Maritime and Coastguard Agency Operations Advice Note

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As part of the stream-lining process a generic Approvals and Exemptions procedure
MCA 292 has been introduced. Some of the Technical guidance concerning the
different actions required will be published in Instructions for the Guidance of
Surveyors – Survey and Certification Policy by way of anew chapter 11 entitled
Approvals and Exemptions. This OAN is published as an interim measure.
The following procedures and work instructions have been subsumed into the generic
procedure: MCA 285; MCA 287; MCA 291; MCA 325; MCA 330; MCA 330/001; MCA
330/002; MCA 410; MCA 500; MCA 715; MCA 816; MCA 815/002; MCA 830; MCA
807 (full listing available Annex C to MCA 202).
This OAN will be cancelled when the following information is published in
Instructions to Surveyors Chapter 11 Approvals and Exemptions. All of this
information must be followed in conjunction with MCA 292 Approvals and
Exemptions, available on the MLD.
Instructions for the Guidance of Surveyors
Survey and Inspection Policy
Chapter 11; Approvals and Exemptions.
11. 1 Equipment and Material Approval
Please note that in general, approvals are carried out by Notified or Nominated Bodies,
details can be found in MSN 1734 and MSN 1735 respectively. Where equipment is of
a novel nature, or subject to significant design changes, or the specifications or testing
requirements are not considered to be sufficiently developed or experience of their
usage is limited, the MCA will undertake the necessary approval using this Procedure.
Once enquiry received Lead Surveyor is appointed by Chief Surveyor or Surveyor in
Charge. A submission must be completed, if this has not been done send information
back and ask manufacturer to provide missing items.
As part of the approval, testing may be required. If this is the case the test is to be
witnessed or accepted. Once the test report is received a thorough examination of the
submission in comparison with MCA requirements is undertaken. If the
equipment/material is unacceptable the unused fees are returned and manufacturer
informed accordingly. If the equipment/material is acceptable make sure the fees are
sufficient, if not invoice the manufacturer. Upon receipt of correct fees issue the
certificate accordingly. When issuing certificate return any unused fees.
If objections are raised by the manufacturer the certificate must be modified as
necessary. In all cases the list of approved equipment and material must be updated.
Please refer to the Approvals/Exemptions procedure for the final stages of the process.
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The following are available through Formflow, please contact your local Formflow
MSF 1814 Certificate of Inspection and Tests
Further information can be found in the following, listed and/or available on the MLD:
Fire Protection Instructions to Surveyors (Appendices).
Crew Accommodation Instructions to Surveyors
Life Saving Appliances Instructions to Surveyors (Vol. 1 & 2)
Prevention of Pollution from Ships Instructions to Surveyors
Passenger Ship Instructions to Surveyors
Relevant IMO Resolutions, MSC Resolutions and MSC Circulars
Relevant Statutory Instruments
Relevant BSMA and ISO Standards
Relevant, Merchant Shipping Notice, Marine Guidance Notes or Marine
Information Notes
11. 2 Radio Equipment Approvals – Non Directive Fishing Vessel
The request in this case is for the approval of equipment.
The equipment must:
 Bear the CE mark of conformity to Radio and Telecommunications Terminal
Equipment Directive
 Meet the requirements of MSN 1728 (F)
 Pass the MCA Ergonomic Test. (This test includes testing the suitability of
equipment for use under winter conditions at sea, suitability of software, correct
operation of controls and protection from inadvertent use of emergency alerting
If the last two are not met the officer conducting the approval liaises with applicant to
solve difficulties.
The following documentation is used in the process:
MSN 1728 (F)
Standards of Performance of Radio Equipment, required
by the Merchant Shipping (Radio) (Fishing Vessels) Regulations
1999 Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 3210 (available on the MLD)
Certificate of Inspection (Ref. No. MNA 138/102/0128)
Further information can be found in the following:
Available on the MLD:
MSN 1728
Standards of Performance of Radio Equipment, required by
Merchant Shipping (Radio) (Fishing Vessels) Regulations 1999
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Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 3210
Available at the
Commission Directive 2002/75/EC of 2 September 2002, amending Council
Directive 96/98/EC on Marine Equipment
Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of
Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9
March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal
equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity
(The PDF views of the latter are recommended)
11.3 Approval or re-approval of seagoing passenger ship muster lists
Details on the overall approval process can be found in MCA 292 Approvals and
When a request is received from a ship operator for the initial approval or reapproval of a muster list the relevant Principal Surveyor will appoint a surveyor as
lead for the project. The procedure to be followed is detailed on the flow chart.
The Marine Office Lead Surveyor must ensure that all relevant plans and documents
are to hand as per requirements listed in section 11.3.2 They must attach relevant
plans and documents to the CM ****/17/03 file, and complete the check list at Annex
1 comparing detail of the muster list with the statutory requirement. The approval is
subject to a satisfactory drill on board
Further information can be found in the following, listed and/or available on the MLD:
SOLAS 1974 (as amended) CH III Reg. 37 (M-Net)
Merchant Shipping (Musters and Training) Regulations 1986 as amended
(Reg. 4)
MGN 17 (M) Musters and Drills and onboard Training and Instruction
Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 2721 The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving
appliances for Ships Other Than Ships of Classes III to VI (A) )
Regulations 1999 and amendments
MSC/Circular 681 Guidelines for Passenger Safety Instructions to Ro-Ro
Passenger Ships
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Flowchart for approval and reapproval of muster lists
Surveyor compares Muster List
against Checklist (11.3.2)
Request additional informaiton or
modifications from Ship owner
Is it Satisfactory?
Muster list checked
against checklist in 11.3.2
Is the Muster list
for reapproval?
File to Principal
Has the ship
layout or crew numbers
Request additional
informaiton/ modifcation
docuemnts by operator
Is it Satisfactory?
Endorse Muster No
list. Make a report
and attach to the
file **17/03
P.A. Files
Muster List and supporting
documents chesked against Life
Saving Applicances and manning
Is it Satisfactory?
Surevyor requests additional
informaiton/modification to
docuemnts by Operator.
Surveyor passes 17/03
to Principal Surveyor
Corrective training or modification
to muster list takes place
Is it Satisfactory?
