stephen j



Associate Professor - Emeritus

Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear

Engineering Department

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, NY, 12180-3590


B.S.M.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1976

M.E.M.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1977

Ph.D. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1981


1977-1981 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Instructor

1981-1986 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Assistant Professor

1986-2010 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Associate Professor

1992-1994 Center for the Disabled - R&D Rehabilitation Engineer

1982-1991 GRASP, Inc. - President

1998-Present Distributed Robotic LLC – President

2001-2006 Co-Director Flexible Manufacturing Center

2010 Instructor Hudson Valley Community College

2011-Present Automation Director Pack Flow Concepts LLC


Ioxus Ultra-capacitors

Corning Life Sciences

General Electric Corporate Research and Development

Benet Weapons Laboratory of the Watervliet Arsenal

Center for the Disabled, Albany, NY

Tototech, LLC


US #4,919,586 The Closed Loop Assembly Micro Positioner

US #6,394,740 Material handling device

US #6,394,736 Bulk mail container unloading system, apparatus and method

US #6,565,308 Bulk mail container unloading system, apparatus and method

US #6,688,451 Tracked Based Robotic System

US #6,860,543 Mechanism for moving a door

US #6,910,519 Process and apparatus for assembly of wax trees

US #7,104,588 Mechanism for moving a door

US #7,147,032 Process and apparatus for assembly of wax trees

US #7,427,314 Desiccant container and method of manufacture

US #7,601,388 Method and apparatus for transferring thin films from a source position to a

Target Position

US #7,712,598 Robotic Tread System Having a Net-Zero Motion Head for Moving Objects


"Displacement Analysis of a Spatial 7R Mechanism - A Generalized

Lobster's Arm", J. Duffy and S.J. Derby, Transactions of the ASME

Journal of Mechanical Design, 101, 224-231, 1979.

"The Maximum Reach of a Revolute Jointed Manipulator", S.J. Derby,

Mechanisms and Machine Theory Journal, International Federation for the

Theory of Machines and Mechanism, 16 255-262, 1981.

"General Robot Arm Simulation Program, GRASP: Part 1; A Program to

Evaluate the Performance of Industrial Robots in Their Working

Environment", S.J. Derby, Proceedings of the ASME Engineering

Conference, 2, 139-146, 1982.

"General Robot Arm Simulation Program, GRASP: Part 2; Methods of

Joint Solutions and Reachable Volume", S.J. Derby, Proceedings of ASME

Computer Engineering Conference, 2, 147-154, 1982.

"Computer Graphic Robot Simulation Programs: A Comparison" S.J.

Derby, Robotics Research and Advanced Application, ASME Dynamic Systems

and Control Division Proceedings, 203-212, 1982.

"Simulating Motion Elements of General-Purpose Robot Arms", S.J.

Derby, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2, 3-12, 1983.

"The Deflection and Compensation of General Purpose Robot Arms", S.J.

Derby, Mechanisms and Machine Theory Journal, International Federation

for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 18, 445-450, 1983.

"Offline Programming of the Cincinnati Milacron T3 Industrial Robot",

E.C. Walker and S.J. Derby, Proceedings of the ASME Computer Integrated

Manufacturing Conference, 8, 75-82, 1983.

"The Microcomputer Interface of a Four Degree-of-Freedom Industrial

Robot", J.G. Rusnak and S.J. Derby, Proceedings of the ASME Computer

Engineering Conference, 2, 283-287, 1983.

"Offline Programming of Two Industrial Robots", S.J. Derby,

Proceedings of the ASME Computer Engineering Conference, 1, 125-131,


"Robotics in the RPI Advanced Manufacturing Lab", S.J. Derby,

Proceedings of the ASME Computer Engineering Conference, 2, 15-18,


"A Safety and Collision Avoidance System for Industrial Robots", J.

Graham, J. Meagher and S.J. Derby, Proceedings IEEE Industry

Applications Society Annual Meeting, 306-313, 1984.

