HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT a meeting of the Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Prospect House, Hexham on Monday 5 November 2012 at 6.45 pm, when the following items will be discussed:AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Declarations of interest - planning applications only. [See memorandum enclosed]. To consider Planning Applications received [list enclosed]. [at 7.00 pm approximately] Apologies for absence. Council will hear residents on any matters they may wish to raise in regard to Hexham. To agree the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 1 October 2012 enclosed. Matters arising, if any. Declarations of interest. [See memorandum enclosed] Accounts for Payment [list enclosed]. Committee reports:a. To receive minutes of Finance and General Purposes Committee meetings held on 25 June 2012; 10 September 2012 and 8 October 2012, enclosed. b. To receive minutes of the Remembrance and Armed Forces Days Committee meeting held on 8 October 2012, enclosed. Correspondence. Ms. Tina Drury of Isos Ltd., Executive Director Customers & Communities will speak on Grass cutting standards. Minute 5575a refers. Well Being Survey. Minute 5589 refers. Copy of Executive Summary enclosed. Hon. Steward and Bailiff of Hexham 2012. Nominations are requested for the position of Honorary Steward and Bailiff of Hexham 2012. [Please note nominees are not to be approached by the nominator]. Hexham in Bloom – Cllr J V R Hare to report. Minute 5600 refers. To approve audit report for 2012/13, See enclosed memorandum. To comment on proposed removal of no waiting restrictions at Nent Grove; Maidens Walk and Rede Avenue. See consultation detail enclosed. Any urgent matters at the Chairman of the meetings discretion. [Matters to be raised under this item should be written out [if possible] and handed to the Chairman of the meeting or the Clerk of the Council before the meeting begins]. Derick Tiffin, Clerk of the Council 29 October 2012 Hexham Town Council, Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery West Road, Hexham NE46 3RR Tel: 01434609575 Email: hexham@hexhamtowncouncil.gov.uk www.hexhamtowncouncil.gov.uk Hagenda1112 1 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 1 OCTOBER 2012 5569. PRESENT. Councillor J V R Hare, the Town Mayor in the Chair together with Cllrs: T Robson, G C Ferguson, M F C Donnelly, Mrs. J E Lloyd, Mrs. B E Smith, J B Jonas, D Kennedy, Mrs. I C Brook, A Snowball, C Cessford and T Cessford. 5570. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Were received from Cllrs N J Holder and P Dixon. 5571. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. [Planning Applications]. Cllr T Robson made a personal declaration of interest in application 12/02650LB as he was known to the applicant. Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd made a declaration of a personal and prejudicial interest in application 12/01854LB as she was a resident who may be affected and left the Council Chamber during discussion and voting thereon. 5572. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was AGREED there were no objections to the planning applications received in accordance with the list circulated and attached hereto apart from Application 12/02154. This application was not within the Council boundaries but as it was for development at the Egger Ltd site it had been copied to the Council for any comments. It had also been submitted on a CD rather than on paper and it was AGREED to defer it pending the Chairman viewing it and should he consider it required full Council consideration then he would call a Planning meeting to consider it in detail. 5573. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. No matters were raised under this heading. 5574. MINUTES. It was AGREED the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 3 September 2012, having been circulated, be signed as a true record subject to Cllr. Mrs. J E Lloyd noting an item relating to the Northumberland Draft Core Strategy and the workshop meeting with NCC being held in Hexham on 15 October 2012 should have been minuted. It was AGREED to note her comments and further that Cllrs J V R Hare, C Cessford and Mrs. J E Lloyd will be attending the meeting. Cllr Cessford requested any Councillor wishing to make comment[s] contact him before the 15 October. 5575. MATTERS ARISING:a. GRASS CUTTING STANDARDS. Minute 5536b refers. The Clerk advised it was hoped a representative of Isos Ltd. would be able to attend the November Council meeting. b. CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR REPORTS. Minute 5540 refers. It was AGREED to request the reports give numerical as well as percentage figures. c. PRIORY GATE HOUSE. Minute 5541 refers. In the absence of a reply from the County Council to the original query, the Mayor had asked the Clerk to write to the Chairman of Northumberland County Council. This had resulted in some action and the Clerk reported NCC is now consulting on the methods it must use to clear the structure of weeds and saplings and the methods to re-point it thereafter. It was AGREED to note the report. d. ACTION FOR MARKET TOWNS. Minute 5542 refers. After discussions by the Mayor with Cllrs T Cessford and Mrs. J E Lloyd the Mayor had agreed Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd should be the correspondence member for any correspondence received from this organisation rather than Cllr T Cessford. Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd also advised Council she is using Town Plan Working Group finance to enable her to attend the Annual Conference of AMT in Kendal to be held shortly. e. ABBEY PROJECT. Minute 5545 refers. This visit had taken place on 18 September 2012 but the Mayor was disappointed so few Councillors had attended. It had been a very enjoyable and informative tour of the plans for the Carnaby Buildings project. f. SELE FOOTBALL. Minute 5547 refers. On the Councils request changing facilities be considered the NCC had responded that due to the conservation and historic status of the area it was extremely unlikely planning approval would be given for any changing facility premises. In addition the persons using the pitch are under 15 and they usually arrive ready changed and go home afterwards for any showers needed. g. A695 - WOODLANDS BUS SHELTER. Minute 5558 refers. Despite the Clerks memorandum regarding this minute he now had to advise Council the situation was 2 still not clear and still under investigation. The witness that had come forward had not seen the actual event, just the immediate aftermath which was insufficient proof for the Police to take action. However the actual firm that had been carrying out the works for BT Openreach had been traced. As this firm is based in County Durham the Police there have been instructed to attend and to take statements from all workmen on site on that date. Hopefully the seriousness of making false statements to the Police will mean more detailed information will be forthcoming. Until these statements have been taken no further action can be taken either by the Council or the Council insurers. A further report will be made to Council as soon as it is possible. h. NCC COMMUNITIES AND PLACE COMMITTEE. Minute 5567 refers. It was noted Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd will be attending this meeting on her own as Cllr J V R Hare is unable to attend. 5576. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. No declarations of interest were made. 5577. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was AGREED to authorise payments in accordance with the list circulated and attached hereto. 5578. COMMITTEE REPORTS. a. REMEMBRANCE & ARMED FORCES DAYS COMMITTEE. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 10 September 2012 presented by the Chairman Cllr J V R Hare. 5579. TORCH CENTRE. Mr. Brian Massey, a Trustee of the Torch Centre, gave a presentation to the Council detailing the present financial status of the Centre. The Centre had originally been built with public subscription but over the last two years it has had experienced financial difficulties, primarily the bar income had dropped and the reserves have been severely reduced. Actions have been taken to reduce outgoings and increase income sources and he hoped in 2013 the Centre will be breaking even, and in profit once more. However there is a short term financial problems as the reserves must be increased to a prudent level and if this is not possible then the Centre may have to close down. £10000.00 is the total required and as the Council grant aid policy and application process did not seem to allow such an application he asked the Council to consider the subject and suggest any possible methods to alleviate the current financial situation. After noting his presentation, it was AGREED the Finance and General Purposes Committee consider the matter and report to the November meeting its recommendations. 5580. HADRIAN’S WALL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. This conference will be held on 8 November 2012 at Carlisle. Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd AGREED she would wish to attend and details will be forwarded to her. 5581. TYNE RIVERS TRUST - DROP IN EVENT. This will be at the Hancock Museum, Newcastle on 4, 5 and 6 October 2012. Anyone interested may call in at the event being held during the daytime. It was AGREED whilst no Councillor was able to attend; the Trust would be asked to support the Hexham River Tyne Hydro Scheme. 5582. COMMUNITY ACTION NORTHUMBERLAND. It was noted the AGM will be held at Morpeth on the 31 October 2012 however no Councillor present was able to attend. 5583. SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND UNITS CONSULTATION. The consultation on proposals to reduce admission ages from 3 years to 2 years ends on 18 December 2012. Cllrs D Kennedy and T Cessford AGREED they would wish to consider the proposals and will attend the consultation meetings at Hexham on the 9 October 2012 and 25 October 2012. They will report to Council should they consider any response should be made by the Council. 5584. CAUSEY HILL CARAVAN SITE. It was noted a tree preservation order had been made for the land at this site on 28 September 2012. 5585. NOYON. It was noted the book ‘Noyon-past and future’ that the Deputy Mayor had been presented with during his recent visit to Noyon has been lodged with the Queens Hall Library in the local studies reference section. 5586. COUNCILLOR AND CHAIRMAN TRAINING. It was noted NALC will hold Councillor and Chairman training events at Cramlington on 6 and 13 November 2012. Cllrs J V R Hare and T Cessford AGREED they would wish to attend and the £10.00 fee will be paid by Council. 3 5587. SLEEP OUT EVENT. The local UK Youth Parliament representative had advised Council she is investigating holding a Sleep out event in the Park in December 2012. It was AGREED to note the information with interest. 5588. HEXHAM ARTS SYMPOSIUM. [The role of Arts in a Market Town]. It was reported the symposium will be held between 11 and 13 October 2012 and a number of events are planned during that period. Councillors are invited to participate if they wish. Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd advised she will be attending but as a member of the HCP. 5589. WELL BEING SURVEY 2011. The survey report, instigated by the former Central Tynedale Community Forum, had been submitted to the Council for information and any comments. It was AGREED a full copy will be sent to Councillors on request and it will be an agenda item for the November meeting. 5590. COMPLAINT. A complaint about the method the Council used when considering a planning application had been made by a Mr. R Taylor. Mr. Taylor had subsequently met with the Mayor and the Clerk of the Council to explain his complaint. After consideration of all aspects the Mayor had advised Mr. Taylor that:a. The Council dealt with the planning application fully in accordance with the law relating to proceedings of the Council. b. Mr. Taylor’s comments about the ways individual Councillors had voted were noted but were not relevant as Councillors are entitled to make their opinions known or not as they see fit. Mr. Taylor had confirmed he was satisfied with the way his complaint had been dealt with. It was AGREED to note receipt of the complaint and the report given in concluding it. 5591. THE BIG SOCIETY. A talk by the Chief Executive of Gateshead Council on the ‘Big Society’ will take place in Riding Mill on 24 October 2012 and Cllr T Robson offered to provide transport for any Councillor wishing to attend. 5592. MOTOR BOATS BAN. A previous meeting had agreed NCC be requested to consider applying a ban for motor boats on the Tyne River. After investigation NCC had since advised it did not have any rights over the river, this was still registered to the Allendale Estates as riparian owners. Cllr J V R Hare AGREED he would initially approach the canoe and rowing clubs for their views and to report back to Council before making any enquiry of the Allendale Estates. 5593. CONTINENTAL MARKET. It was reported a continental market with many foreign traders will be taking place in the Market Place on 5 & 6 October 2012. 5594. SUMMER UPDATE ON SERVICES. The Clerk reported receipt of an update on NCC services such as Grass cutting; Floods; Transfers and NCC Staff restructuring. Copies were available on application to the Clerk. 5595. REVIEW OF NCC FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR BUS SERVICES. As part of an annual exercise a number of bus services from various villages to Hexham were being reviewed when the passenger subsidy is over or nearly over the passenger subsidy limit. It was AGREED to note the:a. Service from Blanchland to Hexham [Tuesdays] will cease Easter 2013 unless passenger numbers increase. b. Service from Birtley to Hexham [Fridays] will cease on 21 December 2012 as the subsidy is being exceeded. c. Service from Whittonstall to Hexham [Tuesdays] will continue provided passenger numbers are maintained at current levels. d. Service from Bellingham/Kielder to Hexham [Mondays to Saturdays] will continue provided passenger numbers are maintained at current levels. 5596. DENE PARK ALLOTMENTS SITE. The Clerk reported the transfer of the freehold interest in the land has now passed to the Council. He noted the transfer had first been requested from the NCC in April 2009. It was AGREED to note the report. 5597. ‘REAL TIME’ TAX SYSTEM. The Clerk advised Council it will soon have to deal with PAYE and NHI on the HMRC ‘Real Time’ system. If this requires any alteration in current Council working practices or systems he will advise the Council. 5598. PUBLIC ACCESS PLANNING SYSTEM. The Clerk advised Council as from 2 January 2013 all planning applications will be dealt with under the planning open access ‘on line’ system. This will 4 require alterations in the current method of handling consultations on planning applications. This will require changes in the current Council working practices and he will advise the Council in due course on the method the Council will need to adopt when dealing with planning consultations. 5599. CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR REPORTS. It was AGREED to receive and note the latest monthly report received from Police Inspector K Oates. 5600. HEXHAM IN BLOOM. Cllr J V R Hare reported Hexham had received a number of awards in the 2012 Northumbria in Bloom competition. These were: Hexham Town – Gold; Tanners Row – Gold; Hexham Parks – Gold; Wydon Water – Gold; Hexham Hospital – Silver Gilt; Hexham Railway Station – Gold. He also asked if Councilors had any concerns about the town’s appearance that they should deal with them before publicising such concerns in Council meetings. To do so often means adverse publicity which the Mayor did not consider was always justified. He is continuing discussions with the Hexham in Bloom Group and would make a further report to the November meeting. It was AGREED a vote of thanks be recorded for the Mayor’s contribution to the town’s success in this year’s competition. 5601. BANDSTAND. Cllr J V R Hare reported that despite the inordinate delay by Northumberland County Council in dealing with this matter, Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd had finally been able to arrange a site meeting with NCC, HCP, himself and Cllr Mrs. J E Lloyd. The meeting had resulted in agreement that all the organisations should work towards making an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant to be able to repair the bandstand [and hopefully including the Victorian fountain on the Sele]. The NCC survey report on the repairs needed to the Bandstand may be copied or viewed at the Council office by any Councillor interested. Cllr D Kennedy confirmed he was willing to make a capital contribution from his annual NCC Members Funding towards the cost. Cllr J V R Hare also confirmed he intended to launch the ‘Hexham Bandstand Appeal Fund’ so the public could make their own contributions to the funding of the repairs. Further reports will be made to Council as this matter proceeds. 