Owner/Operator informed
and situation discussed
with Principal Surveyor.
Drill witnessed by a surveyor
on ship, for confirmation
Muster list stamped "approved". Copy
of documents attached to ** 17/03
File to Principal
P.A. Files
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11.4 Examination
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11.4.1 Responsibilities
Chapter 3, Table 2 lists the Authorisations for Stability Approvals and this is kept up
to date on the MCA internet site.
The MCA Stability Unit (SU) shall normally undertake the following classes of
stability approvals and other stability related work.
• Initial stability information approval for all ships where basic stability data
(hydrostatics, KN’s and/or critical KG/GM data) are required to be independently
checked through computer definition, excluding large commercial yacht approvals
undertaken by Ensign.
• Stability information approval for all ships transferring to the UK flag, whether or not
computer definition is required.
• Initial stability information approval for Code vessels where approval is for “Form
and Content” only.
• Approval of all modifications to basic stability data resulting from proposed
alterations to a vessel through deeper loading, lengthening, fitment of sponsors,
modified subdivision arrangements or any other means.
• Approval of inclining test reports witnessed by MCA surveyors and agreement of
revised lightship weight and centroid.
Minor amendments to existing MCA approved stability books not requiring computer
checks should continue to be approved at local Marine Offices (MO).
It is important that the stability submission to the Stability Unit is made at the earliest
practicable stage in the newbuilding/conversion/flag-in process. All stability work
should be completed prior to inclining test such that it only remains for the final
lightship to be inserted in place of the preliminary estimate to allow full approval.
11.4.2 References
The following are available on the internal MCA Master List of Documents
MSF 2200 – Stability Questionnaire
MSF 2201 – Stability Approval Fee Estimate by Ship Type
MSF 2202 – Stability Declaration
MSF2203 – Stability Approval Check List - Fishing Vessels 15m LOA to less
than 24m Registered Length
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MSF2204 - Stability Approval Check List - Code Vessels
MSF2205 - Stability Approval Check List - High Speed Craft
MSF2206 - Stability Approval Check List - Large Subdivided Non Ro-Ro
Passenger Ships (UK Classes I, II and II(A))
MSF2207 - Stability Approval Check List - Large Subdivided Ro-Ro
Passenger Ships (UK Classes I, II and II(A))
MSF2208 - Stability Approval Check List - Small Subdivided non Ro-Ro
Passenger Ships (UK Classes III to VIA and EC A to D)
MSF2209 - Stability Approval Check List - Small Subdivided Ro-Ro
Passenger Ships (UK Classes III to VIA and EC A to D)
MSF2210 - Stability Approval Check List - Standby Vessels
MSF2211 – Stability Approval Check List - Tugs
MSF2212 - Stability Approval Check List - Chemical Tankers
MSF2213 - Stability Approval Check List - Ships Carrying Deck Cargoes
MSF2214 – Stability Approval Check List - Dredgers
MSF2215 - Stability Approval Check List - Ships Carrying Grain Cargo
MSF2216 - Stability Approval Check List - General Cargo Ships
MSF2217 - Stability Approval Check List - Gas Carriers
MSF2218 - Stability Approval Check List - Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and
MSF2219 - Stability Approval Check List - Oil Tankers
MSF2220 - Stability Approval Check List - Offshore Supply Vessels
MSF2221 – Stability Approval Check List - Pontoons
MSF2222 - Stability Approval Check List - Special Purpose Ships
MSF2223 - Stability Approval Check List - All Load Line Ships
MSF2224 - Stability Approval Check List - Fishing Vessels Over 24m
Registered Length
MSF2227 - Record of Stability Approval
11.4.3 Delegated or Authorised Stability Approval
The authorisations at Chapter 3, Table 2, are subject to the formal written
Agreements being in place between the MCA and each Classification Society or
Certifying Authority involved.
In cases where stability approval has been authorised, owners or shipbuilders should
be advised to approach the Classification Society or Certifying Authority as
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11.4.4 Stability Approvals undertaken in Marine Offices
Local Marine Offices should normally undertake stability approval work which does
not require an independent computer check. Examples of such work may include the
following items
• Approval of revised stability information not requiring an independent computer
check. (This work shall normally be undertaken by Marine Offices but may be
submitted to Stability Unit with prior agreement for Class I and II or other complex
• Approval of minor modifications to existing approved stability information.
• Approval of lightweight check report and confirmation of revised lightship weight
and centroid.
• Approval of inclining test report and confirmation of revised lightship weight and
centroid. (This work shall normally be undertaken by Stability Unit but may be
completed by Marine Offices where suitable expertise is available.)
In cases where individual Marine Offices do not possess surveyors with relevant
competency to undertake these tasks, arrangements should be put in place for such
approvals to be undertaken on a regional basis.
Procedure for conduct of the above tasks is described below with appropriate
references. Approval of revised stability information not requiring an independent
computer check.
In circumstances where an owner has submitted revised stability information for a
vessel where stability data (hydrostatics, KN’s or critical KG/GM’s) are unchanged
from the previous approved copy, then due reference should be made to the
appropriate stability unit checklists when determining if sufficient information is
provided, section 11.4.2 refers.
Provided all relevant information is provided the booklet should be considered
suitable for approval, noting that any additional information not directly related to the
calculation of stability should be removed or placed in a separate annex at the back
of the book and that, unless otherwise stated in the checklist specific to the ship
type, information for vessels over 24m should also meet general checklist MSF2223.
A copy of each completed checklist should be placed on the CM stability file.
Examination of the revised stability information should include confirmation that
stability data (hydrostatics, KN’s or critical KG/GM’s) are the same as those in the
previous approved copy of the stability information and insertion of an MSF2227
‘Record of Stability Approvals’ form.
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Stability information should be prepared for endorsement by stamping each page
(either front or back as practicable) up to a maximum of four copies including the
MCA file copy. The front page (or suitable inside page) should additionally be
stamped with blank stability approval stamp in red (completed to refer to the
appropriate Regulation(s) with which the stability information complies, no of pages
and file number etc.) and with the stamp drawing the masters attention to special
notes on stability (completed to refer to those pages directly referring to stability
assessment). The MSF2227 should be completed and stamped by the surveyor.
