walsall borough strategic partnership

Agenda Item 4a
Minutes of the Board Meeting
held on Monday, 12 April, 2010
commencing at 4.30 p.m.
in a Conference Room, Council House, Walsall
In Attendance:
Core Members:
Councillor Mike Bird (Chair)
DCI Neil Evans – West Midlands Police
Gary Fulford – Walsall Housing Group
Denise McLellan – NHS Walsall
John Murray – Chamber of Commerce
Akshay Parikh – Walsall Regeneration Company
Paul Sheehan – Walsall MBC
Ian Willetts – Walsall Voluntary Action
Support Team:
Glenys Ensor – Walsall MBC
Tim Ferguson – Walsall Partnership
Jo Lowndes – Walsall Partnership
Jane Murray – Walsall Partnership
Steph Simcox – Walsall MBC
Clive Wright – Walsall Partnership
Liz Connolly – Walsall Partnership
John Garner – Walsall MBC
Jamie Morris – Walsall MBC
The Chairman welcomed all the parties present to the meeting. The Partnership
received the following apologies for this meeting:Paul Bradley – Government Office West Midlands
John Brown – West Midlands Fire Service
Chief Superintendent Kevin Bullas – West Midlands Police
Kevin Griffiths – Government Office West Midlands
Councillor Ian Shires – Walsall MBC
DCI Neil Evans for Chief Superintendent Kevin Bullas – West Midlands Police.
Agenda Item 4a
Items of Correspondence
Wolverhampton University
A copy of an email was submitted:(see annexed)
Clive Wright reported that correspondence had been received from
Wolverhampton University requesting a place on the Partnership Board; he
confirmed that further and higher education was represented by Amarjit Basi
from Walsall College. Members considered the request and it was:Resolved
That the request from Wolverhampton University for a seat on the Partnership
Board be rejected.
Government Office for the West Midlands
Correspondence from Government Office West Midlands advising that John
Perkins was now our Lead Director for LA, LSP and locally related business had
been received:(see annexed)
That the correspondence be noted.
Walsall Regeneration Company – New Focus
A copy of the presentation was submitted:(see annexed)
Akshay Parikh attended the meeting and gave a brief presentation on the
Walsall Regeneration Company (WRC) – New Focus and referred to the key
issues to be addressed as well as the delivery of projects to date. The projects
covered approximately 20% of the borough’s geographical area as well as the
Darlaston Strategic Development Area around the IMI site north of the motorway
just past junction 10 and north of the area in Birchills and Leamore. This would
link with the initiatives that had been rolled out by the strategic regional
framework in Darlaston and Willenhall AAP.
Akshay went through the key issues and indicated that Walsall suffered from a
skills deficit in the 16-24 age group and it was necessary to attract a highly
skilled workforce; manufacturing and engineering had left the area. The town
centre was perceived to be of poor quality, WRC was working with Think Walsall
to promote local jobs and procurement opportunities within the borough for the
Agenda Item 4a
Tesco development. Over the next 5-7 years WRC was looking to the private
sector to help drive the agenda forward and it was essential that they had
confidence to invest and develop in Walsall.
The residential development at the Waterfront should be completed in 2012 and
it was necessary to improve retail and leisure over the town centre area; WRC
had been requested to produce a regeneration scheme for the town centre and it
was expected that the scheme should be prepared by December, 2010.
There was an interlinking between the schemes with some running concurrently;
the big project would be around creating office accommodation in the heart of
the town centre to attract businesses to relocate along Littleton Street. WRC had
worked closely with the Manor Hospital and land fronting Pleck Road / Hospital
and Birchills would be used to link communities with regeneration. There was
significant investment on the Waterfront site and it was important to capitalise on
that and to extend it; work was on going with the local authority, hospital and ISL
and it was necessary to link the hospital back to the Art Gallery and into Park
Street. Investigations were taking place into the use of Section 106 contributions
to augment this, ongoing maintenance would also need to be considered and
‘not for profit’ organisations were being sought to take this forward. The success
of this would place WRC in a strong position to negotiate with Urban Splash.
With regard to the town centre, the bus station, railway station and leisure
facilities, these were being given consideration but any proposals would depend
on the economic climate. Public transport and car parking was a key issue and it
was necessary to consider public safety as well as the health services and youth
With regards to Darlaston, consideration would need to be given to potential end
users for the site as well as the green agenda, this would be linked with Building
Schools for the Future and regeneration in terms of housing let regeneration.
With regards to the Gigaport, an outline planning approval had already been
gained; the police and the local authority were looking for a site within the area.