5602. PLAY AREAS. The memorandum of the Clerk recommending a survey of the areas had been circulated and it was AGREED Cllrs D Kennedy, J B Jonas, T Cessford and A Snowball should carry out inspections of all the play areas and then recommend a programme of any repairs and refurbishments. The recommendations will be priced so Council can then agree a programme of implementation. Cllr D Kennedy agreed to ascertain the present position regarding the total s106 monies held by the NCC to part fund play area improvements. 5603. TOWN TWINNING. Visitors from Metzingen will be in Hexham from 12 October 2012 and on 13 October there will be a reception in the Beaumont Hotel at 10.30am. All Councilors were invited to attend this welcoming event. 5604. PARKING Cllr M F C Donnelly noted a Parking Order had recently been advertised by NCC and he noted the maximum hours in Loosing Hill car park were now three hours rather than all day. He felt this was not necessarily what motorists needed however it was stated the reasons were to allow a greater turnover of spaces and all day parking was still available in the Wentworth car park. Cllr T Robson also advised he had requested a 20 minute parking limit and additional parking bays on the north side of Priestpopple. It was AGREED this suggestion had the support of the Council and NCC be advised accordingly. Cllr G C Ferguson had also noted some of the signs and time limits for the Hencotes parking bays seemed to be incorrect, Cllr T Robson agreed he would request NCC check and make any changes needed. 5605. FORMER SWIMMING POOL. It was noted developers McCarthy Stone had been consulting locally on proposals to develop this site for apartments. In due course a formal planning application will presumably come before the Council but meanwhile it was noted the public footpath from Haugh Lane to Gilesgate will be incorporated into any development. 5606. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Council meeting will be held on 5 November 2012 commencing at 6.45pm. __________________________________ Chairman 5 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 5 NOVEMBER 2012 Payments are authorised by LGA1972s14;s144;s145;s214;s215 or PCA1957 Payee Detail Amount VAT Net Cheque number Ref. Safe Secure 24 Alarm systems monitoring 15.60 2.60 13.00 Ddb 7015 Orange Telecommunications Staff wages NCC Accounts 162.71 27.12 135.59 Ddb 5020 November Pension contributions November PAYE 8 Transfer to VMS Bird food/screen wash Repair parts to bowser Turf Excavator hire [water supply pipe leaks] Find, excavate and repair two separate leaks on main water supply to Cemetery Dairyman Gloves and fork Poppy wreath inserts Charges Subscription 9058.93 2282.57 9058.93 2282.57 106137/43 106135 6000 6005 2454.27 1107.84 39.93 0.99 2454.27 1107.84 38.94 106136 Transfer 106144 6000 8400 7020 31.73 5.29 26.44 106133 7015 180.64 222.67 4.64 33.46 176.00 189.21 106145 106146 7610 8215 1588.14 264.69 1323.45 106147 8215 5.00 32.86 12.52 25.00 38.70 25.00 106148 106149 106150 Ddb Ddb 7020 7020 7815 5015 5050 Internet security renewal Golf ball lamps [Tree] Find, excavate and repair burst on supply to Wydon Park allotment site Auditor fee 2011/12 Repairs to PA system R/Day programmes Parts, repairs, maintenance of 6 VMS units Poppy wreaths etc. 39.99 5.22 34.77 Ddb 5040 799.20 186.66 133.20 31.11 666.00 156.55 106151 106147 7800 7200 1296.00 15.00 544.00 2409.42 216.00 1080.00 15.00 544.00 2007.85 106152 106153 106154 106155 5010 8020 7815 7215 250.00 106156 7815 Stationery various Grant for creative and arts activities 12/13 installment 2 of 2 Grant for recreational activities 12/13 installment 2 of 2 148.16 3950.00 123.47 3950.00 106157 106158 5045 8000 3400.00 106158 8000 HMRC Contingency Costco Ltd Rickerby ltd J & B Farnaby Easy Hire J P Westall Ltd Philip Sewell David Dixon Top Signs HSBC BT Consult subscription Kaspersky Christmas Plus Ltd J P Westall Ltd BDO LLP Taylor Made Sounds Robson Print Ltd Unipart Dorman Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Viking Direct Hexham Community Partnership Hexham Community Partnership 32.86 15.02 30.00 38.70 30.00 2.50 5.00 401.57 250.00 3400.00 24.69 6 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 5 NOVEMBER 2012 PAGE TWO Payee Detail Amount Hexham Community Partnership Hexham Youth Initiative Grant aid 2012/13 installment 2 of 2 Northumbria in Bloom Burncliffe Electrical Ltd Best Western Beaumont Hotel HSBC Arco Ltd Purdy’s Skip Hire Purdy’s Skip Hire Jewson Ltd C J L Fenwick Armstrong’s Dale Garage Dale Garage Dale Garage Dale Garage Tesco Ltd Net Cheque number Ref. 7650.00 7650.00 106158 8005 Grant for creative and recreational activities 12/13 installment 2 of 2 Entry fee for 2013 11500.00 11500.00 106159 8000 200.00 200.00 106160 8070 Replacement of security lights at machinery store 117.46 97.88 106161 7010 Reception for Twinning visit 13/10/12 Charges Workwear One lift QB Allotments One lift DP Allotments Materials for seat repairs Six litter bin liners Pen refills Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Printer inks 125.00 125.00 106162 8035 38.07 411.65 140.00 140.00 64.82 474.00 6.58 116.47 97.18 113.85 103.87 29.35 Ddb 106163 106164 106164 106165 106166 106167 Ddb Ddb Ddb Ddb Ddb 5015 7000 7200 7200 7205 7213 5045 7005 7005 7005 7005 7005 38.07 493.98 168.00 168.00 77.79 568.80 7.90 139.77 116.61 136.61 124.65 35.23 VAT 19.58 82.33 28.00 28.00 12.97 94.80 1.32 23.20 19.43 22.76 20.78 5.88 7 Payee Bin 21 Ltd Hexham Abbey PCC Balance MAYORS ALLOWANCE - ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Detail Cheque VAT Net of Cheque amount VAT