Stability information should be endorsed by a principal marine surveyor (ship).
Where stability information contains grain stability data, then the booklet should
additionally be stamped with the Document of Authorisation to Load Grain in red,
and an official Letter of Authorisation to Load Grain should also be issued. An
example of such a letter is available from the M-net.
Following any stability information approval, the assigning authority for load line, if
applicable, should be informed of the approval with details of the assigned draught
and freeboard and a copy placed on the file. An example of such a letter is available
from the M-net.
For any strategic ship, being a Class I passenger ship carrying 200 or more
passengers or a Ro-Ro vessel of 500GT or more, an additional copy of the approved
booklet should be forwarded to Defence Planning & Emergencies branch. An
example of such a letter is available from the M-net. Approval of minor modifications to existing approved stability
Where an owner/operator proposes minor modifications to the approved stability
information to reflect minor changes in arrangements, and the arrangement of the
booklet is such that this may readily be achieved, the following procedure may be
adopted provided that the basic stability data remains unaltered,
The owner/operator should be requested to forward maximum four copies of the
proposed amended pages to the local Marine Office. The pages should be examined
for accuracy and to ensure that no required data is lost if pages are also to be
Revised pages should be stamped and dated with the approval date. The file copy of
the MSF2227 ‘Record of Stability Approvals’ form should be copied and completed
to reflect the new status of the booklet.
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Approved replacement pages and Record of Stability Approval forms should be
returned to the owner/operator with a request to confirm when modifications to the
ship copy have been completed. Copies of all documents should be placed on file.
In cases where it is considered impracticable to amend an existing approved stability
booklet, due to the binding for example, new stability information booklets should be
submitted. Approval of lightweight check report and confirmation of revised
lightship weight and centroid.
On completion of a lightweight check, reports should be checked and approved
locally by Marine Offices subject to the following,
• formal confirmation being given to the owner/operator of the results of the check
and a copy placed on the file. An example of such a confirmation letter is available
from the M-net. Approval of inclining test report and confirmation of revised lightship
weight and centroid.
On completion of an inclining test, reports may be checked and approved locally by
Marine Office personnel with relevant expertise subject to the following,
• formal confirmation being given to the owner/operator of the results of the test and
a copy placed on the file. An example of such a confirmation letter is available from
the M-net.
11.4.5 Stability Questionnaire
This form, MSF2200, and the drawings listed on it will provide the Stability Unit with
the necessary information to carry out the approval.
The MO lead surveyor should forward the form to the shipbuilder or consultant for
completion and return at a very early stage.
11.4.6 Stability Declaration
The MO lead surveyor should complete the General Particulars and Marine Office
Declaration sections of an MSF2202 “Stability Declaration”. If the Classification
Society has verified items, e.g. the draught marks, on behalf of MCA, written
confirmation should be obtained and placed on the CM stability file.
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The inclining test report will be examined for acceptance by the Stability Unit on the
basis of the MO lead surveyor having confirmed on the MSF2202 that the report
reflects the ship condition and test readings etc. at the time.
11.4.7 File submission to Stability Unit
Having made adequate provision for fees, the MO lead surveyor should forward the
relevant stability CM file/s to the Stability Unit with a short minute indicating any
relevant information or peculiarities for that specific case.
The file should contain a completed MSF2200 “Stability Approval Questionnaire” and
associated drawings. A completed form MSF2202 “Stability Declaration” should also
be included if details are known. If not, the form should be forwarded as soon as
inclining test information etc. is available.
See separate Quality Management Procedure for arrangements to be undertaken by
the MO lead surveyor for setting up fees with the Stability Unit and issue of SU job
The Head of the Stability Unit will allocate the case within the unit.
11.4.8 Approval of Intact Stability (not requiring subsequent damage stability
verification) by the Stability Unit
The following process should be followed by the SU lead surveyor
Ensure that the correct intact stability criteria have been used.
The hull model should be defined on computer.
It will not normally be necessary to define internal compartments/tanks but this
may be done if considered necessary by the surveyor in a particular case.
Normally verification of volume/free surface can be by simple allowance for
shape and BD 3/12 etc. for free surface.
Carry out computer check of hydrostatics at relevant draught range and trims and
check against submitted values. In general, comparison within 3% of submitted
figures may be accepted – See Note below.
Carry out computer check of inclining test results and verify lightship
displacement, VCG and LCG.
Ensure that the extent of buoyant structure used in calculating KN values is
acceptable. Carry out computer check of KN values at relevant draught range
and trims and check against submitted values. In general, comparison within 3%
of submitted figures may be accepted – See Note below.
Ensure that the submitted loading conditions are as required by regulation for the
vessel type and that deadweight items are realistic in terms of weight and
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distribution. [Where loading conditions are produced using a spreadsheet
program it is not necessary to conduct a full arithmetic check for summation
provided basic checks are made to ensure correct operation.]
Carry out computer check of submitted loading conditions and ensure GZ curve
and obtained stability values are in line with submitted values.
Carry out computer check of limiting KG or GM values at relevant draught range
and trims and ensure submitted values are acceptable.
Confirm stability information book contains all data required by relevant stability
approval checklist/s MSF 2203 to MSF 2224 for appropriate ship type and that
such data is technically correct. A copy of each completed checklist should be
placed on the CM stability file.
If necessary, the shipbuilder/consultant should be advised of any errors or
omissions and requested to resubmit the stability information taking those into
If all is in order the stability unit section of the MSF 2202 “Stability Declaration”
should be completed and placed on the relevant CM file.
The file should then be forwarded to the Head of the Stability Unit with a short
minute recommending formal approval. The Head of the Stability Unit will review
the case and if satisfied that all is in order will endorse the stability information to
indicate approval and arrange for the Assigning Authority to be advised.
The file will then be returned to the MO lead surveyor for distribution of the
approved stability books.
The MO lead surveyor should request written confirmation from the Owners or
Consultants that the approved book has been placed on board and place a copy
of the receipt on the CM file.
Note - Surveyors must always exercise their professional judgement when
comparing MCA data with the original submission, taking account of available
margins of stability. The tolerances given are for guidance only.
