CTE Academic Integration Lesson Planner

Lesson Title –Distribution
Author - Michele McElreath
Course –Marketing 1
School - SHHS
Grade Level – 10-12
Length of Lesson – 8 blocks
CTE Academic Integration Lesson Planner
What do I want students to learn?
Standards and Benchmarks
NBEA Standards…or MarkEd Standards…
or … ITEA Standards
Standards and Benchmarks
ACT College Readiness Standards
*Understands the concepts, strategies, and systems used
to obtain and convey ideas and information.
*Understands the economic principles and concepts
fundamental to business operations.
*Understands tools, strategies, and systems needed to
access, process, maintain, evaluate, and disseminate
information to assist business decision-making.
*Understands the tools, techniques, and systems that
businesses use to create exchanges and satisfy
organizational objectives.
*Understands the processes and systems implemented to
monitor, plan, and control the day-to-day activities required
for continued business functioning. Understands tools,
techniques, and systems that affect a business’s ability to
plan, control, and organize an organization/ department.
Infer the main idea or purpose of straightforward
paragraphs in uncomplicated literary narratives.
*Understand the overall approach taken by an author or
narrator (e.g., point of view, kinds of evidence used) in
uncomplicated passages.
*Calculate the missing data value, given the average and all
data values but one.
*Show clear understanding of the persuasive purpose of the
task by taking a position on the specific issue in the prompt
and offering a broad context for discussion.
*Show recognition of the complexity of the issue in the prompt
• partially evaluating implications and/or complications of the
issue, and/or
• posing and partially responding to counterarguments to the
writer’s position
Students will:
Students will:
•Know: (Content and Vocabulary)
•Do: (Skills, Strategies, Processes and Literacy)
Channels of distribution and each function in the
domestic and international market.
The levels of distribution intensity.
The nature and scope of physical distribution.
Transportation systems and services.
The concepts and function of inventory storage.
The types of purchase situations.
The calculations of a merchandise plan.
How to plan purchases in different markets.
The receiving process.
Effective inventory management.
Compare shipping costs using different
transportation systems and channels of distribution.
Research different country’s transportation and
distribution regulations.
Prepare a six month merchandise plan.
Calculate inventory turnover.
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas)
For example… principles, themes, generalizations or macro-concepts
Distribution is a key factor of any product’s marketing plan. Delivering a product quickly and at a fair price, storing it and
knowing when to order are crucial components in the marketing concept.
Essential Questions
Guiding, driving questions which lead to enduring understandings
Where and how is a product distributed and sold?
How are distribution decisions carried out in domestic, international and e-market places?
How are products efficiently and effectively delivered to and stored for customers?
What affects the costs of running a business?
How do businesses efficiently handle their inventory?
How am I going to assess student learning?
Assessments: Formative assessments and/or Summative assessments
Formative Assessment:
Guided note-taking activities
Channel of distribution visual map project
On line E-commerce research project
Group research project on importing perishable food items.
Summative Assessment
Channel of distribution visual map using power point
Vocabulary quizzes
Six month merchandise plan
Lesson Title –Distribution
Author - Michele McElreath
Course –Marketing 1
School - SHHS
Grade Level – 10-12
Length of Lesson – 8 blocks
Unit Test: multiple choice, short answer questions Formative Assessment:
Guided note-taking activities
Channel of distribution visual map project
On line E-commerce research project
Group research project on importing perishable food items.
Summative Assessment
Channel of distribution visual map using power point
Vocabulary quizzes
Six month merchandise plan
Unit Test: multiple choice, short answer questions
Instructional Plan
Prerequisite Skills: Preparation
What prior knowledge, skills and understanding do the students need? How will you assess their background
knowledge and readiness?
Students do not need prior knowledge regarding product development and planning.
Students need prior knowledge in math computation for the merchandise plan. A basic pre-test will be given.
Instruction and Activities:
What procedure (sequence), teaching strategies, and student activities are used in this lesson? State the student
roles, teacher roles, and grouping for this lesson.
Teacher directed exploratory discussion (Power Point; Marketing Essentials-Distribution unit)
Vocabulary terms (Chapter 21, 22, 23, 24)
Exploratory discussion quizzes (4-5 questions)
Student Focused Reading and Comprehension Activity
“Transportation 101 - What you need to know”
“The Don’t of Importing”
Student Activities:
Distribution Unit test Merchandise plan
Channels of Distribution mapping project (using power point and public speaking rubric)
Importing project
Research Activities:
E-commerce research project
Academic Integration
What core academic topics are integrated? What terminology is common? What terminology is different?
Include specific examples to be used to introduce, teach, or review the topics.
*channels of distribution
*physical distribution
On the white board, put a diagram on the board listing different intermediaries in the distribution process. Have students name
products and draw out what channels these products took to get in to the hands of consumers.
Specific ACT Readiness Examples:
Read and discuss case study “Changing Channels”.
Students will complete guided practice on pg. 450.
Students will complete independent practice on pg. 451.
Students will design a product for a manufacturing company to produce. Define the market for your product. Select
the level of intensity that you think would be best for the distribution of your product.
On a word document, describe your product, your intended market, and your preferred distribution intensity. Provide
a rationale for the level of intensity.
Lesson Title –Distribution
Author - Michele McElreath
Course –Marketing 1
School - SHHS
Grade Level – 10-12
Length of Lesson – 8 blocks
What materials and resources are needed for this lesson? Describe the learning environment where this lesson
will take place.
Materials Needed:
Marketing Essentials text
e-commerce assignment
Learning Environment:
classroom and Business Resource Center
Specific Teacher Web Resources: