Support Staff Manual:
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Support Staff Manual:
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Support Staff Manual:
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New Support Staff
First Things
Provided for you:
Network username and password
Log-on for CS scheduling program
What you need to do:
Read all of the Policy & Procedure Manual. Pay particular attention to: Counseling Policies and Procedures, General Office Procedures and Office Operations.
Read this entire manual!
Review Wellness Website: Become familiar with contents.
Obtain nameplate to display when sitting at reception desk.
Obtain Access to Host on Demand
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Customer Service Guidelines
Professional Conduct: General
Personal activities , especially on the Internet, are secondary and should generally be done only before or after office hours, during lunch, or after all other work has been finished.
Telephone messages need to be taken and EMAILED to the staff member in a timely fashion. Usually this means within five minutes of getting the call. During especially busy times this may lag a little, but it is essential that messages given to the recipient as soon either by phone or email soon as possible. Counselors at Michael Hall should receive messages by email
Materials on and around the reception area should be kept relatively neat . This will probably require making manila folders for sets of materials. It will also require taking more time to properly dispose of
Confidentiality is critical. No identifiable information about a client should be discussed openly. Clients’ names should not be used unless unavoidable (e.g., a note might be written rather than saying a client’s name out loud), and personal information about clients or other callers should be discussed quietly and discreetly, even without names. Many clients are very concerned about confidentiality. See
Appendix N.
It is not appropriate to socialize with clients (chatting, giving gifts, meeting outside of the office, etc). You have no way of knowing the impact of your behavior on a client.
You must maintain a polite professional demeanor at all materials rather than letting them accumulate.
It is important to remember that these are professional offices and the waiting room is only a few feet away from the reception area, and that sound travels easily.
Conversation should be conducted in low voices, and generally in a business-like manner . times. Speak to the Associate Director if you need assistance in how to set appropriate boundaries with clients.
This can be a stressful job. You must keep your personal distress to yourself, and never be rude to a client . Again, the impact of your behavior can be significant and unpredictable.
It is possible that you may have disagreements or problems with the way other staff members handle their responsibilities, especially if it involves some coordination with you. It is preferable that you discuss your concerns directly with the staff member involved, or the Associate
Director or Director rather than talking to other staff members who were not involved in the situation.
Dealing with Emotionally Distressed Students
Although it is not common to encounter someone who is dangerous in the Office, it is common to encounter those who are under significant stress and are not coping well. In any instance when you are dealing with a person in distress, it is necessary to be sensitive to how the interaction is going and be alert to cues that you may need the support of others in the Office to help deal with the situation.
Non-violent students
Signals such as increasing anger or hostility, confused thoughts and speech, or physical agitation should raise red flags for staff as well as students and should not be minimized.
When you feel like you are dealing with something that is beyond your ability or you feel you need support in dealing with a person on the phone or in person, it is okay to turn to others and ask for help. Trust your gut, don’t lose your temper, don’t make things worse
You should deal with difficult situations or people as best you can, but be aware of when your attempts to help are only leading to greater frustration.
Others need to know when you are dealing with such a situation.
Do not keep it to yourself.
At the front desk you can simply say, “X would you give us a hand here?” or “Let me see if I can get a counselor to help us.”
If an office or the group room is available, you can ask the person to sit in there instead of the waiting room so they can have some privacy. (Please be sure to check that client files are not accessible, computer windows are closed, and that any personal belongings are secured prior to allowing any individual into private office space unattended).
Violent/Threatening students
If you are feeling physically threatened, call a counselor immediately for assistance. Say to the student, “Let me see if I can find a counselor to assist you.”
After speaking to the student, the counselor will decide whether to call the University Police. The counselor may instruct the front desk staff to notify campus police at 2222. Briefly explain the situation and ask for assistance.
If student acts violent towards you or attempts to do so, seek safety immediately. For example, go into an empty office or the group room, lock the door, and call for assistance from a counselor and/or the University Police.
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Customer Service Guidelines
Dealing with Concerned Others (parents faculty, friends, or staff)
For general questions/concerns about policy or about a student, “I’ll have a counselor get back to you as soon as possible, unless this is an emergency.” If it is an emergency, give the call to the crisis counselor or an available counselor. If it is not, get name of caller, name of student, phone number and exact times that they will be available. This information will be helpful to the crisis counselor who returns the call. (If crisis counselor is unable to return the call, they will forward the message to another counselor).
If they are making a specific inquiry about a student client: Give no information including whether they are a client or not. Say, “I’m sorry, but we’re not allowed to reveal confidential information due to privacy laws. I’d be glad to have a counselor return your call to further explain our policy.”
If they insist, say, “I understand your concern. A counselor may be able to consult with you and assist you even if they can’t share any information.”
If they say they have a release of information, say, “I will see if a counselor is available to speak to you.” The counselor will check to see if a release form has indeed been signed prior to speaking to a parent. If a counselor is unavailable, say, “Unfortunately, there is not a counselor available. I’ll have a counselor return your call.”
Other Issues to keep in mind when dealing with distressed students and others
In what situation should I consider contacting campus police?
clear threats toward persons present.
there is immediate danger.
a counselor or other staff directs you to call.
What if I see someone else having a tough time dealing with an agitated individual?
Notify another counselor that assistance may be needed.
If the student is acting violently or threatening violence toward a counselor call campus police at 645-
What if I hear some loud voices in a counseling office and I think there may be a dangerous situation?
Call the counselor or knock on their door to check on how the counselor is doing and ask if they would like some assistance from another counselor.
In crisis situations, what should I write down, if anything?
If someone clearly acts out of line, is frightening, or out of touch with reality, it is best to document it and give documentation to the crisis counselor, Associate Director, or Director.
Do not make things worse by asking the agitated person for information in order to document and don’t do it while interacting with the person.
If you know the name, note it and note the description of the person, time, and any threat if mentioned.
If it is a phone conversation, note what you could tell from the voice as well as time, threat, phone number if it is known.
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Routine tasks
Opening the office
Unlocking o Interior and exterior doors (see key lockbox). o
File cabinets. o Supply cabinets next to group room.
Open window blinds.
Turn on equipment o Lights (office, hall, waiting room) o Computers o shredder o Wake up the copy machine o Typewriter
Telephone o Retrieve voice mail messages by pressing the voicemail button, when asked for your extension press “10” and press “10” when asked for your password. o
Notify the senior staff and interns of late arrivals, persons out sick, etc. via email.
File Management o Bring Initial Assessment Roster Book to front desk o Find previous files for Initial Assessment counselors to review. o Have a printed copy of the daily schedule available in the event of problems accessing computer systems or if needed for roll call in building evacuation situations o Print out Initial assessments Report for next day to make reminder calls. o Print out next week’s schedule and file in the filing cabinet. o
Thursdays: Print out psychiatrist schedules prior to each day clients are scheduled with psychiatrist.
Closing the office
Telephone o After hours message will set automatically after business hours
File management o Print out next day’s schedule and store in file cabinet (in case computer system goes down. o Put away schedule, rosters, files and messages
Straighten up the waiting room
Turn off equipment o typewriter o shredder o computers o lights
Locking Up o File cabinets o Supply cabinets outside group room. o
Exterior and interior doors
What if a counselor is in session and it is time to close the office for the evening? o Call the counselor/knock on their door to remind them of the time if they are still not out on the hour. o Ask the counselor if another counselor needs to stay. No counselor should be left alone with a client. o Notify another counselor if they need to remain in the building.
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Routine tasks
Telephone and Taking Messages
General: During the course of our business here, we leave voicemail and send email about clients. Names and initials of clients should never be included in emails.
Instead, the student’s UB ID number should be used . a.
Answering the phone i.
Answer phones
“Good morning/afternoon,
Counseling Services, this is (your name) speaking.” b.
Taking messages i.
Email counselors of any messages waiting for them: voicemail, notes left by clients, etc.
When sending counselor email, use UB student ID number (do not ever use client’s name in email).
See Appendix A for Email Usage Policy ii.
Voicemail messages
Take care to dial the correct counselor office
Be succinct yet specific about who the caller is, contact information such email or phone number and if known, the reason for the call or visit to the office c.
Forwarding messages
If you receive an email or other message from someone here at Counseling Services , you should never forward that on to someone else without checking first with the sender of the message.
Mail: Deliver and Retrieve a.
Deliver outgoing mail and retrieve incoming mail between 1:30-2pm daily.
Meetings a.
Attend committee meetings, as necessary. b.
Monthly meeting with the Associate Director or designee such as an Assistant Director
Front Desk Coverage for support staff absences a.
Get approval for time off (vacation, sick time, professional development, personal day, etc…) from the director at least two weeks in advance b.
If approval is given, ask the office assistants to cover the desk c.
After you have gotten a response from office assistants, if additional coverage is still needed, ask the counseling staff.
Miscellaneous a.
Shut shades if becoming dark outside b.
Check supply needs and order via Staples online. c.
Typing and photocopying assignments as requested by the staff. d.
See Appendix B – Academic Year Checklist for more details on additional yearly/summer routine procedures. e.
Use the “for internal use only” stamp on police reports that are faxed to Counseling Service, then, give them to the Director for review. f.
Check supply of various forms - replenish as necessary.
Customer Service is the #1 Priority!
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General Check-in for ALL clients:
Check in the client on the computer system.
Call the counselor if s/he does not get the client within 10 minutes after check-in.
If a client is more than 10 minutes late, you should check them in on the computer AND call the counselor to alert them
At 10 minutes after the hour, you must visually check the waiting room to see if any clients remain there. Notify the counselor immediately.
Check-in for NEW clients:
Give new clients paperwork to fill out in the office.
Type client’s name and person number on the outer file label.
Document client in “Assessment” book.
If it is indicated that person is a Mandated
Assessments, look for the “Mandated Assessment
Form” and put it in the client’s file.
When client is done with paperwork:
Place completed paperwork into counselor’s cubby. (if a previous file is associated, immediately combine the folders).
No Shows:
Counselor will indicate the no-show status in the
Titanium schedule appointment.
Client Cancellations/Reschedules:
Front desk will cancel the appointment in
Titanium using the appropriate Attendance code.
Check the “Client Note” section of the client file in Titanium for counselor instructions. If no instructions are provided, an appointment cannot be re-scheduled.; tell the client that someone will get back to him or her with possible appointment times.
Promptly write the counselor an email whenever a client is deleted from his or her schedule. Do not use student’s name, use UB student ID number.
If a client cancels all further/future appointments, ask if they have any scheduled psychiatry appointments and remove these appointments from the psychiatrist’s schedule as well.
Appointment Reminders
(Check to see if client has a preference on how to be contacted)
Appointment reminders are made the day before the following appointment types::
Psychiatry appointments
Initial Assessment
Sample script: “ We are contacting you to confirm that your _______ (time/date) appointment tomorrow at _____ (North or South campus). If you will be unable to keep this appointment please contact us so that we may offer your time to another student .”
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Appointments (continued)
Scheduling Appointments
Initial Assessments
Couples Assessments
Psychiatric Appointments
Group Orientation Appointments
Crisis Appointments
Mandated Assessments
See Appendix C for instructions on creating an appointment in Titanium.
All scheduling is done using Titanium. All counselors’ schedules will be found there.
Counselors will schedule their own standing commitments such as supervision, committee meetings, lunch and counseling appointments with on-going clients.
If a counselor wants the support staff to schedule a counseling appointment, there will be a note left in the Notes field under the client’s Titanium record.
All staff use the notes field to relay necessary information to each other, including with the front desk. Counselors are responsible for keeping up-to-date information in the notes field.
Write out the full name of the counselor/doctor when issuing an appointment card. If it is an Initial Assessment, write “Initial Assessment” on the Appointment card.
We can only schedule appointments during times when the office is officially open. If a client cannot come for an assessment during our business hours, please direct them to the crisis counselor (or, if not available, any senior staff or psychology intern who is available) so that we may provide off-campus referrals.
Make a note of any special requests (only wants female counselor; who referred them).
Make a note of mandated assessments. Schedule these clients only with senior staff or psychology interns. If it is a mandated alcohol/substance abuse assessment but the appropriate testing paperwork in the initial assessment the client folder, so that the client can be given it along with standard initial assessment documents.
Make a note that you directed them to either 120 Richmond or 201 Michael Hall.
Issue a red out guide and card for any file you remove from the filing system.
See Appendix D for a typical workflow.
Forms and other paperwork are located at H:\Counseling Services\Forms\
If a client signs a carbon form the client should be given the copy and the original put in the file.
Initial Assessments
Schedule 90-minute assessment appointments by talking directly to the client. (Generally, others are not allowed to schedule an appointment on behalf of someone else. However, if a counselor directs you to make an exception to this rule, please do so without question).
All paperwork will be completed on the day of the assessment.
What to say to the client: i.
“Would you like to make an assessment appointment?” ii.
“ Are you a registered student at UB?” (Students who are on leave of absence or have withdrawn are not considered currently enrolled). iii.
What is your student number ? iv.
If client indicates he or she would like to be seen today, ask him or her, “Is this an emergency ?” We do not schedule crisis appointments over the phone. Once the student comes to the office, follow the crisis procedures described later in this manual v.
“Have you ever been to the Counseling Service before ?” “What year?” (If so, you will need to type “PREV ‘05” in the computer Note field,
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Inform client what time to arrive and that appointment will last approximately 60-90 minutes. vii.
Ask how we may contact them for reminder call (email, phone). viii.
Give student directions to the office where the assessment will be conducted. ix.
Ask them to call if they need to cancel so we may offer the appointment to others.
Pull their previous file (use Access/Medicat/Protégé/Titanium to find client folders that need to be pulled and given to the counselor to review). Combine old records with new records.
Couples Assessments
When scheduling an assessment for couples’ counseling, only one person needs to be a UB student.
To protect confidentiality, the partner’s name should not be cross-referenced on the outside label of the other partner’s paper file.
Place a copy of the "Couples Counseling Policy for Non-Student Partners" in each person’s folder (2 copies total).
Couple appointments use the Group Roster feature in Titanium: You schedule a "Group or Couple Appointment", not an "Individual Appointment". This allows you to enter the name of both people in the couple, under the
"Group Roster" tab.
Psychiatric Appointments
No one should be scheduled for a psychiatry appointment without completing an initial assessment appointment and having a verbal or written approval from a staff counselor.
If the person does not have a referral from one of our counselors or Student Health, and they have never been to the Counseling Service before, explain that a referral from one of our counselor’s is necessary and schedule an assessment appointment with a counselor first.
If they already have a staff counselor, tell them to get a referral from the counselor.
Once you have confirmed that is OK to schedule a psychiatry appointment, ask the student: “will this be your first appointment with the psychiatrist?” (If so, allow
50 minutes for the first appointment).
If it is a follow up appointment, they will only need 20 minutes for the appointment, occasionally psychiatrists might ask for a 30 minute follow up appt., there is a code in Titanium for this
Psychiatric residents follow up appts are always 30 minutes, there is specific code in Titanium for this
Schedule the newly made appointment in the computer.
Write out an appointment card for the client with the psychiatrist’s name and the location of the appointment.
Email the psychiatrist of any additions/changes to his/her schedule. Do not use client’s name; use student number.
More detailed information about the psychiatry policies can be found in the Policies and Procedures manual
Group Orientation Appointments
Counselors typically schedule their own group screenings.
Support staff can only schedule group screenings if the counselor has left available times in the Client Notes field.
Unlike the group screening appointments, support staff does not check in students for group counseling sessions.
The counselor will do that.
Support staff checks in clients for group screens.
Mandated Assessments
First, whenever a student calls and requests an initial assessment appt, IF YOU HEAR ANY IMPLICATION THAT
THEY ARE BEING TOLD THAT THEY MUST/SHOULD ATTEND (i.e., a student says, “I have to come…” “I’m supposed to make an appointment…” or “I was told to call for an appointment.”)
Then you need to explicitly ask the student “are you being required to attend an appointment with our office by
Athletics, Residence Life, or the Student Wide Judiciary?”
If they confirm that they are being required to attend by one of these offices, then ask “Is this related to a concern about alcohol or other drug use?”
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Regardless of the responses to these questions, proceed with scheduling a mandated IA ONLY WITH A SENIOR
STAFF OR PSYCH INTERN – the counselor will be responsible to schedule the 2 nd appointment if this is a mandated alcohol/drug assessment. These appointments can be scheduled at either Richmond or Michael Hall. (If they are scheduled at Michael Hall, it would be helpful to give the counselor a heads-up as they will then be responsible for adding in the SASSI form to the paperwork.)
Document in the appointment notes field that this is a mandated general assessment or mandated alcohol/drug assessment. If it is a mandated alcohol/drug assessment, add a note that front desk should ADD SASSI FORM TO
PAPERWORK AT CHECK-IN. The SASSI is the blue 2-sided questionnaire that Amana told you about this morning - these forms are already in your office (in the folder marked “FOR MANDATED ALCOHOL & DRUG
ASSESSMENTS”). You will notice that the forms have a small sheet attached which gives instructions to the student for how to complete the questionnaire. If students have questions about completing it, you can tell them to wait until they meet with the counselor who can then explain how they need to complete it (same as if they have questions about how to complete other parts of the paperwork).
Please be sure that when you are checking in clients for IA appts, you make sure you review the notes field to see if there is an indication that they need to be given the SASSI with the other paperwork. We are counting on you at the front desk to provide the correct paperwork for these folks, but that means you need to be diligent about looking at the notes you’ve written yourself in the appointment notes field. If you find that you are running low on the questionnaires in the folder, please let the Assessment coordinator know so that they can prepare enough in advance
(with attached instructions). Forms have been provided for counselors who conduct IA’s at MH to have available over there.
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Crises Appointments
Provide Handout to client:
If a client comes to the front desk indicating they are in crisis, or otherwise want to see a counselor today, give him or her the “Same-day Emergency Consultation” handout to read. (See Appendix E).
Who will see the student in crisis:
If after reading the handout, the student still requests a crisis appointment, use the Crisis Decision Tree Policy
(See Appendix F):
Here is a summary of this decision tree. It specifies the priority of where to schedule the student: a.
Open Assessment time. b.
If no assessment spots are available, counselors should be contacted in this order:
crisis counselor
available senior staff counselor
available psychology intern
Interrupt staff meeting
Interrupt Committee meeting
Interrupt Training
Interrupt Supervision
Interrupt Co-therapy session (e.g., group)
[“co-therapy” = when there is more than
one therapists conducting a session]
Interrupt Individual Therapy
Schedule the student as a Crisis appointment in Titanium.
Either add the client to a Crisis Placeholder, or create a new appointment.
Paperwork to give to student :
Harm to Self or Others Questionnaire
Informed Consent Form
Request for Service Form (ask them to fill out the first 2 boxes of demographic information).
Call counselor’s office when person’s paperwork is ready for review.
If this is a new client, open the Client screen to display the client record. Enter the student’s contact information and the demographic information that has been completed.
What Next :
Always review the Harm to Self or Others
Questionnaire and if the student has endorsed “Yes” to any of the items but indicates they’ve changed their mind about speaking to a counselor, please tell the student that you would like him or her to speak with a counselor before leaving.
Ask the client to have a seat
If the client chooses to leave, please inform the
Director as soon as possible or an Associate
Director or Assistant Director so that follow up with the student can occur. You are not expected to physically try to stop the student from leaving.
Additional Considerations :
Counselor will decide if person will be an initial assessment or crisis session.
Schedule an assessment or psychiatric appointment if that is what counselor has directed.
If two crises occur at the same time, call the crisis counselor and let them decide if they want to take the second crisis or pass to another counselor.
If counselor passes to another counselor, use the following list: to decide who will take crisis:
Available senior staff
Available psychology intern
Interrupt staff meeting
Interrupt committee meeting
Individual Therapy
NOTE: These items are not considered urgent – if no one is available, take a message: o Interviews o
Special accommodations for Assessment
Appointments o Referrals to the community o Class projects
Call the crisis counselor regarding any other information they need during their crisis hour. Do not use email because you will have no way of knowing if the counselor received your message.
Protocol When Police Are On The Premises
There will be circumstances where University Police (or other law enforcement officials) are on the premises to assist the counselors with a student in crisis. Usually this involves transportation to the hospital. There can also be situations where a student is acting out in a dangerous manner on-site. It is important to understand that confidentiality and privacy regulations continue to be in force in these circumstances and we must do everything we can to prevent other people from over-hearing confidential information. Therefore, the following procedures should be used when police are on-site:
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The police officer(s) should be immediately directed to an available office , or if none are available, to a more secluded location . Under no circumstances should they stand near the waiting room where it is most likely that others would overhear them.
If an officer begins to discuss clinical information with you before s/he is directed to a more secluded location, or if s/he refuses to move to another location, you should politely but firmly explain that you are not able to talk in the hall because others may overhear. Do not reply to any of the officer’s inquires until s/he is in a more private location. Again, remind them that a counselor will be with them shortly. Do not get involved in an argument or debate with the officer .
If the counselor is not present, notify them by buzzing them in his/her office (or follow whatever instructions s/he may have previously given you). It is not your job to discuss the client with the officer .
Inform the officer that a counselor will be there shortly (in some cases the counselor may already be there when the officer arrives)
If police officers need to access other areas of our Office (e.g., go to a counselor’s office), they should be escorted by a front desk staff person, or a clinical staff person . They should not be walking through our halls alone. At the same time, the front desk should never be left unattended.
Please note, University Police have been informed of these policies. Nevertheless, if you ever have an interaction that is problematic, the Associate Director or Director should be notified.
The Director and Associate Director should always be notified (immediately if they are not with a client) when police are on their way or are on-site.
At all times, please remember: It can be very upsetting for clients to see police officers on-site. We must do all we can to conduct ourselves calmly, carefully, and with respect for everyone’s privacy.
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Data Entry & File Management
Data Entry
When the front desk user is given the client’s Initial Assessment paperwork, s/he opens the Client screen and displays the client record for the new client. S/he then enters the contact information. The front desk user will also complete Data Entry Forms to record Request For Services (demographic information from the purple form),
Substance Abuse , Symptom Checklist , and Harm to Self data. Detailed instructions can be found on the server, and in Appendix G).
See Appendix H for special instructions on data entry.
You can keep track of where you are in data entry by using the Assessment book. Mark the Assessment book so that when you are done entering data you know where to look for the next client yet to be entered. Date and initial after data entry has been completed.
Once data entry is complete, return the file to the alphabetical filing system or appropriate counselor.
File Retention Procedures i.
Any unusual files should be reviewed by the Director or Associate Director. ii.
Consolidate folders (old previous with new), if necessary. iii.
The date of last contact is what is important.
Files 0-7 years old: Keep the full file (e.g. initial assessment paperwork, initial assessment summary, termination summary, and all case notes) for 7 years since the date of last contact (including letters, reports, and consultation notes).
After 7 years: The entire record can be shredded. However, remember to look for anything described above BEFORE shredding. For example, even though there might be a termination summary dated
1995; if there is a note dated 1998 the last date of contact is considered 1998.
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Administrative Duties
Client Satisfaction Surveys
Distribute at weeks 6 and 12 in the fall and spring semester to all regularly scheduled therapy/psychiatric clients
(See Appendix I).
Email and remind Assistant Clinical Director that surveys are coming due the 4 can notify staff of the “warning week” for surveys.
Prepare the surveys a week before they are to be distributed: th week of each semester so s/he o Make sure there are enough copies. Some surveys are prepared at the last minute so make extra copies. o Arrangements need to be made for surveys of staff at Michael Hall
Surveys are given to clients before their session starts. Give client the survey letter (the survey and survey letter can be found on the H drive, forms) -- this explains the survey and directs them to note their counselor’s name.
If they have left the name blank and you can provide this information please add it.
Surveys are anonymously deposited into a drop box in the reception area and then given to the Director
Survey should not be reviewed by anyone other than the Director, also specifically given permission to do so.
Budget o o o
Budget expenses are entered onto Microsoft Access.
Budget file can be found in
H:\Counseling Service\Databases\BUDGET\
After entering, insert in notebook for current year under the applicable tabs. For more extensive budget info ask the Director.
Petty Cash
Used for up to $250.00 in purchases. o
This can be found on the UB Business web page under Forms, Financial Services, and State Petty Cash
Reimbursement Request. o This can also be found in folder labeled Forms behind the P divider. o Use these if vendor doesn’t accept Speed Orders. You must use your own money. o In order to be reimbursed submit original receipt. Try to remember to use an Exemption of State Sales
Tax form to present to the vendor at the time of purchase. o After the purchaser has submitted the receipt(s) to you type this Petty cash form out. Have the Director sign as authorized signature, unless the Director is the payee, no need to sign payee signature. If the purchaser is not the authorized signature (Director), have the purchaser sign his/her name in payee signature.
Purchase Requisition o These can be found in reception area drawer in the folder labeled Forms behind the P divider; file Petty
Cash Reimbursement Request. o Use these for paying vendors who send us bills. You can also use these to pay for conference registration fees beforehand, but check with the conference registration person to be sure they accept these. o Send to State Purchasing, Crofts Hall.
Speed Orders o
Use these for purchasing items without having to pay the vendor out of your pocket. These can be used for up to $1,500 in purchases. o These can be found in reception area drawers in folder labeled Forms behind the S divider; file Speed
Order (Departmental Log). o
Complete form to vendor or give blank one to purchaser if vendor is unknown at this point. o Record appropriate information as listed on Speed Order System Log. When purchaser returns with original receipt complete the rest of this form. (You won’t be able to record all the information until the purchaser returns with the original receipt). o Submit white with completed sections to the vendor. Original receipts must be attached. Send original receipt with their copy (yellow) of Speed Order for them to pay the vendor to Procurement Services,
Crofts Hall.
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Procurement Card o The Director and the senior support staff person are authorized to use this. o Any purchases made in excess of $200.00 must be approved by the Director. o The following purchases are not allowable :
Entertainment expenses
Car Rental
Travel o Keep a running total of each staff member’s travel expenditure. o
At the end of the current budget year, record the amount of money each staff member has used (this includes all required and not required travel – see database in Microsoft Access). o Full-time employees use the CTA (Central Travel Account). An American Express Business Travel
Account Application and Authorization form must be completed by employee and signed by the
Supervisor /Director (for air and train travel only). o Hotel (only if it is a conference) traveler is reimbursed for full amount. Hotel rates need to state in the quoted price that it is the conference rate. o Send this to the Administrative Director for the Wellness Team, who receives monthly copies of the bill. o A Traveler Profile must be filled out by the employee for airline travel. This can be found on-line at o Reimbursement upon the traveler’s return is done on a Travel voucher/reimbursement form. o
For meals, hotel, taxi, shuttle or mileage add these to travel reimbursement form. o The traveler must submit for reimbursement all original receipts from hotel bill and meals, taxicabs, airport/hotel shuttle. o If travel was by auto complete a Statement of Automobile Travel. o
Have traveler and Supervisor sign and date Travel voucher. Send to Travel Services. o The Administrative Director for the Wellness Team or the Health Services Director must sign the
Counseling Services Director’s Travel voucher. After it has been signed, ask that the form be forwarded to Travel Services. o
All other staff must have their Travel Voucher signed by the Director.
Time & Attendance
The first of the month give all staff monthly time and attendance time sheets by the time and attendance recordkeeper. Inform staff to return these to the senior support staff person not the Director.
They must have these completed by the 5 th of the month.
Semi-annual reporting forms are done and are due in Human Resources in January and July.
An in-house request for leave form is done by both classified and senior staff for vacation, sick (if you are leaving sick for the day or will be out at a doctor appointment or medical leave, etc.), jury duty, personal leave
(classified staff only). After approval by the director, the request is sent to the time and attendance record keeper. Even if you take any emergency sick time, you must fill out one of these when you return.
Email staff to remind them if time and attendance forms are late.
Key control
All keys to Counseling Services are kept secured in a key lock box located the file room.
All senior staff and Psychology Interns and Support Staff are issued keys to the lock box.
Key tag number, key numbers and to whom key was issued to is entered and saved in file:
H:\Counseling Service/Support Staff/Key Inventory/.
Any changes in who keys have been issued to or obtained from should be updated immediately.
Support Staff Manual:
p. 17
Property Removal o A Property Removal Form needs to be filled out every time a person takes a piece of equipment off campus.
The Director of the department signs this form. The original of the form is kept by the borrower. A copy is given to the department’s inventory coordinator. Another copy goes to University Police. o
Every year Inventory Services sends the Inventory coordinator (the senior support staff person) the current inventory; items that have a cost of $5,000 of more are added to the Department Inventory Printout which is mailed to the inventory coordinator. Any new items that are at the above mentioned cost or more that is not on the printout must be added.
Sign out procedure (laptop & projector) o The laptop or projector must be signed out and signed back in (form is in the forms area).
Any furniture, office equipment, etc. that the department no longer has a need for and is in Excellent, Good or Fair condition can be surplused.
List items on the document entitled, Declaration of Excess Surplus Assets form. This is a four page duplicate form, which can be found in the forms drawer in the folder entitled INVENTORY, or on the UB
Business web page.
When completed, fax this form to Inventory Services, fax 645-6546.
After this is received in Inventory Services, you will receive tags that you apply to the items you want surplused. (Be sure you place the correct tag according to corresponding Tag# that is listed for it).
Then send the yellow form (which instructs you to do this) to Moving and Trucking at the address indicated on the form. Moving and trucking will call to schedule a convenient time for them to come and have the items picked up and taken to the Helm Warehouse.
Disposing o Any furniture or office equipment that is in Poor or Scrap condition - list these items individually on each
Request for Disposal form which can also be found in the same file cabinet or the UB Business web page. o Make copies of the completed form and apply to items you want disposed. o Keep a copy of this form in the Inventory file. o Originals, when completed, can be faxed to Inventory Services, fax 645-6546. o
You do not receive tags for these as these items get disposed of. o Send a copy of each form to Moving and Trucking.
UB Swap o This can be accessed off the web from UB Business Services. o With this feature, you can advertise any type of office supplies you want to get rid of or any you may need. o If at all possible, Inventory Services prefers you do this instead of using the Request for Excess Surplus or
Disposal form.
Unaccountable Equipment o For inventory that cannot be located, send memo to Inventory Services, Attn: Theresa H. Bell, Director, requesting the item be removed from Counseling Service’s inventory. This request needs to provide the account number & a copy of the Property Control Sheet.
On a weekly basis check supply cabinet for any supplies that will be needed. Place an order with Staples on line ordering system.
Manage any returns or exchanges
Order copy paper from Central Stores. Use requisition or order on-line.
Order business cards, Counseling Services appointment cards. Letterhead stationery, and letterhead envelopes from Print and Mail (use requisition to order these)
To purchase postage stamps – complete a State Purchase Requisition made out to US Postmaster, Buffalo, NY.
Office Equipment Maintenance
Support Staff Manual:
p. 18
The maintenance agreement is arranged by the Administrative Manager for the Wellness Team. The agreement covers number of copies made, maintenance and non-billable supplies such as toner. The staples are billable.
Computers & Printers
The IT Services person assigned to Counseling Services will handle computer and printer problems. Call 645-
3049 if immediate assistance is required or submit an on-line worker order.
Psychology Internship
(See also New Appointments section below)
Selection period o Inquiries:
If someone requests information about the psychology internship training program at any point during the year, they can be directed to our website and given the
Telephone System
See Appendix H for information on how to add, remove, and modify new staff configurations, and how to troubleshoot problems. name of the TD (Training Director) if they have additional questions. They may be instructed to contact the TD by phone or email (TD’s email address may be given out if requested). o Interviews:
TD (Training Director) will need a GA or responsible
Work Study student to assist in various tasks beginning in October. TD will provide specific instructions to the GA or Work Study assistant in late
September. These tasks include: o
Compiling applicant folders o
Inputting applicant names and relevant information to a computer file (formatted and organized by the TD) o
Sending 2 or 3 waves of form letters to applicants
Appointments & Arrival
Spring Semester:
After intern selection, secretaries/receptionists will do the following: o Once the interns have been selected and have accepted the position, the TD will provide secretary with a list of their names, contact information, and appointment period. At this point, secretary will:
Send out necessary paperwork to begin the process of setting up their appointment as a staff member for the following year.
Find out when Human Resources/Business offices have mailed out necessary information to each intern, and inform TD .
Summer: o Contact each intern and obtain his or her UBIT usernames. Give this information to the TD and
Secretaries/receptionists will do the following: o o
Schedule phone interviews: Beginning mid-
December, contact pool of applicants (list to be provided by TD at that time) to schedule phone interviews.
Each phone interview is to be conducted by the TD, 2 senior staff members (list of designated senior staff members to be provided by the TD at that time), and one psychology intern. o Interviews are to be scheduled for 1-hour intervals. o
The specific period in which phone interviews may be scheduled will be provided by the TD at that time, though they will typically fall during the last week of
December and the first two weeks in January.
Associate Director (about a month prior to the start of the new internship year).