11.4.9 Approval of Cases where both Intact Stability and Damage Stability
The process at 11.4.8 should be followed but all compartments and tanks involved in
subdivision or damage stability considerations should be defined on computer and
compared with submitted values.
In addition, the following process should be followed.
Ensure correct damage stability criteria have been used.
Carry out computer check of subdivision or equivalent damage stability.
Carry out computer check of damage stability and ensure resulting limiting KG or
GM values are acceptable.
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Carry out computer check of probabilistic damage stability if applicable to ensure
acceptability of submission.
Carry out computer check of Stockholm water on deck if applicable.
In the case of (a) Class I passenger ships certified to carry more than 200
passengers or (b) Ro-Ro ships of 500GT or more, the stability unit will forward a
copy of the approved information to Defence Planning & Emergencies for their
11.4.10 Approval of Cases on Basis of “Form and Content”
The following process should be used as a guide.
Carry out computer check of inclining test results, using submitted hydrostatics,
and verify lightship displacement, VCG and LCG.
Carry out broad manual check of hydrostatics. Typically do values for
displacement, LCB, LCF, VCB appear reasonable for vessel shape and stated
dimensions ?
Check that the extent of buoyant superstructures included in computation of KN
values is acceptable.
Check worst service condition for make up of deadweight, distribution and free
surfaces. Carry out computer check of worst service condition using submitted
hydrostatics and KN values. All should compare well with submission.
Check limiting KG or GM values, if applicable, at full load displacement by
calculating sailing condition at maximum allowable KG or minimum allowable GM
to confirm the results are exactly on the limit with respect to whichever criterion is
the limiting one. Where the limiting curve is dictated by damage stability criteria,
perform the above check to ensure that intact criteria are met and have surplus in
For sailing vessels, confirm correct method of assessment has been used.
Any significant discrepancy after the above may warrant full hull computer check.
In the first instance however, discrepancies should be taken up with the
If damage stability is required, the volumes and centres of each relevant
compartment should appear reasonable for the vessel shape and dimensions. It
should be verified that the correct criteria have been applied and that the results
meet the required standard.
Confirm stability information book contains all data required by MSF2204 - Code
Vessels stability approval checklist above, that all stability criteria are met and
that there are no obvious errors. A copy of the completed checklist should be
placed on the CM stability file.
If necessary, the shipbuilder/consultant should be advised of any errors or
omissions and requested to resubmit the stability information taking those into
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If all is in order the relevant CM file should be forwarded to the Head of the
Stability Unit with a short minute recommending formal approval of form and
content. The stability unit section of the MSF 2202 “Stability Declaration” should
be completed and placed on the file.
The Head of the Stability Unit will review the case and if satisfied that all is in
order will endorse the stability information to indicate approval of form and
The file will then be returned to the MO lead surveyor for distribution of the
approved stability books. The MO lead surveyor should advise the owner in
writing that approval is “form and content” only and that it is their responsibility to
ensure accuracy of the hull form data.
11.4.11 Approval of Stability Information Booklets for All Ships intending to fly
the UK Flag Procedure for Stability Assessment at Time of Flag In
Unless unusual circumstances prevail, flag-in’s to the UK should be undertaken with
sufficient notice to permit implementation of the following procedure for stability
assessment. It is anticipated that 2 weeks lead time will be enough to guarantee
completion of this process from time of initial receipt of required documentation in the
Stability Unit.
Under this procedure it is the intention that stability information for all flag-in cases
shall be initially assessed and approved by the Stability Unit prior to the flag-in being
completed, provided they meet an adequate standard.
Where assessment indicates the existing stability information meets minimum
requirements and has previously been subject to an acceptable independent
verification, full approval shall normally be given. Provisional approval shall be given
if the existing information is only considered sufficient to be accepted temporarily,
subject to verification of lightship data or other minor modifications.
In those cases where initial assessment by the stability unit indicates material
deficiencies in the submitted information, with respect to the stability standard for
which certification has been issued by the losing flag, the flag-in process shall be
suspended until these issues are resolved. Action required by Lead Surveyor in charge of flag-in process.
On receipt of the notification of the intention to flag a vessel into the UK, the lead
surveyor should secure submission of the following information at the earliest
possible juncture and submit these on CM stability file to the Stability Unit with
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covering minute and SU job number confirming that sufficient fees are available to
cover at least ten hours initial assessment and processing. Vessels required to comply with Intact Stability only
Minimum 3 copies existing approved stability information. (If original booklet is
not in English, one copy of the original and minimum 3 translated copies to be
provided as soon as practicable thereafter, noting that only English translation
is eligible for approval).
General Arrangement
Capacity Plan
Lines and Body Plans
Copy of load line certificate
Copy of most recent inclining report where not included in the above. (If
original report is not in English, one copy of the original with English
translation to be provided as soon as practicable thereafter).
Copies of recent typical loading conditions calculated on board. These are
required to determine the margins of stability currently achieved by the vessel.
Declaration from the operators of the vessel confirming that there are no
material changes to the vessel which would render the approved stability
information inaccurate. Vessels also required to comply with damage stability and/or
subdivision, this shall include calculations demonstrating compliance with
Marpol, reduced load line freeboard, IGC, IBC, HSC or other codes,
probabilistic damage, side damage and floodable lengths as applicable to the
case in hand.
Full copy of damage stability assessment upon which critical loading data (KG
or GM limit curves) are based. (If original assessment is not in English, one
copy of the original with English translation to be provided as soon as
practicable thereafter).
Copy of floodable length data/curves where applicable and available.
Copy of sufficient detailed structural drawings to permit independent MCA
definition of all internal compartmentation. Initial Assessment by Stability Unit
On receipt of the background data, the Head of the Stability Unit shall assign the
case for appraisal, which should be completed within the timescale at
The Appraisal shall comprise the following steps: Vessels required to comply with Intact Stability only
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 Stability Information shall be assessed against the requirements of the
appropriate stability approval checklist and any deficiencies noted for inclusion
in the report of assessment. It may be noted that previously approved
information may be accepted with omissions from the full checklist provided
these omissions are not severe enough to prevent an accurate assessment of
stability from being made.
