ISA Professional Goals Planning Worksheet 2012/2013

HIS Professional Goals Planning Worksheet 2014/2015
The purpose of this document is to promote goal setting and reflection aimed at supporting each teacher’s professional growth and
development. We will formally review your progress on these goals during our spring meeting. Please feel free to review this with me
at any time throughout the year.
Please plan all of these sections by September 15th. It would be helpful if you could have a sense of your goals prior to a planning
session with me. The goals meetings are also a collaborative time where suggestions can be revised before formally setting goals for
the year.
2. Goal Setting
Please specify two professional goals that you have for yourself this year. These goals should be teaching behaviors directly related to
student learning and should include a means of measuring success or completion of the goal. These goals should also be responsive
to the students you are currently working with.
“To use feedback effectively and often to students so they are able to reflect upon their progress.”
3. Curriculum Responsibilities
The curriculum-development process at HIS provides opportunities for teacher reflection and revision so that the curriculum is updated
and improved on a regular basis. Because we’re soon to be a full IBO school, we have a framework of curriculum installed. Each year
teachers are expected to both follow the school/IBO curriculum and participate in an active manner to both be responsive to the
students they currently teach and to be ambitious to take advantage of what the school determines is Best Practice teaching. Two
recent important initiatives related to Best Practice are the use of UbD principles (understanding by design) and the nine best teaching
practices (Robert Marzano). Teachers are also expected to regularly update their Atlas Rubicon pages to reflect the curriculum they’re
responsible for.
Please indicate below which areas of curriculum revision/updating you will focus on this year. Also, let me know what role you are
taking in the accreditation process.
COMMENT: Example: Grades 6-9: Middle Years Program
4. Professional Development
Professional development for teachers should play an important role in the improvement of student learning. We are all responsible to
stay informed with information for best practice instruction. Any professional development effort undertaken should be accompanied
by a well-designed evaluation plan for determining its effectiveness.
Please list some goals for external and Internal PD for this year. I recognize that these goals can change to accommodate
opportunities that may or may not come up during the year. Teachers will be expected to evaluate the impact of professional
development for the end of year goals conference.
COMMENT: Example: Grades 6-9, Middle years Program. Work in I.T. particular programs etc.
Below is a brief summary of Marzano’s 9 best teaching practices.
9 best teaching practices, Marzano
Grade Level:
School: HIS
School Year: 2012-13
Identifying Similarities and differences
Summarizing and note taking
* Use Venn diagrams or charts to compare and classify items.
* Engage students in comparing, classifying, and creating
Metaphors and analogies.
* Provide a set of rules for creating a summary.
* When summarizing, ask students to question what is unclear,
clarify those questions, and then predict what will happen next in the
Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
Homework and practice
* Share stories about people who succeeded by not giving up.
* Have students keep a log of their weekly efforts and
achievements, reflect on it periodically, and even mathematically
analyze the data.
* Establish a homework policy with advice-such as keeping a
consistent schedule, setting, and time limit-that parents and
students may not have considered.
* Tell students if homework is for practice or preparation for
upcoming units.
* Maximize the effectiveness of feedback by varying the way it
is delivered.
Non-linguistic representations
Cooperative learning
* Incorporate words and images using symbols to represent
* Use physical models and physical movement to represent
*When grouping students, consider a variety of criteria, such
as common experiences or interests.
* Vary group sizes and objectives.
* Design group work around the core components of
cooperative learning-positive interdependence, group processing,
appropriate use of social skills, face-to-face
interaction, and individual and group accountability
Setting objectives and providing feedback
Generating and testing hypothesis
* Applications: Set a core goal for a unit, and then encourage
students to personalize that goal by identifying areas of interest to
them. Questions like "I want to know" and "I want to know more
about . . ." get students thinking about their interests and
actively involved in the goal-setting process.
* Use contracts to outline the specific goals that students must
attain and the grade they will receive if they meet those goals.
Research shows that feedback generally produces positive results.
* Ask students to predict what would happen if an aspect of a
familiar system, such as the government or transportation, were
* Ask students to build something using limited resources. This
task generates questions and hypotheses about what may or
may not work.
however, they
* Pause briefly after asking a question. Doing so will increase
depth of your
students' answers.
* Vary the style of advance organizer used: Tell a story, skim a
text, or create a graphic image. There are many ways to expose
to information
before theyis"learn"
sure feedback
in nature;
tell students how
they did in relation to specific levels of
knowledge. Rubrics are
a great way to do this.
* Keep feedback timely and specific.
* Encourage students to lead feedback
We will use the Charlotte Danielson model for your year- end evaluation. I’ll have a copy available
during the goals conferences.
Please indicate the extra duty/activity you will be involved with this academic year:
Example: Yearbook, Middle School/High school play, Stem, UN day etc.
 Complete each section of the template and send to Diana electronically.
Diana will organize a 40 minute goals conference during one of yours preps periods or
afterschool for us to discuss your professional goals (prior to Sept 15, 2014) Thanks-