Year-end fundraising strategy worksheet

Year-End Fundraising Strategy Worksheet
This time of year means one thing: year-end fundraising! Why the excitement? Well, last year, GlobalGiving
helped more than 1,500 organizations raise more than $7.1 million in November and December. That’s more
than 32% of GlobalGiving’s total donation volume for the year!
And we’re not alone. According to Blackbaud’s Charitable Giving Report, the average organization raises 35%
of their annual income in October, November, and December and industry-wide, almost 20% of online giving
happens in the month of December.
What are you doing to get ready? Use this worksheet to create a solid strategy for your year-end fundraising.
Organization Name: ____________________________________
Year-End Fundraising Goal: $__________ from _______ donors
1. Select Your Campaign
GlobalGiving’s campaigns are designed to create a sense of urgency and to offer your supporters an added
incentive to give to your organization during this important time of the year.
Year-End Campaign
We’re offering NINE bonus awards to the top projects that raise the most money from their supporters
between December 1st and 31st. Projects must raise at least $3,000 from 30 donors in order to qualify
for a bonus award. The organization with the most money raised will win $3,000. Sign up here to join the
campaign by Friday, November 21. Learn more here.
- OR Microsoft YouthSpark #GivingTuesday
This campaign is only available for YouthSpark eligible organizations. Your organization must be a
GlobalGiving Leader or Superstar working with youth ages 6 – 24 in the area of continuing education or
job training. Microsoft will be offering matching and bonus awards on December 2nd. Please note that
matching funds may go very quickly. Stay tuned for more information coming soon.
- OR Design your own campaign!
Not interested in GlobalGiving’s year-end fundraising opportunities? That’s ok! There’s still time to
design your own fundraising campaign in November and December to spur giving to your organization
during this important time of the year. When designing your campaign, consider the campaign dates
(short campaigns create a sense of urgency) and the donor incentives (what added value do donors
receive for giving to your organization during your campaign?).
2. Pick Your Tools
Tribute Cards
Donors can choose to make a donation to your project in honor of someone special
and GlobalGiving will send the gift recipient an email, print-at-home, or physical
tribute card. We even offer email and print-at-home cards that are customized to
your project page. This is a popular holiday donation option. You may consider
promoting this as a last minute gift option!
Fundraiser Pages
GlobalGiving makes it easy for you to turn your organization's
supporters into active advocates. Supporters can use fundraisers to
set their own fundraising goals and reach out to their own networks
on your behalf! Consider using fundraiser pages to engage your
advocates in GlobalGiving’s Year-End Campaign.
Recurring Donations
Take advantage of GlobalGiving’s recurring donation tool to
encourage your supporters to make a commitment to support
your programs in 2015. Donors sign up using the “month
recurring” option on your project. GlobalGiving automatically
deducts the donation from the donor’s credit card each month.
3. Set Your Objectives
Ok, so we know that you want to raise money, but what other objectives do you have for your year-end
fundraising? Are there things that you hope to test or learn? Are you looking to engage new audiences or reenergize an existing donor base? Share your additional objectives here.
Example: Reach out to 30 new donors using email and social media
4. Choose your Fundraising Captains
Campaign fundraising is not a one person job. Project leaders that have the support of a core group of people
are more likely to succeed. Identify the people in your network you can count on to help develop a strategy,
reach out to their networks, and conduct outreach. You may even want to pull them into a meeting before
completing this worksheet!
Example: Brian
In charge of outreach
at American University
Outreach to 50
students. 15 donations.
5. Identify Your Network
Identify the people or groups that you would like to reach out to during this campaign. Make sure to include
long-time supporters and new, potential supporters. Estimate the amount that each donor in your network
is likely to donate to your project. Be realistic. This estimate will help you assess the number of people you
need to solicit to reach your goal. Be sure to identify who in your organization or team is responsible for
outreach to each individual listed below. Make sure no one slips through the cracks!
Example: Kelsey Jacobs
Individual Donors and Supporters
Donor Groups (religious institutions, neighborhood association, school, etc.)
Example: Rotary Club Members
Beneficiaries and local community members (Your beneficiaries can be your biggest advocates!)
Collaborating Organizations and Professional Contacts
Local Leaders (business owners, prominent community members)
Personal Family and Friends
6. Create Your Talking Points
Develop consistent communications for your year-end fundraising. Identify stories about individuals that you
want to feature throughout November and December. Craft a specific ask for the holiday season. Make sure to
include compelling and vibrant photos.
Join GlobalGiving's Digital Unmarketing Specialist, Will Frechette, to hear best practices for compelling yearend storytelling and to learn how to use data to create an effective communications plan.
Date: Wednesday, October 29
Times: 9 am EDT (Find this time in your city) and 3 pm EDT (Find this time in your city)
Webinar link:
Sign up here.
7. Develop an Outreach Strategy
A good fundraising strategy uses multiple methods of outreach. Identify which methods of outreach are best
for your organization.
How many people will you email? Who are they?
How often? ______ times per week
When? Pick specific dates for emails before the campaign begins.
What do you want email recipients to do?
Who will be responsible for sending emails in your organization or team?
Social Media
Which type of Social Media will you use?
Who are you targeting on Social Media?
Who is responsible for Social Media outreach in your team?
How many times a day will you post?
What are your “asks”?
Phone Calls
How many people will you or your team call personally? Who are they? Are they the same as
the people on your email list?
Who will be responsible for calling each person?
How often? Pick specific dates for phone calls before the campaign begins.
What will you ask? Prepare talking points before making phone calls.
Community Outreach Event
What is the event? Who is speaking? When? Where?
Will you have access to computers or the internet so that people can make donations?
What are the “asks”? Prepare talking points in advance.
Offer your supporters an incentive to help you reach your goals. Offer to host a party at the end
of the campaign or to do something outrageous or funny if your organization succeeds!
What incentives would your audience find appealing?
In what ways do you expect this incentive to help you reach your goals?
Who is responsible for delivering or providing the incentive?
It is important to think outside the box! Develop a strategy that is
unique, exciting, and engaging. What other methods can you use to
reach out to your network?
8. Create a Calendar
Use this calendar to finalize your plans for your campaign. Set dates for email blasts, Facebook posts, and
phone calls. Set up times prior to, during, and after the campaign to meet as a team and discuss your goals
and, if necessary, readjust your strategy.