 Confirmation shall be obtained from previous approval authority where possible
to determine the level of checks upon which this approval was given. In
particular, whether an independent computer check has been conducted.
 Correct stability criteria to be applied.
 Approved loading conditions in the stability information shall be considered for
accuracy with particular attention to treatment of free surface correction and the
overall margin of stability over the statutory minimum.
 Recent loading conditions shall also be examined with particular attention to
treatment of free surface correction and the overall margin of stability over the
statutory minimum.
 Most recent inclining report to be examined for accuracy and lightship history
examined to determine if these form a reliable basis for stability assessment
(passenger ships should have had lightweight check or inclining within previous
5 years). This is of particular importance where margins of stability are seen to
be low and, in such cases, an assessment should be made to determine if
conditions remain compliant if lightship growth exceeds standard limits (2%
lightship weight, 1% on lightship VCG). See additional guidance at Additional steps for vessels also required to comply with Damage
 Correct application of stability criteria to be applied. Particular attention to be
paid to existing passenger ships constructed prior to 29 April 1990, for which
UK ‘Stab’80’ standard of residual stability following side damage is appropriate.
See additional guidance at section
 Correct application of compartment permeability’s to be applied.
 Vessels to be correctly treated for long compartments inside longitudinal
bulkheads typically positioned just inside B/5 line, having regard to floodable
length and survivability following damage beyond the longitudinal bulkhead.
 Asymmetry and cross-flooding in way of watertight longitudinal divisions to
have been adequately considered within damage evaluation.
 Lesser cases of damage and down-flooding arrangements to have been
adequately considered within damage evaluation.
 For probabilistic damage cases in particular, confirmation of correct application
of the Regulations with regard to derivation of inputs such as Hmax, Ls, X1 and
X2 values and ‘b’ values, derivation of calculation draughts, treatment of
stepped bulkheads, derivation of critical KG values from input GM data, correct
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definition of damage cases, correct consideration of lesser cases of damage
and consistency of results for determination of ‘s’ against damages considered. Report of Stability Appraisal
Having given due consideration to the above, the surveyor shall make a report of
stability appraisal to the Head of the Stability Unit detailing all discrepancies noted in
the appraisal and recommending one of the following courses of action :
 Full Approval and stamping of the existing submitted information.
 Provisional Approval and endorsement of the existing submitted information
pending specified modifications to the text.
 Provisional Approval and endorsement of the existing submitted information
pending full independent MCA computer check. This shall normally be required
for the vessel types listed at
 Suspension of flag-in pending lightweight check/re-inclining and revision of
existing stability information to suit revised values.
 Rejection of submitted stability information for specified material defects and
suspension of flag-in pending full resubmission and full independent MCA
computer check.
The report should include details of any verification that an independent check of the
submitted stability information has been completed for the losing flag state, and
whether this was completed by the flag state or by a classification society recognised
by MCA for this purpose.
Where further action is proposed to complete formal approval, an estimate of fees to
complete this work should be included. Notification of Findings
Following consideration of the report of stability appraisal the Head of the Stability
Unit shall approve the submitted stability information booklets where appropriate and
return these to the MO lead surveyor. In those cases where full approval is given,
booklets will be returned on the file and the SU job closed out.
In those cases where additional work shall be required before full approval can be
given, such as provisional approval or rejection of existing stability information due to
material defects, the MO lead surveyor shall be informed by loose minute (copied
onto CM file) of the Stability Unit’s findings and what outstanding works are required.
Where provisional approval is given the booklets shall be attached to the minute and
in all cases the MO lead surveyor will be advised of the estimated fees required to
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complete the full approval process. These additional fees shall be raised through the
local MO directly against the SU job number.
11.4.12 Standards to be applied in consideration of stability information for flag ins. Inclining Tests
Cargo Ships
For cargo ships the basic requirement is that a further inclining is not required on
transfer to the UK flag provided the following conditions are met :
The report of the previous inclining test is available and was witnessed by an
IACS member classification society, or flag Administration; and
after examination, the MO lead surveyor considers the inclining test report is
sufficiently detailed, is valid for the ship in its present condition having regard
to the age and type of ship, and the test was properly conducted; and
a responsible representative of the owner provides written confirmation that
he is satisfied that the result of the last test is still valid for the ship in its
present condition.
The ship flagging-in is a sister ship and first of class inclining details are
provided by the owner. Where the owner is unable to provide this he will be
required to demonstrate with justification and to the satisfaction of the MCA on
what basis the stability book has previously been approved.
When an inclining test is requested, draught marks need not be rechecked unless
there is cause to doubt their accuracy.
On ships where the estimated stability margins may be low, especially on low
deadweight/displacement ratio ships, or on other ships if there are reservations as to
the inclining test validity, a lightweight check should be carried out. If the lightship
particulars do not agree closely with documented values, i.e. Weight within ±2%, and
LCG position within ±1% of LBP, then a new inclining test should be conducted as
soon as possible.
Passenger Ships
Additional considerations for passenger ships are that the ship should have been
inclined within the previous five years. The report of this inclining should have been
witnessed by an IACS member Classification Society or Contracting Flag State and
approved by the Flag State.
The surveyor should examine the report to ensure that it is sufficiently detailed and
that the test was properly conducted. If the inclining experiment was carried out more
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than five years ago, it can be accepted, provided subsequent lightweight surveys
have been carried out at intervals of no more than five years, endorsed by the Flag
State or an IACS member Classification Society and the results are within the limits
of the original inclining data, given below :
(a) Lightship displacement within ±2% and
(b) Lightship LCG position within ±1% of the length between perpendiculars. Survivability (damage stability and subdivision standard)
It should be confirmed that the correct survivability standards have been applied to
any ship. For passenger ships in particular it should be noted that vessels for which
probabilistic damage is not applied, these should meet both subdivision
requirements (floodable length) and side damage.
It should always be confirmed that the damage stability criteria used are applicable
to the ship and whether they should be applied to one compartment or two
compartment damages (or more). It should also be noted that some ships have a
dual role requiring both one and two compartment subdivision standards.
Owners transferring ships to the UK register which do not comply with the required
survivability standards will need to put forward proposals for compliance.