"A Computer Integrated System for Design and Assembly of Cable

Harness. Part 1: Design and Applications", D. Bailey, S.J. Derby and M.

Steiner, Production Engineering Vol. 15, 231-237, 1985.

"A Safety and Collision Avoidance System for Industrial Robots",

Graham, J.H., Meagher, J.F., Derby, S.J., IEEE Transactions on Industry

Applications, Vol 1A-22, No 1, 195-203, 1986.

"The Computer Graphics Generation of Robot Programs Offline Using an

Advanced Personal Computer", Derby, S.J., Proceedings of the American

Society of Mechanical Engineers Computer Engineering Conference CED Vol

2, 117-120, 1986.

"An Application of Vertical Integration for the Assembly Process",

Derby, S.J., Steiner, M., Proceedings of the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers Computers in Engineering Conference, Vol 2,

185-190, Chicago, 1986.

"Computer Graphics Simulation of Robot Arms Using the GRASP Program",

S.J. Derby, Proceedings of the MIT CAD/CAM Conference, 192-199, 1982.

"Interactive Computer Graphics at RPI", S.J. Derby and R.N. Smith,

Mechanical Engineering, 104, 24-29, 1982.

"Motion Characteristics of General Purpose Robot Arms within the

GRASP Program", S.J. Derby, ASME Mechanisms Conference, Washington,

D.C., ASME Paper N0. 82-DET-22, 1982.

"A Robot Tank Gun Autoloader", S.J. Derby, Proceedings of the 4th

Meeting of the Coordinating Group on Modern Control, 263-277, 1982.

"Computer Graphics Simulation in Robotic Education", S.J. Derby,

Proceedings of the ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 156-161,


"Computer-Aided Engineering, Design and Manufacturing-- A Case Study

at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute", F.F. Ling, S.J. Derby, and R.N.

Smith, Proceedings of the National Conference on University Programs in

Computer-Aided Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Brigham Young

University, 105-108, 1983.

"Robot Safety/Collision Avoidance", J. Meagher, S.J. Derby, and J.

Graham, Professional Safety, 25, 14-17, 1984.

"GRASP: From Computer Aided Robot Design to Offline Programming",

S.J. Derby, Robotics Age, 6, 11-14, 1984.

"Offline Programming of Two Industrial Robots", S.J. Derby,

Proceedings of the Society of Manufacturing Engineering Robots 8

Conference, 2, 20/65-20/76, 1984.

"A Robot Safety and Collision Avoidance Controller", S.J. Derby, J.

Meagher and J. Graham, Proceedings of the Society of Manufacturing

Engineering Robots 8 Conference, 2, 21/33-21/43, 1984.

"The Practical Use of the Iterative Velocity Robot Kinematic

Solution", S.J. Derby, ASME Paper No. 84-DET-44, 1984.

"Offline Industrial Robot Programming Using APT", W.W. Olsen and S.J.

Derby, ASME Paper No. 84-DET-81, 1984.

"A Torque Release Coupling Test Stand", P. Anderson and S.J. Derby,

ASME Paper No. 84-DET-163, 1984.

"Computer Graphics Simulation of Industrial Robots Using an Advanced

Personal Computer Workstation", Derby, S.J., Society for Computer

Simulation, Proceedings from the Eastern Simulation Conference Vol 1,

65-70, 1986.

"The Arm Solution to Robotic Dip Soldering", Ruff, L.E., Bubeck,

K.B., Derby, S.J., Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robots 10

Conference Proceedings, Vol 1, 6/33-6/44, 1986.

"In Position: Simulating Robotic Workcells on a Micro", Derby, S.J.,

Computers in Mechanical Engineering, Vol 5, No 2, 34-37, 1986.

"Planning Collision Free Paths for Redundant Robots Using a Selective

Search of Configuration Space", Dupont, P.E., Derby, S.J., ASME

Technical Paper No. 86-DET-145, 1986.