Put in a work order for Student Affairs IT to set up email accounts for new interns. o Get packet with UB map and visitor’s parking tag ready for new intern group. Give packet to
TD . TD will add cover letter before having these mailed out. This should be done at least 3 weeks prior to new intern arrival. o
Contact each intern and to get necessary information for:
name plates for each of their doors
ordering a scheduler/planner
ordering business cards
(If unable to contact an intern, these may be done once they actually arrive.) o Get keys ready for new intern group, obtain temporary parking tags, and obtain UB cards for each intern. Give these to interns when they arrive the first day of internship o Find out when the interns’ benefits orientation is scheduled and inform the training director.
When new interns arrive:
Place phone calls and connect appropriate participants for actual phone interviews.
Support Staff Manual: o
Provide information abo ut using the phone
p. 19
system and sett ing up their voicemail. o For temps, interns, and non-UB affiliated users, you must put in Volunteer Appointment paperwork though the E-PTF (Electronic personnel transaction for). This will get them a
UBIT name and will place them in all university systems, which needs to be done before and account can be created.
New Appointments
Professional Staff & Psych Interns o Appointments are processed using the e-PTF system. Currently Beth Rogan completes this for UBCS.
Psych Interns: a.
Enter the current Interns Terminations (at the end of June) and the appointment of the incoming Interns the end of June-beginning of July. b.
Enter new interns as Initial Appt. Paid, Professionals. Most of the information needed for this form is in their resume and internship application. o The following forms are sent to the incoming staff:
Draft of the PTF (Personnel Transaction Form). Highlight in yellow the information you need from them, ex. Home address in Buffalo and phone, date of birth, marital status, Citizen information, Visa Status (if required) and other information pertaining to this on the form, emergency contact, relationship, address and phone number(s),
Verification of First Day of Service, employment eligibility forms (be sure the appropriate documentation is sent along with this form, ex. Social security card, driver’s license (send listing of acceptable documents with this),
tax forms (IT-2104 and W4, Oath card (yellow original);
Copy of the Public Officers Law.
Attach post-it flags to indicate where they must sign and date on these forms. Send a note along with this informing them of the date you need this returned. Determine this by checking the Regular State
Payroll Calendar of HRS Appointment Processing Transaction Due Dates (noon).
Before any of this is sent, call the new staff member to verify the address you are sending this too is.
Send this UPS. When this is all complete, have the Counseling Services Director sign and send to the
Wellness Team, Administrative Manager
Student Assistants/Trainees o Ask student assistants to complete the PTF at our office o
Along with their PTF the same paperwork as that is listed above for professional staff pertains to them. o Student Assistants are entered as Initial Appointment (Paid), Student. o Do their terminations when their appointment has ended. Contact Beth Rogan to process this. o When this is all complete, have the Director sign and send to Beth Rogan for further signatures and appropriate action. o Ask if they want direct deposit. If so, give them the form to fill out. o The importance of confidentiality needs to be explained to all work study and office assistants, they should fill out the Confidentiality agreement.
Part-time trainees o Please refer all part-time to their supervisor or program coordinator if they ask any questions beyond basic office procedures, as different programs have different policies o
Part-time trainees cannot complete Initial assessments for mandated clients o Part-time trainees cannot provide services for students from this program, this potential could happen for an Initial assessment, the trainee will them request that you reschedule the student o Part-time trainees should never be asked to see a student for crisis walk-in
Support Staff Manual:
p. 20
Work Study o There is a form that is sent by the Federal College Work Study Program Coordinator entitled “Request for the New Academic Year”. This form must be returned for the posting to be put on work-study website. o Interested students should provide a resume and available work hours. o All work study students need to sign the Confidentiality agreement. o Have all work study and part time trainees complete Information and Technology Services Student
Account Access Form to enable them to access UBCS computers, the form should be faxed to IT services. o The Director or Associate Director and a support staff person will interview appropriate candidates. o Upon hire, complete the part of the Federal College Work Study Appointment Form not a e-PTF form that needs to be done by our office. o Have the student complete: Income Eligibility, as well as required documentation, tax forms (IT-2104E and W4). When all complete, send to address located at bottom of Federal College Work Study
Appointment Form. o Ask if the student wants direct deposit. If so, provide the necessary form. o Support Staff Relationship With Student Workers
Full-time clerical staff is involved in the recruitment, training, and supervision of the work study students and office assistants with regard to clerical duties. (See Appendix M).
Work-study students and office assistants also work on special projects as assigned by the counseling staff.
Any workplace conflict or supervisor-supervisee problem should be reported to the Associate
Director, who will assist in the resolution of the problem.
Graduate Assistants are also trained in basic receptionist duties. However, they only serve in this capacity on an as-needed basis and the Outreach Coordinator is their direct supervisor. o When a new Non-staff user comes into UBCS, even for a short period of time, they must have the following things completed before they can log into a PC.
The user must have an UBIT name and an entry in the University Directory: before IT can set up their account. If the user has an entry in LDAP but does not know their UBIT name, contact Human Resources.
For student (undergrad & Grad Assistants) all the needs to be submitted is a new
Student Account Access Form . Go to step #2.
For temps, interns and non-UB affiliated users, you must put in Volunteer
Appointment paperwork through the E-PTF (Electronic Personnel transaction form).
This will get them a UBIT name and placed in all university systems, which needs to be done before IT can create an account. o Submit a new Student Account Access Form
NOTE: If the student is paid for by Student Affairs, you must fax a copy to Beth Rogan at
Have the student/inter/GA read the Student Account Access for thoroughly and be sure to note the following :
Does the student need a separate email account (Outlook Access?) Students usually only need an exchange account if they need access to shared calendars or public folders.
Does the student need access to shared department data? This includes the H:/and S: / drives, as well as access to any special department systems. Please be specific.
IT services will then configure an account for the user to be in our system. Users who have a
UBIT name, but are not in our system, cannot login to VIPIT computers.
NOTE: It is a serious violation of University IT policy to share you password, login for another user (i.e. share your account access) or allow ANYONE access to a computer who is not affiliated with the University at Buffalo.
Support Staff Manual:
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All staff and trainees should use the standard disclaimer about the nature of confidentiality of email communications, and this should be attached to your automatic email signature:
Standard Disclaimer:
Email is not a secure form of communication.
We cannot ensure confidentiality.
This transmission, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) or entity and may contain confidential and privileged information. If you received this and are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, unauthorized distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender as indicated above to arrange the proper handling of the information.
Never use identifying client information (names) in internal emails – always use a student’s UB student number.
All staff and trainees should follow the general recommendation of using email with clients primarily for scheduling/rescheduling purposes, and not for engaging in therapeutic exchanges. Trainees should consult with supervisors about how to best respond to emails from clients that relates to therapeutic issues.
All part-time trainees are required to set up a temporary email account to be used exclusively for their communication with UBCS clients, and which is to be closed at the conclusion of the training experience at UBCS.