Having regard to applicable residual stability standards after side damage, the
following is provided from the regulations.
A) Non Ro-Ro passenger ships (Class I, II and II(A) damage stability
Ships built before 29 April 1990 should comply with STAB 80 ( i.e.
Section 2 of Schedule 3 of MSN 1698(M)); for details see “Passenger
Ship Construction – Classes I, II & II(A) Instructions for the Guidance of
Surveyors section 5.6.
Ships built on or after 29 April 1990 should comply with SOLAS 90 (i.e.
Section 3 of Schedule 3 of MSN 1698(M)); for details see “Passenger
Ship Construction – Classes I, II & II(A) Instructions for the Guidance of
Surveyors section 5.7.
B) Ro-Ro passenger ships (UK Classes I, II and II(A) damage stability
The Stockholm Agreement applying SOLAS 90 standard plus consideration of water
on deck applies to all UK Class I, II and II(A) ro-ro passenger ships operating regular
scheduled voyages in certain areas i.e. UK Coast, Northwestern Atlantic, Irish Sea,
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North Sea, the English Channel and the Baltic Sea. Such ships should be in
possession of documentary evidence to indicate compliance. The document should
also state the maximum significant wave height the ship may operate in which
should be checked against the required value for the intended area of operation in
accordance with the Stockholm Agreement (ref. MSN 1673(M)). (NOTE: This is the
Sea Area for the predicted wave height and not the actual wave height which may be
encountered in service).
C) Ro-Ro passenger ships (EU Classes A, B and C damage stability standards)
The Stockholm Agreement applying SOLAS 90 standard plus consideration of water
on deck is applied to all EU Class A and B ro-ro passenger vessels and to EU class
C Ro-Ro passenger vessels constructed after 1st October 2004 operating in EU
waters, by Directive 2003/25/EC. These provisions come into force for UK ships
within EU waters, and foreign ships whilst in UK waters from 16 November 2004
Such ships should be in possession of documentary evidence to indicate compliance
by the 30th anniversary of their keel date, but this is not required before 1 October
2010 (if the anniversary falls prior to this date) nor in any case later than 1st October
2015 (should the anniversary fall after this date), or otherwise be phased out. The
document should also state the maximum significant wave height the ship may
operate in which should be checked against the required value for the intended area
of operation in accordance with the Stockholm Agreement (ref. MSN 1673(M)).
(NOTE: This is the Sea Area for the predicted wave height and not the actual wave
height which may be encountered in service).
Note : For EU Class A vessels operating on an equivalent UK Class II(A) service, the
provisions of Part B above should be applied as if it was a UK Class II(A) vessel.
D) Ro-Ro passenger ships damage stability standards – Non UK Operations
Ro-Ro ships not operating within the above areas are not required to comply with the
Stockholm Agreement. If built on or after 29 April 1990 they should be to SOLAS 90
standard. If of Classes I, II or II(A) built before that date they should meet STAB 80
standard and have a document showing their A/Amax value. They are to phase in to
SOLAS 90 in accordance with the timetable given in the Passenger Ship
Construction: Ships of Classes I, II and II(A) Regulations 1998, Regulation 44(2).
Having regard to subdivision on ships with long spaces inboard of longitudinal
divisions (All passenger Ships)
Ships with long spaces inboard of longitudinal divisions situated below the bulkhead
deck (e.g. long lower holds) are to comply with survivability standards in accordance
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with Part 2.5 of the “Passenger Ship Construction – Classes I, II and II(A) –
Instructions for the Guidance of Surveyors” when considering damage beyond the
longitudinal division. (Ideally the UK seeks compliance with IMO Resolution
A265(viii) (probabilistic method) for new ships under construction due to the
additional protection afforded such spaces by the double bottom). Existing ships
which are unable to meet SOLAS’90 for such damages at even keel, or Stab’80 at
extremes of operational trim, should be referred to the Stability Unit for special
consideration. If this standard is not achievable assessment based upon IMO
Resolution A265(viii) may be accepted as an alternative. Vessels for which full MCA computer check shall normally be
Passenger vessels
INF Carriers
Fishing Vessels
11. 5 Approval of Manuals for Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
A request is assessed according to MCA 292 Approvals and Exemptions. The
Procedures and Arrangements Manual is then appraised by Standards Branch with
format and content of Appendix D, Annex II, MARPOL 73/78. If technically correct
the manual must be stamped on each page and the front page signed. A copy is put
on file. If required Marine Offices make arrangements to follow up fees. The Owners
Manual is placed on board the vessel.
The following further information is available on the MLD:
MARPOL Annex II, Regulation 5 and Appendix D
Samples of the following documents are available in the branch to show the required
Approval stamped front sheet of approved P & A Manual.
An approved page from an approved P & A Manual
11. 6 Crew Agreement Approvals
All Crew agreement approvals are seen by Seafarer Health and Safety Branch in
Spring Place.
Follow the process of the standard Approvals process in MCA 292 Approvals and
Exemptions. Where necessary obtain legal advice from Legal section.
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The following documents may be referred to in this process; they are all available on
the MLD:
The Merchant Shipping Act 1995 (Sections 25, 26, 30 and 31)
The Merchant Shipping (Crew Agreements, List of Crew and Discharge of
Seamen) Regulations 1972 No. 2144
The Merchant Shipping (Crew Agreements, List of Crew and Discharge of
Seamen) (Fishing Vessels) Regulations 1972 No. 919
The Merchant Shipping (Crew Agreements, List of Crew and Discharge of
Seamen) (Amendment) Regulations 1983 No. 478
Approval of Crew Agreements – Merchant Ships MGN 148, this supersedes
Approval of Crew Agreements MGN 1498
Approval of Crew Agreements – Yachts MGN 149
* Electronic versions of these forms can be found in PDF in the Annexes to MGN
Merchant Ships
*ALC 1
*ALC (BSF) 1 (d)
*ALC (NFD) 1(d)
*ALC1(d) (i)
*ALC 1 (d)(vi)
*ALC 1 (a)
*ALC 1 (b)
*ALC 6
Crew Agreement and List of Crew
Standard Agreement Clauses for Ships Formerly Operating
Under National Maritime Board Conditions
Non-Federated Ships - Contract
Unlimited Trading Agreement Clause
Running Agreement (Unlimited) Clause
Running Agreement (Near Coastal Area) Clause
Run Agreement Clause
Running Agreement (European Areas) Clause Running
Agreement (Near Continental and Middle Trade)
List of Crew and Signatures of Seamen who are parties to
the Crew Agreement
List of Crew relating to Seamen Exemption under section
25(5)of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1995, from the
Requirement to sign a Crew Agreement
Copy of Crew Agreement
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Fishing Vessels
Crew Agreement
ALC (FSG) 1 (a)
ALC (FSG) 1 (b)
ALC (FSG) 1 (
ALC1(FSG)1 (d)
List of Fishing Crew
List of Crew Agreement
Crew Agreement List of Crew of Fishing Vessel
Standard Agreement Clause
ALC (YT) 1 (d)
11. 7
Contractual Clauses - Yachts
Approval of External STCW Examination Centres and Short Training
programmes (other than watch-rating and type-rating certificates and
external STCW examination centres)
The training provider should be directed to their local Marine Officer who will appoint a
lead surveyor.
