FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY COURSE INFORMATION SHEET 1. COURSE: CHEMISTRY 209 GENERAL CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS, FALL 2008 Section Time Instructor Office Phone e-mail L01 MWF 15:00 Dr. M. Djordjevic SA 144D 403-220-6913 mdjordje@ucalgary.ca L02 MWF 11:00 Dr. M. Djordjevic SA 144D 403-220-6913 mdjordje@ucalgary.ca L03 MWF 16.00 Dr. Y. Mehmet SA 144B 403-220-6908 mehmet@ucalgary.ca Course/Tut. Coordinator: Dr. Y. Mehmet SA 144B 403-220-6908 mehmet@ucalgary.ca Lab Coordinator: Dr. M. Djordjevic SA 144D 403-220-6913 mdjordje@ucalgary.ca All lectures are held in SA104 Course home page can be reached via: https://blackboard.ucalgary.ca/webapps/login/ 2. PREREQUISITES: Chemistry 30 (or “An Introduction to Chemistry” offered by the Faculty of Continuing Education) and Mathematics 30. Note: The Faculty of Science policy on prerequisite checking is outlined on page 201 of the 2008-2009 Calendar. Students are responsible to ensure that they meet all prerequisite requirements for each course in which they are registered. Students who do not meet these requirements will be deleted from the course. 3. GRADING: The University policy on grading and related matters is described on pp. 44-46 of the 2008-2009 Calendar. In determining the overall grade in the course the following weights will be used. Midterm Examination 20% Laboratory Work 18% Tutorial Quizzes 20% CPS(Classsroom Performance System) 2% Final Examination 40% 100% A weighted average of a minimum of 40% in the exam component, and 50% in the lab component is required to obtain a mark of C or better. The date for the Final Exam in this course will be scheduled by the Registrar. 4. MISSED COMPONENTS OF TERM WORK: The regulations of the Faculty of Science pertaining to this matter are outlined on page 202 of the 2008-2009 Calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with these regulations. 5. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, or any other form) is a very serious offence that will be dealt with rigorously in all cases. A single offence may lead to disciplinary probation or suspension or expulsion. The Faculty of Science follows a zero tolerance policy regarding dishonesty. Please read the sections of the 2008-2009 University Calendar under the heading “Student Misconduct” (p.54-57). 6. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Do you know what “honesty in academics” is ? Check the University website at: http://www.ucalgary.ca/honesty/ 7. There will be a common Midterm Test for all lecture sections on Friday October 24th , 6:30-8:30 pm. The rooms will be announced in due course. Regularly scheduled classes have precedence over any out-ofclass time activity. If you have a clash with this out-of-class-time activity, please inform your instructor by Oct.10 at the latest, so that alternate arrangements may be made for you. Departmental approval: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Associate Dean’s approval: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ 2 8. Students who, in the view of the instructor, engage in disruptive behaviour will be asked to leave the classroom. 9. TEXTBOOK: The textbook for this course is “General Chemistry”, eighth edition, by K.W. Whitten, R.E. Davis, M.L. Peck, and G.G.Stanley, Thomson, 2007, which comes with the Student Solutions Manual.In addition, the Study Guide can be purchased from the Bookstore. Selected portions of this text will be assigned for reading during the term. The initial reading assignment is Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 . The order of chapters/topics to be covered is indicated in the table on pages 6-7 of this handout. 10. CALCULATOR POLICY: Students must use the Schulich School of Engineering sanctioned calculator for quizzes, tests and examinations. For assignments and studying purposes however, any calculator may be used. 11. LABORATORY WORK AND LABORATORY SAFETY COURSE: See “Additional Information Regarding Laboratory Work” on page 3 of this handout. 12. TUTORIALS AND TUTORIAL QUIZZES: Tutorials will begin on Monday, September 15th , 2008. As indicated above, the accumulation of tutorial quiz scores counts up to 20% of the total composition of the final grade. Please see pages 5-6 for tutorial and quiz topics. If it is necessary to miss a tutorial quiz, the relevant marks may be relegated to the remaining quizzes only upon receipt of an appropriate document e.g. a medical note from a physician. 