number Case wine for Abbey dinner auction Wine table cost 60.05 10.01 60.00 Ref. 50.04 106170 5030 60.00 106171 5030 555.14 5030 INCOME – OCTOBER 2012 RECEIVED DETAIL CREDITED INVOICE DATE REF Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Transfer David Dixon Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various War Graves Hexham in Bloom committee 965.00 695.00 442.00 750.00 130.00 750.00 130.00 1107.84 271.18 182.00 535.00 468.00 234.00 910.00 430.00 535.00 80.00 338.00 910.00 3375.00 805.00 522.00 156.00 208.00 312.00 430.00 168.00 2823.76 hd12/65 hd12/66 021012 021012 021012 031012 031012 031012 031012 011012 031012 041012 041012 081012 091012 111012 151012 161012 161012 171012 191012 241012 241012 241012 241012 251012 291012 301012 171012 161012 4010 4010 4000 4010 4000 4010 4000 7215 7015 4000 4010 4000 4000 4010 4010 4010 4010 4000 4010 4010 4010 4000 4000 4000 4000 4010 4010 8070 Cemetery fee Cemetery fee Allotment rents Cemetery fee Allotment rents Cemetery fee Allotment rents To VMS budget Cheque cancelled Allotment rents Cemetery fee Allotment rents Allotment rents Cemetery fee Cemetery fee Cemetery fee Cemetery fee Allotment rents Cemetery fee Cemetery fee Cemetery fee Allotment rents Allotment rents Allotment rents Allotment rents Cemetery fee Commission fee Refund HTC costs hdw12/67 Hdw12/68 Transfer 106124 Hd12/69 Hdw12/70 Hd12/71 Hd12/72 Hd12/71 Hdw12/74 Hdw12/75 Hd12/76 Hd12/81 8 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING PLANNING APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL AT 5 NOVEMBER 2012 Reference Description Applicant 12/02562 Construct 24ftx12ft portable office at Unit 7A Haugh Lane Industrial Estate Hexham New shop front and alterations to external elevations at vacant unit SW of Tesco plc Alemouth Road Hexham Single storey rear extension porch, 2 storey side extension at The Hollies Quarry Edge Fellside Hexham Single storey side extension and glazed link at Briarwood Allendale Road Hexham Single storey rear extension and two storey extension form kitchen at 452 White Cross Hexham New access road and 6 x 3 bedroom dwellings on land to rear of 1-17 Radcliffe Road Hexham and alterations to junction at Springfield Road/Maidens Walk Radcliffe Road Detached pitched roof double garage, singles storey extension to rear and two storey extension to side at 19 White Cross Hexham Advertisement for 8 fascia signs at car wash at Alemouth Road, Hexham M Kirkby 12/02878 12/02901 12/02875 12/03019 12/03181 12/02787 12/03079 Next Group plc J Read S Holtham A Armstrong Isos Ltd M Davey Tesco Stores Ltd NOTE: Any objections made on applications must be ‘material planning reasons.’ There is no definitive list but examples are:National planning policy. Policies in adopted and emerging regional and local development plans. Suitability of the site for the proposal. Visual appearance of the proposal and relationship with the surrounding environment. Landscaping issues:- lack of light; over shadowing; over development. Building materials and height:- scale; design; layout in comparison with neighboring developments. Impact on listed buildings; conservation areas or their settings. Effect on residential amenity of neighbours. Local needs of area such as employment, commercial or social facilities. NB All planning applications [and the decisions thereon] are now on line at http://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications. If Hexham Town Council objects to an application listed above the objection is lodged on line. In the absence of an objection recorded on line the comment ‘No objections’ can be assumed. 9 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL REMEMBRANCE & ARMED FORCES DAYS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 8 OCTOBER 2012 17. PRESENT. Cllr J V R Hare in the Chair and with Capt A I B Moffatt VLL; Cllrs Mrs. I C Brook, T Robson, N J Holder and C Cessford; Messrs. T E Gillanders, D M Coates and P S Robson. 18. APOLOGIES. Apologies for absence were given on behalf of Cllr A. Snowball and Mr. P Clark. 19. MINUTES. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 10 September 2012. It was noted they had been presented to Council on 1 October 2012. 20. MATTERS ARISING. There were no matters arising other than items that are dealt with below. 21. REMEMBRANCE DAY 2012. The following items were considered and it is RECOMMENDED:a. BATTLE OF BRITAIN. Cllr C Cessford advised Committee that membership of the RAFA is reducing due to age and also to RAF Service cuts; he asked the Committee to consider taking over responsibility for the Battle of Britain Remembrance ceremonies. The Committee AGREED it would RECOMMEND this to Council however the RAFA will first write to formally request this. As with the Remembrance Day Service and Parade when the Royal British Legion in Hexham disbanded, the Council will be requested to formally agree to become responsible for the Battle of Britain Remembrance ceremonies. b. TREES. There appears to be only one tree that requires a little pruning and NCC has been asked to attend to it. c. MEETING – ABBEY. Capt A I B Moffatt, P Robson, Cllr J V R Hare and the Clerk had met with Canon G B Usher to discuss arrangements within Abbey and during the Abbey Service for standard bearer’s; VIP seating arrangements; 3Recce ceremony et al. These various matters seem to have all been agreed to between the parties. d. 39 REGT. The RSM will be asked to confirm the number and rank of any Officer and OR’s that require front row seating in the Abbey Service. In this regard there will be seats for Capt A I B Moffatt VLL, Lt Col R M Clements RA and Cllr J V R Hare. Peter Robson will arrange for their wives to be seated directly behind them. e. The usual advertisement should be placed in the Courant. f. It was AGREED the poppy laying should be speeded up as much as possible to avoid delays in the Abbey Service start time. g. It was noted with great pleasure by the meeting that Long Service medals are to be presented to Nick Short and Ken Dodd to acknowledge their long service to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. 