The Exciting Story of Coral Calcium

From time to time, we hear of 'miracle cures' for chronic diseases. Suddenly, it seems as
though some wonderful new discovery, such as large quantities of Vitamin C, or some
marvelous natural mineral, possesses the power to treat diseases which have completely
baffled the medical profession, in spite of enormous amounts of research and dedicated
years of looking down microscopes.
Usually, what happens is that the 'natural' miracle cure or treatment is excitedly hailed as
a new discovery, a true breakthrough, and everybody jumps onto the bandwagon. .
Then, gradually, as time goes on, and we get used to it, the wonder substance seems to
become less miraculous, and the condition or illness marches on unabated, claiming ever
more victims in its thrall.
Over the past few years we have listened to large claims being made for such natural
treatments as evening primrose oil, the mineral selenium, the green-lipped mussel,
feverfew, and the amino acid L-tryptophan. All were initially hailed as a wondrous cureall, but several years on, as many people as ever, it seems, suffer from the complaints
which they were supposed to treat or alleviate.
We have witnessed large claims being made, then refuted for such diverse things as
royal jelly, hyperbaric oxygen for MS sufferers; comfrey, Vitamin B6 for PMT sufferers.
Within a few years, it seems, the miraculous new substance or treatment is discovered to
be either useless, or downright dangerous.
This is the natural cycle of many natural treatments. They have a trial period, a heyday -and
then disillusionment sets in.
But orthodox treatments for chronic and serious illnesses hardly fare any better, in spite of the
vast resources which are poured into their development.
It often seems as though we are getting somewhere. Several times a year, we will open our
papers to read of some dramatic new drug breakthrough that will lengthen the life of cancer
patients, prevent heart disease or reverse arthritis. Very often, though, if you read these stories
carefully, you will discover that they are a disguised appeal for funds. Dig deep into your
pockets, the public are told, the cure depends on YOU. With your help, we can discover that
perenially elusive cure for cancer, heart disease, arthritis or Alzheimer's.
And yet, even when funds become available, and the drug is developed and gets on to the
market, the all too familiar story is that once it has been around for a few years, it mysteriously
seems to lose its potency.
Either that, or previously unforeseen adverse side effects become apparent which frequently
result in the once wonder drug being withdrawn from the market.
The history of both orthodox and alternative treatments to combat the chronic and lifethreatening serious illnesses of our time, is both dismal and depressing. If you sift through all the
literature, read of the dashed hopes and ruined promises, you might conclude that nothing works
and that, in spite of every effort, the illness always wins.
It's true that there have been few genuine breakthroughs in the treatment of our most feared
chronic diseases. We have not come up with any guaranteed methods of preventing cancer,
arthritis, heart disease or migraine -and there are no cures that are guaranteed to work, either. It's
true that some people do get better, true that people can recover from cancer, heart problems, and
even reverse, or at least halt, the spread of, arthritis.
But usually, this has been despite, rather than because of, medical care.
With such a sceptical outlook, why devote a whole book to coral calcium, a substance you
probably haven't even heard of and which even if you have, you may regard with a weary scepticism
born of decades of false and dashed hopes -especially if you are a sufferer from the kind of chronic
disease for which you have 'tried everything'
Not another miracle treatment, you may sigh.
The reason for devoting a whole book to this one substance is, quite simply, because we
believe that coral calcium is a genuine miracle cure and probably the only genuine miracle cure to be
discovered in our time.
Coral calcium, which sounds exotic enough, has been thoroughly investigated and researched, and
is possibly unique in that it satisfies the demands of both orthodox and natural practitioners. As a
general rule, orthodox practitioners treat only the presenting symptoms, whereas natural healers
adopt a holistic approach, in the belief that, once illness manifests itself, the whole system is out of
kilter and out of balance, and that it is the whole body, rather than just the symptoms, which needs
Coral calcium treats both the presenting symptoms AND the underlying cause.
Before we go any further, here is a statement by Dr Michael Abdou, an Egyptian-born GP and
pain specialist now working in the UK, who has investigated coral calcium for himself. He says:
"When I first heard of coral calcium, I was completely sceptical. Although some of my patients had
described dramatic improvements in their arthritis from using it, I knew that arthritis was a condition
which sometimes got better on its own. How could I be sure that coral calcium would work where all
the ordinary drugs and treatment had failed?
"But because I kept hearing how wonderful it was, I decided to investigate it for myself. My
conclusion now is that coral calcium is a true wonder substance, and possibly the only real miracle
cure of our times. It works because it acts directly on bone, and also on many other body systems to
their betterment.
"I am completely convinced by it now, and am certain it will only be a matter of time before other
orthodox doctors are prescribing it, as well."
British businessman, Michael Lamb, was so impressed by coral calcium that he gave up his
original work as a consultant surveyor to concentrate full-time on studying, researching and
marketing coral calcium.
This book is dedicated to coral calcium, and all those who, faced with a crippling or debilitating
disease, have been hoping for such a miracle in their lives.
Coral calcium, tiny grains of coral sand collected from two small Japanese islands, works by a
complicated chemical process which we shall try to describe in easy terms in the course of this book.
It has modern science on its side, and yet it works naturally, to correct imbalances, and without any
adverse side- effects at all. You can't over-dose on coral calcium as you can on strong drugs, because
any excess is simply excreted in urine. Yet at the same time, it has a definite pharmacological action
which can profoundly alter -or more accurately, correct -the body's chemical composition.
Coral calcium works as well with animals as with humans and can be safely used with newborn
babies. In short, it satisfies all the requirements which medical practitioners are looking for in the
ideal drug: it's safe, plentiful, inexpensive, it can be
used by the patient at home, and it has the power to reverse even serious illness.
It is, in short, the most simple, yet powerful ancient remedy for one of today's most feared and
deforming illnesses - arthritis.
It's easy enough to take -you just empty a 'tea-bag' of it into whatever you are drinking. And
because its chemical make-up and structure combine so well with the body's systems, there are no
problems with allergic or adverse reactions.
Somebody once said that whereas laboratory drugs are machine-guns and Sherman tanks; natural
remedies, by contrast, are popguns and peashooters. In other words, medical drugs are powerful but
extremely harmful, whereas natural remedies are harmless but basically a useless onslaught against
the enemy.
This, mainly, has been the problem faced by all modem healers, whether alternative or orthodox balancing the powerful but possibly harmful against the harmless but probably ineffective. The
search from both sides has been for a treatment which will reverse, treat and cure a painful or lifethreatening condition, without setting up any adverse side effects.
At the moment, the problem is that there is an ill from every pill- and that if you take a laboratory
drug for long enough, you will probably end up with two conditions -the original one, and the one
caused by the pill.
Also, it has to be said, there is no satisfactory pharmacological solution to a chronic illness.
Nor are the so-called natural' remedies, at least those for serious conditions, necessarily any safer. It
has been tempting to imagine that all natural treatments are basically harmless, and only laboratoryconcocted drugs have the potential for harm. In fact, this is not the case. Very many natural
substances used in traditional remedies, such as digitalis (foxglove) and quinine, can be extremely
toxic in large quantities. Some vitamins can be dangerous in high doses.
Some herbal teas have had to be withdrawn from sale owing to their potential for harm. Very many
herbal and natural sub- stances contain deadly poison and have to be used with care. Usually, herbal
substances are dangerous only in overdose, but controversy still rages over homoeopathic remedies
where, often, highly poisonous substances are used in extremely diluted amounts to obtain relief from
Homoeopathy works on the belief that the more diluted a pharmacologically active substance is,
the more effective it becomes -a belief which, to most scientists, seems blatant nonsense.
Coral calcium, by contrast, is that possibly unique substance: the harmless but dramaticallyeffective drug. As using it does not constitute a difficult and complicated regime, in contrast with
many medical treatments, there are no overwhelming problems with patient compliance. It is well
known that a difficult and taxing regime, however successful it may be in theory, will have few
Highly restrictive diets, for instance, may well work with some people to relieve cancer, skin
conditions, migraine, arthritis and ME, but for most, they eventually become too difficult to manage.
So the natural approach is not necessarily any easier than the medical one, at least when serious
illness takes hold.
In this book, we are concentrating mainly on coral calcium as an effective treatment for arthritis.
The reason for this is that, although coral calcium can help many other conditions, arthritis is the one
for which people report the most dramatic relief. Also, the fact is that there are no acceptable, longterm, medical treatments at all for arthritis, in spite of billions of pounds being spent on research,
and many drugs being developed in recent years.
Arthritis is a highly painful and debilitating condition which affects over 50 per cent of people over
50 in developed countries. Nobody knows what causes it and there is no cure or treatment available
which will reverse this condition once it has set in.
All that drugs, known as NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, or New Sorts of
Aspirin in Disguise, as doctors call them) for arthritis can do is to take away the sensation of pain. We
should not minimize their ability to do this as pain is the most overriding symptom of arthritis.
Arthritis can be absolute agony, as all sufferers know, and anything which takes away the pain, even
temporarily, is welcome indeed.
The problem with NSAIDs is that, although they act as effective painkillers, they also set up many
serious adverse and unwanted reactions within the body. In time, the side effects may be so bad that
sufferers will stop taking the drugs and try to put up with their pain instead. In fact, all prescription
drugs and medical treatments for arthritis have serious adverse side- effects, and for sufferers, the
cost-benefit ratio can be difficult to determine.
Which is worse: to suffer the agonising pain of arthritis, or to have the pain relieved at the price of
causing other complaints?
The other main problem with NSAIDs, and all other drug treatments for arthritis. is that THEY
ARE POWERLESS TO TOUCH THE ACTUAL ARTHRITIS. Underneath the pain, which may be
temporarily soothed by the action of the drug, the arthritis goes on getting ever worse. Joints get ever
more gnarled and deformed and the problem spreads to other parts of the body.
There is no drug in the world that can touch arthritis. Except, perhaps -as we shall see -coral
calcium. It seems that this natural substance can actually reverse and set right the imbalance, the
chemical problem, which causes arthritis in the first place.
We believe it is far more than a placebo -a substance which does you good only because you
believe it does.
The science makes sense, as you'll see -as do the many testimonies from grateful patients who
were in despair that nothing whatever could be done for their arthritis, and they just had to endure the
misery as best they could.
Because arthritis is so common, because there is no one simple answer to it -except possibly coral
calcium -there are literally hundreds of books on the subject. Some are written by doctors, and these
outline the orthodox approaches to the condition. Some, perhaps the great majority, are written by
healers who have an alternative approach to the disease, and this usually concentrates on a dietary
and supplementation programme, that is hard to follow, expensive to maintain and difficult to
Some people are of the belief that arthritis is caused mainly by diet, and can be corrected by
eating foods that do not fight with each other, and which do not set up imbalances within the body.
The famous Hay Diet, where you eat carbohydrate and protein at different times of the day, is a tried
and tested treatment for arthritis.
Unfortunately, all dietary regimes -even when they might work. and including the famous Hay
Diet -are difficult to follow. Some people find them extremely antisocial. It is very likely that certain
foods do aggravate arthritis in susceptible people, and also very possible that adherence to a totally
strict diet might improve or even reverse the condition.
It would be nice to be able to say that taking coral calcium overcomes all the bad effects of eating
the wrong foods, and that if you pop your daily tea-bag into your drinks, you can carry on eating
what you like and still remain blissfully free from all the symptoms of arthritis.
This is not entirely true -but certainly, coral calcium will go a long way to reverse the bad effects of
'wrong' foods that you may be eating.
If you have arthritis, especially if you have 'tried everything', or you have a friend or relative with
arthritis, or if you believe you may succumb because it's in the family, read this book.
You will be able to treat yourself to a remedy which is pleasant and easy to take, which does not set
up any adverse reactions, and which will dramatically improve your general health as well as
addressing the arthritis, or other bone problem.
For arthritis sufferers, coral calcium can be, quite literally, heaven in a grain of sand.
The Exciting Story of Coral Calcium
The story of coral calcium, and how it gradually came to be researched and developed as a medical
treatment, is one of those happy discoveries which occur all too rarely in medicine.
The story began as long ago as the 1940s, before Japan came to its present position of world
prominence, when some Japanese scientists and doctors couldn't help noticing that the inhabitants of
the tiny Japanese coral islands of Okinawa and Tokunoshima lived far longer and appeared to be
much healthier than people living in mainland Japan.
What could be their secret? Was it something in the genes? Was it something they were eating?
Was it something to do with their lifestyle?
Certainly, the inhabitants of these islands appeared to be remarkable. They had very low incidences
of heart disease and cardiovascular complaints, and they were working quite happily all day in the
rice fields, the majority in their 70s, 80s and even 90s. They had very low rates for strokes, cancer,
and all degenerative diseases.
And yet, there seemed to be nothing special about them in other ways. Their way of life, their diet,
was just the same as for other Japanese. They were not significantly richer, nor did they have
noticeably different temperaments. Nor were they of different basic stock.
But they appeared to have some secret for longevity and health which was evading other Japanese.
Eventually, after closely studying the population and com- paring all the factors -climatic, lifestyle,
soil quality -Japanese scientists and doctors all came to the same conclusion: there was something in
the drinking-water which was responsible for their lasting good health and longevity. And that
something was the unique type of coral of which the islands were entirely composed.
Minute particles of this very special type of coral sand got into the drinking water and was absorbed
by the body to its betterment. It was, the scientists and doctors concluded after lengthy observation and
research, the magical substance which enabled the citizens to live such long and healthy lives.
Most of us think of coral as a pretty pink substance used in necklaces and other jewellery and
ornaments. From earliest times it has been prized for its color, texture and beauty, and its ability to be
carved into even more fantastic shapes than it appears in nature. We may also know from our
geography lessons that it can be dangerous as well as beautiful, as with the Great Barrier Reef in
Australia, where so many ships have come to grief.
We may also remember those lines from Shakespeare's The Tempest:
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made:
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade.
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
As was so often the case, Shakespeare got it right -350 years before his time. Coral is not just a
beautiful and strange geological phenomenon, but has, as we now know, a natural affinity with both
human and animal bone. It can combine with it harmlessly and to its advantage. In fact, the 'sea
change' we shall be talking about in this book is the opposite to the one described by Shakespeare.
Instead of human bones turning into coral, what we are witnessing is that coral turns into human
bones -and improves them.
Yet coral is, when taken down to its natural constituents, little more than calcium carbonate, or
But then, you might as well say that diamonds are only car- bon -the same stuff as coal. It is, in
both cases, a very special type of natural substance which has unusual properties over and above its
very mundane constituents.
Although its chemical composition is, like ordinary chalk. CaCO3, coral from these Japanese
islands -although not all coral- behaves in a unique way inside the body. When we take coral calcium
we ourselves undergo a sea-change, not into something rich and strange, but into a healthier, stronger
and more robust version of our former selves.
Yes, it is magical. Coral of all types is magical. It is ornamental, pretty, it can be dangerous to
sailors and has been valued since ancient times for its pretty colours and amazing shapes. But this
coral also has the power to prevent many degenerative
diseases, and to prolong life. It has the power to normalize body functions and correct imbalances. It
combines well with both fluid and solid body matter, and any excess is excreted without problems. It
is at the same time harmless and beneficial within the body.
Coral is ancient, yet living and growing organic matter. Although formed thousands, possibly
millions of years ago, it is by no means a dead mineral, but is teeming with life and activity. It cannot
easily be classified as animal, vegetable or mineral, but combines characteristics of all three.
Yet, it needs very special conditions in which to flourish, and these are only obtainable in certain
favoured parts of the world.
The encyclopaedia definition of coral is that it is living, organic marine matter in a vast family
which includes sea anemones, sea fans and sea pansies. The coral polyps -the hard bits which fan out
into fantastic shapes -are composed of crystals of calcium carbonate, or chalk. There are very many
species of coral and each has a distinct shape depending on its growth pattern.
From earliest times, coral fishing has been a lucrative trade. It is fished only every ten years as it
takes that amount of time to grow to its distinct shape. It is found in the Mediterranean, in Australia,
in India and around the Red Sea and Persian Gulf.
Coral islands or reefs are formed from the petrified calcareous (chalky) skeletons of coral polyps.
It is thought that they were initially formed during the ancient Palaeozoic era. Very special marine
conditions are required for the development of coral reefs. They must have warm salt water, and this
has to be free from cold currents. This is one reason why coral does not grow around the English
channel, or flourish in any cold seas.
The water in which coral grows must be clear, not muddy. Coral which forms islands or reefs must
have an abundant sup- ply of food such as algae, and can only flourish in shallow depths. The rate of
growth of the coral depends on the species and the conditions: some can grow at around 2 cm a year,
while others are faster at around 6 cm a year -still not very much.
Coral growth is determined by very many conditions, and many theories have abounded as to why
it should flourish in some areas and not in others. The first theory of how coral reefs came to be
formed was developed at the beginning of the nineteenth century in 1815 by a marine biologist
known as von Chamiso, who made a voyage through the south Seas from 1815 to 1818.
He theorized that the coral structures were built up in places where the sea bottom came near to the
surface to form marine mountains. Growth then took place on the sloping sides of the mountains.
Darwin also became interested in the mysterious formation of coral during his celebrated voyage of
the Beagle between 1831 and 1836. His view was that the reefs began to be constructed when the
land was above the surface of the sea, and then subsidence followed as growth proceeded.
As yet, nobody knows for sure -but all authorities believe that coral reefs started to be formed
millions of years ago.
As we said, not all coral reefs are the same. There is a large variety of species of coral, and all grow
in their own special way. The coral calcium we are talking about, around the Japanese islands, is of a
unique type, and so far, it has been unable to be replicated in any laboratory, even though its
composition is basically, like all other varieties, calcium carbonate with some minerals added.
No other kind of coral calcium, it seems, has the same therapeutic effect as that from the islands of
Okinawa and Tokunoshima. If you take other types of coral calcium in your tea or drink. there
will be no health benefit at all. Although all coral is very special, this coral is very special
But what makes it extra special?
It seems that it has, for some reason, a remarkable ability to interact with the human body to bring
about dramatic health benefits. It combines with living human tissue to make every- thing stronger,
more efficient, more robust and, most importantly, less acidic.
It is this ability to alkalinize the system which is at the heart of this coral's ability to promote
health and treat degenerative diseases. There is now a large amount of research, initially conducted by
alternative practitioners, but now ever more accepted by orthodox doctors, that very many
degenerative diseases are caused by an over-acidic system, and by the gradual build-up of waste acids
within the system.
In order for us to stay well, there has to be a correct balance between acidity and alkalinity. It
seems that we have an inbuilt tendency to become too acidic, and that this is the main cause of
diseases such as arthritis, ulcers, and heart problems. Correct the acid/alkaline balance, and
imbalances which eventually lead to serious chronic illness will not be set up in the first place.
Orthodox medicine realizes this, and there are many antacid preparations available to counteract
over-acidity in the system. The problem is that commercial antacids and drugs used to reverse the
imbalances set in motion by a chronically over- acidic system, have their own adverse side-effects
which can be severe. Although it is theoretically possible to eat a diet low in acid-forming foods, this
is by no means easy and is for many people, unacceptable in its dullness, tastelessness and monotony.
Coral calcium from these Japanese islands, though, has the power to prevent over-acidity and to
correct the system back to I its proper acid/alkaline balance. Too much alkalinity, of course, is as bad
in its own way as a too-acidic system. But very few people, if any, have this problem.
And this, it appears, is the very simple secret of why the inhabitants of Okiriawa and Tokunoshima
enjoy such wonderful health. They don't do anything special- they just happen to drink water which
keeps their systems alkaline rather than acidic.
The first systematic research on the inhabitants, carried out since the mid-1950s by a dedicated
professor, Jun Kobayashi of the Limnology Society of Japan, who wanted to get to the bottom of the
mystery, established that they lived on average ten to fifteen years longer than people in any other
part of Japan. They" also had the lowest incidence of serious degenerative diseases such as heart
disease, arthritis, digestive problems, cancer and. skin complaints.
It seems as if the coral reef surrounding these islands is being continually broken down by water
turbulence, and that this activity releases the highest levels of calcium in the whole of Japan in the
drinking-water of these islands. The reason why this particular calcium is so beneficial is that the
particles are so minute that they can be absorbed in their entirety by the body, and do not form a
sticky sediment at the bottom of the stomach, as happens with other forms of calcium carbonate.
These particles have the effect of forming a powerful anti- oxidant, zapping toxic substances which
eventually cause degenerative diseases within the body. The more that toxic sub- stances can be kept
at bay, the better our chances of keeping good health.
Research undertaken by Professor Kobayashi of the Japan has now established conclusively that
the high levels of health and longevity enjoyed by these islanders corresponds directly to the quality
of their drinking-water.
Water analysis of several rivers in Japan showed that the drinking-water of Naha City, in Okinawa
Prefecture, had the highest calcium content of any in Japan. This, according to Professor Kobayashi,
neutralizes the acid which is formed by drinking alcohol, eating large quantities of salt, and also meat
and dairy products. Calcium carbonate works to neutralize the acid-inclined human body. It also keeps
bones hard, thus protecting against arthritis and also osteoporosis, the brittle-bone disease commonly
suffered by post-menopausal women when the natural supply of oestrogen diminishes, and calcium
can no longer get easily into bones.
In most parts of Japan, the local water is very soft and contains very little calcium. But under the
influence of the coral reef, Okinawa differs dramatically from mainland Japan in the quality of its
drinking-water. But it is not just the quality of the drinking water itself which contributes to health.
The crops are also blessed with alkaline water supplies, which means that the vegetables actually
have a higher alkaline content than most vegetables grown in Japan.
The inhabitants of Okinawa, who have the longest lifespan on average of anybody in the world,
naturally ingest about one gram of calcium carbonate a day from their drinking water and local crops.
They eat a large variety of seaweed and other vegetables. Such vegetables as kelp and spinach, which
are plentiful here, have a naturally high calcium content, enough to neutralize the tendency towards
acidity. It has been relatively easy to carry out research on the islanders, because the geographical
conditions differ dramatically from those in the rest of Japan. Whereas Japanese soil is generally low
in calcium, on these islands it is particularly high.
Research has now established that the highest levels of heart disease and cerebral apoplexy (stroke)
occur where the calcium content of the soil is at its very lowest, and vice versa. The rate of death from
cerebral haemorrhage is several times as high in Japan as in all European countries and North
In general, the foods favoured by the Japanese are low in calcium. It is known that calcium
deficiency can result in brittle bones, arthritis, heart disease and all cardiac complaints. Calcium
deficiencies in the Japanese are directly traceable, it appears, to the fact that the soil is basically acidic
and significantly short of calcium. Crops grown on such soils are also deficient in calcium.
In general, the drinks and foods that the Japanese most like are extremely short of calcium -it will
be remembered that their intake of dairy produce is very low and the diet is high in salty foods -and
this seems directly related to the high incidence of cerebral apoplexy.
But, in the Okinawa district, the opposite happens. The painstaking research of Professor
Kobayashi, which involved minutely analyzing all the rivers in Japan and comparing them with each
other to determine whether their quality had any effect on health, has led to coral calcium being used
as a medicine in Japan. It is now accepted that coral calcium is the ingredient responsible for the good
health of the islanders, and the substance is now marketed as a drug and treatment for serious diseases.
The story of how coral calcium became available to the rest of the world is, again. one of those
happy accidents which has blessed this substance all along. Stephan Ericsson is a teacher of English
married to a Japanese woman and, for several years, lived with her in Okinawa.
When he went out there to live with his wife, he noticed that
many Japanese people were putting a coral calcium tea-bag into their drinking-water and other liquids,
and claiming remark- able health benefits from this simple daily activity.
Stephan became fascinated by this and mentioned it to his father, the very rich, now retired.
Swedish industrialist Rolph Ericsson. At first, Ericsson senior took no notice, as Stephan was not
noted for his business acumen, and was considered the 'academic, rather than the businessman of the
family. But Stephan persisted. He started to send his father translations of the academic papers which
were appearing on the subject in Japanese medical journals, but still his father took no notice.
Eventually, because of his sons insistence and enthusiasm, Ericsson traveled to Japan to investigate
matters for himself. As a long-time health fanatic and also a philanthropist, he was naturally interested
in anything which could improve health without adverse side effects.
In Japan, he studied all the papers and research for himself, and came to the conclusion that there
actually was something in what Stephan was saying.
Of course, he was impressed as his son when he actually went to Okinawa, and considered that here
was a remarkable business opportunity as well as a chance to bring this exciting discovery to the
attention of the rest of the world.
Ericsson senior had good contacts with the Swedish Embassy in Tokyo and was given world rights
to market the coral outside Japan.
This all happened in 1991. The coral immediately became popular in Sweden and Norway, and soon
established itself also in Spain, where it was brought by Scandinavians on holiday. By 1993, coral
calcium was being used in a number of Spanish health and sports clinics, and was the subject of two
television programmes, which showed people were enthusiastically claiming dramatic health benefits
for the substance.
That year, British businessman Michael Lamb was on holiday with his family in Marbella.
One evening, a seminar was being given on coral calcium by Rolph Ericsson, and Michael
decided to attend. Michael, by profession a consultant surveyor, was so impressed with
what he heard at this seminar that he decided to try and market the substance in the UK.
'There were so many people at this seminar who described dramatic relief after, often, many years
of severe pain, that I was convinced there must be something in it," said Michael. "I had l never seen
anything like it before and, although I have no back- ground in health matters, had over the past few
years become interested in natural and alternative health.”
Michael's enthusiasm led to a meeting with Rolph Ericsson, and the upshot was that he became the
UK distributor of coral J calcium. It is now available in most parts of the world, although at J. the time
of writing, it awaits serious clinical research by Western scientists.
Most orthodox doctors who have discovered it are enthusiastic; about its properties, and as ever
more becomes known about the! acid/alkaline balance in the body, and its effect on health, so coral
calcium will gradually take its place as a genuine medicine.
At the moment, it can be sold only as a food supplement, not as a recognized medicine as it has not
undergone the necessary double-blind clinical trials needed for a drug licence, but the time may well
come when it replaces many of the strong, toxic drugs presently used to treat chronic disease.
It satisfies the first, and most ancient law of healers: to do no harm.
At the same time, it does an enormous amount of good. We will see exactly how, in the next
Coral Calcium and the Acid/Alkaline Balance
If you want to ruin a perfectly good glass of gin or vodka, try this test:
To show how acidic gin and vodka are, pour some out into a glass and put in an alkaline tester.
These tests, based on iodine, are available from any chemist. The colour of the gin instantly changes to
amber, which is between 5 and 6 on the pH chart. indicating that it is highly acidic.
If you then put a coral calcium tea bag into the gin, it will change to mid-blue, which is 8.5 on the
alkaline side. But any- body who is worred that coral calcium can over-alkalinize fluid, can waste the
coral calcium tea bags by putting three or four in the gin. It will never go above 8.5, however many
bags you put in.
But -don't try drinking the gin. The alkaline tester renders it undrinkable.
Most of us know from doing litmus tests at school that if you put litmus into an acid solution it will
instantly turn red. The pH levels go from 0, which is extremely acid, to 14, which is intensely
alkaline. Extreme acid is characterized by a red colour and extreme alkalinity by cerise. Neutral is
green, at 7.0.
The abbreviation pH stands for 'potential hydrogen'. The pH of any solution is the measure of its
hydrogen-ion concentration. The more hydrogen ions, the greater the acidity, and the lower the
number on the scale. Acids are substances which release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.
Although over-alkalinity can also be extremely dangerous, this is far less of a potential problem
than over-acidity, as the body has a natural tendency to over-acidity, and there are more acid-forming
foods than alkali-forming foods in everyday diets.
Pure water is neutral, neither acid nor alkaline, with a pH of 7.0. The pH of gastric juices is about
1.0, of pancreatic juices 7.0, of normal blood 7.4, and normal urine 4.6 to 8.0, depending on diet.
The action of coral calcium is to raise the pH level when immersed in all liquids, and to neutralize
extremely acidic sub- stances. At the same time, it disperses excess chlorine.
What happens is that calcium and magnesium are released in an ionized form (ions are charged
particles formed when an atom or group of atoms loses or gains electrons. Ions can be positively or
negatively charged).
As 70 per cent of the body is composed of fluids of one sort or another, anything which acts on the
fluid content is bound to have a profound effect on the system. If 70 per cent of the body is healthy,
that is to say, without excess acid, it is logical to assume that the solid part of the body will follow
A previous book in this series, The Drinking Water Cure. available from Carnell pIc, described how
drinking large amounts of water can treat, and even cure, many complicated diseases, on the
assumption that many illnesses are caused by chronic dehydration in the body.
Taking coral calcium adds to the good effect of drinking water, as it neutralizes not only the water,
or fluids, that you drink, but also those which are already inside the body. As water is needed for all
body functions, including those of solid matter, it makes sense that the better the quality of the water,
the better the quality of overall health.
As coral calcium is easily absorbed into the body, making the overall system more alkaline, it
follows that the many com- plaints which respond to coral calcium are those which are predominantly
caused by the body being permanently over-acidic.
It is not accepted by all orthodox doctors that chronic diseases are mainly the result of over-acidity
in the system, but the longevity and good general health of the Japanese islanders referred to in the
previous chapter is hard to ignore.
But if the body has a natural tendency to become acidic, why should this be a problem? This is
mainly because excess acid is hard for the body to eliminate, and when it accumulates, it can cause
indigestion, rheumatism, aching muscles and skin problems. When the system is alkalinized, these
problems tend to disappear, and a sense of well- being develops. The American criminologist, Dr
Alex Schauss, who believes that much criminal behaviour could be reversed with a whole food diet,
even goes so far as to say that eating predominantly alkaline foods eliminates addictions, in time.
One study, carried out a Columbia University, established that smokers found it easier to give up
on an alkaline diet
What happens is that whatever we eat is metabolized by the body for use in digestion, for growth
and repair. When broken down by gastric juices into its component parts, all food leaves a residue
which may be mainly acid, or mainly alkaline, depending on the constituents of the food.
Foods which are high in calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium all leave an alkaline residue,
while those high in phosphorus, sulphur or chlorine are more acid-forming. Most Western diets are
around 80 per cent acid forming, and this means that the balance of the body is 80/20 acid to alkaline.
Ideally, it should be the other way round. If your system is 80 per cent alkaline instead of the other
way round, you are far less likely to succumb to the degenerative diseases which have been called the
diseases of civilization -partly because these diseases are caused mainly by our present-day lifestyle,
with its emphasis on ready and convenience foods, artificial drinks, cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine. A
'natural' diet of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts would be mainly alkali forming.
Early hunter-gatherers, eating the 'Stone Age' diet, would have meat as only around 20 per cent of
their diet. Today, most of us eat meat dishes two or three times a day, and compound the acid overload
by drinking alcohol at almost every meal.
Coral calcium is an ideal substance to neutralize over-acidity and convert body fluids into a slightly
alkaline condition. The. chemical composition of coral calcium, as analyzed by a leading analytical
chemist, is: calcium carbonate 90 per cent; magnesium carbonate, 7.4 per cent; ascorbic acid (Vitamin
C), 0.4 per cent, and the rest consists of residues and sand of no nutritional importance.
We will now take a look at how coral calcium can act on arthritis -a disease which cannot be
successfully treated by orthodox medical treatment.
To sum up, coral calcium has the following beneficial effects:
ï‚­ It
lowers acidity levels in the body.
ï‚­ It regulates metabolism.
ï‚­ Some research suggests that it boosts the autoimmune system.
ï‚­ It can lower blood pressure.
ï‚­ It can reduce cholesterol levels.
It is specific for: rheumatoid and osteoarthritis; digestive disorders; skin complaints, rheumatism
and joint pains.
Its main action is to purify drinking water, and all beverages taken into the body. Its action is on
liquids, not solids.
For best results, take a minimum of two coral calcium tea- bags a day. One coral calcium tea bag
should be dropped into one to one and a halflitres of water each day. The water should not be boiled,
but can be drunk slowly throughout the day -you don't have to gulp it all down at once. Before
drinking, wait for five to ten minutes, as this is how long it takes the coral calcium to become active.
If you prefer, you can flavour the water with a sugar-free fruit flavour. Elderflower cordial is the
best, as this is the gentlest to the system.
There is no upper limit to how much coral calcium you can take in one day, as any excess is
excreted through the kidneys. No harm is done to vital organs. If symptoms are particularly acute, you
can take up to six coral calcium tea bags in anyone day. Do not put more than four bags into each litre
and a half of water.
The water can be tap water -as coral calcium neutralizes the action of chlorine or, better still, very
pure, still mineral water. Coral calcium will also improve the quality of your tap water. So if it is
particularly low, you can add coral calcium to it even if you do not have any particular illnesses or
health problems.
Note: If you have an illness where you have been advised to limit your intake of fluids, as with some
kinds of diabetes, check with your doctor that it is all right to drink this amount of water.
In general, if you have a condition which means you must limit fluid intake, the more water you drink
-and the less of other beverages -the better.
As well as putting coral calcium into water, you can add it to whatever else you drink -tea, coffee,
wine, fruit juice and soup.
It will not affect the flavour, and does the same job of alkalinizing other beverages as it does with
water. Some people even say they don't get hangovers when they put coral calcium into their. wine. It
will counteract the acidity of whatever you are drinking, 1thus minimizing its harmful effect on your
Some aficionados even swear that coral calcium improves the taste of wine. Care should be taken
with strong spirits such" as gin or vodka, as it will turn them blue. No harm done -but it doesn't look
very inviting.