13. STUDENT’S UNION: The Student’s Union wishes to help students with their concerns and direct them to the correct facilities on campus. When needed, contact: Students' Union VP Academic: 220-3911, suvpaca@ucalgary.ca Students' Union Faculty Rep: 220-3913, sciencerep@su.ucalgary.ca 14. SAFEWALK PROGRAM: Are you concerned about walking alone on campus ? You don’t need to be, contact SAFEWALK: 220-5333 (ANY TIME) for help. 15. FURTHER READING: The Undergraduate Reserve Reading Room of the University Library has available a number of reference texts. Many of these are general chemistry texts, but some deal with more specific topics such as problem solving, environmental chemistry, or analytical chemistry. Some of these texts are listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R. Chang, Chemistry S.S. Zumdahl, Chemistry K.W.Whitten , et al., General Chemistry Phyllis Buell, Chemistry Fundamentals: An Environmental Perspective T.W.Swaddle, Inorganic Chemistry: An Industrial and Environmental Perspective P.W. Atkins and J.A. Beran, General Chemistry Raymond Murray, Nuclear Energy QD 31.2. C37 2005 QD 31.2. Z84 2003 QD 31.2. W44 2004 QD31.3. B84 2003 QD151.5.S93 1997 QD 31.2. A74 1992 TK9146.M87 2001 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING LABORATORY WORK Schedule The first week of the laboratory work will begin on September 08/September 15, 2008. Please check the exact date, time and location of your laboratory section in the Laboratory Manual (page v). Laboratory Manual The Laboratory Manual can be downloaded and printed from the Course Documents in Blackboard. Six notebooks for laboratory report writing can be purchased from the University of Calgary Bookstore, located in McEwan Student Centre (MC 150). Laboratory Coats The University Bookstore also sells laboratory coats. Please make sure to bring your coat with you to the laboratory; no student will be permitted to do experimental work without a protective coat. Chemistry Laboratory Safety Course The University of Calgary Chemistry Laboratory Safety Course is mandatory for all students taking chemistry laboratory work. This course, which takes about 50 minutes, will be available in SA 116 (on CD-ROM) from September 08-12 and September 15-19, from 12 to 2 pm. Sign-up sheets will be posted by SA 116 as of Sep. 02/08. After September 19, students won’t be allowed to do lab work without having done the Safety Course. Initial Reading Assignment In order to complete all assignments planned for the first laboratory period (check-in, orientation, quiz and Experiment # 1), please read from the Laboratory Manual: Introduction (pages vii-xv), Experiment # 1 (pages 1-6), Appendices # 1 - 5 (pages A1 – A16) and visit pertinent material on the course home page on the Blackboard. Students who cannot make it to a lab, must have a legitimate reason for their absence, normally a medical one, supported by a doctor’s slip. Those students should contact the Lab Coordinator to reschedule the missed lab. Absence from a lab for no legitimate reason will cause the awarding of a zero mark for the particular experiment. Note also that the labs begin promptly at the prescribed times; those who are late will not be admitted to the lab and will be deemed to have been absent for no legitimate reason. Withdrawal from the Course Before a withdrawal form can be signed, you must check out of the lab by checking your apparatus. Your laboratory instructor will then sign the check out sheet and the withdrawal form (complete information in the Laboratory Manual on page x and Appendix #1). Checking out All students, even those who withdraw early from the course MUST check out of the laboratory before the last day of lectures of the term. Any student who fails to do so will be assessed a charge of $30.00. If this fee is not paid by the last day of the final examination period of the term, an additional $10.00 administrative fee will be charged and university services (registration, transcripts…) may be withheld. Excused Laboratories Students who are repeating the course may be excused from the lab component if the course was taken in the past three years and the obtained lab grade was min 75%. The weight of the lab component, in terms of grades, will be proportionally distributed over all other course components. Contact the Lab Coordinator (Dr. Majda Djordjevic in SA 144D) to obtain written permission. Tutorials are not excusable. 