"A Robot Gripper Design Program", Lee, C.S., Derby, S.J., ASME

Technical Paper No. 86-DET-38, 1986.

"A Solid Model Approach to the Design, Simulation, and Programming of

Robotic Assembly Workstations", Lang, R., Derby, S.J., Proceedings of

the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Computers In Engineering

Conference, Vol 2, pp 335-342, August 1987.

"Robotics in Education a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute", Derby,

S.J., Darlow, M., Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical

Engineers Computers In Engineering Conference, Vol 1, pp 185-188, August


"Path Planning of Redundant Robots for Aerospace Assembly", Dupont,

P., Derby, S.J., Proceedings of the Society for Manufacturing Engineers

FASTEC '87 Conference, pp 3/17-3/30, October 1987.

"Automated Path Planning of Industrial Robots: Part 1 Workspace and

Obstacles", Thakur, B., Derby, S.J., Proceedings of the American Society

of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, PED Vol 25, pp 381-394,

December 1987.

"Automated Path Planning of Industrial Robots: Part 2 Path Planning"

Obstacles", Thakur, B., Derby, S.J., Proceedings of the American Society

of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, PED Vol 25, pp 395-404,

December 1987.

"The Experimental Determination of the Positioning Inaccuracy of the

Cincinnati-Milacron T3 Robot", Bodur, I.N., Derby, S., USA-Japan

Symposium on Flexible Automation, Vol 1, pp 87-98, Minneapolis,

Minnesota, July 1988.

"An Information Architecture and Methodology for Estimating Robot

Assembly Cycle Time for Producibility Analysis", Steiner, M., Derby, S.,

ASME Computers In Engineering Conference, San Francisco, Vol 2, pp

383-396, August 1988.

"A Control System Using AML/X For The Two Arm APAT Robot", Santos,

A., Derby, S., ASME Computers In Engineering Conference, San Francisco,

Vol 2, pp 353-364, August 1988.

"The Offline Programming And Simulation Of A Dual Manipulator

Assembly Robot", Patt, T., Derby, S., ASME Computers In Engineering

Conference, San Francisco, Vol 2, pp 365-376, August 1988.

"Estimating Robot Assembly Cycle Time During Product Design, Part 1:

Algorithms", Steiner, M., Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference, Orlando,

Florida, Vol 3, pp 525-534, September 1988.

"Estimating Robot Assembly Cycle Time During Product Design, Part 2:

Case Studies", Steiner, M., Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference,

Orlando, Florida, Vol 3, pp 535-542, September 1988.

"Analysis and Modeling of the Positioning Inaccuracy of Industrial

Manipulators in Off-Line Programming, Part 1: Due to Static Forces and

Joint Clearances", Bodur, I.N., Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference,

Orlando, Florida, Vol 3, pp 383-392, September 1988.

"Analysis and Modeling of the Positioning Inaccuracy of Industrial

Manipulators in Off-Line Programming, Part 2: Due to Dynamic Forces",

Bodur, I.N., Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference, Orlando, Florida, Vol

3, pp 393-400, September 1988.

"A Two Phase Path Planning Algorithm for Robots with Six or More

Joints", Dupont, P., Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference, Orlando,

Florida, Vol 3, pp 415-428, September 1988.

"A Simple Heuristic Path Planner For Redundant Robots", Dupont, P.,

Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference, Orlando, Florida, Vol 3, pp

429-440, September 1988.

"Classification and Modeling of Cam-Follower Constraints in a

General-Purpose Multibody Dynamics Analysis Program", Haskins, T.,

Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference, Orlando, Florida, Vol 2, pp

167-176, September 1988.

"Computer Graphics Simulation of a Robotic Gripper Force Sensor", Wu,

R., Derby, S., ASME Mechanism Conference, Orlando, Florida, Vol 2, pp

231-238, September 1988.

"Non-Linear Multiple Regression Analysis of Position Measurement Data

of the PUMA 560 Robot", Wu, R., Derby., S., ASME Mechanism Conference,

Orlando, Florida, Vol 3, pp 561-567, September 1988.