Small quantities of liquids, such as a cup of tea, will be treated instantly, and you don't have to wait
for the coral calcium to take effect.
In order to cleanse the system of toxic waste, you must drink at least one litre of pure water per
day, in addition to whatever else you are drinking. See also the previous book in this series: The
Drinking Water Cure, which explains exactly why you need to drink this amount of water daily. Most
of us are chronically dehydrated, and we actually add to our dehydration by taking in tea, coffee, colas
and alcohol. In fact, any drink which is not pure, plain water dehydrates rather than the opposite -and
gives the kidneys and liver (if it's alcohol) extra work to do, on top of coping with an already toxic
Coral calcium-treated water can be kept in the fridge, and is best kept in a covered jug. Any treated
water remaining after 24 hours should be discarded, and a fresh batch treated.
Coral Calcium and Arthritis
Although arthritis is not exactly life-threatening in the same way as, say cancer and heart disease can
be, it is pr9bably one of the most debilitating, deforming and agonizing of today's chronic complaints.
The pain and suffering of arthritis can also make people extremely depressed, in some cases suicidally
In spite of the most enormous amounts of research taking place over the past few decades, nobody
knows why some people may be susceptible to arthritis, why it sets in and how it can best be treated.
There are very many theories about arthritis, but few certainties.
All that we can be certain of at this time is that there is no cure, no guaranteed way of preventing it,
and no effective medical treatment which can reverse or permanently alleviate the condition.
Arthritis is classified as an autoimmune disease, which means that, for some reason, the body starts
to attack itself and our self-healing mechanisms, normally so efficient, appear to go into reverse so
that they have the opposite effect to the one intended.
Arthritis attacks slowly, so that by the time pain is felt, the disease may actually be quite far
advanced. It is a stealthy condition, which sets in gradually and is characterized by periods of flareups and remissions. It is this aspect of the illness, the propensity for remission, which makes it so
difficult to treat and also, to ascertain that any treatment is actually working.
It is also one reason why we have to be careful when we hear of a large claim being made for any
new cure or treatment. Because sufferers become so desperate, because they become so disillusioned
with orthodox medicine, they are eventually likely to try anything, go anywhere, do anything which
promises even a hint of relief.
When a condition sometimes goes away by itself, how do we know whether any treatments or
remedies are having an effect. It is not easy, and this fact has been the source of easy profits for
unscrupulous people since time began. Whenever an uncurable condition takes hold of large numbers
of people, you can be sure that all kinds of cures and treatments will appear on the market, whatever
safeguards or laws exist to protect us, the public, from large or unsubstantiated claims.
We are, or should be. on our guard against useless, ineffective or needlessly expensive treatments.
but we should also be very wary indeed of orthodox treatments, those that have gone through the
processes of being thoroughly tested in the laboratory at great expense.
There is no justification for putting any more faith in these to treat chronic conditions than for the
non-medical treatments.
We know, or should. that medical science so far has no nostrum against the various forms of
arthritis. All it can offer is painkillers of one sort or another -or, when the condition becomes desperate
enough, surgery in some cases.
This section of the book is written in the belief that coral calcium provides the best antidote yet to
arthritis, as it acts to normalize the internal conditions which, when out of balance, can cause the pain
and suffering we know as arthritis. We are not claiming that coral calcium can cure arthritis -there is
no cure -but, as we shall see from the case histories of people who have tried it. there can be dramatic
First, we have to understand what arthritis is, and how exactly the damage comes to be done.
In the first place, there are different types of arthritis. The most common, and the type suffered by
the majority of victims, is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease. In fact it is so very common
that over 75 per cent of adults over 50 have it in some form or other.
If you are an osteoarthritis sufferer -as you most probably are if you have bought this book -you
have most probably been told by your doctor that your condition is caused by 'wear and tear on the
joints. But this explanation is acceptable only up to a point.
For although arthritis is undoubtedly caused by wear and tear, not everybody will get it. So why do
some people's joints wear and tear worse than others? Arthritis, as we know, is not inevitable and,
although it is extremely common, it is not an inescapable aspect of ageing in the same way as,
say, the menopause is for women and thinning hair is for men. It attacks some people, and not others.
The reason for this is that osteoarthritis is NOT normal wear and tear. It is abnormal wear and tear.
The damage to joints, which obviously happens to some extent as we get older, is speeded up far
beyond what is normal when arthritis sets in.
All we can say at this stage is that. for some reason yet unknown, some people's systems are more
susceptible than others to joint damage. Although the majority of systems maybe over-acidic, some
can cope with this without apparent damage, whereas others can't. In this way, it is a bit like smoking
and lung cancer.
Although we now know conclusively that there is a strong relation between smoking and lung
cancer, we also know that not everybody who smokes will get it, and that some non- smokers -such as
the late entertainer Roy Castle -may also succumb to it. Some systems may survive a lifelong
onslaught of smoking, whereas others will become damaged instantly.
We are all individuals, and respond individually to what we take in. Some people, as we know, can
drink enormous amounts of alcohol without apparent harm, whereas others will become sick and ill
with just a small sherry. Some systems can handle poisons -others can't, and if you have a delicate
system you may have to treat it more carefully than people lucky enough to possess a strong
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are: joint pain and tenderness; joints becoming stiff after rest,
as after a night's sleep; cracking and grinding of the joints; and pain which may be severe to
If osteoarthritis is allowed to progress unchecked, there is progressive immobility as the joints
become ever more deformed and painful.
The joints most affected by osteoarthritis are the hips, knees and hands.
One major problem with osteoarthritis is that the symptoms associated with the disease often do not
occur until the joints have been irreversibly, or at least badly, damaged. There are often no early
warning signs or symptoms at all, so that by the time pain and tenderness is noticed, the disease may
actually be far advanced.
Another problem is that the joints most frequently affected by osteoarthritis are those which are
needed for everyday use and cannot easily be rested up or not used. The damage occurs in both hard
(bone) and soft tissues as cartilage is gradually eroded, and the joint becomes unable to move
Very many arthritis sufferers experience excruciating pain. This is caused by the bones gradually
grinding together until the former mobility is lost.
The actual word arthritis means inflammation of the joint. In very simple terms, the body's joints which have varying degrees of mobility -are covered with cartilage which acts as protection against
friction, and means that bones do not rub against each other.
Cartilage contains a protein known as collagen, which acts as a kind of cement for various delicate
tissues in the body. These are lubricated by synovia, a substance which acts rather like oil on hinges.
As you can see, nature has designed the joints and their. protective coverings and lubrication to
work perfectly. The cells of the synovial membranes don't just lubricate, they also work to clear away
accumulated debris, so that the joint stays clear of any obstruction, and can continue to move in the
way intended.
Human joints are also designed to take and absorb a great deal of stress. And while the joint and its
surrounding structure remain chemically and mechanically sound, it can give good service for a
Problems occur when something goes wrong with this machine's mechanism. So long as everything
is working properly, the body's joints operate in a harmonious symbiosis in much the same way as a
well-oiled engine works in a car. But if you don't keep it oiled, if you don't fill up with water, or if you
put diesel in the tank when it is designed to take petrol, or otherwise throw a spanner into the works,
the engine will suddenly not work so well -or at all.
But, unlike a car engine, the human body has protective and self-healing mechanisms which do their
utmost to correct any damage that occurs. If you put the wrong sort of fuel in your body, the various
elimination systems try their utmost to get rid of it without harming vital organs.
But, self-healing mechanisms can only do so much. If the wrong petrol is poured in on a daily
basis, and the system also goes short of oil and water, eventually it will complain.
And that is when the trouble starts. Whenever a joint is damaged or infected, the body tries to
protect it by surrounding it with a substance known as histamine. This eventually causes the kind of
swelling, pain and inflammation we diagnose as arthritis.
The chemical process is extremely complicated, and this is a vastly simplified version of what
happens in the body to cause the inflammation known as arthritis. Histamine is released from cells
known as mast cells. These are situated in blood- vessels and are eventually responsible for the release
of prostaglandins, an inflammatory hormone.
Now, the question is: what exactly causes the release and intense overproduction of inflammatory
substances resulting! in the pain and deformation of arthritis?
This is where the doctors are most divided. If you ask your doctor, you are likely to get the answer
“nobody knows".
If you ask an alternative practitioner, a nutritionist, or some- body who has studied holistic
medicine, you will get an answer which, I believe, makes total sense.
Herbal, natural and homoeopathic healers believe firmly that arthritis is caused mainly by the
chemical reaction within the body to certain types of fatty acids which the body cannot easily handle.
These are mainly animal fats which, in some people, the body finds difficult to absorb. Too much
accumulated animal fat in the system causes oxygen to be released, and this results in free radicals
being formed.
Free, or oxygen radicals, are toxic molecules which act rather like rust on a car, and seize up the
system. Because the body perceives these oxygen radicals as the enemy, it tries its best to get rid of
Free radicals are toxic molecules produced by the action of waste substances which the body cannot
metabolize. They travel through the body doing untold harm and interfere with all cell function. They
also prevent repair of joint tissue, and promote the release of lysosomal enzymes, substances whose
function is to clear away accumulated debris. The problem is that these enzymes do not distinguish
between free radical molecules and healthy tissue, but eat everything in sight. with the result that they
accelerate any joint damage already started.
What happens when there are too many free radicals in the I system is that the body's chemicals go
mad, releasing all over the place to try to zap the poisons. Unfortunately, the over- production of
histamine, prostaglandins and other chemicals known as leukotrienes, themselves eventually foul up
the smooth working of the body.
It all then becomes an internal noxious cocktail. with mad chemical reactions going on all the time in
ever vainer attempts to right the damage. Animal fats, and other acid-forming foods (of which more
later) are being constantly taken in by the body. These cause the production of toxic free radicals in
the body. The system. which treats these substances as poisons, releases f all the protective chemicals
in its armoury to mount a full-scale , attack against these radicals.
Unfortunately, the result is that everything becomes over- loaded, and the delicate self-righting and
self-regulating system collapses. What we know as arthritis results.
If we see arthritis as the end result of the body trying vainly to protect itself against hostile
invaders, we can take a different, and gentler approach to the illness.
By understanding what the body is trying to do, we can start to work with, rather than against it, to
reverse, treat and even eliminate the problems of arthritis and rheumatism from the system.
So what are these chemicals, and how do they contribute to arthritis?
The first and probably most important is histamine.
You have probably heard of antihistamines, drugs which are used to damp down allergic reactions,
such as hay fever, caused by overproduction of this chemical. Because we have all heard of
antihistamines, we tend to think that histamine is a body chemical that should be zapped at all costs.
This is not the case.
Histamine is a neurotransmitter which stimulates acid secretion in the stomach. It is stored in cells
to be released in allergic and other reactions. It is a useful substance in moderation, but cannot always
distinguish between a hostile and a friendly presence. Problems occur when too much
histamine is released, and the end result is that the body becomes even more acid-loaded.
Leukotrienes, which are less familiar body chemicals, are actually hundreds of times more
inflammatory than histamine. They are released when fatty acids are on the loose in the body, in an
attempt to get rid of them and prevent them causing damage. As with histamine, problems occur with
over-release of this substance.
Prostaglandins are hormone-like chemicals produced from fats, and their job is to regulate
inflammatory activity. The main prostaglandin released when there is joint damage is the one known
as E2, or PGE2. This has the effect of increasing body temperature to rid the body of what is
perceived as infection, and causes the type of inflammation familiar to arthritis sufferers.
Inflammation, which is the main presenting symptom of I arthritis, is the body's reaction to damage
or infection, and results when white blood cells are released in various parts of the body to try and
overcome the infection. The pain and tenderness experienced in arthritis are there to try and
discourage the sufferer from using the affected joint and thus causing further damage. Pain and
tenderness are warning signals. When we try to treat arthritis with painkillers, we are ignoring these
signals. In fact, treating arthritis with painkillers is like having a warning light coming on in your car
and pulling out the electricals rather than investigating the cause of the light going on.
Pain and tenderness in the joints is your signal to rest the affected areas to allow healing to take place.
Swelling and inflammation are there to help cushion and immobilise the affected joint so that it can do
the work of repair.
Looking at it this way, the pain and suffering of arthritis is actually the body's attempt to heal damage
and infection. The problem is that the immobilisation prevents us from getting on with our daily lives
and, in most cases, it is simply not possible to allow the joint to heal itself. Also, in many cases, these
brave attempts at self-healing are doomed to failure, as too much damage has occurred.
The eventual effect is that bone structure in the affected areas can be broken down, and the complex
and delicate chemical systems designed to heal and repair, go all wrong and do ever more damage to
the joint.
Not a pretty picture -if you can imagine what is going on inside your system when you feel the
pangs of arthritis. For although the body tries its best to repair any damage -and will do so until it
conks out altogether, as it is programmed to do this from birth -it cannot produce a perfect replica of a
joint which has been severely damaged. The end result is ever more pain and immobility, resulting
sometimes in bone ends becoming fused together, and preventing any mobility at all.
In osteoarthritis, the hip is frequently the most damaged joint. The hip is known as a ball-andsocket-type of joint, and needs to be extremely mobile. It is subjected probably to more wear and tear
than any other joint in the body and, to be fair, it is designed to be used a lot.
Because the hip joint is designed to be used hard and frequently, it is surrounded by large amounts
of protective tissue. This means that, at the same time as the hip takes a long time to wear out, when it
does, the damage is often very severe indeed. This is why hip replacement operations are so very
common nowadays. The hip has become damaged way beyond any self- repair, and the only solution
is to replace natural bone with artificial joints, which can do the job the body's joints were originally
designed to do.
The knee is another common joint damaged by osteoarthritis, and again, a joint which has constant
work to do.
The spine is another frequent target for osteoarthritis as it, too, is subject to constant mechanical
stress. In the spine, the vertebral discs are made of cartilage which provides essential protection for the
joints in the vertebrae, or spinal column.
If these discs wear away, bones grind on one another, causing pain and deformity. Eventually, the
two sides will fuse together and lock. causing immobility which may be so severe that sufferers have
to spend their time in a wheelchair.
The main joints which are affected by osteoarthritis are the weight-bearing ones -hips, knees, back.
But non-weight- bearing joints such as hands can also be badly affected, and are often the most visible
signs of osteoarthritis. It is a common sight to see an older persons hands knotted and deformed by
It is thought that hands are very susceptible to arthritis because they are possibly the most used
joints of the whole body, having to work hard for the whole time that we are awake. If the body
perceives that the joints of the hands are over- worked, they may try to prevent this by inflammation
and tenderness. But, most of us cannot afford not to use our hands all the time.
The other main type of arthritis is known as rheumatoid arthritis. Although this is less common, it
can set in at any age, including early childhood. It is one of the most destructive and debilitating of all
health problems, but affects less than five per cent of the population.
It is, as with all forms of arthritis, classified as an autoimmune disorder, whereby the body for some
strange reason appears to attack itself, but there are some significant differences between this type of
arthritis and ostoarthritis.
For whereas osteoarthritis attacks only -or mainly -joints subjected to constant wear and tear,
rheumatoid arthritis can attack any joint. The inflammation is usually far more severe, and the pain
and tenderness are usually more severe as well.
There are other differences. Osteoarthritis usually comes gradually and slowly, which is why it is
most commonly a disease of older age groups, but the onset of rheumatoid arthritis tends to be sudden
and immediately acute. The immune system becomes hyperactive but misfunctions at the same
time. Instead of making the body better, it makes everything worse. It may also cause damage
to tissues other than joints, such as the skin.
There is often extreme swelling, and the deformity can be severe, resulting in the
characteristic claw-like hands. As with osteoarthritis, the body constantly tries to repair the
joints, but unfortunately, does not seem able to do this in the shape of a healthy joint.
When this process has been going on for a very long time, the main concern of sufferers is
to reduce the inflammation, which puts the joint out of action and makes it extremely painful.
Although arthritis and rheumatism are among the most studied of all health problems -possibly
because anybody who came up with a guaranteed cure would make an absolute fortune -still nobody
knows for sure what causes the problem or, at least, why some people succumb to the effects of the
internal chemical warfare, and others get off scot-free.
According to holistic practitioners, arthritis and rheumatism are both caused by
accumulated waste products which eventually can find no way of getting out of the system.
Whenever your system is congested with waste acids that cannot escape, they tend to be
dumped in joints. When this happens, the body thinks it has done its job of elimination, and
worries no more about the deposits.
What happens is that they accumulate gradually, eventually affecting the mobility and efficiency
of the joints. At first, these deposits are only semi-solid and do not trouble you too much, but as time
goes on they harden and become encrusted in the joints. If allowed to accumulate in this manner, they
begin to irritate the system as they are basically poisons.
Your joints start to inflame as protection against them, and conventional medical treatment, is to
prescribe anti-inflammatories. But they do not prevent more wastes accumulating in the joints. In time,
the result is grotesque deformities, making the joint not only ugly to look at, but painful and immobile.
