of
Victor. Code and convention influence the film very much.
Genre is a system of codes, conventions, and visual styles which enables an
audience to determine rapidly and with some complexity the kind of narrative they are
viewing. “Casablanca” is a love story, a romantic film. It is clearly to find it out.
Usually, we expect to find melodious music (As Time Goes by) and the couple
happily together in a romantic film. However, there must have something to be the
conflict and makes the couple separate. (A misunderstanding between Ilsa and Rick)
With the help of the donor (Sam, the piano player) or because of the donor, the couple
has the chance to meet again. When everything is clear, the couple finds out they
actually love each other and it is the climax. In “Casablanca” it adds more elements
into the love story. Because it is not only the love between Ilsa and Rick, the
consequence becomes unpredictable. Judging from the musical accompaniment,
clothing and gunshot scenes, we know that “Shane” is a western movie. From the
very beginning of “Shane”, Shane alone rides the horse and walks for a long time.
He goes through the vast land. That is a typical scene of the western film.
Above-mentioned information not only provide the genre of the films, but also give
the combination of code and convention.