22. DIARY DATES. a. Parade Marshalls briefing – 10.30 am at the War Memorial on 6 November 2012. b. War Graves Remembrance ceremony – 10.15 am at the Cemetery on 10 November 2012. c. Laying of Poppy Wreath at the War Memorial plaques at Hexham Hospital Chapel - 11.45 am on 10 November 2012. d. Remembrance Day is 11 November 2012. 23. NEXT MEETING. It was AGREED the next meeting will be held on 3 December 2012 at 2.15pm. Chairman......................................................... 10 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 25 JUNE 2012 12. PRESENT. Councillor T Robson in the Chair and Cllrs J V R Hare, T Cessford, Mrs. J E Lloyd, A Snowball and G C Ferguson. 13. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received on behalf of Cllrs N J Holder and Mrs. I C Brook. 14. MINUTES. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 11 June 2012. 15. MATTERS ARISING. a. HEALTH AND SAFETY MATTERS ETC. Minute 7a refers. The Clerk reminded Committee that in accordance with standing orders any and all matters relating to staff are to be considered confidential and dealt with as such. Secondly any Health and Safety matters need to be dealt with immediately but are always be reported to either the Committee or if considered to require urgent action to the Council. It was therefore not necessary to have Health and Safety listed on every agenda. b. BOOKKEEPING FEE QUOTATIONS. Minute 7b refers. Cllr J V R Hare reported that after considering the latest quotations received, one of which was still very unclear, he RECOMMENDED no further action be taken. The subject could be considered further in 2013 and this was AGREED. The quotes will be advised accordingly. c. PROPERTY ASSETS. The Clerk reminded Committee that all matters relating to asset transactions are confidential; any negotiations cannot be conducted in public. It was very regrettable indeed to read a recent press report referring to this subject obviously due to a leak of confidential information. Any further reports on property will be issued on pink paper. 16. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. It is noted Cllrs T Robson and A Snowball declared personal and prejudicial interests in matters arising Minute 15b and had left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon. 17. GRANT AID APPLICATION FORM 2013/14. Subject to minor amendments it was AGREED the revised application form as circulated be AGREED. It will now be available to download on the web site. 18. TOWN PLAN. It was noted the balance of funding for the Town Plan Working group will be transferred in due course as the Group now has an elected Committee and Officers. 19. COMMITTEE FUTURE PROGRAMME. It was AGREED the Committee should have a programme that could be dealt with at future meetings. Cllr T Robson hoped that Hexham in Bloom, the Town Plan, Public relations, Quality Council, Town Diary could be subjects the Committee might consider in due course. The Clerk expressed concern that members of the Committee and indeed the Council did not have very much knowledge of the work that is actually carried out by the Council and its employees. An informal pre budget discussion meeting in 2011 that he had suggested had not been a success as most Councillors did not attend and the Clerk considered without full information, proper discussions about any proposals were not possible. After considering various ways to add to member’s knowledge, the Clerk confirmed he would be pleased to conduct ‘knowledge tours’ with one or two members at a time and hopefully all Councillors will partake. 20. NEXT MEETING. It was hoped a meeting could have been held on 6 August 2012 however the Clerk was on holiday and therefore the next meeting of the Committee would be held on a date to be advised in September at 7.00pm at Prospect House, Hexham. ………………………………………………Chairman 11 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 10 SEPTEMBER 2012 21. PRESENT. Councillor T Robson in the Chair and Cllrs J V R Hare, N J Holder, T Cessford, Mrs. J E Lloyd, Mrs. I C Brook, A Snowball and G C Ferguson. 22. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. None to record. 23. MINUTES. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 25 June 2012. 24. MATTERS ARISING. There were no matters arising. 25. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. No declarations of interest were given. 26. STAFFING REVIEW. In view of the nature of the matters to be discussed under this heading it was AGREED this matter is and will remain confidential. Accordingly the public were excluded from the meeting. Details of the current staff employed by the Council had been circulated and were noted. After long discussions about various scenarios for the employment of staff in the short and the long term no recommendations were made. However the possibility of an apprentice was also considered and it was AGREED further details should be obtained. 