According to this definition, the best way of treating both arthritis and rheumatism is to reverse
this accumulation so that the joints become clear and clean and mobile again.
According to some theories, arthritis is an allergic reaction to certain foods. What happens here is
that the body, for some reason yet unknown, treats perfectly harmless substances as poisons, and then
over-releases histamine to try and get rid of them. It is always very difficult to determine for certain
whether your arthritis may be caused by food allergies, but it seems at least likely that something goes
wrong with the digestive process, at least, to allow the accumulation of waste products which results in
arthritic damage.
It is well-known that certain types of arthritis can run in families and, if you happen to come
from such a family, there is little you can do about these inherited tendencies. Knowledge about
genetics is teaching us that far more diseases than previously suspected may run in families. If you
have a near relative with very bad arthritis, it is as well to assume that you may also suffer in future,
and modify your diet -and take your coral calcium -before any undue harm is done.
It may be also that lysosomal enzymes will try to attack bacteria in the system perceived as
foreign matter, and inflammation so caused will accelerate joint damage.
From this brief survey of arthritis, it can be seen that it is a very serious and far-reaching disease
indeed, with no easy solutions as to its effective treatment.
We will now take a look at both the orthodox and alternative approaches to arthritis, and assess
those before moving onto coral calcium.
Because arthritis is so very common and can be so excruciatingly painful, drug companies have
poured billions of pounds of resources into finding solutions to the problem.
Unfortunately, they have had only partial success and the drugs used to treat arthritis are really no
more than big pain- killers. This is not to say that they have no place in arthritis treatment, but -as with
any drug regime to treat a chronic condition -they must be used with caution.
You cannot, it seems, take any prescription drug for any length of time without paying a price. Only
you can decide, on weighing up the pros and cons, whether this price is too high.
The most common drug treatments for all forms of arthritis are the group previously referred to,
known as NSAIDs, or non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As one doctor termed them, they are an
'aspirin with knobs on' –and as such, cause all the problems that aspirin can cause, and more.
Anti-inflammatories work by inhibiting the action of pros- taglandins around the inflamed joints in
the belief that these chemicals are the main cause of the inflammatory process. The trouble is that
NSAIDs, which are basically painkillers, can cause dyspepsia by irritating the stomach lining. They
can also cause bleeding from the tiny blood vessels in the stomach wall, and may also result in blood
being lost through the faeces.
As sufferers from arthritis are often slightly anaemic anyway, extra blood loss of this type can be
Aspirin can cause tinnitus, ringing in the ears, and the high doses needed to have the required
painkilling effect can cause gastric irritations.
A few years ago, one of the most profitable and widely used anti-arthritic drugs was Opren. Then it
became known that some people had suffered serious injury and even death as a result of this drug,
and after extensive media publicity, it was withdrawn from the market. But all anti-arthritic drugs do
damage, even if at less dramatic levels than Opren.
An alternative to aspirin-based NSAIDs is paracetamol, but again there may be undesirable
side effects. Paracetamol does not cause dyspepsia, but may result in serious liver damage, especially
if the drugs are taken over a long period of time, as they usually are.
There are also other problems with NSAIDs. They do certainly work to reduce the amount of pain
and swelling and as such can initially bea godsend to sufferers. But at the same time they reduce the
natural ability of cartilage to repair itself, and also, in osteoarthritis, actually speed up the rate of
cartilage destruction.
And, as with all prescription drugs, they are not 'magic bullets' that do only what is wanted, and
nothing else. Although they block the action of prostaglandins, they are not selective - and they block
the action of those needed for essential body processes as well as those implicated in arthritis.
Corticosteroids are another group of drugs which may be prescribed for arthritis. These were
excitedly hailed as a wonderful new discovery in the 1950s, but as time went on, it became apparent
that they, too, had serious side-effects. Steroids are nowadays only prescribed when NSAIDs don't
work or have become ineffective. In some cases, steroid preparations are injected directly into the
The main adverse side effects of steroid preparations for arthritis include: changes in hair texture, in
menstrual patterns for women, mood swings and increased appetite. They also halt production of the
body's own internally-produced steroids, which can make it dangerous to stop them suddenly. Steroids
also cause the skin to become thin, and cut and bruise more easily. Some patients develop a 'moon
face' and there may be fluid retention. They can also sometimes cause osteoporosis - the last thing an
arthritis sufferer wants.
Another drug, phenylbutazone, was once hailed as a miracle, but this has been withdrawn from
general use because of the very bad side-effects leading to the body suppressing its ability to make
white blood cells.
This is a traditional form of treatment for certain types of arthritis, but again, has many downsides.
The gold. which is administered by injection. has to be carefully monitored in hospital. It usually
follows treatment with NSAIDs. and is rarely a first choice of treatment.
It is administered by deep muscular injection and. at first. weekly doses must be given. After a time.
there will be a less frequent maintenance dose. Gold works slowly. when it works at all, and it takes
about six months to produce a noticeable response.
Treatment with gold was discovered accidentally when it was given to people with rheumatoid
arthritis at the beginning of the century in the belief that it was an effective treatment for TB. There is
no doubt that it works for some people, although again, there are undesirable side effects. Skin rashes,
skin allergy, inflammatory changes around the mouth and gums are common.
In some cases. there may be problems with kidney function as well, plus a certain amount of the
blood clotting mechanism may be lost.
These had a vogue at one time, and are still sometimes worn. But is there any therapeutic effect or are they more like a lucky charm? Certainly, copper -taken as a trace mineral- may have some
slight beneficial effect on arthritis, when combined with other minerals in a multi-mineral tablet.
The consensus of opinion nowadays is that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that copper
bracelets help in any way -it would be better to take the copper in tablet form -but certainly they do no
harm, and if some people believe they obtain relief from wearing them who's to say they are wrong?
There is certainly anecdotal evidence to suggest that they relieve the pain for some
sufferers, even if there is no scientific reason why they should work.
The best-known surgery for arthritis is hip replacement surgery, which has earned itself a
deservedly good reputation for success. For hip replacements, X-rays are first taken of the hip joint,
and surgery may be recommended if the damage is at an. advanced stage. Surgery would not normally
be recommended for early arthritis.
Usually, hip replacements are advised when walking is difficult, and when pain and stiffness have
become unbearable and, unable to be controlled by drugs or dietary means. Operations can also
successfully be performed on arthritic knees, and, occasionally, on arthritic backs. Surgery is usually a
(very) last resort, offered only after an enormous amount of pain and suffering has been experienced.
All sufferers of arthritis, without exception, experience deep depression as a result of their suffering.
It is not always appreciated that chronic pain is extremely depressing, and makes people bad-tempered
when this is not their true nature. Very many people suffering from arthritis become bad-tempered,
and this makes people shy away from them.
The depression which inevitably accompanies arthritis is usually treated with
antidepressants. which means they are overloading their systems with yet another toxic
Perhaps the best treatment for the depression caused by arthritis is to join a group of other
sufferers; it is now well- established that group therapy can make the most enormous
difference to moods. anxieties and problems of sufferers. The old saying: a trouble shared is a
trouble halved. has been proved time and again in patient self-help groups.
The only non-drug or non-surgical treatment likely to be suggested by your doctor is that
you try to lose some weight. if you are overweight. It is well-known that being overweight
contributes greatly to arthritis. as it vastly increases wear and tear on the relevant joints, the
weight-bearing ones.
It seems obvious that the less weight your diseased joints have to bear. the fewer will be
the consequences of arthritis. Losing weight will not in itself cure arthritis. but it may well
make it less painful and cause less deformity of the joints.
But as all dietary restriction is difficult and painful, why not try a positive dietary
approach as outlined below. rather than just trying to eat less? We all know that diets don't
work –or, at least, they do, but people cant usually manage to stick to them.
Whole books have been written on dietary approaches to arthritis, and many people claim to have
cured their condition by adhering to a diet which excludes acid-forming foods as much as possible,
and sticking to those which carry low risk for arthritis damage.
At one time derided as cranky and unproven, the dietary approaches to arthritis have now almost
become mainstream, and few doctors will nowadays tell their patients -as they tended to do until
recently -that there was 'no evidence' for the dietary approach being worth at least a try.
By far the great majority of sufferers who adopt the dietary approach will have already tried
orthodox cures, either without success, or with unacceptable side-effects.
But don't imagine that nutritional approaches to this disease are new. As long ago as the 1920s, the
American, Dr William Hay, was advising his arthritic patients that the best way to deal with this
problem was through modifying the diet rather than taking pills. His view was that there never would
be a pill that could reverse arthritis harmlessly -and so far, he has been proved right.
The Hay approach to arthritis grew into the famous Hay Diet, subject of many best-selling books.
The Hay Diet relies on 'correct' food combining, whereby you don't, as the slogan goes, mix foods that
This means that for every meal, you must choose between protein or carbohydrate, never both. So
bread and cheese would be out, as would meat and pasta. You have to allow at least four hours to
elapse between meals of different character, to allow stomach and other digestive juices to perform
their function properly.
The main exponent of Dr Hay's philosophy is Doris Grant. at the time of writing well into her 80.
She has followed the food combining diet ever since the 1930s, when arthritis threatened to cripple
her and ruin her life.
The Hay system, writes Doris Grant in her best-selling book. Food Combining for Health, does not
'cure', but allows the body to heal itself. Those who have embarked on the Hay Diet have managed,
she says, to become free of crippling arthritis pains within two weeks; other problems such as
psoriasis and allergies have also miraculously healed up when people switch to the Hay Diet.
Doris's own story bears witness to the success of this approach to eating. In her late 20s, she suffered
from such painful rheumatic pains in her joints that she was almost crippled. She tried all the medical
treatments which were available at the time, to no effect.
But when a relative suggested the Hay Diet. she found that, her pains started to disappear within a
week -and never returned, so long as she stuck to the diet.
William Hay, the originator of the diet. was born in Pennsylvania in 1866 and qualified as a doctor in
New York in 1891. For the next 16 years he practised orthodox medicine, but finally his own health
broke down.
As he battled with his own health problems, he became convinced that medicine as it was then
(and still is, to a large extent) concerned itself only with the end results of illness, rather than the rootcauses. There was no way to remove or eradicate the cause of a chronic illness -the best that medicine
could offer was pills or surgery to cope with the symptoms.
Dr Hay came to the conclusion that there is, basically, only one root-cause of illness: chemical
imbalance within the body. Whatever the disease, he maintained, the underlying cause is the same:
over-accumulation of waste acids within the system. When these cannot be eliminated, they are stored
up in organs and joints, eventually causing an imbalance so great that the body's own self-healing
mechanisms can no longer operate efficiently, and the whole system goes haywire.
Although the body does its best to get rid of waste products, its metabolic processes eventually
cannot handle the amount of waste which daily accumulates. When this happens, the whole system is
in a state of auto-intoxication, poisoning itself. This chronic over-acidity lowers the body's alkaline,
self-righting reserves, and the over-acidity takes over.
Dr Hay came to believe that there were four main causes of acid over-accumulating in the system:
too much meat, too much refined carbohydrate, constipation, and lack of under- standing of body
chemistry and how foods are metabolised.
Some systems are more robust than others, and can withstand this onslaught, as some people can
smoke for 50 years without apparent ill-effects. But the majority of systems cannot handle
accumulation of waste products indefinitely, and eventually break down under the strain.
The way to prevent this accumulation, Dr Hay taught, is to make sure you eat only those foods
which do not cause build-up of acids -and also, most importantly, that you do not eat foods of
different character, requiring very different metabolic processes, at the same meal.
Needless to say, Dr Hay's teachings were met with virulent criticism and accusations of crankiness
from his medical colleagues. Even nowadays, the orthodox medical specialists, especially
rheumatologists, remain highly sceptical of the dietary approach.
However, it makes logical sense. We have already seen how arthritis is caused by the gradual
accumulation of waste products, and the body's increasingly futile attempts to rid itself of them. If, by
adhering to a sensible diet, these waste products and free radicals do not build up, the chances are that
arthritis won't develop, either.
Briefly, the Hay Diet embodies five cardinal dietary rules:
1. Starches and sugars should not be eaten with proteins and acid fruits at the same meal.
2. Vegetables, salads and fruits should form the major part of the diet.
3. Proteins, starches and fats should be eaten in small quantities.
4. Eat only complex carbohydrates and never eat white flour, white sugar or refined sugary products.
5. Allow at least four hours to elapse between eating meals of different character.
Why should proteins and carbohydrates not be eaten at the same meal? The main reason is that
proteins require an acid medium for digestion. Carbohydrates require an alkaline medium, and when
you eat the two together, different stomach enzymes are required, and these fight with each other to
hinder the digestive process.
It is the acid-forming foods which cause waste to accumulate -the body can easily eliminate the
alkali-forming foods. It seems as if our systems are designed by nature to handle alkali- forming
foods more readily than the acid-forming ones.
Dr Hay believed that we should eat four times as much alkali- forming food as acid-forming.
The main alkali-forming foods are: all vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, almonds, milk.
The main acid-producing foods are: all animal products: fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, poultry, nuts
except almonds; starch foods such as grains, bread, flour and cereal-based foods.
The classification, explains Doris Grant, does not refer to the acid (or otherwise) taste of the foods
in the mouth, but what happens to them in the body. Acid-forming foods are those which need an acid
environment to be digested.
In addition, arthritis sufferers should be careful with all foods of the nightshade family: tomatoes,
aubergines, potatoes. There is a considerable body of evidence among avant-garde nutritionists that
foods in this family have an adverse effect on arthritis. However, not all arthritis sufferers are sensitive
to them. The only way to tell is to monitor whether you have noticeable pain or stiffness within 24
hours of eating foods of this type.
It is largely a matter of trial and error discovering which foods you may be sensitive to. But the
main dietary message is simple enough in essence (if difficult to follow in practice): eat lots of fresh
fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrates and unrefined produce. Eat sparingly of meat, fish, dairy
products and refined carbohydrates. Avoid tea and coffee as much as possible (acid- forming). Avoid
all alcohol, except for an occasional glass of wine (acid-forming again), and don't smoke if you can
possibly help it.
If you can follow these precepts of the Hay Diet, you will almost certainly experience a lessening of
your arthritic pain.
Note: Although the Hay Diet is probably good for everybody, Dr Hay himself understood that not
everybody can follow it. You have to have a strong motivation, he believed, because it requires
constant vigilance. Unless there is a 'burning desire' or need to find a dietary approach to chronic
illness, you may be putting yourself through unnecessary hardship and deprivation. Some systems can
cope perfectly well with mixing foods that fight -others cant.
We are all individuals, and as such must find our own individual approaches to cope with longterm illness.
But -taking coral calcium daily, which works to alkalise the body's fluids, can, up to a point, take
the place of a highly restrictive diet.
Since the Hay Diet was first formulated all those years ago, other writers, doctors and sufferers
have discovered for themselves that its basic principles will alleviate the suffering of the majority of
most arthritis sufferers. A high vegetable and fruit, high-fibre, low-fat diet will probably do more than
all the pills in the world to alleviate arthritis pains, as these foods prevent the build-up of acids and
free radicals which do so much harm within the body.
Writer Sonia New house cured herself of crippling arthritis simply by diet, having tried -as do
most sufferers -all the medical treatments on offer. Her theory, as expounded in her book, Complete
Natural Food Facts, believes completely in the acid/ alkaline foods theory, and Sonia is certain
that changing her diet from an acid to an alkaline one helped reverse her arthritis, and certainly
prevented any new deformities.
She says that the blood plasma of healthy people should be slightly alkaline, although in most of
us these days, it is decidedly acid. What happens is that blood which has too much acid, accumulates
waste material instead of disposing of it.
Acid- and alkaline1onning foods should not be confused, she says, with acid and alkaline foods. It
is what happens to them in the body which is important. The acid- or alkaline-forming process is
determined by the kinds of mineral residue left by the digestive process inside the body.
Acid-forming foods leave a residue of phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine in the body, whereas
alkaline-forming foods leave residues of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. When all these
minerals interact, they produce body fluids of the correct pH levels.
For arthritis sufferers, or at least, those prone to arthritis pains and tenderness, the most acidforming foods, which are: meat, dairy products and eggs should be avoided. So, too, should the
extreme alkali-forming foods, which are: sugar, beer and whisky and soft drinks with a highsugar content.
Extreme acid-forming foods set up addictive cravings for the alkaline-forming foods, and viceversa. If 60 per cent of the diet consists of vegetables and fruits there should be no problem with the
pH levels in the body.
Most of us nowadays exist on a predominantly acid-forming diet, says Sonia New house, and it is
this, more than any other factor, which has made arthritis such a very common disease today.
