Answer Key

HANDOUT: Case Scenarios
Trainer’s Scenario Answer Key
For the first two youth, Rudy and Evangeline, review the case scenarios to identify
information needed for the SOC 405E, Exit Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster
Care Quarterly Statistical Report and brainstorm which services/resources will assist the
youth in a successful transition to independent living. (Please note that each county will
have a unique data collection system to complete the SOC 405E. The trainer/facilitator
should review the local procedure, but also ensure that the correct information is
collected for data entry and analysis.)
1. Identify the information that will be submitted on the SOC 405E.
2. Identify the additional information needed in order accurately complete the SOC
3. Brainstorm services/resources that will assist each youth towards successful
independent living.
The third scenario involves a 15-year-old (Sophia). For this scenario, brainstorm what
the social worker can do to address transition issues at this earlier stage to try and
prepare the youth for permanency or transition.
Rudy Desmond
The social worker for Rudy has recently retired and Rudy’s case has not yet been
reassigned. The records state that Rudy remains in the foster home of Mr. and Mrs.
Whitman. Rudy has completed high school has received his diploma and plans to enlist
in the Air Force within two months. The plan is for Rudy to stay with the Whitman family
and pay rent until he leaves for boot camp. Rudy has a part time job at McDonald's.
Rudy received ILS Services beginning at age 16 ½.
What information can be added to the SOC 405E based on Rudy’s current
What information is still needed to complete the SOC 405E and what is the best
way to gather that information?
What additional casework services should or could the social worker have
provided to ensure that Rudy has sufficient resources for successfully
transitioning to independent living?
The following information is available for the SOC 405E:
Part A: Youth whereabouts is known
Part B: Youth has received his HS diploma
Part C: Youth has obtained part time employment
Youth has enlisted in the military
Part D: Youth has made arrangements to live with caregiver and pay rent
Part F: Rudy had ILS services
The following information is needed from Rudy and/or the foster parents:
Part C: Additional financial information such as savings, checking accounts,
applications for any other financial aid or financial support
Part E: Verifying Medical or other medical coverage
Part G: Discussing with Rudy or the foster parents and permanency connections
for Rudy.
Rudy is in a stable home and plan to enlist in the Air Force. His ongoing medical needs
and financial supports will be met. A discussion with Rudy on possible feelings of
leaving his foster parents for a new environment and what supports may be needed for
Rudy to successfully adapt to the military would be important. What permanency
connections can Rudy rely on “when things get tough”? What resources might be
available if Rudy is overwhelmed? Having Rudy connect with Air Force social services
may be an option. Developing a “connection plan” (email, phone, visits, etc.) once Rudy
is assigned a permanent station, may help Rudy adapt to a new life in the Air Force.
Evangeline Garcia
Evangeline (age 19) has completed her GED and plans to enroll in a local community
college the next semester. Evangeline is now living in a transitional housing program,
but plans to move in with her aunt before the case closes. Her aunt will allow her to stay
for free and her aunt’s house is very close to the community college. Evangeline is a
member of an Indian tribe and was a child under ICWA. The records show that she has
a matched savings account and will be receiving Tribal Financial Assistance.
Evangeline participated in ILS services at age 17. She reports having permanency
connections with three aunts and a tribal elder.
What information can be added to the SOC 405E based on Evangeline’s current
What information is still needed to complete the SOC 405E and what is the best
way to gather that information?
What additional casework services should or could the social worker have
provided to ensure that Evangeline has sufficient resources for successfully
transitioning to independent living?
Are there any other services that might be of assistance to Evangeline prior to
closing her case?
The following information is available for the SOC 405E:
Part A: Youth whose whereabouts is known during the report quarter
Part B: Youth who received a General Equivalency Degree (GED):
Youth who plan to enroll in college during the next available quarter/semester
Part C: Youth with an Individual Development Account (IDA) (Matched Savings
Account): Youth who are receiving Tribal Financial Assistance:
Part D: Youth who have made arrangements to live free of rent with someone other than
Part F: Youth who received Independent Living Services prior to aging out or legally
emancipating from Foster Care
Part G: Youth who reported that they have a permanency connection to at least one
adult that they can go to for support, advice and guidance (e.g., parents, current
caregiver, or other adult)
The following information is needed from Rudy and/or the foster parents:
Part E: Verifying Medical or other medical coverage
Evangeline has many strengths and has a good connection to extended family and tribe
as well as a rich cultural heritage. While developmentally well on her way to
successfully transitioning to independence, familial issues may still be of significant
concern. Has Evangeline addressed issues of abuse and neglect? Is she able to have
successful peer or long/term intimate relationships? While these concerns are not
officially “tracked”, nevertheless these are important developmental issues that need to
be addressed. Providing Evangeline with information/referrals or engaging the family in
discussions about areas that are difficult for Evangeline and framing her actions as
choices, may assist Evangeline in reaching out to others when needed.
Sophia Parker
Sophia is 15 years old and has been AWOL from her group home placement for three
months. Sophia should have 60 high school credits, but she currently has none. Sophia
refuses to participate in ILS services. Sophia has a maternal grandmother who has
regular contact with Sophia, however Sophia does not tell her grandmother where she
is and what she is doing. The maternal grandmother has been active in Sophia’s life.
What additional casework services could the social worker provide now to ensure
that Sophia has sufficient resources for successfully transitioning to independent
The SOC 405E would not be completed at this time, but the actions of the social worker
could lead to better exit outcomes when Sophia does transition out of the child welfare
Sophia is a challenge. Trying to connect with her will be difficult. Nevertheless, Sophia
has strengths that can be built upon. Possible steps:
 Providing information and resources to Sophia’s grandmother and partnering with
her to gain better access to Sophia;
 Brainstorming with Sophia’s grandmother about other individuals or community
members who may have a positive connection with Sophia and may do outreach
to Sophia;
 When possible, building trust with Sophia by engaging in a conversation about
what she wants for herself and seeking some common ground;
 Working with Sophia and her grandmother to build a positive reinforcement
system that is relevant to Sophia;
 Exploring placement with Sophia’s grandmother.