27. QUALITY TOWN COUNCIL. After noting the report made and circulated by Cllr. Mrs. J E Lloyd recommending the Council adopt the Quality Council Scheme, it is RECOMMENDED the Council should work towards becoming a ‘Quality Council’. The scheme is promoted by the National Association of Local Councils [NALC] and requires the Council to be able to fulfill a number of criteria initially and on an annual basis with renewal of the Scheme certification to be applied for every three years. One of the criteria required is that the Clerk of the Council has a qualification in local council administration as awarded by the University of Gloucestershire. The Clerk confirmed if Council agreed to the recommendation he was willing to undertake the required course work to ultimately achieve the required qualification. Apart from the costs incurred in working towards this qualification there would be other costs to the Council in achieving and renewing any Quality Council Scheme certification. It was AGREED the costs should be ascertained. [Clerks note: Since this meeting ended and while checking qualification requirements I find that the Quality Council Scheme has been suspended. It is expected a revised scheme for Parish and Town Councils will be launched after consultations have taken place between NALC, SLCC, LGA and Government during or after 2013]. 28. BROADWAY PLAY AREA. The developers had offered to transfer the play area freehold with its equipment and a sum of £15000.00 to cover future maintenance and replacements. The Clerk reported the developers had considered the capital payment requested by the Council previously but were not prepared to accept. After consideration of this offer it is RECOMMENDED it be accepted and the play area transferred to Council ownership. 29. CEMETERY FEES REVIEW 2013/14. After considering the current fees it is RECOMMENDED Cemetery charges be increased for 20013/14 by 4% overall rounded up or down to the pound as required. A copy of the RECOMMENDED charges is attached. 30. ALLOTMENT RENTS REVIEW. It was AGREED this matter be deferred for comment to the Finance and General Purposes Allotments Sub-Committee. 31. ALLOTMENTS WORKING GROUP. It was AGREED the previous Allotments Working Group should continue under the title ‘Finance and General Purposes Allotments Sub-Committee’. It was also AGREED the members would be Cllrs. J V R Hare, G C Ferguson and Cllrs. C Cessford and J B Jonas [Co-opted] and with lay members representing Quatre Bras Tenants Association [currently Mr. A Robinson], Dene Park Tenants Association [currently Mr. J R Outhwaite] and a representative of non-tenant association members [currently Mr. P Oliver]. It was also noted a meeting of the Sub Committee will be held on 9 October 2012. 32. NEXT MEETING. It was AGREED the next meeting of the Committee would be held on 8 October at 6.30pm at Prospect House, Hexham. ………………………………………………Chairman 12 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 8 OCTOBER 2012 34. PRESENT. Councillor T Robson in the Chair and Cllrs J V R Hare, N J Holder, T Cessford, Mrs. J E Lloyd, Mrs. I C Brook and G C Ferguson. 35. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllr. A Snowball. 36. MINUTES. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 25 June 2012. 37. MATTERS ARISING. a. QUALITY TOWN COUNCIL. Minute 28 refers. It was noted the Quality Council Scheme has been suspended and will not be launched until 2013 or later and after consultations have taken place on any replacement scheme between the National Association of Local Councils, the Society of Local Council Clerks, the Local Government Association and the Government. After noting this information it was RECOMMENDED the Council should still proceed towards achieving the criteria that were required in the suspended Quality Council scheme. 38. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. No declarations of interest were given. 39. APPRENTICESHIP SCHEMES. The report and recommendation by the Clerk on possible ways an apprentice may be employed was noted. It is RECOMMENDED the Clerk prepares a further report on the various schemes that exist and in particular the costs involved in using the differing types of Apprentice Training Provider organisation. It was AGREED the Committee would hope in due course to recommend to Council an apprentice be employed. 40. TORCH CENTRE. The Council [Council minute 5579 refers.] had requested the Committee to consider any possible methods whereby the Council might support the Torch Centre in overcoming its current poor financial position. The Torch Centre trustees had stated in the short term the financial balances of the Centre were far too low to allow it to continue without an immediate increase in the working balance. The amount of £10000.00 was required though the Trustees had also stated £5000.00 was, hopefully, being sought from another source. After consideration of possible methods it is RECOMMENDED the Trust is offered a short term loan of up to £5000.00 at zero interest repayable before 1 April 2013 and provided adequate security can be given to protect the Councils interest. 41. GRANT AID. After considering possible ways Grant Aid applications information could be considered by the Committee it was AGREED extracts of Grant Aid applications will be copied to Committee members who can then, if they wish to, inspect the Grant Aid applications in full at the Council office, in advance of the Committee meeting at which the applications will be decided. The Clerk will supply the extracts as far in advance of the meeting when applications will be considered as is possible. 