The Board was advised that the two main targets were the Gigaport scheme and
the Town Centre Regeneration Framework Strategy document which would add
vibrancy to the agenda and the Board’s endorsement was requested. The WRC
was working closely with the Homes and Communities Agency and Total Place.
He also referred to the acquisition of a site for a new depot for Walsall; WHG
moving into Littleton Street; negotiations with Serco to bring 700 jobs into
Walsall; these were some of the activities currently ongoing. Discussions had
also been taking place with the Jerome K Jerome society and requested that
consideration be given to the erection of a statue of him in the borough for his
anniversary; consideration was being given to the use of Section 106 funding for
this purpose.
In response to questions, Mr. Parikh confirmed the discussions had been taking
place with Economic Development and governance would be put in place for the
decision-making structure. It was anticipated that a meeting would be convened
which would consist of the Chair of Walsall Partnership and Steering Group
together with other appropriate representatives to include the Partnership and
Agenda Item 4a
neighbourhood management to consider town centre issues, e.g. safety,
transport etc.
The Chair confirmed that the Town Centre Strategy would be drawn up by
officers of the Council who would work in conjunction with WRC.
Mr. Parikh referred to the need to include a support mechanism for Tesco and to
consider a wider retail offer around the town centre and their staffing implications
arising from the new development.
The Chairman referred to the market relocation which was due for renewal in
November and an upturn in trade had been recorded as a result of the move to
the current site.
That the presentation be noted.
Declarations of Interest/Any Other Business
There were no declarations of interest or Any Other Business.
Draft minutes of meeting held on 8 February, 2010
The minutes of the meeting held on 8 February, 2010 were submitted:(see annexed)
That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February, 2010 be approved and
signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Performance Reward Grant
The original and revised report were submitted:(see annexed)
Clive Wright confirmed that there were some figures in the original report that
were incorrect and it was confirmed that table 6.4 and 6.6 had been marginally
The Board noted that the funding for the Young People’s Advisor has been
withdrawn due to there being insufficient evidence of sustainability.
Agenda Item 4a
As a result of the uncertainty of the allocation of Performance Reward Grant, it
was suggested that £136,000 be held back from Local Neighbourhood
Partnerships and £42,000 be held back from Working Smarter, this would avoid
an overspend if the full grant was not forthcoming.
With regard to the Bloxwich Fire Service property, Denise McLellan stated that
this would create a detached, stand-alone unit when efforts were being made to
link public sector buildings.
Members were concerned at the cost of providing funding for the Bloxwich Fire
Service property and after consideration it was:Resolved
That the request for funding the project in connection with the domestic
abuse response team be deferred to the next Board meeting for clarity
with regard to: Sufficient funding being available;
 Whether there was an alternative less expensive option available.
That with regard to project reference 9, Working Smarter, the proposals
contained in appendix 1 be approved subject to the Partnership support
team being included on a rent-free basis;
That the Programme Paragon Walsall (Capital) (reference no. 10) be
approved as set out in appendix 1 to the original report;
That project reference 11, Partnership Premises Refurbishment be
approved as set out in appendix 1 to the original report.
Public Sector Efficiencies – Asset Management
Clive Wright circulated the notes of a recent meeting regarding this matter:(see annexed)
Denise McLellan referred to the challenges faced by the public sector to
increase efficiency and referred to a 30% reduction in management costs that
would be required by 2014.
The paper circulated was produced as a result of a 3 hour workshop attended by
NHS Walsall, Walsall Council, Police, Fire Service and Walsall Housing Group to
address the issue. During the process it was recognised that partners carried out
a number of functions that were the same for example Estate Management, and
it was felt that these functions could be carried out more efficiently, there was no
strong leadership or governance that could bring this together and the issue
related to prioritising work.
One of the outcomes that emerged from the meeting related to prioritising work
that could be carried out better although there was no clear data collection
analysis process.
Agenda Item 4a
Ms. McLellan referred to the need to strengthen the role of Walsall Partnership in
taking on public sector activity in order to capitalise on the energy generated by
the workshop and to make the best use of public sector services in Walsall and
identify some key issues to move forward. She felt that one of the key issues
was to make the Walsall Partnership Board more effective in generating
efficiencies across the whole of the public sector and consider how we could
create some priorities; how groups could be challenged to ensure that their focus
was on service delivery rather than the status quo. The Board considered ways
of driving forward change and efficiencies and the Chief Executive requested
Members to consider where the biggest savings could be achieved over the next
1-3 years, test the legality of ceasing to provide them or reducing funding and
submit the information to next meeting.