Another writer who claims to have cured herself from serious arthritis through diet is Suzanne
Porter, author of Conquering Arthritis. She writes in the introduction to her book:
"Unless you actually have arthritis in any of its forms,
I do not believe it is possible to appreciate fully just how painful and debilitating the disease
can be... The pain is like a fire that never goes out of the affected joint. Even medication will
barely control the pain or burning. . If the pain continues, it has a devastating effect on the
patient, causing depression and aggravating stress levels."
Suzanne Porter has kept herself free from arthritis since 1980, when she was told by her doctor that
she had arthritis, and decided to try and change her diet in order simply to be able to walk. She was at
the time eating the typical affluent urban Wes- tern diet of rich. fatty., salty foods. Because of the
seriousness of her condition. she was able to motivate herself to eat instead fruit, vegetables., grains
and fat-free meat in small amounts.
At the time, she writes. she was criticized and ridiculed by the medical profession., but the
improvement was so dramatic that she decided to stick to her guns. Although the arthritis is not
curable, it is in such permanent remission that she hardly ever remembers that. theoretically, she
remains an arthritis sufferer.
There seems little doubt that anti-arthritis diets do work. Some people swear by a macrobiotic diet,
which is based on brown rice. and excludes all dairy products and meat. Just occasionally. a little fish
is eaten., and the main thing to remember is that., where possible., food should be eaten from your
own locality., rather than imported from the other side of the globe.
The theory here is that our systems work best on foods which are grown naturally in the climate
where we live. Certainly, many people benefit on a macrobiotic diet which also excludes the
nightshade foods.
It does seem as though foods in the nightshade family contain some ingredient which can make
arthritis worse: a large-scale survey of over 8,000 arthritis sufferers undertaken in the early 1980s
discovered that over 70 per cent of them noticed considerable benefit when they were able to exclude
these foods.
Animal fats may be inflammatory., and meats and dairy products also contain arachidonic acid,
which over-acidifies the system. Most authorities recommend avoiding fried foods. also caffeine and
alcohol., as these act directly on the adrenal glands., contributing to the chemical overload on the
The trouble with anti-arthritis diets is that most people find them restricting and boring. It
has to be said that they are not popular, and although they may work, most sufferers find them hard to
stick to. In her book, Conquering Arthritis, Suzanne Porter offers these tips for anybody struggling
with an anti-arthritis diet: because the 'forbidden' foods are so tempting, there will always be a
tendency to slip back and indulge. There are several approaches: one, you can resist everything in
sight that you know you are not supposed to eat; you can go off the diet just this once and enjoy it but be prepared for the possible pain and discomfort of arthritis as a consequence. Or, you can eat
everything in sight, but don't complain when the arthritis pains return.
The problem is that the anti-arthritis eating programme is one that must be followed for life.
Faced with such a restricted diet, it may seem as if taking the pills is easier. I always remember the
original doctor at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, Alec Forbes, warning patients with chronic disease
that if they didn't follow a healthy eating plan they would be on pills for the rest of their lives. The
response from the majority was: "Give me the pills, doctor".
It would be wonderful if you could stay on the diet; however, 1 taking coral calcium to some extent
mitigates the effect of , bad' ~ foods, and gives you a little more leeway. And you have to 1 remember
that, although painkilling pills will initially ease the pain and give blissful relief, the side-effects will
gradually get worse.
This is the problem with all long-term medication.
If the nutritional theory is correct, and arthritis is caused by over-acidic systems producing too many
toxic free radicals, it makes sense that antioxidants -substances which help to zap free radicals -will
be of great help in arthritis relief. There has been a great deal of work on antioxidants over the past
few years, and increasingly, orthodox doctors are having to accept that these natural substances may
playa significant part in the treatment of a number of chronic diseases.
The main antioxidants are: selenium, Vitamin E, zinc, Vitamin C, beta-carotene and Vitamin A.
As they have the ability to neutralize free radicals, anti- oxidants protect joints from destruction.
Free radicals have been compared to a man at a residential conference without his wife or partner -he
will try to latch on to any unattached female he notices. They are, as some people might put it, like a
spare bridegroom at a wedding.
Oxygen radicals are called 'free' because they have one spare electron which spends all its time
trying to attach itself to any- thing that will accept it. Whenever they succeed, they damage the
molecular structure of the cell to which they become attached. The vitamins and minerals mentioned,
prevent free radical damage, and should be taken in any case, in a good multi-vitamin and multimineral package, by anybody suffering from any form of arthritis.
The best and most powerful antioxidant yet encountered is coral calcium, which is described on
page 25.
In the late 1970s, the discovery that an extract of the green- lipped mussel, found only in certain
areas off the coast of New Zealand, could help some arthritis sufferers, led to much hype surrounding
this substance.
Now that the fuss has died down somewhat, it seems that green-lipped mussels can provide relief
for some patients. The active ingredients are a group of substances known as glycosaminoglycans, a
collagen-like substance which acts as a kind of glue between cells. The more glycosaminoglycans in
action, the better -and the less damage to joints.
Green-lipped mussels contain a high proportion of these substances, and in tests, just over one third
of patients seemed to benefit.
Although exercise is often recommended for arthritis sufferers, we have to remember at the same
time that very many victims of this condition are, or have been, dancers or athletes. However, most
people seriously under-exercise, rather than overdo it.
For most people, regular exercise, as with eating only foods that are good for you, is not a very
enticing prospect. But exercise of the right sort is a good way to prevent arthritis as well as to stop it
getting worse.
Regular exercise is important for everybody, but in particular for arthritis sufferers because it
enables blood to get into the joints and keep them supple and in good condition. Exercise also
enables accumulated waste products to be eliminated from joints.
If you have very bad or painful arthritis, you may not be able to engage in a strenuous exercise
programme. Over-exercising the affected joints could well result in even more discomfort. But this
will not be the problem for the majority of sufferers, who have most probably under-exercised all
their lives.
The best kind of exercise for arthritis sufferers is brisk walking -not just a dawdle to the shops, but a
purposeful walk that takes at least 20 minutes. Gentle stretching and flexing of the joints in a 20minute daily programme will also help.
Nowadays, an ever-increasing number of doctors are prescribing -actually prescribing -exercise
routines for their patients. As most of us who have tried it know, it can be difficult and depressing to
exercise on your own; if you can join a class, particularly a class of other arthritis sufferers who are
also embarking on a suitable exercise programme, you gee each other up, and help each other along.
Exercise will not reverse the damage caused by arthritis, but it can help you deal with the pain and
also make sure the damaged joint does not get any worse. A suitable exercise programme will do you
far more good than painkillers.
Simple yoga exercises have been found beneficial for some sufferers, but as yoga contains much
potential for joint and tissue damage, these exercises must be taught by somebody who understands
arthritis. Mainly, yoga exercises for arthritis con- sist of correct breathing, of pranayama, rather than
the pos- tures, or asanas.
As a pain specialist running a pain clinic, Dr Michael Abdou sees very many arthritis sufferers. He
believes that coral calcium is the most useful anti-arthritic agent yet available, as it has the power to
alkalinize the whole system, and to prevent free radical damage.
His view is that coral calcium differs from other antioxidants because it changes body fluids, which
make up 70 per cent of our body weight. "If 70 per cent of the body is healthy, then the rest of the
body will automatically be healthy," he says.
Bones, as we know, all need calcium to grow, and to become and remain strong. The problem with
taking ordinary calcium tablets is that they are in large molecules and they cause a sediment at the
bottom of the stomach. Because coral calcium is composed of tiny molecules, it is absorbed
immediately and without causing any sediment. It is easy to absorb and passes into the structure of
the body without effort -unlike all other substances, whether natural or artificial.
Its action is directly beneficial to arthritis sufferers because the body is able to take exactly what it
wants to repair bone and joint tissue without leaving excess in the body. It is an ideal way of getting
just the right amount of calcium into the system, and makes the bones stronger and younger.
Coral calcium powerfully relieves arthritis because it pre- vents the damage caused by wear and
tear and reduces pain. It also counters the chlorine in tap water by combining with chlorine molecules
and rendering them harmless.
Although drinking lots of water is a good idea, the amount of chlorine in tap water makes it highly
acidic, and so it too can contribute to the acid overload in the body. [ Its main effect is to normalise
pH levels, and optimise them C for digestive and nutritional purposes. If you take coral calcium daily,
you will not get the build-up of fatty acids that cause all the other body chemicals to go on red alert,
and start over- producing to cause the inflammation, pain and damage of arthritis.
This complex and unwanted body reaction associated with arthritis damage will simply not occur.
Dr Abdou has also noticed that patients who take coral I calcium are able to reduce their
medication, and in some cases stop it altogether. All NSAIDs have bad side-effects, but the coral
calcium itself has the power to reduce pain.
Research in Japan has already established that inhabitants of the islands of Okinawa and
Tokunoshima have vastly lower arthritis and rheumatism levels than those in mainland Japan - and
the conclusion of all who have investigated the reasons is that it is the daily ingestion of coral calcium
which is mainly responsible.
It seems to take about two weeks before people taking it notice any benefit -and then they
frequently rave about it, especially if they have been in very severe pain, as they so often have.
Most of the names and identifying details have been changed to protect the identity of those
whose stories are told here.
Peter Galbraith. a 52-year-old photographer from Somerset, had been in severe pain from
osteoarthritis for many years. Since the age of 40, he had suffered from severe back pain which was
initially treated by cortisone injections, but even so, after a time the pain increased to intolerable
By the age of 47, he could stand it no longer, and had two back operations, neither of which
made much difference. At the same time, he was told that the condition of his knees was that of a
'90-year-old' and that, ideally, he should have artificial knee-joints. However, he would have to wait
to the age of 60 for those, he was advised.
Because of the severe state of his condition, Peter had to work with the aid of made-to-measure
sports braces, specially imported from America. But all the time he continued to be in extreme pain,
taking ever stronger painkillers.
He underwent a further operation on his thumb, where the joint had become extremely arthritic, but
experienced no pain relief at all. He was advised that the only way he would be free from pain would
be to have the whole joint surgically removed.
Not a very satisfactory state of affairs, especially for some- body having to earn a living as a
photographer and therefore needing all joints in good condition.
In desperation, having had three operations and taking high doses of painkillers daily, he tried coral
calcium after reading about it in a newspaper article. Within six weeks, he was experiencing dramatic
relief, and said: "After six weeks of taking it religiously every day, I find I am no longer struggling to
get out of bed and I hardly ever need my braces. Also, I have not taken a painkiller since starting the
coral calcium regime."
He has even, he said, started running again -something he had not been able to do for many years.
"I have little pain these days, and I have decided, at least for the time being, not to have another
operation to my thumb, as it is pain-free and relatively mobile." He added: "I have been through so
much surgery that I don't feel anyway that I can take any more, especially as the results have not been
all that good for all the pain, effort and recovery time. Also, I am not too keen on having so many
general anaesthetics."
Peter says he is so impressed with coral calcium that he has enthusiastically recommended it to
many friends both in the United Kingdom and abroad.
Another sufferer, Linda. has severe arthritis in both hips as well as the shoulders, and spondylitis of
the vertebrae. All very serious. She began taking coral calcium daily and after ten weeks of taking it
daily, found she could put her tights on with ease, cut her own toenails and do her shoelaces up -all
things previously impossible.
She also now has hardly any pain. She says: "It is so good that I have recommended it to several
other people, and they are also finding it highly beneficial. It's the best thing I've ever come across for
my arthritis, and I don't think I shall ever stop taking it."
Margaret, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, said she was getting considerable comfort and
relief after only three weeks on coral calcium. Other patients have said: "Working wonders - please
send some more quickly!"
In fact, it seems that no arthritis sufferers have taken it without experiencing considerable benefit
-which cannot be said for any other remedy or treatment. There is no other arthritis treatment which
is guaranteed to work for every patient -except perhaps hip replacement surgery, which is a drastic
measure and requires general anaesthetic, a long stay in hospital and a long recovery period. And
then, the replacements don't last forever -10 years is considered good, after which time a further
replacement may be needed.
Listen to a few more glowing comments on coral calcium from arthritis patients:
Laura. 60, wrote this letter to Michael Lamb after seeing a magazine article on the subject:
"1 have just completed my first 12 weeks' supply of coral calcium and would just like to
tell you how thrilled 1 am with the results. After more than a dozen years of pain in all my
joints 1 have at last found some relief."
David, 63, noticed that when he stopped taking coral calcium for a week, all his previous pain
returned. So he started taking it again, and found that the pain completely stopped. As we said, coral
calcium does not cure arthritis, but rebalances the system so that arthritis pain &nd joint damage will
not persist. But, it can only work while it is in the system and must be considered a long-term
solution to the problem.
Kathleen, suffering from severe arthritis, has this to say on coral calcium: "Mter taking it for eight
weeks, I have noticed a remarkable change and can now walk without pain. I have recommended it to
a lot of people as a result."
Ruth commented that after taking coral calcium she had been able to walk down to her local
village, something impossible for the previous four years.
June wrote: "Mter taking coral calcium, I have felt much bet- ter -better than I have done for a long
time. I can use my legs and feet much better, after suffering years of agonising pain:'
Angela, 45, suffers very badly from arthritis. This is her story: "I have had arthritis for about two
years now and in that time I have had to have two knee and two hip replacements. It got so bad that I
wasn't able to walk at all, and the arthritis spread to my hands, wrists and elbow joints. I have been on
both very strong painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs -three pain- killers and three antiinflammatories a day for a long while. If I forget to take them I can hardly move by lunch time.
"Since reading about coral calcium, I thought it was worth a try, and so I sent for some. Mter six
weeks I found such a great improvement in my health that I have been able to cut out all of my
painkillers and two of my anti-inflammatory tablets, leaving me with only one tablet a day instead of
six. I feel better than I have done for a long time and have recommended it to friends who are also
Note: If you are reading these case histories, and you are taking strong medication for the pain,
don't whatever you do, suddenly stop it without consulting your doctor. Although coral calcium very
often enables sufferers to come off their medication completely, no chronic medication should ever be
stopped without consulting your doctor or rheumatologist, as there can be severe withdrawal
Also, do make sure you inform your doctor that you are taking coral calcium. He or she will
probably not have heard of it, and even if information about it has filtered through, there will
probably be profound scepticism. But at least you know that it cannot do harm, unlike prescription
drugs for this illness.
Another grateful correspondent, Daphne. writes: "I would like to take the opportunity to say
just how well I feel after taking coral calcium. It has given me a new lease of life as I suffer badly
from rheumatoid arthritis. I have been taking coral calcium for about three and a half months, and the
pain and inflammation have reduced considerably." In her letter to Michael Lamb, Daphne adds: "If
you are looking for a distributor in my area, I would be very interested to talk to you." .
David. 60, writes: "Having taken coral calcium for 10 weeks I feel like a new man. In the past,
doing simple things, that most people take for granted, such as climbing stairs or even walking a
couple of hundred yards to the shops was a nightmare. Thanks to coral calcium I can now get out to
meet friends."
Christopher. 59 says: "I have a problem with crumbling vertebrae and am in constant agony. It is
very uncomfortable, even with lots of painkillers. However, after two weeks of taking coral calcium, I
found the pain has completely gone, and I can now, quite comfortably walk up and down stairs.
"Having been suffering for a few years constantly, I can only put it down to the coral calcium. It's
wonderful to be pain-free, and to feel generally better in all respects. Thanks so much -I've been
telling everybody about it."
Ellen, 64, has arthritis and also a handicapped daughter to look after. She has to do everything for
her daughter. She writes:
"I just have to let you know how coral calcium has helped me with my arthritis. For the first three
weeks of taking it I felt worse, and it was becoming hard work to get up the stairs or even do my
"But after three weeks I could go up the stairs without any trouble and do my shopping. I have had
no pain at all. I can now look after my lovely daughter, Jackie, for longer than I thought I would be
able to. She is 21, and I have been a widow: for 10 years."
Mike says: "I have been taking coral calcium for seven weeks and yes, it is a miracIe. I feel I have a
new lease of life, having just reached my 85th bIrthday.
Alison, an osteoarthritis sufferer, says: "It has helped me so much. I have more energy and my joints
do not hurt so much."
Helen, from Essex, writes: "I would not like to be deprived of this wonderful product which has
helped me so much and on which I have grown dependent. It is now, in fact, my new walking-stick! It
is high time everybody knew about the marvellous benefits of coral calcium."
These are just a few of the glowing letters and tributes received from arthritis sufferers who have
discovered that they experience considerable pain relief from taking coral calcium. Although patients
are only aware of the lack of pain, inside, their systems are more normal, more efficient, than they
have probably been for years.
At the time of writing, clinical trials of coral calcium are awaited. At the moment, we have only
anecdotal evidence and the results of the Japanese statistical research. But although no systematic
study has been undertaken on people suffering from arthritis. it seems clear from the letters received.
and the clinical observations of doctors and health practitioners who have come across it. that coral
calcium provides the very best antidote yet to one of the most troubling. painful and deforming
illnesses there is.