"A New Method of Trajectory Generation for Robot Manipulators", Wu,

Rui-xiang, Derby, S., ASME Computers In Engineering Conference, Anaheim

Vol 1 pp 219-224, July, 1989.

"Simulation of Tactile Sensor of Robot Using Computer Graphics", Wu,

Rui-xiang, Derby, S., ASME Computers In Engineering Conference, Anaheim

Vol 1 pp 81-92, July, 1989.

"An Interactive Graphics Application for Computer Aided Development of

Inspection Programs for Coordinate Measurement Machines", Atkins, N.,

Derby, S., ASME Design Automation Conference, Vol 1 pp 213-222,

Montreal, Sept 1989.

"Precision Robotic Assembly using the CLAMP Robotic End Effector",

Derby, S., ASME Flexible Assembly Conference, Vol 1 pp 43-48, Montreal,

Sept 1989.

"The Closed Loop Assembly Micro-Positioner, CLAMP End Effector for

High Precision Robotic Assembly", Derby, S., Robots 13 Conference, Vol

1 pp 9/39-9/50, Gaithersburg, MD, May, 1989.

"High Accuracy Placement Using A Hybrid Robot/XY Table System", Derby.

S., PC Assembly Magazine, pp 26-31, August, 1989.

"Two-Phase Path Planning for Robots With Six or More Joints", Dupont,

P., Derby, S., ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 112, No 1, 50-58,

March 1990.

"Development of Part Acquisition and Insertion Routines Using the AIM

Database", Shah, P., Kraft, R., Derby, S., ASME Computers in Engineering

Conference Proceedings, Vol 1, 399-404, August 1990.

"Selective Use of Mechatronics When Designing Assembly Robots", Derby,

S., ASME Computers in Engineering Conference Proceedings, Vol 1,

579-582, August 1990.

"A Docking End Effector for a Two Arm Robot", Ducoste, J., Derby, S.,

ASME Mechanism Conference Proceedings, DE-Vol 26, 271-278, Sept 1990.

"New Teaching Methods for Assembly Robots", Derby, S., SME Robots 14

Conference Proceedings, Vol 1, November 1990.

"Robotic Assembly of Gears", Shrinivas, K., Derby, S., SME Automated

Assembly Conference Proceedings, Vol 1, November 1990.

"Mechatronics for Robotics", Derby, S., ASME Mechanical Engineering

Magazine, Vol 112, No. 7, 40-43, July, 1990.

"A Collision Check Program for the IBM SEDAB Two-Arm Robot", Eppinger,

M., and Derby, S.J., ASME Computers In Engineering Conference Preceedings,

2, 433-440, August 1991.

"Two Robot Arm Cooperative Path Planning Using String Stretching",

Schima, F., Derby, S.J., ASME Computers In Engineering Conference

Preceedings, 2, 489-495, August 1991.

"Estimating Robot Assembly Cycle Time During Product Design", Steiner,

M., and Derby, S.J., ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 114, No 1,

61-67, 1992

"Selective Use of Mechatronics When Designing Assembly Robots", Derby,

S.J., Mechatronics Systems Engineering, Vol 1, No 4, 261-268, 1992

"A Robotic Tool Transformation Teacher", Hunt, S., and Derby, S., ASME

Flexible Assembly Systems, Vol 48, 99-110, 1992.

"A Flexible 3-D Tactile Array Gripper Using Digitally Encoded

Sensors", Friedman, G., and Derby, S., ASME Flexible Assembly Systems, Vol

48, 111-118, 1992.

"A Divide and Conquer Method for Planning Collision Free Paths for Two

Cooperating Robots", Weaver, J., and Derby, S., ASME Mechanisms

Conference, Vol 45, 461-472, 1992.

"The Optimal Design of Mechanisms Employing a Synthesis Based Merit

Function", Gold, C., and Derby, S., ASME Mechanisms Conference, Vol 46,

621-632, 1992.

