Cover & PPA Policy C.Evans Revised January 2015 Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LR Telephone (01709) 864978 Fax (01709) 864996 Email: Head Teacher: Jo Barker Carr evansc Page 1 08/03/2016 INTRODUCTION This policy sets out how we will manage cover for absent teachers, and how PPA time (planning, preparation and assessment) will be organised. It is a statutory right for teachers to have 10% of their actual time spent teaching as PPA. COVER POLICY AIMS To ensure that the absence of teaching staff does not adversely affect children’s learning. Wherever possible, to provide cover from within the school to minimise the disruption to the pupils. LONG TERM ABSENCE (e.g. maternity cover, long term sickness, vacant or unfilled posts) Cover will be provided by qualified teachers who will fulfil all the responsibilities and duties of a class teacher. SHORT TERM ABSENCE (e.g. CPD activities, short term sick, compassionate leave) Cover will be arranged at the discretion of the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Key Stage leaders. This will usually involve using existing teachers to cover classes and could lead to some reorganisation of timetables and in some cases PPA time. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher To be responsible for appointing and selecting qualified teachers to cover for prolonged periods – e.g. maternity leave, long term sickness. To be responsible for the provision of suitable cover for all short term absences. Teacher to be covered In the case of planned absence, to supply effective lesson plans for all sessions to be covered. To liaise with the teacher / TA covering the lesson regarding the lesson objectives. Cover evansc Teacher To liaise when possible with the class teacher regarding the lesson objectives. To mark all work completed during the lesson. To leave the classroom tidy and ready for the next day / session. Page 2 08/03/2016 PLANNING, PREPARATION AND ASSESSMENT (PPA) POLICY The guiding principles behind the organisation of PPA are as follows: 1. To meet statutory requirements 2. To enhance children’s learning opportunities through a broadening of the curriculum. 3. To allow teachers to monitor, develop and enhance their areas of curriculum responsibility. 4. To meet staff needs and so improve their work / life balance. As a result of the above principles the following actions have been agreed. All teachers will have 10% of teaching time for PPA. If a teacher is absent due to sickness or medical appointments they may be required to forego their PPA time. There will be occasions when CPD opportunities e.g. courses, conferences, training days etc. form part or all of a teachers allocated PPA time for that week. In such cases they may be required to teach during their usual timetabled PPA session. (see CPD Policy) Teachers on PPA time will only be used to cover absent colleagues if no other member of staff is available to cover This policy will be kept under regular review to ensure that, not only are statutory requirements met but that the efficient and effective running of the school is enhanced. evansc Page 3 08/03/2016