Training Centres
The training provider must provide details of their proposed course or training including
a full syllabus, course duration, details of tutors and assessors including names,
qualifications and experience, and details of the centre’s quality assurance procedures.
Once satisfied with these details the lead surveyor will permit the centre to run a pilot
course. The lead surveyor will attend enough of this pilot course to be satisfied that the
course is being properly delivered.
The lead surveyor will provide written feedback to the training provider together with a
letter of provisional approval if appropriate. The feedback brief course details ad
provisional approval must be copied to Seafarer Training and Certification who will
issues the final approval certificate and update the short course database.
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If a training centre makes a request to become an SQA examination centre contact
an HQ examiner at Seafarer training and Certification Branch who will initially contact
SQA/IAMI as appropriate. The HQ examiner will the ask the lead surveyor to request
details of classroom and toilet facilities, arrangements for invigilation, provision for
security of examination papers and handling of blank and completed script papers,
and details on suitable quality assurance procedures.
At secondary agreement level the lead Surveyor must visit the centre to ascertain
that the arrangements are suitable. If so, the Lead surveyor will issue a letter of
approval to the centre copied to Seafarer Training and Certification Branch who will
inform SQA or IAMI, if necessary.
The following provide further information related to this process, and are available on
the MLD:
International Convention on Standards of training Certification and Watch
keeping 1978, as amended (STCW)
ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security)
The criteria for Training Programme Approval for specific courses programmes are
contained in a series of booklets published by the MNTB, available from HQ Seafarer
Training and Certification Branch, and are listed as follows:
Basic Training (Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire
Fighting, Elementary First Aid, Personal Safety and Social Responsibility)
Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
Training in Advanced Fire Fighting
Proficiency in Medical First Aid and Medical Care
Tanker Familiarisation and Tanker Safety
Radar and ARPA, including Bridge team-work and ECDIS
Ro-Ro Passenger Ships - Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull
Passenger Ships : Crisis Management and Human Behaviour
Training for Company Security officers
Training for ship security officers
11. 8 Monitoring of STCW ’95 Short Training Programmes
Marine Offices make random inspections and mandatory inspections are made once
every three years. The Lead Surveyor requests the appropriate Training Provider file
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and obtains a copy of the MNTB Training Criteria Booklet. It is then arranged for the
designated surveyor to attend the training to be monitored.
The process of approving whether the course continues to reach the standard
required is detailed in Approval of External STCW Examination Centres and Short
Training programmes (other than watch-rating and type-rating certificates and external
STCW examination centres) from “For the secondary agreement…”, paragraph 2.
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11. 9 Approval and monitoring of external STCW examination papers
Exam timetable
by sub-contractor
Designated Surveyor
returns timetable to subcontractor with comments
Designated Surveyor
compares against
Is timetable
Designated Surveyor receives
draft exam papers and solutions,
reviews papers
Designated Surveyor attends
moderating meeting
Final draft paper agreed at
meeting arranged by subcontactor
Designated Surveyor
returns printed paper to
sub-contractor with
Provider produces printed
version for final approval
Sub-contractor arranges security of all
exam questions and printing and
distribution of final papers
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Exams conducted by sub-contractor
at approved centres
Exam papers collected and
marked by sub-contractor
Provisional marks, borderline scripts,
marking schemes and exam stats
received by Designated Surveyor from
sub-contractor and reviewed
Are any marks
to be revised?
Is this a major
Results confirmed
Surveyor amends results
Sub-contractor publishes
Results passed to subcontractor
Surveyor calls for all
papers on subject
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11. 10 Approval and Issue of Watch Rating Certificates
The submission of a proposal for training and assessment programme is assessed by
an examiner against Regulations II/4 and III/4 of STCW ’95. If the qualifying conditions
are met the examiner prepares and sends the Provisional letter of Approval to Shipping
Company. A certificate for full approval is sent to the chief examiner/ authorised person
for signature. If accepted the Certificate of Full Approval is returned to examiner and
dispatched to Shipping Company. See the Approvals/Exemptions procedure for details
on the rest of the approval process.
Further Information relating to this process can be found in the following, available on
the MLD:
MGN 97 (M) Training and Certification Guidance Notes - Part 10 Ratings
International Convention for the Standards of Training Certification
and Watchkeeping 1978, as amended.
MCA 215
Development and Issue of New Merchant Shipping Notices,
Marine Guidance Notes and Marine Information Notes
11. 11 Passenger Counting and Registration Systems Approvals
The systems may be approved by a person of any grade provided the individual is fully
conversant with the area of operation and the vessel whose system is being approved.
The Regional Operations Manager (ROM) (Survey and Inspection), Surveyor in
Charge, Principal Surveyor or a Surveyor with delegated power to sign and issue
certificates, is responsible for ensuring that the person approving the system is qualified
and experienced to do so and for the issue of the certificate.
The following forms are available on the MLD:
MSF 1238
Passenger Counting and Registration of Persons on
Board Passenger Ships Regulations Approval
MSF 1239
The Merchant Shipping (Counting and Registration of
Persons on Board Passenger Ships) Regulations 1999 Application for Approval
Further information can be found in the following, available on the MLD:
The Merchant Shipping (Counting and Registration of Persons on Board
Passenger Ships) Regulations 1999 (SI 1999 No1869).
