Arthritis – and infection caused inflammations

Central West Naturopathic
PH: 02 6342 3887
104 Kendal St. Cowra 2794
24 Spring Street Forbes 2871
Arthritis – and infection caused inflammations
Arthritis is a debilitating condition, characterised by chronic pain and
inflammation, especially of joints. It affects weight bearing joints as
osteoarthritis, while rheumatoid arthritis affects soft tissues around joints as well.
Gout is also an inflammatory arthritic process affecting joints, usually of the feet.
Rheumatoid and gouty arthritis are due to blood chemistry disturbances.
Osteoarthritis is associated with bone tissue degradation. Arthritis is mostly seen
in persons who consume acid diets, which include processed and refined foods,
and ‘soft’ water. Carbonated drinks and carbonate based medications also
increase tissue acidity, aggravating the arthritic processes.
Arthritis and low grade anemia is also commonly seen after infections. The
infective organism needs iron to proliferate, so the body ‘hides’ iron in muscle
tissues, out of circulation, inaccessible to the bacteria. That’s why you go pale
and feel cold when you get sick, and may be sore in the muscles for a few days
before the sickness really hits you. The body releases other minerals and
defensive mechanisms to fight off the infection, but the iron is bound in the
tissue, where it becomes an irritant. The extra tissue minerals cause inflammation
if not returned to the circulation. This leads to the pains of rheumatism and
arthritis, especially after severe viral infections. Tissue mineral imbalances may
need to be resolved before the discomforts and inflammation can be reduced.
Blood tests usually appear ‘normal’, because the problem is not in the blood but
in the tissues of the muscles, tendons and joints.
Myalgia is muscle pain. Often arthritis and myalgia occur at the same time.
Myalgia can be caused by excess calcium. Calcium is a mineral which causes
muscles to contract. Excess calcium prevents the muscle from relaxing, so tight
muscles and stiffness develops. Magnesium is a relaxant mineral which works in
harmony with calcium to allow smooth body movement. If magnesium is deficient
then muscles cramp up, blood pressure rises, and fatiguing discomforts follow.
The particular type of calcium that is beneficial for joint health is calcium
phosphate. Excess or unnecessary calcium supplementation can cause myalgias
and lead to osteoporosis, so get good advice before commencing calcium
supplementation, if magnesium is not included.
Many individuals use glucosamine and chodroitin, and fish oils as anti-arthritis
supplements. If there is a lot of painful inflammation then an anti-inflammatory
supplement is required. Chondroitin is useful in early stages of joint discomfort,
where there is no acute inflammation or swelling. Glucosamine with MSM (dimethyl sulphur), Devils Claw, and Yucca are all good anti-inflammatory and
analgesic supplements, Emu oil taken as either capsules or applied over the sore
joint is extremely effective in bringing comfort, along with heat packs. Use of ice
packs are beneficial when there is tendonitis as they helps reduce the
inflammation and realign and smooth the fine fibres.
Vitamin B6 has been proven beneficial in conditions like Carpel Tunnel Syndrome,
bursitis and tendonitis, such as tennis elbow. Comfrey cream is helpful in
promoting repair of inflamed or damaged tissue.
The prolonged use of aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
medications, such as Ibuprofen can have consequences on the kidneys and
Author: Stephen Tamplin, RN, ND, DAc
Central West Naturopathic
PH: 02 6342 3887
104 Kendal St. Cowra 2794
24 Spring Street Forbes 2871
bowel, so to minimise some of these adverse effects always take them with food.
Read the instruction leaflet accompanying the medications to ensure they are not
going to react with other medications, and the correct time to take them – some
need to be with food, some are after meals.
Ideally a diet comprising 75 – 80% alkaline whole-foods will reverse an acid
system, and assist the body to recover from inflammatory disorders.
List of acid and alkaline foods are available at my clinic, and can also be found on
the internet.
Author: Stephen Tamplin, RN, ND, DAc