Coral Calcium and Digestive Problems
When my former mother-in-law announced her pet theory of illness: that most. if not all, digestive
problems were caused by an excess of acid in the body, we all laughed at her. After all, what could
she know of medicine, she, who had been a housewife all her life! When she also stated her belief that
out. of-the-way Chinese restaurants in her area were up to no good, and a front for triad activities, we
also laughed at her paranoia.
But as she was proved right about the Chinese triads, so she also had the last laugh about overacidity being the cause of many, if not most. of the digestive disorders of today. She, like many
'ordinary people', had a better grasp on the causes of digestive problems than many doctors who had
undergone years of training -and who had never come across this particular theory.
She had on her side what many highly-trained doctors lack: common sense.
In fact. as we saw in the chapter on arthritis, theories about over-acidity contributing to many
degenerative diseases are by no means new -they have just never somehow come into the;
mainstream. Until very recently, the prevailing theory was that all foods metabolised pretty much the
same within the body, and most people's systems could cope with a wide variety of foods, as we were
For some reason, perhaps because it is not taught as a main subject in medical school,
nutritional medicine has always been regarded as rather cranky. This would be fine if doctors and
medical experts could come up with a better reason for why digestive problems develop -but they
haven't. For some reason, it never seems to occur to them that a nutritional problem might have a
nutritional basis -and a nutritional solution.
Dr William Hay, who formulated the Hay Diet in the 1920s, firmly believed that indigestion, and
most other digestive problems were caused by eating incompatible foods together, and thus mixing up
the digestive juices inside the stomach. Indigestion, which is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant
acid regurgitation, was, he was convinced, almost always eating refined carbohydrates, and
he recommended that the best way of relieving the symptoms was to eat a diet high in fresh green
vegetables and grilled, rather than fried, foods.
We have already seen how a chronically over-acidic system r contributes to the pain and
deformity we know as arthritis. It also now seems perfectly logical that the same over-acidic system
can cause a wide variety of digestive disorders.
As with arthritis, the cure could be to take coral calcium, -rather than any of the battery of antacid
preparations or other strong drugs which are on the market and which currently provide one of the
most profitable medicines there are.
As with other conditions, some systems are more robust than others. We all know of people
who can, apparently, eat anything and never put on weight, never suffer ill effects, never have
problems with allergies, and so on.
But the more we overload our systems with acid-forming foods, the more likely we are to suffer
from digestive diseases. If we eat exactly the correct balance of acid- and alkali-forming foods that are
right for our systems, it is unlikely that digestive disorders will develop. But once acid takes hold, it
combines with the acids that are necessary to digestion, and the whole sys- tem then becomes overacidic and, pain, sometimes severe, may result.
Of course, it is now well known that digestive problems can occur with stress, fear, tension and
anxiety. When we are nervous or afraid, the stomach starts to churn -producing more acid -and this
makes digestion difficult. It is also well known that the end product of digestion, defecation, can also
be adversely affected by stress and tension.
In fact, the digestive system is probably the first one to suffer when we are chronically under stress.
We have all experienced being hungry all the time or, alternatively, losing our appetites completely
when under undue stress. Eating disorders, caused by emotional disturbance, are one of the
most worrying of modern health problems -and there are no easy answers.
Mental stress is one thing contributing to an over-acidic system. But when we eat too many acidforming foods, we are putting the digestive system under extreme physical stress, and thus adding to
the acid overload.
If we then take antacid to combat the pain and burning sensation caused by excess acid, we are
actually adding to the problem, as these, like most strong-acting drugs, set up imbalances within the
system which can lead to severe adverse side- effects developing.
It's easier, cheaper and more beneficial to the system to correct the imbalance in it, than to override
Briefly, what happens is that although the stomach releases acids to digest foods, the intestines
have no mechanism for coping with acid substances. Something, therefore, has to be done to prevent
stomach acids traveling into the intestine. The body's way of dealing with excess acids is to keep
them in the stomach, where, if allowed to take up permanent residence, they corrode the stomach
lining and may eventually develop into ulcers. Ulcers, as any sufferer will know, cause agonizing
pain, and yet they can easily be prevented by making sure the system is not over-acidic in the first
The body creates a spasm to prevent acids going into the intestine and although it produces its own
alkalis, such as bicarbonate solutions, these can only cope with excess acids up to a point.
Most people take antacids to neutralize over-acidic systems, but many of these contain aluminium,
which has been implicated in brain damage leading to Alzheimer's. Antacids can also, if taken over a
long period of time, cause certain vitamins in the body to be used up. In any case, commercial
antacids deal only with the end result, the symptom, rather than the underlying cause.
One friend who had fearful heartburn caused by chronic indigestion was taking large doses of
antacids. She then tried the Hay Diet and found that all her symptoms disappeared. "The only
trouble," she said, "was that although the Hay Diet worked perfectly -I hated the Hay Diet."
Eventually, after struggling with it for about a month, she reverted to her old ways of eating and
started taking the antacids again.
For such a person -and many do find the Hay Diet hard, especially when coping with meals out,
social occasions, and so on -coral calcium would provide an ideal answer. It does not interfere with
anything else you are eating, and creates an internal climate whereby the body can start to heal itself.
This will never happen while antacids are being taken, as they do not prevent overproduction of acid just the pain and discomfort experienced as a result.
Another drug commonly taken for dyspepsia, or heartburn, is cimetidine. This blocks the body's
histamine receptors but it is a very strong medicine which blocks histamine sites not only in the
stomach but also in areas which do not produce acid.
The result is many adverse side effects, including impotence in men, if the drug is taken for long
enough. Also, dyspepsia means that acid is eating away at the stomach, and if not addresed properly,
will eventually turn into an ulcer.
Again, although the drug may be useful in the short-term, it does not cure the problem.
As we have seen, the main action of coral calcium is to normalize the acid/alkaline balance in the
system, so that the diseases caused by over-acidity do not develop, or at least, can be overcome.
Meter arthritis, the next major benefit as reported by grateful customers, is for those suffering from
digestive problems. Although these may not be so agonizing, painful or serious as arthritis, they are
not very pleasant to those suffering from them.
There are many diseases of the digestive system, and most are caused by the system becoming overacidic, and the body's own defences not being able to cope with the acid wastes produced. In time, the
immune system is affected as, because the body's own protective mechanisms are continually fighting
the acid overload, means they cannot do their proper job of fighting infection.
Thus, people with chronically over-acidic systems are also liable to keep going down with colds,
coughs, flu, bronchitis and other infections. These may cause even more medicines, such as
antibiotics, to be taken, and so adding to the toxic cocktail churning away and doing its damage inside
the body.
You as the sufferer feel pain -and may on top of all this, be tempted to take painkillers such as
aspirin or paracetamol.
Because the digestive system is so complicated, and depends on a delicate mechanism of juices
and secretions operating at the right time and in exactly the right quantities, there are very many things
that can go wrong.
Most are caused by faulty nutrition and an over-acidic system rather than any other factor.
The main ones are:
Candida albicans, or thrush. This has been the subject of much nutritional research in recent years.
It is thought to occur mainly when the body's own beneficial bacteria, its intestinal flora, has been
wiped out, or reduced by over-reliance on antibiotics. Antibiotics, in common with most other
prescription drugs, do not just go to the site of the problem -they have an all-over reaction, wiping out
both the good and the bad bacteria.
Candida itself is a yeast-like organism which gets into the intestinal tract and stays there ready to
erupt when defences are down. In women, it is often noticed as a white vaginal discharge, and may
also cause tiny white spots in the mouth. But it can also lurk for many years unseen and unknown.
The best way of combating candida is to eat an anti-candida diet, which means cutting out all yeastbased and fermented foods -not at all easy -as well as sugar, caffeine and alcohol, and concentrating
on high-fibre, low-fat, sugar-free foods. Some authorities believe that live yoghurt can combat
candida, or make it less easy for the yeast to thrive and grow. A food sup- plement known as
Lactobacillus acidophilus, obtainable from
most health food shops, and vitamin departments of chemists, can combat the disease.
Colitis is inflammation of the wall of the colon, and can cause ulcers. This disease is thought to be
caused mainly by a diet low in fibre, high in meat and dairy products -all the acid. producing foods.
Constipation is very common indeed, and most of us have suffered from it at some time or other,
particularly when on holiday or staying in strange places. Because it is so very common, and so
distressing and uncomfortable, laxatives are, along with antacids, hugely profitable drugs. The trouble
with laxatives is that they do not encourage the colon to work by itself. Drinking plenty of water, and
eating a high-fibre diet, is a better solution to the problem than taking laxatives. Women seem to
suffer more than men from constipation, although the reasons for this are not clear.
Diarrhoea, the opposite problem to constipation, is again, something most of us have experienced.
It may be caused by an infection, and should be treated by drinking plenty of water. If diarrhoea is a
persistent problem, it needs medical attention as it can cause severe dehydration.
Duodenal ulcers are caused by excessive stomach acid, and are best treated by a high-alkaline diet.
Peptic ulcers are similar to duodenal ulcers, except that they occur in the lower portion of the
stomach which is more acidic.
Other problems associated with faulty digestion include food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome
and gallstones.
The best way to cope with digestive problems, and to prevent further damage from arising is: drink
plenty of water, at least one litre a day, and take your coral calcium daily. This will ensure two things:
one, that the system does not become dehydrated and collect excess acids and two, that the water is
alkalinised and dechlorinated. Also, at the same time, try to eat a predominantly alkaline rather than
acid-based diet.
Although there is controversy about how far a healthy diet can prevent digestive and other
problems, there is now little disagreement about what constitutes a healthy diet.
All nutritionists now are agreed that the acid/alkaline balance needs to be properly maintained in
order to prevent and overcome illness and infection. There is not total agreement on what constitutes
an ideal balance, although all authorities feel that the diet should be at least 50 per cent alkaline.
Some nutritionists, such as those promoting the Hay Diet (see chapter on arthritis) believe that our
diet should be 80 per cent alkaline for optimum good health.
However, the following guidelines will ensure that your diet optimizes the action of coral calcium,
without being too restrictive or severe:
Make sure that at least half of your diet consists of alkali forming foods which are: fresh
vegetables, fruits (acid-type fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and lemons do not form acid residues
in the body), seeds, live plain yoghurt, almonds, brazil nuts and buckwheat.
The acid-forming foods, which should not form the major : part of your diet (although they still
do for most Westerners) are: grains, pulses, most nuts, eggs, cheese, fish, poultry and all meat.
Needless to say, all fast foods such as fried chicken, kebabs, burgers, and pizzas are acid forming.
Make sure that at least some of your daily diet is raw. Eat a large salad every day, raw vegetables
or raw foods. This optimises the nutritional content of what you are eating. All cooking destroys
vitamin and mineral content to some extent. Steaming preserves most of the goodness, and
microwaving similarly retains all the nutrients. Some extreme nutritionists deride microwaves, but
the evidence that the microwaves cause harm has never been substantiated.
The author swears by microwaving vegetables rather than boiling them. They look better, and taste
Avoid, wherever possible, fat meats such as pork, beef and lamb and other high-fat foods. Also
avoid processed and fast foods with many preservatives and additives.
If you can, avoid frying foods. Cooking foods on high heat causes them to form excess acids in the
Cut down as much as possible your intake of tea and coffee, which are highly acid forming. If you
get into the habit of drinking more plain water, then you will find that your taste for tea and coffee
diminishes, although it may not disappear altogether. You'll be surprised at how much plain water
can substitute for drinks you once considered indispensable. Also, don't drink fizzy beverages if you
can possibly help it, with the exception of sparkling water. Even the 'diet' variety add to dehydration
and the acid overload on the body.
You may also consider taking a daily antioxidant in supplement form, such as Vitamin E. Even
orthodox doctors are now coming to the conclusion that many health problems are: caused by free
radical damage, and that whatever works to zap free radicals will help to keep the body healthy and
free from disease.
Although coral calcium does its very best to alkalinize over- acidic systems, obviously it can only
do so much, and its action; will be that much less effective if, every time you take your coral calcium
tea-bag, you are continuing to overload your body with too many acid-forming products.
James, 50, had suffered from over-acidity for many years, and was taking antacids on a regular
basis. He then came across coral calcium, and found it miraculous for his complaint. His story is
typical of those who have taken coral calcium for a digestive problem -discovering that it works
better than anything else they have tried.
He says: "My condition was getting steadily worse, and causing a great deal of concern. I
consulted my doctor, who suggested that I continued to take the antacid tablets. I then read about
coral calcium, and wondered if it might be able to help me. Since taking it daily, my condition has
improved dramatically, and I even noticed an immediate improvement.
"My painful acidity, which has plagued me for very many years, left me almost overnight, and
did not return until after spending a week abroad without the coral calcium. As soon as I went back
on to the coral calcium, the problem disappeared again, and since I have been taking it again I have
been completely free from discomfort. I would not now hesitate to recommend it to anybody who
suffers this most unpleasant experience after eating."
It is perhaps significant that James's doctor, while advising him to carry on taking the tablets,
never discussed diet with him, or suggested that certain foods could be causing the problem. Most
doctors, it seems, are still basically pill-pushers -and the dietary revolution has not yet reached them.
Coral calcium is one medication which you can take on an ongoing basis without ill effects. It
seems as though some people's systems are habitually inclined to over-acidity, and that this is always
liable to return. Other people, perhaps, can get away with eating high-fat, refined products, and also
with drinking lots of tea, coffee and alcohol. If you can, you are one of the lucky ones.
The problem is that eventually even the most robust systems can collapse from the strain imposed
by our standard Western diet. Anybody whose system has the slightest inclination to acidity, or who
suffers from candida or food allergies, would be well advised to take coral calcium to purify the fluid
matter in the body.
As coral calcium does not stay in the body, but is daily being excreted, it must be considered a
lifetime medication, not just something you take for a time, or while symptoms persist. Most health
problems which clear up when taking it will return if the regime is stopped, for any reason, as
the tendency to over- acidity is always liable to return.
But although coral calcium does work wonders for all digestive problems, wherever in the
digestive tract they occur, the other important thing to bear in mind is that many are exacerbated by
mental stress. Such negative emotional states as tension, anxiety, fear, anger, hate, resentment, are also
to blame, and it's essential to take steps to cultivate a calm, positive state of mind as well as taking the
coral calcium and eating a high- fibre, low-fat, fresh vegetable diet.
Mental states such as anxiety, stress and tension can easily' become habits and as such, hard to
break. But if you are aware of stress and tension in your life, try to discover the causes, and address
them. Relaxation tapes, exercise classes, yoga -can all work to minimize digestive problems and get
you out of the health-destroying habit of worrying.
A Natural Alternative to HRT?
Very many women approaching the menopause will be wondering whether HRT -hormone
replacement therapy -may be for them. If you are one of these women, you may have heard highly
conflicting stories about the treatment.
. Some women swear by it, while others find it a greater curse than the curse itself. At this stage of
the development of the therapy, there are no simple solutions.
Basically, what happens is that as the menopause approaches, the female hormone oestrogen is
produced in ever-diminishing quantities. This can have a devastating effect on the body, causing
gradual osteoporosis, or brittle bones, an increased tendency to heart disease, a dry vagina, and, in the
years around the menopause, hot flushes, mood swings and depression. There may also be flooding at
menstruation, which is difficult and unpleasant to cope with on a practical level, if not exactly a
serious health threat apart from increasing the risk of anaemia.
Because the gradual loss of oestrogen can cause distress and actual ill health, it seems sensible
to try and replace it. Problems arise because although only oestrogen is needed by the body, no
doctor will prescribe oestrogen therapy alone for women who have a womb.
If you've had a hysterectomy, there may be no problem - apart from those that having a
hysterectomy itself might bring, of course. But if you are at risk of breast cancer, or have already had
it, oestrogen therapy is not for you. Extra oestrogen in the body can cause stimulation of breast
tissue, which can lead to oestrogen-dependent cancers developing.
Also, oestrogen alone increases the risk of endometrial can- cer in women retaining a womb.
Because of this, and no doctor will take the risk of increasing the risk of uterine cancer, progesterone
-or more likely, its artificial counterpart, progestogen, has to be prescribed as well. This prevents the
lining of the womb from building up to unacceptable levels, but it is also responsible for all the bad
things about HRT.
These may include: weight gain, fluid retention, wild mood swings, tiredness, heavy periods, loss
of libido.
What happens on the combined HRT is that the progestogen element causes the lining of the
womb to be shed, and so for as long as you take it -even if you are in your 70s or 80s -you will have
a period-like bleed. Manufacturers are working on a bleed-free combined HRT but, so far, have not
been able to come up with a guaranteed product.
There will always be the risk of uterine bleeding, while you continue to take the combined HRT.
