Plumpton College Minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Present: Mike Atkinson David Evans Stan Stanier Geoff Miller - Governor / Chair - Governor - Governor - Co-opted member In attendance: Michelle Garvey Des Lambert Val Wilkinson Geoff Gregory Danny Simpson Jonathan Ericson - Clerk to the Corporation - Principal - Director of Finance - Deputy Principal (Resources) - ESCC Internal Audit Service - Baker Tilly Apologies: Dominic Blythe Nigel Chilcott - Baker Tilly - ESCC Internal Audit Service Meeting commenced: 4.20pm Minute Item Ac/11/29 Action by whom Action by when External Audit Report Jonathan Ericson presented Baker Tilly’s audit findings. It was flagged that the College’s current net liability position was £0.7m and along with continued expected funding reductions meant there is a greater risk with the going concern status of the College, but that as auditors they have not seen any evidence that leads them to disagree with management assessment that the College is a going concern. Baker Tilly has recommended that the payment for the Wales Centre in agreement with National Trust be separately disclosed as a leasehold improvement and confirmed that Management have accepted this adjustment. It was highlighted that there a risk of liability for the premises repairs during the contract. David Evans confirmed that he had visited the premises and that in his opinion there were no obvious concerns. Jonathan Ericson stated that Baker Tilly has not reviewed the members report but will do so when it is available. The Chair queried the deadline for SFA final accounts and it was confirmed as 30th December 2011. The Chair confirmed that three sections of the Annual Report have been drafted and reviewed. The remaining sections will be circulated as soon as possible to the Committee, prior to being reviewed by Corporation. The Principal explained that the College will be publishing an annual review (small glossy booklet) in VW Nov 2011 addition to a more concise annual report. Jonathan Ericson confirmed that there are some changes that still need to be made to the draft financial statements in the report. Val Wilkinson has agreed to accept the recommendations. Jonathan Ericson confirmed that the audit has gone well and offered thanks to Val and the Finance Team for their assistance. He went on to state that the fees are as per the plan and that under the LSC audit code the audit partners have to change every 7 years but this is being reviewed. It was noted that Baker Tilly have been the College’s auditors and Jonathan the Audit Partner for 5 years. The management letter was included in the report, which also confirmed that the College has a clean bill of health. The Chair congratulated the Finance Team and confirmed that Baker Tilly will be kept informed of the progress on the FMCE inspection. The Regularity Self Assessment was discussed; Val Wilkinson confirmed that the questionnaire had been prepared in time for the College audit as required by Baker Tilly each year. The questionnaire will to be circulated to the Committee as per the requirements for the audit regulations. The Committee was requested to send comments to the Clerk and copy in the Principal and Val Wilkinson. MG Nov 2011 JE Dec 2011 MG Nov 2011 The Chair stated that a paper from DTS on financial support was required. DTS Feb 2011 The Committee agreed that the Chair could sign the minutes off when amended. MG Nov 2011 VW/DPL/ MG Dec 2011 MG 28 Nov 2011 The Chair thanked Jonathan Ericson. A revised report will be circulated. Ac/11/30 Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September 2011 The Chair requested an amendment on page 3. The Principal suggested that ‘discounts’ is the incorrect word in relation to fees, the Committee agreed to the term ‘income forgone’. Ac/11/31 Matters Arising Ac/11/17: The Chair confirmed that a timetable for the draft Annual Report is required. The Principal confirmed that the Annual Report was currently being worked on work and that it was expected that the final version will be taken to Corporation on 6 December 2011. The Chair requested that the Regularity Report be circulated to the Committee. Ac/11/23: The Principal confirmed that the Bribery Act Policy has been communicated to the staff. Ac/11/21: The Committee agreed that tuition fees are to remain on matters arising MG Feb 2011 DS Nov 2011 DS Nov 2011 The Chair queried why the HE income was being included in the management reponse to the Tution Fees audit. Val Wilkinson suggested that the College does a sample audit on the FE fees but a full reconciliation of the HE fees due to their higher value and therefore higher risk. The Chair proposed to allow for a further internal audit review next year. The Chair also questioned if 14-16 student fees were being audited, Val Wilkinson confirmed that they were not as a low risk area. Ac/11/26: The Chair thanked the Committee for their comments on the draft sections of the Audit Committee Annual Report and amended as appropriate. The final versions were sent to Corporation and approved. Ac/11/32 Internal Audit Plan Danny Simpson confirmed that the document is a draft. The Chair confirmed that changes were required, for example CRB checks and Direct Debits have been added and recruitment and Equine requirements have been removed. Some typing errors were also noted. The Principal flagged that risk management had been previously included in the audit plan to ensure that the College was on track for an Ofsted inspection and suggested that this area is no longer an audit priority. The Chair agreed and Danny Simpson confirmed that as ESCC are still at the planning stage of the audit, it would not be onerous to change. The Committee discussed the risk of safeguarding and queried whether it is an audit area in its own right. The Principal confirmed that the Ofsted inspection was very thorough with safeguarding and argued that a further audit would not be of any value to the