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MSN 1729 (M) Counting and Registration of Persons on Board Passenger
The Classification of Passenger Ships Class I to II (A) inclusive can be found in
The Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ship Construction Ships of Classes I,
II, IIA) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/2514)
The Classification of Passenger Ships Class III to VI (A) inclusive can be found in
The Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ship Construction Ships of Classes III
to VIA) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/2515)
The Classification of all Passenger Ships Classes A to D inclusive can be found
in EC Directive 98/18/EC
Further information can be found in the following, available from Registry:
MS 117/008/01 Parts 1-8 - Counting and Registration of persons on
Board Passenger Ships – Approved Systems
11. 12 Issuing of Exemptions from MS Regulations - Applicable to Radio
Safety Details of the initial process on how requests for exemptions are received can be
found in Approvals/Exemptions.
1. Initial details should be logged onto a MSF 2103 Exemption Form; this should
be updated as necessary.
2. On receipt of a request, a temporary file should be prepared. There are
several standard exemptions (RYAN1, RYANF1 etc which can be located at
NCB) which over the most common types of exemptions. A hard copy of
these examples can also be found I a binder cabinet 8 in NCB. An hourly rate
of £78 (check Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 1996 for latest price)
must be charged. If a non-standard exemption is required this will be agreed
with the Grade 7.
3. Confirmation that an exemption is appropriate and a request for payment
should be sent to the owner. The file reference will be under the MNA 136/5
series unless it is a Fishing Vessel in which case it will be MNA 136/2/5.
Refer to their letter (and reference if supplied). If the vessel has been
surveyed delete “subject to satisfactory…….”. Send out the letter after taking
a copy and placing it along with related papers in the temporary file. If
cheques for exemption payments come to you first check the amount is
correct, and then pass, by hand, to finance. They will require details of what
the payment is for and an account code. If more details are required before
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exemption can be approved or issued contact the owners requesting the
relevant information.
4. If payment (or a reply in the case of queries) has not been received within 1
month send out a reminder letter which indicates that if no reply has been
received within 15 working days the exemption request will be terminated.
5. All exemptions require an expiry date, which will be entered at the bottom of
the last page. This is usually in line with the Safety Radio Certificate (SRC),
Passenger Certificate or UK Fishing Vessel Certificate, depending on the
vessel type, unless it is for a single voyage in which case it should expire
when the voyage has been undertaken.
6. SRC expiry dates can be obtained from Marconi Selenia HQ on completion of
a satisfactory radio survey against which the exemption will apply. After a
request for an exemption is received, periodic checking is required to
establish the SRC expiry dates. Passenger Certificate expiry dates can be
obtained from the Marine Office that issued the Certificate. Fishing Vessel
Certificate expiry dates can be obtained from the Fishing vessel Section. If
Marconi Selenia HQ does not have details of the most recent expiry date
contact the Radio Surveyor that surveyed the vessel in question.
7. Once payment has been received print the exemption using the citrix system
and database, this is password protected, so a request will need to be made
to go on the system if this has not already been carried out.
Further information can be found in MCA 292 Approvals and Exemptions, available
on the MLD.
The following documentation is used in this process:
MSF 2103 - Exemption Form (available on the MLD)
Exemption Fees Letter (available from the branch)
Exemption Reminder Letter (available from the branch)
Exemption Certificate Letter (available from the branch)
11. 13 Oral Examinations for the Issue for Exemption (Dispensation) Certificates
under the Merchant Shipping Act Section 48
This technical information must be used in conjunction with MCA 292 Approvals and
Exemptions. You must follow the ship specific section of the MCA 292 section 6.2.
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Requests for Exemptions to serve in the capacity of Master or Chief Engineer are not
permitted under Regulation 1/6 of STCW and the customer should be advised
All other requests fro Exemptions must be passed to Seafarer Training and Certification
Branch (STCB) Examiner for initial approval. Requests must include independent
letters from 2 Crewing Agents stating that no correctly qualified officer is available. If
these have not been supplied they must be requested from the ship/company. Once
STCB have given permission in writing, the candidate can apply to the Marine Officer
fro the oral examination. (A copy of the STCB approval will be sent to the Marine
All fees must be met before the oral examination is conducted. The Marine Office
should arrange and conduct the appropriate oral examination. If the candidate is
successful the Marine Office should issue an Exemption (Dispensation) Certificate
MSF 4230, and send a copy to the STCB Examiner. If he candidate fails the oral
examination they will need to reapply to the Marine Office, together with the appropriate
fee, before further oral examination can be conducted.
The following (available on the MLD) provide further information or are used in this
MSF 4230
Exemption (Dispensation) Certificate (STCW Reg. 1/6)
Merchant Shipping Act Section 48
11.14 Issue of Guardship Load-line Exemptions
Please use this technical information in conjunction with the MCA 292 Approvals and
Exemptions available on the MLD.
The process of issuing Guardship Load-line Exemptions can be found in the flowchart
below. Please note that a Wet Survey is a Survey of load line items with vessel afloat
i.e. Part II A, B and C of the Record of Particulars for the fishing vessel.
Further information can be found in the following, available on the MLD:
Merchant Shipping Act 1995
Merchant Shipping Regulations
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Application for issue of
Guard Ship Exemptions
Reject application
Does FV concerned
hold a valid UK Fishing Vessel
Certificate (UKFVC)
Date of application from
owner/agent verified
Has vessel been
surveyed for full UKFVC renewal
within past 12 months
Have loadline
items been surveyed within past
12 months of application
No wet survey
charged 1 hr
fee for admin
Wet survey and
appropriate fee required
Complete declaration on
completion of
satisfactory wet survey
Check date of load line
survey or UKFVC
renewal and expiry
Complete short
term declaration
Author: Chris Balls
Prepare documentation for issue of
Guardship Exemption UK Loadline
Exemption certificate and standard
letter for owner.agent advising of
established expiry date/next due for
annual/renewal survey.
Authorised: Alan Fairney
Check expiry of