Mass mailings should not be sent out to UBCS staff and trainees unless it is related to services or training issues.
Internal emails should not be forwarded to other staff and/or trainees without first consulting with the author of the original email as there may be important reasons emails are not widely distributed to everyone affiliated with UBCS.
Support Staff Manual:
p. 22
Academic Year Checklist
Add this:
Fall Semester: compile the staff list info during the second week of the semester, put it in everyone's mailbox
(since not all trainees will have already established email addresses) put a note of the list giving folks at least
4 business days to review, after the 4 days confirm with the Assistant Director whether the list can be sent out, also establish a place on the H drive where folks can go to print out the list.
Work order requests for computer access and to add or remove new staff/interns to Distribution lists should take place whenever new staff arrive or leave.
Support Staff Manual:
p. 23
Titanium : Creating Appointments
Right click the hour you want to schedule an appointment for. Select
Add . Select the kind of appointment want to make.
You can schedule:
clinical appointments
other appointments (similar to
“Blocks” in Medicat terms)
placeholders (similar to
“Reservations” in Medicat terms)
Make sure the start time , and length you are correct.
You can add an Appointment (Appt.) note – this can be read by anyone who views this appointment, such as the front desk. This note is attached just to this specific appointment.
You can also see the Client Note – this is a note that has been attached to the client’s record (see below how to create a client record). You can edit or change this note. It follows the client across all appointments.
More information about creating appointments can be found in the Titanium manual:
"H:\Counseling Services\Titanium\Titanium User Manual.pdf".
For couples/group appointments (therapy sessions and initial assessments), you schedule a "Group or Couple
Appointment" (Figure 1), not an "Individual Appointment". This allows you to enter the name of the people in the couple or group, under the "Group Roster" tab (Figure 2).
Taking attendance is a 2-step process .
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First, in your schedule grid, you mark the appointment as Attendance Taken.
Then you open up the appointment, of to the Group Roster tab, and indicate each member as Attended (or no-show, etc).
Support Staff Manual:
p. 25
Workflow Scenario for a New Client’s Appointment
This scenario will guide you through the process of scheduling an appointment for a new client, and completing your required Titanium Schedule-related tasks once the appointment occurs. (Page numbers refer to the Titanium Manual, which can be found under the Titanium Help menu).
A new client calls the front desk to schedule an appointment at Counseling Services. a.
The front desk user uses the Find Open feature to search for an open appointment slot. b.
The user schedules the appointment by right-clicking the open appointment slot and selecting
Add > Individual Appointment . c.
The user uses the Find or Add New Client screen to find the client.
The Client screen appears for the new client. d.
The user asks the client for a contact phone number, and Student ID number, enters it on the Client screen, and clicks Save and Exit .
The Individual Appointment screen appears. e.
The user selects the appropriate appointment Code (Initial Assessment). f.
The user clicks Save and Exit on the Individual Appointment screen.
The scheduled appointment appears on the Schedule Viewer screen. g.
The user tells the client the time of the appointment.
The client arrives for their first appointment. a.
The front desk user gives the new client the Initial assessment clipboard and asks the client to fill out the forms. When the client is done, the client turns-in the Initial assessment form to the front desk. b.
The user left-clicks on the attendance icon for the client’s scheduled appointment and changes the attendance status to Attended.
On the counselor’s machine, Titanium Schedule chimes and pops-up a message to notify the counselor that the client has arrived for the appointment. c.
The counselor will escort the client back for the appointment.
Text in BLUE is new as of May 18, 2009.
Select Clients from the Open menu.
Get the student’s person number (this is required. not able to download UB data with just the student’s new client record, the student’s name will appear with external data source) at the top. This indicates that data downloaded from the UB system and populate the data form.
Click New Client
Support Staff Manual:
p. 26
Titanium is name)
If this is a
(From will be
Click Yes when asked if you are sure you want to add a new client with this information:
Support Staff Manual:
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The Client screen opens for the new Client.
You will see that some of the data is already filled in. This comes from the
UB database.
Correct any information with information provided by the client. (the may be outdated)
After the client completes the Initial
Assessment paperwork, you will proceed to the Demographics screen. Click
UB data
Open latest to open the data form. This too will be partially filled out with UB downloaded data.
Add new data, and c orrect any information with data from our own forms. Our forms always take priority over the downloaded data.
- Comments
- Emergency Contact information
- Supervisor
Drop down menu
Select down menu. (Use this to communicate with the front desk, and other staff; or make
Comment from the drop reminders for yourself).
(This is the famous “bird memo”)
Emergency Contact
Emerg. Contact from the drop down menu. (This is where to indicate emergency contact info. e.g., parents/ guardian).
Supervisor :
If there is a supervisor for a case, the counselor will enter his/her name under Supervisor.
Support Staff Manual:
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Indicating counselor attached to a client:
Click on the Client Security tab. Indicate the counselor (s) assigned to a case by using the dropdown list of counselors. Select as many names as needed.
This should include the psychiatrist as well.
Counselors should also put their here as well. Once the client is up by a counselor, the counselor up the client needs to deactivate the counselor's name (but leave it on the and add his or her own name as the assigned counselor.
IA names picked picking
IA list)
When this does not apply:
No other counselors need to be to this list. This includes contacts with an on-call counselor, crisis/walk-in counselor, testing added counselor. The intention here is just to have the counselor(s) responsible for the client to be listed here.
Special Note on Returning Clients
If the client is returning for a new Initial Assessment:
Select Copy xxxxx demographics to new – Select you completed a previous Client Demographics the client. This option automatically copies static
Gender and birth dates) so you don’t have to reinformation. this option if data form for fields (like enter this
Support Staff Manual:
p. 29
Same-Day Emergency Handout
The staff at Counseling Services is aware that emergencies requiring immediate attention can exist for students seeking our services. Because of the demand on our services, however, we are not able to see most students the same day they contact us. This handout has been prepared to help you decide whether our same-day crisis services are right for you.
Our same-day crisis services are designed to assist students who are confronting life-threatening circumstances, current or recent traumatic crises, and serious mental illness. Examples of such issues include:
suicidal thoughts
the need to be hospitalized
thoughts about harming another person
recent assault or abuse
concern about your own safety
knowledge of another person being abused or assaulted
the safety of someone else
recent death of a loved one
witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event
A counselor is available to meet with students in crisis when not being seen immediately could lead to serious consequences or seriously aggravate their existing condition.
If you believe your situation is a crisis that cannot wait for a regularly scheduled appointment, please let the secretary know. A counselor will meet with you today to do a brief assessment and make recommendations as to how to proceed.