College. After a discussion the Committee agreed that a safeguarding audit was not necessary and that previously allocated Ofsted related audit time could be put to better use in higher risk areas of the College. It was agreed that the Equine audit could be included in this year’s plan and that governance and risk aspects of the audit plan would be reduced. The Internal Audit Plan will remain at 22 days. A debate took place regarding the Catering audit and it was decided to keep to the agreed time scale of 5 days but this may be reduced should the need arise. The Committee challenged the decision to remove the risk management and coprporate governance audits as they are mandatory. The Chair confirmed that the College can decide how to approach risk and governance after the SFA inspection and that it can be argued that it is good practice to focus on any problem areas or emerging risks from the feedback. Danny Simpson flagged that ESCC might not be able to carry out any auditing activities on the Equine Department before next meeting. Ac/11/33 ESCC Contract The Chair confirmed that there have been no developments as the College is still waiting for a response from the SFA regarding LSC joint audit code of practice. It is hoped that there might be an indication by December 2011/January 2012. The Chair confirmed that some areas may require an internal audit next year regardless. The Principal agreed the College needs to be flexible and the Committee agreed. The Chair confirmed that the College should focus on emerging risks. Ac/11/34 Financial Management and Control Evaluation (FMCE) Return The Chair introduced the FMCE audit and confirmed that the FMCE/SFA auditors are currently carrying out their inspection. The most recent version of the FMCE return was tabled due to some small amendments being identified by the auditors. The Principal stressed that in the normal timetable the Committee would have approved the FMCE prior to it being submitted but due to the current audit it was not possible. The Chair noted the timing constraints and that the auditors were aware that the return had not yet been approved by the Committee. The Chair asked the Committee to confirm that they were happy with the gradings. The Chair suggested that the College then use this FMCE return as the starting point for next year’s return with the additional comments from the meeting. Val Wilkinson confirmed that most of amendments were based on discussions with the auditors and were generally highlighting evidence on areas where the College is graded outstanding. The Chair confirmed that he had met with auditors prior to the Committee. The Chair invited Val Wilkinson to discuss the return and she summarised the document, identifying where individual grades had improved. It was highlighted that the sub contracting (education) section has improved from satisfactory to good and that short term planning and financial monitoring were now rated as outstanding, with confidence gained from the internal auditors opinion of Full Assurance last year. The Committee confirmed that they were comfortable to endorse the grades and action plan and for the return to go to the auditors. Val Wilkinson stressed that the College’s bank has stated that in their view we have outstanding financial management including the collaborative working between SMT and Governors. The Chair stated that the Committee are happy to endorse grades but the College needs to continue to improve as per the Committees’ requirements. It was confirmed that the return gives the Committee confidence. Val Wilkinson stressed that robust challenge is an essential part of continuous improvement. The Principal highlighted that the FMCE audit has been a large amount of work and thanked Val Wilkinson and Michelle Garvey for their input. The Principal left the meeting at 5.20pm. A query was raised regarding the cost of the new MIS system that was mentioned in the return, it was confirmed that this is an issue for the Finance and General Purposes Committee to raise. Further questions were raised regarding the system and it was confirmed that Finance and MIS will be reviewing the options. Stan Stanier was invited to join the project group due to his expertise in the area. A number of amendments were noted and will be included in an annex to these minutes. After a discussion the Committee noted that sub-contracting is a potentially high risk area and felt that it should be audited next year. Val Wilkinson to speak to the Principal regarding including sub-contracting in the action plan. Ac/11/35 MG Dec 2011 VW Dec 2011 MG Jan 2011 MG Jan 2011 GJG Dec 2011 Rolling Review of Audit Recommendations Val Wilkinson introduced the document. The Chair confirmed that the document could be clearer and suggested that an additional column of when items are discussed by the Committee including a revised date of completion was added to the document. Val Wilkinson suggested that where the Committee is satisfied that the College is actioning some items correctly, they can be removed off the review as no longer relevant to the Committee. The Committee agreed with this suggestion in principle but stated that further discussion may be required Val suggested that the financial regulations are reviewed at the March meeting of the year plus on a rolling review basis. The Committee agreed. The Chair requested that the retention schedule action on the Rolling Review be postponed at present until more detailed information regarding changes to regulations are available. It was confirmed that an additional section is being added to the Risk Register regarding contingent risk i.e. documents going missing. A query was regarding the length of the lease on the Wales centre was raised. It was confirmed that it has 30 years remaining on the lease. Ac/11/36 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 6 March 2012 The meeting closed at 6.11pm. MG 02.12.11 Signed…………………………………… (Chairman) Dated……………………