There are four main reasons why women might consider HRT at menopause. One is simply to
prevent the worst of the symptoms associated with the menopause. These will, however unpleasant.
of course go away in time, as the menopause does not last for ever.
The second reason is to prevent osteoporosis, the brittle-bone disease which can cause so much
distress to older women. Research has shown that HRT does, without doubt, halt the rate at which
calcium is lost from bone. As the hormone oestrogen is mainly responsible for getting calcium into
bones, it seems reasonable to believe that providing the body with more oestrogen will help prevent
bone loss.
The third reason that women might take HRT is to protect against cardiovascular disease. Again,
there is some evidence to suggest that oestrogen protects against heart disease in older women.
The fourth reason is as replacement oestrogen for women who have had a premature menopause,
or a hysterectomy, meaning that their own natural supply of oestrogen has been cut off before its
natural time.
Few people now believe, as they naIvely once did, that HRT can keep women 'youthful for
ever'. There is no evidence that it prevents wrinkles, stops hair going grey, keeps the figure
youthful, or has any other rejuvenating effect on our bodies. And drug companies are no longer
plugging this supposed benefit with their misleading statements.
Over the past few years, HRT has been the subject of fierce controversy and debate and, at the
time of writing, there is bitter division about whether HRT is a good thing or not, whether it is
mainly a blessing or a curse.
Germaine Greer, for example, is an outspoken opponent of HRT because, she believes, it makes
the pharmaceutical com- panies billions of pounds at the risk of making women more ill than they
were before, by flooding their systems permanently with artificial hormones, hormones that most of
us simply don't need.
As with many other 'miracle' cures, HRT has had an initial honeymoon phase, followed by
disillusion in some quarters and enthusiasm in others. At first, it was believed that HRT, which was
supposed to 'replace' the hormones that the female system was no longer producing, would mean that
there was no such thing as the menopause, and women could remain 'for ever feminine' -as one
pioneer of the treatment put it.
It is certainly true that many women dread the menopause, seeing it as a time not only of change,
but of irreversible decay. Anything which promises to keep your body permanently in a premenopausal state, young for ever, will be viewed at least with interest.
But against the claims made for HRT we have to remember that the menopause is an entirely
natural event which has
occurred at an average age of 53 since Roman times. Although women now live longer and are
healthier than ever before, the average time for the menopause to occur has never changed throughout
history. It is not a deficiency disease, it is not an unnatural bodily event, so long as it happens at the
proper time, so on that basis it is logical to assume that it is supposed to hap- pen. And in general, we
have to believe, nature knows best and, like God, will not be mocked.
Although women on oestrogen-only HRT seem to fare reasonably well, so long as they do not have
risk factors which would militate against it being prescribed, those on the combined version seem to
experience serious problems -if not at first, then after six months or so, when their systems have got
used to it.
Here are some typical stories:
Angela, 52, a beauty therapist, has been on combined HRT for two years. She was recommended to
take it by her doctor, as she was getting hot flushes which were put down to the onset of the
menopause. Also, a bone scan and family history showed that she was at definite risk of osteoporosis.
Very small and slim with a history of eating disorders in her youth, Angela was put in the high risk
category. She has, over the years, tried a variety of pills and formulations, but is now wondering
whether it's such a good thing after all.
She said: "At first, it was wonderful. The hot flushes stopped and I felt really well all the time. But
then the problems started. The first thing I experienced was fluid retention. As I was sitting in my
salon treating clients, I could actually feel my body filling up with water. By mid-afternoon my skirt
felt tight, and by the end of the working day my ankles had swollen.
"I also noticed that I became very tired, and ran out of energy quickly. I would get home from work,
sit in a chair, and feel myself running out of energy, like a battery running down. Although I am very
busy in the salon, and often working fro.m eight in the morning to eight at night, I had never before
experienced anything like this sudden dip in energy. Without knowing it, I was asleep in my armchair
and sometimes didn't wake up for hours."
Nor was that all. "Ever since being a teenager, I have never had any trouble with my periods. I took
the pill for about 15 years, with no problems at all. But since going on HRT I have sometimes had
quite severe flooding, and this is uncomfortable as well as being difficult to cope with in my job. It's
no good using tampons, I have to use really big maternity towels to absorb the flow."
This loss of blood has also meant that Angela has become anaemic and she often looks pale and ill. It
is, of course, difficult to tell which might be ordinary menopausal symptoms and which problems are
caused by the HRT. But the HRT has not, for her, prevented any of the known problems associated
with menopause.
She also has another worry -which is that, on the combined HRT she will carry on having periods
for as long as she takes the medication. If the periods carry on at their present rate, she will be
permanently anaemic.
At the moment, she doesn't know what to do for the best - come off the HRT and risk developing
osteoporosis in later life, or stay on the medication with all the problems she is currently experiencing.
Anna. also 52, was advised to go on HRT after she began having serious problems with the
menopause which included severe flooding, mood swings, night sweats and lack of energy. A
magazine executive, she also has a IO-year-old son, which means life is very busy indeed.
She is not at known risk of osteoporosis, but her experience of the combined HRT -she has never
had a hysterectomy -is little better than Angela's. She said: "I have never been the kind of person to
take medication, but the symptoms were so bad I had to consider something.
"When I started flooding, my doctor recommended a scrape, a D and C. That did no good
whatsoever, made no difference to the flooding, and also meant I'd had to undergo a general
anaesthetic. So then I was put on HRT and it seems to have done no good whatsoever.
"Six months later, I'm still experiencing severe flooding, sometimes so bad that I can't go out of the
house. Apart from the misery and unpleasantness of coping with this, I also get very ill and weak
when I'm losing so much blood.
"The hot flushes and the mood swings haven't noticeably improved, but the worst thing of all is that
I've put on over a stone in weight in six months. As a tall, slim person I've always been very proud of
my slenderness, but for the first time ever, I'm getting chubby and have gone from a size 12 to a size
14. I hate it -and I don't now know what to do for the best, except perhaps to have a hysterectomy. And
I don't like the thought of that, either."
Deirdre, 55, has just stopped taking HRT, as she could no longer cope with the side-effects. For
her, the most serious adverse side-effect was enormous weight gain. A doctor's receptionist, she is
only five feet two, and for most of her adult life weighed nine stone. When she went onto HRT she
rapidly shot up to 14 stone, where she has stayed.
"It makes me feel and look horrible," she said. "I waddle around instead of walking, and on
HRT I didn't honestly feel any benefit. Also, continuing to have periods was not much fun, at a time
of my life when I should have stopped. So I am not taking HRT any more, and trusting to luck that I
won't develop osteoporosis." .
In an article in the Daily Mail, January 1996, anthropologist Jeannette Kupfermann, 52, spoke out
vehemently against HRT. Writing that nothing' would induce her to take it, she continued:
'1f ever there was a modern myth that needed debunking, it is that of the
miracle of HRT. First pronounced in the 60s as the 'feminine for ever' panacea. the 70s there were already worrying signs that not all was well. Since
oestrogen stimulated breast tissue and the lining of the womb, research showed
that it increased the risks of both breast and endometrial cancer. ..We were told
that the higher cancer risks were balanced by the fact that HRT protected
against osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. But this seems odd when we
had been told that the oestrogen in the contraceptive pill had been implicated in
increased risk of blood clotting, embolism, thrombosis, stroke and heart attack.
...But what about the prevention of osteoporosis?
A study in the New England Journal of Medicine, 1993, concluded that only
women who had taken HRT for seven years -far longer than most women stay on
the drug -had a slower loss of bone density, and even those who had taken it for
ten years or more were not protected from fractures. It could help slow down osteoporosis,
but not prevent it:'
Jeannette Kupfermann also mentions the reluctance of some women to take the combined HRT
when stories emerged about the progestogen element being taken from the urine of pregnant mares animals made specially pregnant and treated cruelly so that their urine could be used in HRT
preparations. This prompted writer Jilly Cooper, a known animal lover, to pronounce that she would
'rather look like an old prune than take HRT'.
Jeannette Kupfermann concludes her article by saying that serious research is now taking place
with natural HRT alter- natives such as exercise, diet and vitamin therapy to alleviate all menopausal
and post-menopausal symptoms. But she doesn't mention coral calcium, possibly the best antidote yet
Osteoporosis is the most serious of menopausal and post- menopausal problems for women as,
although other symptoms may be severe and unpleasant, at least they are going to go away in time.
But osteoporosis creeps up and gets worse, so that in the end, bones may crumble away to nothing
and break as easily as a dry twig.
Coral calcium addresses this most serious of post-menopausal problems. It probably won't do much
to help the other symptoms, but for many women, it can replace HRT completely.
Dr Michael Abdou, the Egyptian-born doctor, working in Britain, who has pioneered research into
coral calcium, now firmly believes that it is the best solution yet for women who are at definite risk of
osteoporosis. Any post-menopausal women could benefit from taking it, he belives, as it keeps bones
strong, whether or not you are in a high-risk category.
But Dr Abdou believes that coral calcium will not only deliver the benefits of HRT without the
problems, it is actually better for the system, and a more efficient way of getting calcium into the
He says: "There is no doubt that HRT does prevent loss of calcium. But it takes a long time to
work, and its main action is to stop calcium getting out of the bones, rather than putting new
calcium in.
"Coral calcium, by contrast, starts to work from day one, and actually gets extra calcium straight
into the bones. There are no
adverse side-effects, and it can be taken by any woman at risk of osteoporosis.
"With HRT, you can't suddenly start giving it to elderly women, say those of60 to 65 or over, if
they are a long way past the menopause. It has to be given at around the time of menopause to have
any effect at all. Also, very few women indeed welcome the return of periods in their 60s and 70s,
when they had long said a welcome goodbye to all that kind of thing.
"There is no perfect HRT formulation as yet and no way of delivering its benefits without any
adverse side-effects."
As yet, the medical profession do not know about this coral calcium breakthrough. They are still
prescribing HRT to women experiencing menopausal problems. But levels of dissatisfaction among
takers and potential takers are rising fast - as yet again, we realise it is not the universal panacea, the
risk- free elixir of youth, once promised.
Perhaps the best advice which can be given to women approaching the menopause is this: if it ain't
broke, don't mend it. If you have no adverse menopausal symptoms at all, there is no reason
whatsoever for considering HRT. And menopausal symptoms are by no means inevitable.
If you are, or think you may be, at risk of osteoporosis, it's a good idea to have a bone density scan,
which should give you the answer you are looking for. In general, women who are underweight, who
smoke, who have a history of eating problems, who are vegan, or who have a history of this disease in
the family, may be at risk.
Overweight women are usually at very low risk. as fat cells store and release oestrogen for use in
later life.
If you have had a hysterectomy, or premature menopause, you may consider oestrogen-only HRT,
so long as you have no known risk of breast cancer.
But think very carefully before you agree to a regime of combined HRT. It is probably far better to
keep your body young and active by drinking lots of water -at least a litre a day -taking regular
vigorous exercise of the sort that can protect against osteoporosis -walking, golf, aerobics, step -and
eating a high- fibre, low-fat diet.
Not forgetting, of course, your coral calcium. Because, although coral calcium does protect very
effectively against osteoporosis, it also, as we have seen, prevents the build-up of toxic and acid
wastes which cause damage and ageing to the system, and hasten degenerative diseases.
Oestrogen cream, available from your doctor,
dry vagina, without risk to the rest of the system.
will overcome the problems associated with a
Other Problems Coral Calcium Can Help
Another very specific problem that coral calcium can' alleviate is psoriasis, the very distressing
skin complaint which can make sufferers suicidal.
Psoriasis is characterised by red, scaly skin, flakes and itchiness. Some sufferers have to wear
special gloves to stop them scratching themselves to death. Although nobody knows exactly what
causes psoriasis, there seems to be little doubt that it is exacerbated by an over-acidic system.
When Peter, 56, developed severe psoriasis as -he believes -a result of taking beta-blockers for high
blood pressure -he was advised by a natural health practitioner to change his diet and to stop drinking
wine. Within a very few weeks, the itchiness had stopped. Six months after he stopped drinking wine
and coffee and eating large amounts of meat and diary products, he is still completely free from
psoriasis, even though he continues to take the beta-blockers.
He now takes coral calcium as well, and his skin is in far better condition than it has been for many
years. An ardent football fan, he said that when he developed psoriasis, the red and white effect on his
body when he undressed was as if he was wearing foot all strip. "Unfortunately," he said, "it was
Coral calcium works to reduce the acidity which may be causing psoriasis and other severe skin
complaints, such as eczema.
If you are a sufferer from a chronic skin complaint don't- whatever you do -continue taking
steroids, the only medical treatment available for these problems. One sufferer believes that his scalp
has been completely destroyed by using steroid shampoos over a long period of time.
Steroids thin the skin and increase wound healing time. If you take steroids for any length of
time, you may well find that the slightest pressure on the skin, such as that of a watch-strap or
wearing glasses, causes the skin to break. Steroids also cause the skin to become over-delicate in
the genital area and for men, the skin on the penis is liable to constant breaking.
As with other chronic medication, steroid creams for skin complaints do work for a time. But
the price paid for long-term use is unacceptally high.
If a skin condition such as psoriasis is unchecked, it may lead to lengthy hospitalisation and
treatment with anti-cancer drugs which themselves have severe side effects, especially on the
Psoriasis and eczema are, above all, conditions which cry out to be treated by natural means.
For psoriasis, it seems that the sun is sovereign. Over 90 per cent of psoriasis improve
dramatically in the sun and, if you add to this treatment the dietary regime outlined in previous
chapters, and drinking a litre to a litre and a half of water treated with coral calcium, you are
giving yourself the best chance of healing lesions and stopping the flakiness and itching.
Try the same regime with eczema, except that there is no particular evidence that sunlight works
for this complaint as it does for psoriasis. All skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema have a
strong emotional component. and are liable to break out at times of severe stress. It is not always
possible to prevent stress, but if the root-cause is acknowledged, then it can be addressed.
Julia, 40, had never suffered from any kind of skin complaint at all until many of her nearest and
dearest died, in short order. First of all her mother died, and as an only child, it was up to Julia to see
to everything. Then two of her closest friends died, one of breast cancer, the other of a sudden stroke.
After that her beloved cat died. Finally, the man in her life was killed in a road accident. .
All these bereavements coming so quickly on top of one another sent Julia into a state of
severe shock. and about a year after the last of them, she developed very bad psoriasis.
She first of all went to the doctor, who prescribed steroids. These did work but after she stopped
using the creams, the problem came back. worse than ever. Next time she went to see her doctor, he
told her he was sorry, but there was nothing he could do, nothing he could suggest.
By this time, the psoriasis had broken out everywhere -on her hands, her feet. her scalp. Walking
was difficult as her feet hurt so much. Finally, in desperation, she consulted a natural health
practitioner who had heard of coral calcium -and recommended that she start taking it. The
practitioner also recommended treatment at the Dead Sea, which consists of lying in the sun for up to
eight hours a day.
The Dead Sea treatment was expensive, but Julia felt she had no choice. After spending three
weeks at the Dead Sea, her psoriasis had dramatically improved, but it had not completely cleared
up. After she returned, she started taking coral calcium and drinking a litre of water a day at least and it cleared up completely. So far, it has not returned, a year later, but Julia now says she will take
the coral calcium for the rest of her life.
It seems that it is over-acidity which causes the skin to become so itchy, and that modifying your
diet to a basically alkali-forming one will help considerably. Unfortunately, as with all the illnesses
discussed in this book, there is no guaranteed cure -and the problem is always liable to return. Keep
adding coral calcium to your drinking water, as recommended at the beginning of the book, and you
will be optimizing your fight against skin disorders.
Even if you don't suffer from a skin problem, you may well find that taking coral calcium in a litre
or two of water every day keeps your skin clear and wrinkle-free and less liable to acne, spots or
Aromatherapists are also recommending coral calcium to their clients as they are finding that it
adds to the good effect of treatment with essential oils.
Although we are constantly told that sport and exercise are good for us, there is no doubt that many
professional sportspeopIe suffer from chronic pain in later life, caused by injuries sustained when
playing their favourite sport. Footballers often have chronic knee trouble, dancers may suffer from
premature arthritis, and aches and pains in the joints are common.
Leonard Walters, a former international athlete, who now works as a physiotherapist, is convinced
that coral calcium can ease sports injuries better than any other treatment.
At first, he says, he was completely sceptical. "I had been in constant pain since a bad injury at the
age of28, and had all the high-tec treatment going. I also tried every kind of painkiller, but I was never
really free from pain.
"Coral calcium was suggested to me by a Swedish doctor, and the pain disappeared completely
within six weeks. I was so amazed, I tried it out on my patients, and have a 70 to 80 per cent success
Anybody who has a permanent sports injury, or is in constant pain from sports-related damage,
should try taking coral calcium daily. It will not interfere with any other medication or treatment you
may be on, and as it has no adverse side effects, cannot do any possible harm.