Support Staff Manual:
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Crisis Decision Tree
If the crisis counselor is in with a student, the support staff may phone the counselor to inform him/her that a second student is waiting. This information lets the counselor know that a decision needs to be made about whether he or she will have time to see the second student. (e.g. I'll be done in a few moments or please see if anyone else is available.)" Once the crisis counselor has asked the support staff to find another counselor, our established decision making tree for obtaining another counselor should be put into play.
Decision Making Tree:
If the crisis counselor is busy then find an available senior staff person (Available means no clients, supervision or meetings are scheduled)
If all senior staff are busy find an available psychology intern (Available means no clients, supervision or meetings are scheduled)
If no senior staff or psychology interns are available then interrupt a staff meeting followed by a committee meeting, followed by a training activity such as intern or prac seminar.
If that's not possible, interrupt supervision
It should rarely get to the point that a counseling session needs to be interrupted. However, it could happen especially at times when only a few staff members are in the building. Please remember that this should be used as an absolute last resort.
Notes :
Select Notes from the drop down menu. (Use this to communicate with the front desk, and other staff; or make reminders for yourself).
(This is the famous “bird memo”)
Emergency Contact :
Select Emerg. Contact from the drop down menu. (This is where to indicate emergency contact info. e.g., parents/ guardian).
Titanium : Additional Client Information Options
Drop down menu
Support Staff Manual:
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Indicate the supervisor of a case here. No dropdown list, you’ll have to type it out. Sorry.
Additional Therapist:
You can indicate an additional therapist here if Counselor 1 and 2 are already in use.
Support Staff Manual:
p. 32
Quick Phone How To’s
Calling a Counselor
Touch Button for Counselor you are looking to contact
Counselor’s phone will ring
Talk as normal
Transferring Calls
Do Not put the call on hold
Touch the transfer button
Touch counselor button that the call is for
Announce the caller’s name etc.
Touch transfer again to forward call to counselor
Transfer Call to Voice Mail
Do Not put the call on hold
Touch the transfer button
Touch counselor button that the call is for 3.
Do not announce the caller
Touch Transfer button a second time
Main line (645-2720) Daily Voice Mail
Touch Message Button then follow the prompts to
Enter password (52720) then #
Touch 4 for Set Up Options
Touch 1 for Greeting Options
Touch 1 again ( you will hear something along the lines of do you wish to re-record Standard
Greeting of to Turn On / Off Alternate Greeting at this point
Touch 2, listen to the prompts carefully and the greeting you have turned on will play for you, if this is not the correct greeting, simply hang up and repeat the process again.
Support Staff Manual:
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Change Greeting from Primary to Alternate Greeting
This will need to be done each morning and evening
4 touch messages key after UBCS greeting touch 4 key then touch 1 you will be asked if you want to re-record your greeting or do you want to disable the alternate or primary greeting.
To disable current greeting touch 2 the new greeting will play to exit press the * key then lift hand set repeat procedure to record new version of greeting by touching the 1 button then following the instructions and prompts by voice on phone
Support Staff Manual:
p. 34
Student Worker Duties and Training
Train Student in the following:
Familiarize student workers with Policy and Procedures Manual and Secretarial Manuals
Greeting clients and check in for appointments
Phones & messages
Using email appropriately to relay messages to staff
Documenting initial assessments, label and paperwork
Use of schedule for cancellations/reschedules
Check notes in Titanium
Basket items/Lock in Birdie drawer overnight
Instruct on “how client likes to be contacted” and discreet message leaving
Regular demographic data entry and data entry of alcohol/drug abuse stats
Gather Doctors files and print schedules
Print out Schedules needed for archiving
Print out the initial assessment/paperwork done for reminder phone calls
Data entry of entry/exit surveys
Filing system & retrieval of previous files
Mail room
Copier/fax, printers
Time Sheets, holidays, deadlines, etc.
Opening/Closing of the office and locking up
Check lobby for brochures and straighten out generally
Check forms and replenish supplies
Review of confidentiality agreement
Projects as assigned by counseling staff
Shredding of old files/move/condense files
Assist with organizing internship applications
Copy/prepare Satisfaction Surveys
Assist with research projects
Assist with educational program implementation
Support Staff Manual:
p. 35
Confidentiality Handout
Confidentiality is essential to the work we do. We are ethically and legally bound to protect our clients’ confidentiality at all times. In addition, we must never minimize the potential threat to confidentiality that is posed by the many non-Counseling Services people who have access to our offices, such as the cleaning personnel, undergraduate work-study students, computer support personnel, printer & photocopier maintenance technicians, and others.
Expected Counseling Services Confidentiality Practices
No client information on unattended computer monitors When you leave a computer unattended, no matter how briefly , that has client data (names, etc) displayed on the monitor you must do one of the following: turn the monitor off blank the screen (preferably with password protection) exit the program entirely so no client data is displayed
An unattended computer monitor must never display client information.
Print jobs must be removed from the printer output tray If you send confidential material to the printers in the front office, you must file those documents appropriately as soon as possible, or at least by the end of the day. Client documents must not remain in the printer tray overnight.
No client material left in mailboxes Confidential material must not remain in mailboxes overnight.
No client material saved to the server Confidential material must not be saved to the server. You should always double-check the server whenever you have been working on the server with sensitive material, even if you are certain you did not save anything to the server. (This is a very common problem, with just about everyone here guilty of saving something confidential to the server at least once).
Empty your computer’s “Recycle Bin” When you delete a document on our computer, it goes to the
“Recycle Bin” (there is an Icon for this on your computer screen). In other words, it isn’t truly deleted – the file can still be retrieved. To truly delete a file takes TWO steps: delete it in the usual way, and then right click the Recycle Bin icon and select “Empty Recycle Bin.” (The Recycle Bin is there in case you change your mind after deleting something – you are given the chance to undelete a file. Once you empty the recycle bin, you cannot undelete the file.)
Empty your “Sent” and your “Deleted” email folders If you send email to clients, your Outlook email program is probably set up to save copies of all your outgoing mail to a folder called “Sent.” Make sure you delete any copies of email you’ve sent to clients. In addition, there is a “Deleted” folder in Outlook.
When you exit Outlook the Deleted folder is emptied – make sure you respond “yes” when asked if you want to delete the contents of your Deleted folder.
Do not leave documents where they can be seen Even if you are gone for the briefest amount of time, letters, memos, scraps of paper which contain confidential material must not be left out. At the very least, these documents must be turned over so that they can not be readily seen by someone walking by or looking through the appointment window.
Support Staff Manual:
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Be sensitive It is also good practice to walk away when another staff member is scheduling or talking with his/her client, so as to provide that client with as much privacy as possible.
You are always responsible Even if it is not your computer screen, or it isn’t your printout in the printer, etc, it remains your responsibility to maintain client confidentiality by turning the monitor off, notifying the person that s/he has a printout in the printer, etc.