Iowa Beef Backer 2011 Application

Call for Entries: 2011 IOWA Beef Backer Award
This prestigious award program honors commercial and noncommercial foodservice operations that go the extra mile in
menuing and marketing beef—from creative beef menu items to promotion, waitstaff training and more. If that’s you, we’d
like to give you some well-deserved recognition.
Iowa Beef Backer Award recipients will receive:
Publicity in local and state media
An award plaque
Iowa’s entry in the National Beef Backer Award
Here’s how to enter…
Who May Enter
Any restaurant located in Iowa may enter.
Each entry form must be completed in its entirety
and must include a sample menu. Please feel free to
include anything else to demonstrate why you believe
your foodservice establishment should receive the
Iowa Beef Backer Award.
Submissions Process
Entries must be received on or before August 15,
Selection Criteria
Foodservice operators that exhibit leadership and
innovation in beef menuing and promotion.
Creativity—Using beef in fresh ways that showcase its
menu versatility
Quality—Consistent excellence of beef menu items
Quantity—Beef menu share and/or beef used in
multiple day parts (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner)
Promotion—Advertising and promotions featuring beef
Coaching—Waitstaff training to enhance beef sales and
the dining experience
Cuts—Use of innovative or new beef cuts (e.g., Flat
Iron, Petite Tender, Ranch Steak, Delmonico, Boneless
Country-Style Beef Ribs, Round Petite Tender)
Awards Presentation
Iowa’s winning entry will be contacted on or before
September 2, 2011.
Announcement and publicity plans will be coordinated
after the winner has been contacted.
National Beef Backer Award: All state beef councils
can submit their state winners.
There will be one winner in each of the following
three categories:
 Chain Operator (10+ units,
commercial or noncommercial)
 Independent Operator
(commercial or noncommercial)
 Innovator of the Year (chain or
independent, commercial or noncommercial)
This special honoree will be chosen at the
judges’ discretion based on all those who
demonstrate excellence promoting innovative
and new beef cuts.
 Decision of judges/selection committee is final.
National Beef Backer Award winners will be
invited (expenses-paid) to the Cattle Industry
Annual Conference (February 2012). National
Beef Backer winners will also enjoy having their
achievement announced in a special publicrelation campaign, allowing them to benefit from
press on the local, regional and national levels.
Entry Procedure
To ensure that your entry is given full consideration,
please follow these instructions:
 Fully complete the application form.
 Franchise entries must submit a letter of support
from their headquarter office.
 Provide either a copy or an original menu from
your operation.
 Beef it up! You may also provide any relevant
beef merchandising materials, including POS
materials, staff and/or customer educational
materials, videos, photos of beef displays, beefrelated advertising and publicity efforts,
community outreach programs, or any additional
information to document your efforts.
Entries can be sent to:
Iowa Beef Industry Council
Iowa Beef Backer
PO Box 451
Ames, IA 50010
Note that entries can be eliminated if the
selection criteria are not met.
Please feel free to use additional pages to
answer the questions below.
Winner will be recognized at the Iowa beef industry’s
annual conference in December 2011.
Iowa’s winner will have the opportunity to compete for
the national award. Iowa Beef Industry Council staff will
assist in preparing the national application. National
submission deadline is October 1, 2011.
2011 IOWA Beef Backer Award Entry Form
Award Category (Check one): □ Independent □ Chain
General Foodservice Establishment Information:
Company/Establishment name: ____________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ________________Zip: __________
Phone: _________________________Fax: __________________________________________
Key contact: _________________________ Title: ______________________Email address: ______________________
Type of menu/cuisine: _______________ Number of units: ______________ Number of years in business: ___________
Number of employees: ____________ Hours of operation: __________ What percentage of your menu is beef: ________
Volume (in pounds) of beef purchased per month: _____________ Beef distributor/purveyor name: _________________
If applicable, please describe your working relationship with
your beef distributor or purveyor.
How is your beef purchased? (check all that apply)
□ Boxed Beef
□ Portion Control Cuts
□ Value Added (marinated, seasoned, pre-cooked)
What is the most frequently purchased beef item in your
List all beef cuts on the menu. For example: Sirloin, Flat Iron,
Brisket, Strip, tenderloin, T-Bone.
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________
Tell us about the beef you purchase (grade, brand, etc.).
3. _______________________________________________
If applicable, do you serve beef at all day parts-breakfast,
lunch and dinner?
Do you feature beef as an ingredient (e.g., salads, pasta, stirfries, etc.)?
Have you recently created new menu items with beef? If yes,
please describe.
Do you feature beef specials?
What do your customers say about your beef?
Have you participated in any Iowa Beef Council Promotions?
Have you ever visited □ Yes □ No
Do you subscribe to BEEFfoodservice Quarterly? □ Yes □ No
(If no, please visit our website to subscribe.)
Please describe why your operation should be recognized as a
leader in beef menuing and promotion (may attach additional
Entry Submission Checklist:
 Completed Application
 Menu (may be copy instead of original)
 Any relevant photos, tapes, videos or relevant
materials that document your efforts
 Entries are due August 15, 2011
For more information, please contact Michelle Baumhover,
Director of Consumer Marketing, Iowa Beef Industry
Council at 515-296-2305 or