"Planning Collision Free Paths for Cooperating Robots Using a

Divide-and-Conquer C-Space Traversal Heuristic", Weaver, J.M., Derby,

S.J., ASME Design Technical Conference Vol DE-72, ASME, Minneapolis, Minn,

307-316, 1994

"A Hueristic Algorithm for Mobile Robots to Predict Reactions of

Dynamic Obstacles", Newcomer, J.L., Derby, S.J., ASME Design Technical

Conference Vol DE-72, ASME, Minneapolis, Minn, 371-376, 1994

Fidan, I., Merrick, M., Ruff, L., Derby, S., "Use of a Multi-Purpose Scara Cell in

Electronis Assembly Station", Proceedings of the International Robots and Vision Automation

Conference, SME, Detroit, MI, May 9, 1995, pp.4.1-4.10.

Fidan, I., Merrick, M., Ruff, L., Millard, D., Derby, S., "Automation Issues of SMD Automated

Rework Cell", IEEE ACC95 Conference, Vol 3, Cat # 95CH3573-6, Seattle Wash, June 22,

1995, pp. 2175-2177.

Fidan, I., Ruff, L., Derby, S., "Object Oriented Tool for Controlling a Multi-Purpose Robot

Cell", SPIE's Photonics East, Vol. 2588, Philadephia, Pa, Oct 24, 1995, pp. 117-125.

Fidan, I., Ruff, L., Derby, S., "Object Oriented Visual Inspection Tool for Ultra-Fine Pitch SMD

Components", SPIE's Photonics East, Vol. 2599, Philadephia, Pa, Oct 24, 1995, pp. 271-279.

Caratzas, P., Ruff, L., Derby, S., "Development of Automated Machine to Mark CAD Data

Cloth", 4th National Applied Mechanisms Conference, Conference Proceedings, Cincinnati, OH,

Dec 12, 1995.

Fidan, I., Ruff, L., Derby, S., "The Integration of a AMT Fully-Automated Rework Cell for Fine-

Pitch Surface Mounted Devices", CD-ROM Proceedings of the ASME 1996 Design Technical

Conferences, Paper No 96-DETC/FAS-1711, Irvine, CA, August 19-22, 1996.

Pulanco, W., Derby, S., "Design and Implementation of Linear Testbed For Encloder

Validation", CD-ROM Proceedings of the ASME 1996 Design Technical Conferences, Paper No

96-DETC/CIE-1438, Irvine, CA, August 19-22, 1996.

Levermore, D., Derby, S., "Optimizing Flexibility in a Sugar Packaging System", CD-ROM

Proceedings of the ASME 1996 Design Technical Conferences, Paper No 96-DETC/FAS-1360,

Irvine, CA, August 19-22, 1996.

Fidan, I., Ruff, L., Derby, S.,Kraft, R., "Designed Experiments to Analyze the Solder Joint

Quality Output of SMD Remanufacturing System", Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/CPMT

International Electronics Manufacturing Technology Symposium, pp.422-429, Austin, TX,

October 14-16, 1996.

Derby, S., and Cooper, C., "The Evolution of Robot Geometry and its Impact on Industry", Fifth

National Applied Mechanisms & Robotics Conference, Oct 1997,Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,

OH, paper AMR97-056.

Derby, S., "Robots, Manipulators and Their Future", Invited Presentation, Fifth National Applied

Mechanisms & Robotics Conference, Oct 1997, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH,

C. Cooper, and S. Derby, “Using Dual Track Cams for High Speed Rigid Body Motion”, ASME

Design Technical Conference, Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/MECH-5841, Sept 1998.

S. Derby, “Workcell Based Robot Design Methodologies”, ASME Design Technical Conference,

Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/MECH-5997, Sept 1998.

S. Derby, “Workcell Based Robot Design Program”, ASME Design Technical Conference,

Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/FLEX-6014, Sept 1998.