42. STAFF MATTERS. In view of the nature of the matters to be discussed under this heading it was AGREED this matter is and will remain confidential and accordingly the public should be excluded. a. It was AGREED:b. Job descriptions for staff are prepared by the Clerk. c. Staff contracts are provided for Committee member’s perusal. d. Succession planning should be a future agenda item. 43. NEXT MEETING. It was AGREED the next meetings of the Committee would be held on 1 November 2012 [to consider grant applications] and on 10 December 2012 [to consider a 2013/14 budget] both commencing at 6.30pm in the Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery, Hexham. ………………………………………………Chairman 13 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MEMORANDUM TO COUNCIL – ANNUAL AUDIT 2011/12 The Council external auditors; BDO LLP completed the annual audit of the Council accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012 on the 23 September 2012. The external auditor’s report states “on the basis of our review, in our opinion the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met”. A notice to that effect has been posted in the Council notice board. The Council is to receive and accept the report. BDO LLP has also issued an issues arising report that the Council shall consider and state how the issues arising therefrom will be addressed. The issues arising are as follows and in each case the comments of the RFO follow in italics. 1. Change in asset values held due to adoption of new assets given to Council without charge and/or existing assets being included which had not been previously recognized. The assets have been given a proxy cost value in the absence of payment being made for these assets during the year. Note:- The Council must include all the fixed assets in the fixed assets register measured at cost value and is to be the property of economic value to the Council held over a period longer than one financial year. Community assets such as war memorials etc. are to be included at historical cost or given a £1 value. Where new assets are adopted or values not known a proxy for cost value is to be given. The value of assets is not expected to change unless an asset is disposed of or scrapped. [This comment refers to assets that had not been included on the asset list. [estimated value approx. £6000]. To date the assets value has been the same as the insurance value however it is now noted the asset register is not to be based on the insurance value which can change each year with changes in insurance cover value, but is to be the original cost value and which will not change year on year. The asset schedules have been prepared accordingly]. 2. Financial regulations and standing orders need updating as the current standing orders do not refer to the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011. [It has not been noted by the Auditor that standing orders refer to legislation with the term ‘or as amended’. Consequently this issue is not one I consider justified. Further as previously agreed by the Council, it agreed to consider and adopt revised standing orders and financial regulations in 2013 after the National Association of Local Councils has considered the effect of the abolishment of the Audit Commission and the Localism Act 2011 and has issued a new edition of model standing orders. I have raised this with the Auditor and if the issue is still of concern to the Auditor then I will report this to Council so any action required can be taken before the end of the current financial year]. 3. The level of Fidelity Guarantee insurance cover appears insufficient in light of the bank balance held at 31/3/11 and the precept received in April 2011. [The bank balances were at 31/3/11 £148,779, at 30/4/11 £151,995 and at 31/5/11 £71,849 and the cover was £100000.00. The Finance and General Purposes Committee considered this subject on 12 May 2012 and agreed the cover should be £200000.00. In view of the auditor raising this issue not only this year but in previous years I RECOMMEND the level of cover remains at £200000.00, a large sum to allow for most eventualities]. 4. Annual review of Risk Assessment. This must be considered by the full Council, it is not sufficient for it to be considered by a Committee. [The risk assessment was considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee however I shall bring this subject to full Council for its consideration before the end of the current financial year.] Derick Tiffin, Clerk of the Council and RFO 23 October 2012. 14 HEXHAM TOWN COUNCIL MEMORANDUM TO COUNCIL – ASSET TRANSFERS At a meeting held with NCC on the 29 October 2012 NCC announced it intended to transfer the responsibility for playing fields in Hexham to the Town Council. This action is in accordance with the Local Northumberland Charter and the Local Service Delivery Framework policy recently adopted by NCC and the Northumberland Association of Local Councils. The two playing fields in Hexham that would be transferred are at Tyne Green [Opp. Bell Terrace] and at Fellside [adjoining the Dukeshouse facility which is owned and run by a commercial firm ‘Kingswood’]. According to NCC the annual cost to manage these two assets is:Dukeshouse £36914 Tyne Green £20260 These amounts include provisional sums of £15000 and £10000 respectively to cover building maintenance costs. NCC was advised that as it had not yet been able to complete transfers of play areas to HTC after a period of 3 years plus, HTC did not expect the transfers of playing fields would proceed any quicker and consequently it was not intended to take any action unless and until NCC was in a position to make transfers. As there was also some doubt about the legal title of both properties NCC will be sending details of the current titles for perusal by HTC. Meanwhile this report is placed before the Council for information only and it is NOT RECOMMENDED any other action is taken at this date and also furthermore when considering the budget for 2013/14 Council should make no provision for any maintenance or management of these assets. D Tiffin, Clerk of the Council 30 October 2012 15