MAPS: 1. Print out both the official and unofficial maps linked below. a. Official Map- b. Unofficial Map- c. NOTE: You will include the Official Map ONLY when handing in this webquest. 2. On the official map, highlight the following terms: a. Bethany, Capernaum, Jordan River, Samaria, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Nazareth, Galilee, Cana, Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Judea b. NOTE: If you can’t find a few of these terms on the official map, then look for them on the unofficial map. PLEASE WRITE IN THESE PLACES ON YOUR OFFICIAL MAP AND HIGHLIGHT THEM AS WELL! 3. In your final Webquest, include the Official Map with highlights and places written in 4. Use the Biblical Concordance Link Below a. b. NOTE: The version that should come up automatically is the New International Version. Please use that one. 5. Find a quote for the places listed above from the NEW TESTAMENT a. NOTE: In order to go to another page, you must click on MORE RESULTS FROM THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION below entry number 10. Then you will be taken to another page which have links to other page numbers on the bottom b. MAKE SURE EVERY QUOTE IS FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT c. The Dead Sea is not in the Bible so you only need to find quotes from the other 11 places. 6. Include the quotes and their Biblical Notations on a page titles MAPS 7. Finally, pick any two of the 12 places listed above and include one modern day picture of each. Please label each picture. a. You can use to find a picture FOOD 1. List twelve foods that Jesus would have eaten during his life in a section of your webquest titled FOOD a. Use this three paragraph article to find the 12 foods. htm b. NOTE: You do NOT need to install Hebrew on your computer. 2. Find instances where FOUR of these foods are used in the NEW TESTAMENT. Include the quote and biblical notation. a. Biblical concordance- b. NOTE: The Mount of Olives is not a food!!! HOUSING 1. Copy and paste the following onto a Word Document under a section titled HOUSING 1. Houses were made of __ _ 5_ __ __ . 2. Houses of the rich were made of __ __ __ _7_ __. 3. People kept their __ __ __ __ __ on the roof. 4. People spread __ _6_ __ __ __ on the roof to dry. 5. People went to the roof to __ __ __ __ __ or __ __ __ __ . 6. Furniture consisted of a __ __ __ __ _3_, and a _1_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ for measuring _8_ __ __ __ __ which was turned over and used as a __ __ __ __ __ . 7. People slept on __ _2_ __ __ . 8. Instead of blankets they used camel or goat hair __ __ __ __ __ __, which they usually wore over lighter woolen _4_ __ __ __ __ __ Fill in the spaces below with the letters from the numbered spaces above. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For what was it used and of what was it made? ----------------------------------------------STOP HERE------------------------------------------------ 2. Use pages 85-86 of your textbook to fill in this sheet. Please type your answers. 3. Do not forget to answer the question, “For what was it used and of what was it made?” DIVERSITY 1. Use the PBS website to define (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) each of the following groups— Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots and Sadducees in a section of your Webquest titled DIVERSITY a. PBS website- b. On the PBS site, first select “A Portrait of Jesus’ World,” and then click on “Judaism’s First Century Diversity” c. You should be able to do this only using the first article by Shaye Cohen. 2. Use the Biblical Concordance to find one instance where each of these is used in the NEW TESTAMENT! Include the quote and the Biblical Notation a. Biblical Concordance- b. NOTE: Type in Zealot instead of Zealots. 3. One of the four groups is not included in the Bible. Tell me which one and why? If you define the four groups correctly, then you will figure out the answer. SABBATH 1. Please answer EIGHT of the following 12 questions using the three websites below. Please write these in your own words and include both the question and the answer in a section of your webquest titled SABBATH a. b. c. 1. What is the Hebrew word for Sabbath? What does it mean? 2. What two things does the Sabbath commemorate? 3. What are the meanings of Zachor and Shamor? 4. What did the ancient Greeks think of the Jews because of their keeping of the Sabbath? 5. What is the kiddush? 6. What is melachah? Identify 6 of its categories. 7. What is Havdalah and what 3 things are needed for it? 8. When does the Sabbath begin and end? 9. What are the 3 reasons for lighting the Sabbath candles? Who traditionally lights them? 10. What is challah? 11. How was the Sabbath announced in ancient Israel? 12. What is a mizvah? HOLY DAYS 1. Use the three websites below to do this section a. LazerA/jewyear.html b. c. 2. For the following Holy Days—Shavuot, Yom Kippur, and Passover- please find out the following information IN YOUR OWN WORDS a. What does it celebrate? b. At least five practices used in this celebration. c. When this year or next year it is celebrated ON THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR i. Note- You might have to find this last one on your own. Make sure you don’t use Jewish months. In other words, don’t tell me that something is celebrated on the fifth day of Tishrit! 3. Include all of this in your webquest in a section called HOLY DAYS REPORT -In around 200 words, tell me what you thought of this Webquest. What did you find most interesting? What did you learn that you didn’t know before? Include this in your webquest under a section called REPORT FINAL REQUIREMENT- Put this together in a creative way and DECORATE IT! How great it looks will count for 15 points. This Webquest will be due on March 25th.