4 COURSE CONTENT Students are responsible for all the material covered in the lectures, laboratories, tutorials as well as designated sections from the Textbook (Whitten, et al., General Chemistry 8th Ed. 2007). Most of the relevant material is contained in Chapters 1-5, 7-8, 12 and 16-21. Additional non-textbook material on water, energy sources and environmental issues will be introduced in lectures towards the end of the Term. Note that the material contained in Chapters 1-4, 5.1-5.9 and 12 is regarded as review of high school chemistry and will not be covered in lectures; however, being fundamental to many other topics in chemistry, will certainly be included in tutorials and exams. The order of coverage of topics in the various chapters may not necessarily follow the order given in the Textbook. Limited amount of additional material relevant to the required chapters but not found in the Textbook, may also be introduced. CHAPTER 1. FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMISTRY Although all sections are included, the focus will be on Sections 1.7-1.9. CHAPTER 2. CHEMICAL FORMULAS AND COMPOSITION STOICHIOMETRY Although all sections are included, the focus will be on Sections 2.5-2.11. CHAPTER 3. CHEMICAL EQUATIONS AND REACTION STOICHIOMETRY All sections, 3.1-3.8, are quite important and included. CHAPTER 4. SOME TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS Although all sections are included, the focus will be on Sections 4.2-4.4. CHAPTER 5. THE STRUCTURE OF ATOMS All sections are included, however, only Sections 5.10-5.19 will be covered in class. CHAPTER 7. CHEMICAL BONDING All sections , 7.1-7.12, are included. CHAPTER 8. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND COVALENT BONDING THEORIES Sections, 8.1-8.3 and 8.5-815, are included. CHAPTER 12. GASES AND KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY All sections, 12.1-12.15, are included. CHAPTER 16. CHEMICAL KINETICS All sections, 16.1-16.9, are included. CHAPTER 17. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Sections 17.1-7.11 and 7.13 are included. CHAPTER 18. IONIC EQUILIBRIA I. ACIDS AND BASES All sections, 18.1-18.11, are included. CHAPTER 19. IONIC EQUILIBRIA II. BUFFERS AND TITRATION CURVES All sections, 19.1-19.8, are included. CHAPTER 20. IONIC EQUILIBRIA III. THE SOLUBILITY PRODUCT PRINCIPLE All sections, 20.1-20.6, are included. CHAPTER 21. ELECTROCHEMISTRY All sections, 21.1-21.25, are included. CHEMISTRY OF WATER CHEMISTRY OF ENERGY SOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Note: For the above three topics, reference sources will be given prior to lectures. 5 LECTURE SCHEDULE GUIDE, TUTORIAL PROBLEM ASSIGNMENTS FROM THE TEXTBOOK, AND TUTORIAL QUIZ TOPICS FALL 2008 Week Sep. 8-12 Approximate Lecture Schedule Guide Chapter 16 Chemical Kinetics Tutorial Problem Assignments Problems on Fundamental Chemistry Concepts, Stoichiometry, etc. Ch. 1 8, 48, 70, 73 Tutorial Quiz Topics There are no tutorials this week. Ch. 2 48, 52, 55, 57, 102 Ch. 3 22, 31, 32, 45, 54, 56 Ch. 4 106, 109, 110, 113 Sep. 15-19 Chapter 16 (continued) Ch. 12 Gases and Kinetic Molecular Theory 18, 30, 39, 47, 52, 86 Quiz #1 (1 question) Stoichiometry Ch. 16 Chemical Kinetics 14, 17, 32, 35, 42, 44 Sep. 22- 26 Sep. 29Oct.3 Chapter 16 (continued) Ch. 16 59, 66, 74 Chapter 17 Chemical Equilibrium Ch. 17 Chemical Equilibrium 21, 22, 25, 31, 41, 46 Chapter 17 (continued) Ch. 17 51, 59, 67, 75, 77 Quiz #3 (2 questions) One on Chemical Kinetics and one on Stoichiometry Quiz #4 (1 question) Chemical Equilibrium Chapter 18 Ionic Equilibria I. Acids and Bases Quiz #2 (1 question) Gases and Kinetic Molecular Theory Oct.6-10 Chapter 18 (continued) Ch. 18 Ionic Equilibria I. Acids and Bases 16, 22, 41, 44, 54, 78, 86 Oct. 13-17 Chapter 19 Ionic Equilibria II. Buffers and Titration Curves Ch. 19 Ionic Equilibria II. Buffers and Titration Curves 22, 24, 39, 46, 50, 56, 57, 60, 66 Quiz #5 (2 questions) One on Acids and Bases and one on Chemical Kinetics Chapter 19 (continued) Chapter 20 Ionic Equilibria III. Solubility Product Principle Ch. 20 Ionic Equilibria III. Solubility Product Principle 14, 17, 41, 44, 61 Review tutorials, no quizzes this week. Oct. 20-24 6 Week Oct. 27-31 Approximate Lecture Schedule Guide Chapter 20 (continued) Tutorial Problem Assignments Ch. 21 Electrochemistry 87, 91, 92, 95, 28, 30, 34, 66, 68, Chapter 21 Electrochemistry Tutorial Quiz Topics Quiz #6 (2 questions) One on Chemical Equilibrium and one on Salt Solutions Nov. 3-7 Chapter 21 (continued) Nov. 10-14 Chapter 5 The Structure of Atoms Ch. 5 The Structure of Atoms 45, 51, 56, 70, 74, 94, 95, 100, 114, 115, 120 Review tutorials, no quizzes this week. Nov. 17-21 Chapter 5 (continued) Ch. 7 Chemical Bonding 19, 38, 56 Quiz #8 (2 questions) One on Buffers and one on Galvanic Cells Quiz #7 (1 question) Solubility Product Principle Chapter 7 Chemical Bonding Nov. 24-28 Chapter 8 Molecular Structure Ch. 8 Molecular Structure 25, 38, 80, 81, 82, 85 Quiz #9 (1 question) Atomic Structure Dec. 1-5 Chemistry of Water Reading assignment will be given in class, on all these three topics. Quiz #10 (2 questions) One on Electrolysis and one on Atomic Structure Chemistry of Energy Sources Environmental Issues