C. Cooper, and S. Derby, “Modular Automation Concepts: Opportunities and Challenges in

Industry”, ASME Design Technical Conference, Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/FLEX-

6016, Sept 1998.

S. Derby, and C. Cooper, “Teaching Modular Automation Concepts”, ASME Design Technical

Conference, Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/CIE-5505, Sept 1998.

B. Hunting, S. Derby, and R. Puffer, “A Bi-Directional Reflectance Function for Woven

Textiles”, ASME Design Technical Conference, Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/CIE-

5547, Sept 1998.

B. Hunting, S. Derby, and R. Puffer, “A Visualization Model for Printed Woven Textiles”,

ASME Design Technical Conference, Conference CD-ROM Paper DETC98/CIE-5550, Sept


I. Fidan, R. Kraft, L. Ruff, and S. Derby, “Integration Steps of a Fully-Automated

Remanufacturing Cell System used for Fine Pitch Surface Mounted Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technologies, Part C: Manufacturing, v. 21, n.1, pp.71-78, January 1998.

I. Fidan, R. Kraft, L. Ruff, and S. Derby, “Designed Experiments to Investigate the

Solder Joint Quality Output of a Prototype Automated Surface Mount Replacement

System”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing

Technologies, Part C: Manufacturing, v. 21, n.3, pp.172-181, July 1998.

"Design and Implementation of A Flexible Intelligent Electronics

Remanufacturing System" I. Fidan, R. Kraft, S. Derby,

'Electronics Manufacturing Issues' Pages: 83-90 ASME DE-Vol. 104

November 1999

“Motion Requirements for Flexible Parts Feeders”, S. Derby, A. Paster, 6 th

National Applied

Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, pages AMR-43-01 through AMR-43-08, Cincinnati, OH,

Dec 5-8, 1999

“Research in New Material Handling at RPI”, S. Derby, Warehouse of the Future Conference –

Orlando Florida, pages WOF-4-01 through WOF-4-5 , June 4, 1999

"Agile Automation Control Systems: The Hansford Assembly Flex Project", R.

Durante, S. Derby, ASME Flexible Assembly Conference, Baltimore, MD, pages FLEX

14046/1-6, September 11-13, 2000

"Quantitative Analysis Of An Agile Automation Control System Software", R.

Durante, S. Derby, ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, Baltimore, MD, pages CIE

14641/1-6, Sept 11-13, 2000

"Design of the Stackbot Cam Track Palletizer/Material Handling Device",

S. Derby, N. Kirchner, ASME Mechanisms Conference, Baltimore, MD, pages MECH 14131/1-

6, Sept 11-13, 2000

A Docking High Precision Removable Robotic End Effector, S. Derby, J.

McFadden, R. MacKean, and D. Brown, 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation,

Hiroshima, Japan, July 14-19, pp 1275-1279

Distributed Control of a Closed Loop Track Based Multi-Head Robot, S. Derby,

J. McFadden, K. Brookes, and D. Brown, 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation,

Hiroshima, Japan, July 14-19, pp 1415-1420

Design and Analysis of a Closed Loop Track Based Multi-Head Robot, S. Derby,

J. McFadden, K. Brookes, and D. Brown, 2002 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation,

Hiroshima, Japan, July 14-19, pp 1421-1426

A High Precision Robotic Docking End Effector For 1 Micron Accuracy, S. Derby and J.

McFadden, 2002 ASME DETC Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sept 2002, pp MECH 34340/1-5

Distributed Control of a Track Based Multi-Head Robot, S. Derby, and D. Brown, 2002 ASME

DETC Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sept 2002, pp CIE 34502/1-6

“A High Precision Robotics Docking End Effector”, S. Derby and J. McFadden,

Industrial Robot Journal, Vol 29, No 4, pp 354-358 July, 2002

“Distributed Control of a Track Based Multi-Head Robot”, S. Derby and D. Brown, Industrial

Robot Journal, Vol 30, No 3, pp 218-224 May, 2003

“Robotic Material Handling of Flexible Fuel Cell Membranes”, S. Derby and J. Lippiatt, ASME

DETC Conference, Long Beach, CA, Sept 2005, pp DETC2005-84174/1-9

“Pallet Leveling Sensor System”, B. Bringmann and S. Derby, 2005 ASME IMECE Conference,

Orlando, FL, Nov 2005, pp IMECE2005-79054/1-6

“Motion Characteristics of a Square Wheel Car”, S. Derby, K. Anderson, S. Winckler, J.