In fact, anyone who is in constant pain from whatever cause. should try the coral calcium cure. Pain
clinics are becoming well established now, in hospitals and health centres, as it becomes ever clearer
that, in many cases, people have to be taught to live with their pain as there is no treatment that will
relieve the problem.
It is tempting to imagine that, nowadays, there are strong enough painkillers to zap every kind of
pain. But this is simply not true. The stronger the painkiller, the more devastating the effect on the rest
of the body, and the more damaging the side- effects. Strong painkillers act as anaesthetics, damping
down all body responses, both those you don't want, and those you do.
Also, for some conditions, there is no effective treatment to prevent or deal with the pain. Because
of this, pain clinics have concentrated on mental relaxation, bodily movements to minimize the pain,
and pacing yourself according to your pain levels. It is also true that, very often, doctors and
specialists can- not trace the cause of the pain.
In these cases, coral calcium will only help, and the extra water you are drinking will also enable
toxic substances to be excreted from the system.
Much of the Japanese research into the effects of coral calcium has concentrated on its ability to
prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. At the time of writing, there is no actual clinical
evidence to support this, and the only systematic research carried out has been statistical -that is, the
longevity and freedom from illness of the inhabitants of Okinawa and Tokunoshima cannot be
refuted. They are even in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-living people in the world.
To date, no Western cardiologists have carried out research on coral calcium, although rates for
death from heart disease in many Western countries, particularly the United Kingdom, carry on
There have been many theories about the causes of heart disease -increased cholesterol levels,
stress, eating too much salt, hydrogenated fats, hereditary factors -but experts are still not agreed, and
controversy continues.
Research papers by Professor Jun Kobayashi, Professor Emeritus at Okinawa University, have
indicated that three major adult diseases: cerebral apoplexy (stroke), cardiac disease and cancer are
largely prevented simply because of the calcium carbonate levels in the drinking-water.
Professor Kobayashi says: "Continuous use of calcium carbonate exerts significant effects on the
prevention of high blood pressure and liver damage. The longevity which the people of Okinawa enjoy
is decidedly the work of the water."
The main reason, he believes, that coral calcium exerts such a protective effect is that it protects
against heavy metal damage and poisoning which contributes to these conditions.
For his initial research, Professor Kobayashi studied the water quality of more than 500 rivers
throughout Japan. The results obtained from minute analysis were collated with death rates of the
three major adult diseases of today.
He discovered that there was a high positive correlation between incidence of stroke and acid-alkali
balance in the body. The more acidic the water, it seemed, the higher the incidence of heart disease
and other life-threatening diseases. Professor Kobayashi also believes that long-term build-up of overacidity is the main cause of strokes in later life. .
Japan, says Professor Kobayashi. is an ideal country for this kind of research because its soil is
extremely acid. Because most of the soil is naturally deficient in calcium, the government has had to
add huge quantities of calcium carbonate to the soil in order to cultivate crops.
In some parts of Japan, in addition; there are large quantities of sulphuric acid deposits in the soil
because of underground sulphur springs. In areas where there is low alkalinity and high acidity, rates
for stroke and heart disease are particularly high.
Not that soil or river quality is the only factor in high rates of cardiovascular diseases. In recent
years. ever more of the Japanese population has moved to a Western-style diet, and these have greatly
increased death rates from these diseases. But although the inhabitants of Okinawa have also largely
changed to a Western-style diet. their rates remain low.
Professor Kobayashi asks: Why is it that a high concentration of calcium prevents heart disease?
His conclusion is that heart disease is largely caused by an imbalance in the calcium/ phosphorus ratio
in the body. This mounting phosphorus is caused mainly by our Western diet, and can be
counteracted by taking in large quantities of calcium daily.
Professor Kobayashi also believes that one of the causes of cancer is over-acidity caused by a
Western diet and acid water. Now, theories about what cause cancer are even more controversial than
those concerning heart disease, and nutritional theories have always been regarded with suspicion by
orthodox cancer specialists.
For very many years, alternative cancer clinics and specialists have recommended a high alkaline
diet to combat cancer. An integral part of the treatment at the famous Bristol Cancer Help Centre
consists of a wholefood, low-fat, dairy-free, alcohol- and caffeine-free diet. This diet is also vegan
and contains no animal products whatsoever. Other clinics have advocated a macrobiotic diet based on brown rice and fresh vegetables from the latitude in which the patient is living -or an
additive- free, fresh, raw diet.
In all cases, the idea has been to rid the body of accumulated toxins in order to enable the selfhealing mechanisms to work at optimum levels. Nutritional theories have never found wide- spread
approval in the orthodox cancer world, but we have to say that, after more than 60 years of intensive,
highly expensive research into the causes, prevention and treatment of cancer, we have made very
little headway.
According to Professor Kobayashi, the fact that the inhabitants of Okinawa have very low cancer
levels, in spite of eating an increasingly Western diet, and that there is no factor other than the quality
of their drinking-water and soil which distinguishes them from the rest of the Japanese population,
speaks for itself.
There is, of course, no guarantee that taking coral calcium will protect against contracting cancer which is a multi- factorial illness -but it will certainly help anybody who has had cancer, and who is
taking anti-cancer medication, to fight the disease.
There seems little doubt that cancer patients suffer as much from their medication and treatment as
from the cancer itself.
All anti-cancer treatments have serious adverse side-effects, and many people dread their
chemotherapy treatment more than anything else in life.
As with other strong drugs, there is no cancer drug yet avail- able which will just go to the site of
the cancer, destroy the malignant tumours and not cause damage anywhere else in the body. Although
cancer experts have been working on such a drug for very many years, and drugs are becoming ever
more' specific, the drugs so far available still have a whole-body effect, and are highly toxic and
dangerous substances.
Professor Kobayashi believes so firmly in the efficacy of coral calcium to combat today's major
diseases that he has turned himself into his own guinea-pig. He was born in 1909, and since 1955,
when he first began to compile systematic research on coral calcium. has been taking it daily and
monitoring the effects in his own body.
He confesses that he is not a vegetarian, and enjoys eating meat. At the same time, he does not eat
many green and yellow vegetables, recommended in diets such as the Hay Diet to increase alkalinity
in the body. But even so, he states, his blood pressure has steadily decreased, from 145/90 when he
began taking coral calcium, to its present low of 125/75. Although now in his ninth decade. he has
never experienced even the slightest touch of osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, neuralgia, or even the
common cold. He has had no diseases, either major or minor, at all, since he started taking coral
calcium on a daily basis.
Not only that, he says, friends and acquaintances who have begged him to reveal his secrets for a
long, disease-free life, have also discovered that their blood pressure and cholesterol levels have
dropped, and liver diseases cured, simply by taking coral calcium.
He also believes that coral calcium prevents morning sick- ness during pregnancy, and ensures the
delivery of extremely healthy babies. As it is so easily absorbed, coral calcium can safely be given to
newborn babies.
Professor Kobayashi concludes that his pet cats at home, who have been given coral calcium in
their daily feeds, have lived to ripe old ages of up to 21 years.
A glowing recommendation indeed, by the world's foremost researcher into the effects of coral
But we haven't finished yet. There is one final use of coral calcium which has exciting implications
for bone transplants and so on. We will discuss this in our final chapter.
Coral for Mending Human Bone
Coral, which is formed from the skeletons of thousands of tiny marine animals compacted over many
generations, and is growing all the time, has a remarkable affinity with human and mammal bone.
It not only blends effortlessly with all types of mammalian bone, it is also porous, which means that
blood-vessels and tissue can grow into it.
In time, coral becomes part of the living bone, indistinguishable from it, and therefore there are not
the same problems with rejection as with other, non-living materials used in the past. One of the
problems with bone grafts, implants and transplants
is that the body views all of these materials as foreign matter and will try its best to extrude or reject
It is a major problem which has defeated, or at least made difficult, the transplantation of organs
from one person into another, and implanting foreign materials into bodies which have been damaged.
It seems as though coral offers the best hope yet for those who need bone implants or grafts. For one
thing, it is natural material which needs very little alteration to adapt it for medical use. For another, it
is plentiful and relatively cheap.
Although research into biocoral is relatively new, and much more work needs to be done before the
full extent of its useful- ness can be exploited, indications from research so far are that it is particularly
useful for mending fractures, even very serious ones, as it can bridge the gap between broken bones. It
also sup- ports, rather than hinders, the growth of new bone cells. Coral is already being used in
hospitals in France, America and the United Kingdom to repair broken arms, legs, backs and jaws.
But as with coral calcium from Okinawa, not all coral is suitable for bone implant use. Of the many
thousands of different kinds of coral in the world, only three kinds have been found suitable for human
surgery. Most of the biocoral used by surgeons comes from the French colony of New Caledonia, and
most of the pioneering work on biocoral has taken place in France.
The first investigations into the use of coral as a human bone substitute began in 1971 with animal
experiments, and between 1977 and 1988 around 600 experimental implantations were made. It
proved excellent for bone grafts, and several thousands of these have now been carried out on human
Coral, as we have seen, is a unique substance in that it achieves perfect harmony between the
animal, plant and mineral worlds. It is living, growing matter which is also a mineral, possessing all
the properties of minerals, and it lives in sea water, which, as it happens, has a very similar chemical
composition to human blood serum.
Coral derives all the components needed to build its skeleton from sea water, in much the same way
that human bone needs continuous supplies of blood serum for growth and maintenance. The way that
coral builds up its polyps is also very similar to the way in which human bone forms and grows. Coral
as we have seen, grows very slowly -and mammalian bone grows slowly, too.
But biocoral differs chemically from bone in a number of important ways, the chief of which is
that it contains very little natural protein. This has important consequences for grafts. The lack of
proteins and amino acids in the coral means that there is very little risk of adverse reaction from
trying to match two different types of protein, and it means the coral can blend in easily with living
bone matter.
With many implants and transplants, including that of bone, immuno-suppressive drugs are
required after surgery and frequently for the rest of the patient's life, to prevent rejection of the grafted
or transplanted matter. The effect of these drugs is to lower the immune system and increase the risk
of succumbing to infection. Many of the problems which have arisen from implant and transplant
surgery arise from the necessity of prescribing immuno-suppressing drugs. There has to be a delicate
balance maintained between preventing the body from rejecting the implant or transplant, and giving
enough drugs to sup- press rejection and yet not lay the system completely open to any infection
It is the main reason why introducing any foreign matter into a body, including that of
blood, has never been easy, and why the problems associated with this type of medicine have never
been fully resolved. The thing is that we are all individual, and the more foreign matter which is
introduced, the greater the chance either of rejection, or of succumbing to serious infection -or both.
The Jehovah's Witnesses have always held that it is wrong to transplant an organ, or any living
material from one human being into another. They are even, famously, against blood transfusions.
New research into AIDS is establishing that even blood which has been transfused from one person to
another for many years without apparent problems, is a very individual substance, and that matching
blood groups does not mean that every aspect of the donated blood matches.
This is why the greater the amounts of blood that have to be transfused, the greater the risk of
infection and early death. Even with the HIV-free blood now given to haemophiliacs, life expectancy
is short, and serious infections frequent.
The more the subject is studied, the more it seems that the Jehovah's Witnesses, for all their narrow
outlook. may have science on their side.
But with coral, although it cannot be used for every kind of implant or graft. there is no such risk. It
can blend with its host perfectly, provided it is used for the right kind of operations. Extensive animal
research carried out since the early 70s has established that coral blends better with mammalian bone
than any other substance yet used. The results of numerous experiments on a wide variety of animal
species has shown that there is no acute or chronic inflammatory reaction, and no fibrous
encapsulation, where the body tries to isolate the alien organ or graft, and cut it off from the blood
supply and nerve endings.
This is the most serious problem resulting from implants of foreign material. It is the most wellknown adverse side-effect of breast implants for instance, as the body tries to encase the silicone, or
other material, perceiving it as different matter, instead of blending with the existing bone or tissue, it
cuts it off.
But for some reason, the body's immune and protective systern will not try to encase coral implants
in this way. This is because harmony can be achieved, uniquely, between the coral and recipient bone.
Different types of coral are needed for different types of procedure, and it is possible to select the
most appropriate material, depending mainly on its porous structure. You might well say that coral is
as individual as humans are, and that it is this property which makes it so suitable for blending
completely with the body. Mass-produced artificial materials are all the same and do not take into
account individuality.
Because of the lack of this hazard, the raw material is suitable for a wide variety of surgical
procedures, such as orthopaedic, maxillofacial, neuro, periodontal, plastic and ENT surgery -all
delicate and difficult procedures made much easier by the discovery of biocoral.
It avoids all the problems caused by the long-term presence of foreign material in the body, and
enables it to return to its pre- operative condition completely. In other words, you can become
completely well again, as if you had never received' extensive surgery, after receiving biocoral.
Complete restoration can happen with large as well as small surgical procedures, because the
mineral content ofbiocoral is very similar to that of bone. It consists, like bone, mainly of calcium
carbonate, with some important trace minerals added. The two most important trace minerals here are
strontium and fluorine.
Strontium is involved in the formation and growth of the crystalline component of bone. The higher
the strontium con- tent, the greater the mineralisation of the bone. Fluorine increases bone formation
and growth. So, two of the important trace elements in coral blend perfectly with living bone to aid its
recovery and growth.
It seems that coral is not just compatible with bone, but also blends perfectly with skin, muscles,
nerves, cells, membranes
and all other living matter. No organs will try to reject the coral once it has been succesfully
In fact, numerous experiments have shown that acceptability of coral has been outstanding in
every species, animal as well as human.
The coral for surgical use is collected under strict regulations, purified, and cut with diamondedged instruments, to avoid any contamination with the metal cutting edge.
The latest reported use of biocoral is to make artificial eyes, for patients who, for one reason or
another, have lost an eye. The problem with most artificial eyes is that they do not move, and look
disconcerting as well as tending to make patients extremely self-conscious.
But coral implants can be used to make life-like, movable eyes, which are a considerable advance
on any previous artificial eye procedure. This work was first carried out in America, and has also
been used very successfully at the Manchester Eye Hospital.
One patient, a 28-year-old nurse called Liz, had contracted a serious infection in her left eye. She
was initially prescribed antibiotics, but this just seemed to make the problem worse. The eye kept
reinfecting, and no surgery to remove infected tissue seemed to work for very long. Liz was in
continuous, dreadful pain, and eventually lost her sight in that eye.
She said that although it was terrible to lose her sight, if any- thing, the pain of the infection was
worse. It kept her awake at night, and made her sick during the day.
Eventually, doctors advised her that the only way to stop the pain was to have the eye removed.
This would probably have to be done anyway, eventually, as the eye was beginning to shrink and die.
After the eye was removed, the pain stopped and Liz felt much better -although the artificial eye was,
of course, not very satsifactory, particularly from a cosmetic point of view. It did not move, and it
looked very artificial indeed. This, of course, would be a major problem for anybody, but particularly
for an attractive young woman with her life ahead of her.
But there were practical problems as well. The eye sometimes fell out in front of patients when Liz
was bending over them, which was not exactly conducive to anybody's confidence. The worst thing,
though, was the appearance of the artificial eye. It was made, as most artificial eyes are these days, not
from glass, but from acrylic. Eight years after losing her eye, Liz was fortunate enough to be fitted
with a new mobile eye constructed from biocoral.
The coral sphere inserted into the eye socket started to blend with Liz's own tissue and bloodvessels, and became part of her own body, indistinguishable from any other tissue. A new artificial eye
was carefully painted to match her existing eye and attached to the coral sphere using a tiny plastic
peg, so that it moved when she did, as with a natural eye.
Coral eyes are a huge step forward from previous materials used for artificial eyes, which have all
been, in their different ways, unsatisfactory. The main problem is that, whatever artificial material is
used, they do not blend with the patient's own body, or ever become part of it.
Rejection is also always a potential problem with an artificial eye, as with any kind of implant, as
the body automatically tries to reject it. This applies to artificial eyes as well as internal organs.
This latest reported use of coral is only one example of what will very likely become the natural
wonder surgical material of the future.
Coral, as Shakespeare knew, is a truly miraculous material. It is one of the wonders of nature, and
its ability to blend in with and improve human and animal bodies, shows that it is far, far more than
the basis of pretty ornaments.
Coral calcium can rebalance and normalize the body when taken in drinking water, and biocoral
can allow surgeons to perform surgical procedures which have previously been impossible.
CORAL CALCIUM is available in Israel by mail order from:
Code of Life Israel Ltd.
Tel: 04-8107566
Fax: 04-8107565
It is also available from selected doctors, healers and distributors.
Although coral calcium will do you no harm, it is not intended to replace prescription
drugs, and the leaflet accompanying the coral calcium is not meant to replace the advice or
recommendation of a qualified doctor or health practitioner.
Also: do not suddenly stop any long term medication you may be taking without medical
advice, as this could be dangerous.