That the Chief Executives of the bodies represented by this Board convene a
meeting to agree the process to drive through the efficiencies and submit their
outcome to the June meeting.
Total Place Strategies
Neighbourhood Management
Clive Wright reported on the progress to date and confirmed that three
Neighbourhood Managers had been recruited, one from the Council’s
redeployment register and two from Walsall Housing Group; there were some
issues to resolve on the posts from NHS Walsall and an external advertisement
had now been placed.
The neighbourhood management process would run with Habanero’s part of the
Council’s Working Smarter process working with the leadership group on ways
that the organisations respond to data gathering in respect of the neighbourhood
management areas and closer investigations into the pilot area which had been
chosen. Darlaston had been chosen for this process which would take place
over the next 3-4 weeks.
With regards to data and leadership, the key criterion was to drive some
efficiencies and cost benefits as well as improving the engagement of customers
in the process and on influencing decisions. A number of local authorities had
also expressed an interest in this process.
That the report be noted.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Clive Wright reported that there were two anti-social behaviour working groups,
one had been set up by Overview and Scrutiny and the Anti-social Behaviour
Strategy had been agreed and submitted to Government Office West Midlands.
In view of this, it was agreed that a separate group of the Board would not be
Agenda Item 4a
That the report be noted.
Raising Aspirations
Clive Wright referred to the need to consider whether any impact was being
made on unemployment and whether business activity was increasing in
Walsall, work on raising the aspirations of young people to prevent NEETs had
commenced. It was considered that work on this should be carried out by others
and that the Board should cease their work on this.
That the report be noted.
Operating of Board and Executives
A report was submitted:(see annexed)
Clive Wright referred to the inconsistencies in attendance at Executive Groups
as a result of substitutions when members were unavailable to attend. It was
considered that the purpose of the Executive Groups should change in order that
performance issues could be addressed and relevant persons brought to
account, for example, failures of Local Area Agreements. The workshop had
identified the need to realign the strategic planning process and suggested that
the Executive Group deals with this. More work was needed on organisational
change and efficiencies across the public sector to ensure we work together
better where this had been agreed.
It was noted in paragraph 2.1.5:Delete ‘Stronger’ and insert ‘Safer Walsall’.
That the purpose of the Walsall Partnership Executive Group be changed
to focus on:(a) dealing with performance issues;
(b) aligning strategic planning;
(c) aligning organisational change to deliver efficiencies whilst
maintaining services.
The Membership of the Group to be the Chief Executives of Walsall
Council, NHS Walsall and Walsall Voluntary Action and the Chief
Superintendent of Walsall Police;
That the Total Place strategies become independent task and finish groups
led by Board Members, reporting into the Walsall Partnership Board (not
through the Executives).
Agenda Item 4a
That the prosperity, raising aspirations work stream cease;
That the anti-social behaviour work stream be delegated to the Safer
Walsall Partnership with Kevin Bullas continuing to lead;
That summits be held 2-4 times per year to include and involve senior staff
within the organisations.
For Information
(i) Walsall Partnership Audit Report
A report was submitted:(see annexed)
That the contents and the recommendations made in the Audit Report attached
at appendix 1 be noted.
(ii) Performance Reward Grant Audit Report
The Performance Reward Grant Audit Report was submitted:(see annexed)
That the recommendations contained in the Audit Report attached at appendix 1
be noted.
(iii) Public Services Workforce Network
The Public Services Workforce Network (PSWN) development of core
competencies report was submitted:(see annexed)
That the progress made by the PSWN in identifying critical workforce
issues and plans to address these issues be noted;
That the proposed framework for a set of core competencies, which will be
reported in detail to a future Board meeting, be supported.
Any Other Business
Child Poverty
Tim Ferguson reported that a consultation paper had been received on child
poverty; a response was in preparation but consultation would close on the 18
June, just before the next meeting of the Board. He requested that approval be
given to the Chair of the Board to sign off the response.
Agenda Item 4a
That the response to the child poverty consultation be circulated to all Partners
prior to sign off by the Chair and, if appropriate, consideration be given to a joint
statement being prepared.
The Chief Executive referred to a conference in respect of the new Equalities Act
and it was agreed that the Head of Equalities attend the next meeting to submit
a 15-minute presentation on the Equalities Act.
Date and Time of next meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting take place on Monday, 21 June, 2010 at
4.30 p.m. at a venue to be confirmed.
Termination of Meeting
The meeting terminated at 5.50 p.m.