Winckler, ASME DETC Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Sept 2006, pp DETC2066-99140/1-9

Riddell S., Derby S, Malmborg C., Puffer R., “An Aggregate Planning and Scheduling Model for

Facility Planning in Fuel Cell Manufacturing”, Proceedings of the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers 5th International Fuel Cell Science and Technology Conference”, New

York, NY, June 2007.

Saunders, G., Derby, S., Abdoun, T.

“ Auxiliary Axis for Rensselaer’s Geotechnical Centrifuge

Center In-Flight Robot – Design Considerations”,

Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers DETC Conference, Las Vegas

NV, DETC2007-34378, September 2007.

Ni, D., Derby, S., “Low Cost Automation for Candy Manufacturing: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers DETC Conference, New York, NY,

DETC2008-49485, August 2008

Derby, S., “Treadbot multi-head robot for high throughput applications”, Industrial Robot Journal, pp 108-115, March 2008

Derby, S., Eckert, E., Brown, D., McFadden, J., “The compact FlowBot: a robotic pick and place motion system”, Industrial Robot Journal, pp 106-110, March 2013.


Derby, S.J., “Design of Automatic Machinery”, Marcel Decker October 2004


Derby, S.J., "Mechatronic Techniques in Manufacturing and Automated

Systems", Manufacturing and Automation Systems: Techniques and

Technologies, Part 2 of 5, Vol 46, Academic Press, 1991, pp. 123-136


"Automatic Unloading and Assembly System", Norton Industries,

September 1981 - May 1982.

"Robotic Lab Equipment Grant", Society of Manufacturing Engineers,

January 1982.

"Robot Safety/Collision Avoidance: Phase II", Industrial Consortium,

September 1982 - August 1983.

"Cable Harness Assembly", IBM, September 1982 - May 1985.

"Torque Overload Coupling", Eastman Kodak, January 1983 - May 1983.

"Design of a Tank Gun Autoloader", Watervliet Arsenal, January 1983 -

December 1983.

"Robot Application Evaluation", IBM, September 1983 - December 1983.

"Robot Safety/Collision Avoidance: Phase III", Industrial Consortium,

September 1983 - August 1984.

"Collet Polishing", Hardinge Corp, September 1983 - May 1984.

"Workcell Design, Simulation and Control", Digital Equipment Corp.,

September 1983 - December 1983.

"Robot Design Evaluation", Robotics Inc., October 1983 - December


"Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Product/Process Design",

Industrial Consortium, January 1984 - December 1986.

"Refinements of a Tank Gun Autoloader", Watervliet Arsenal, May 1984

- December 1984.

"Kinematic Problems Related to Robot Arm Deflections", National

Science Foundation, April 1984 - September 1986.

"Wafer Cleaning and Drying - Phase I", IBM, July 1984 - November


"Wafer Cleaning and Drying - Phase II", IBM, January 1985 - July


"Die Finishing", General Motors, October 1985 - December 1986.

"Automatic Fastening Technology", Industrial Consortium, May 1986

-December 1988.

"Die Finishing - Phase 2", General Motors, September 1986 - August


"Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Product/Process Design -Phase

2", Industrial Consortium, January 1987 - December 1989.

"Die Finishing Project", Co-Principal Investigator, General Motors,

January 1989 - December 1989.

"Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Product/Process Design -Phase 1",

Co-Principal Investigator, Industrial Consortium, January 1989 - December


"NASA CIRSSE Grant", Co-Principal Investigator, January 1989 - December


"Intelligent Robot Gripper", Co-Principle Investigator, June 1989 -

December 1989.

"NASA CIRSSE Grant", Co-Principal Investigator, January 1990 - December


"Robotic Handling of Garments", Co-Principal Investigator, Defense

Logistic Agency - Fashion Institute of Technology, January 1990 -December


"Fundamental Issues of Two Arm Assembly", Principal Investigator,

New York state CAT, July 1990 - December 1990.

"NASA CIRSSE Grant", Co-Principal Investigator, January 1991 -December


"Robotic Kitchen Aids for the Disabled", Principal Investigator, New

York state CAT, July 1991 - December 1991.

"NASA CIRSSE Grant", Co-Principal Investigator, January 1992 - October


"Robotic Kitchen Aids for the Disabled", Principal Investigator,

New York state CAT, Jan 1992 - May 1992.

"Design of Mechatronic Systems" NSF Instrumentation and Laboratory

Improvement/Leadership in Laboratory Development", July 1993, co-Principal


"Electronic Printing of Textiles", Artesan Textiles and NYSERDA, Investigator, $437,297 Apr

1994-Mar 1996.

"Mechantronics Resource Lab", New York State CAT, PI with Kevin Craig, July 1, 1995-Dec

30, 1995.

"Design of Automated Level Sensor Tipoff", Spectron, June 1996.

"Electronic Printing of Textiles", Artesan Textiles and NYSERDA, Investigator, Apr 1994-Mar


"Assembly of Arm and Spring Component into the 1NT Sensor: Phase I", Principal Investigator,

June 1996-Dec 1996.

SME Manufacturing Grant, Co-Author with 4 others, July1996-Dec 1996.

Apparel Research Network, Principal Investigator, 1996.

"Spray Application Concepts", Germania Dairy, Pricipal Investigator, June 1996.

"Pipe Crawling Robot Navigation System, Phase I", Principle Investigation, CUES, Inc., Jan -

May 1997.

"Pipe Crawling Robot Navigation System, Phase II", Principle Investigation, CUES, Inc., Sept -

Dec 1997.

"Assembly of Solitaire Rings", PI, Tiffanys, July-Dec 1997.

"Flexible Assembly GUI, Phase I", PI, Hansford, July-Oct 1997.

"Flexible Assembly GUI, Phase II", PI, Hansford, Nov 1997 - Jan 1998

"Ferrite Core Handling", PI, Philips, Nov 1997-Mar 1998.

"Paper Handling Evaluation", co-PI, Dec 1997 - May 1998.

“Vision Based Inspection Continuation” B&L, PI, December 2002-October 2003

“Vision Based Inspection Continuation” B&L, PI, November 2003-December 2004

“Fuel Cell Membrane Manufacturing”, Pemeas, 2001-2008

“Robotic Design for Centrifuge”, National Science Foundation, 2003-2006


Associate Editor, 1987-1990, for the Mechanism Committee section

Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of

Mechanism, Transmissions, and Automation in Design.

Reviewer of technical papers for the following organizations:

ASME Design Division Mechanism Group

ASME Design Division Design Automation Group

ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division

ASME Computer Engineering Group

IEEE Robotics and Automation Conferences

The International Journal for Robotic Research

Mechanisms and Machine Theory Journal


American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Associate Member since 1977

Material Handling Engineering Division Officer 2003-2008

Session Chairman and Vice Chairman of Mechanisms Conference

Elected to 6 year term, 1987 - 1992 to the ASME

Mechanisms Committee.

Elected to 6 year term, 2001 - 2006 to the ASME

Mechanisms Committee.

Papers Review Chairman ASME Mechanisms Conference

1987-1988 Outside North America Papers

1989-1990 North American Papers

Associate Editor Transactions of the ASME Journal of

Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design

ASME Fellow 2005

Robotics International of Society of Manufacturing Engineers
