Tentative Agenda for Physical Science Dec. 7

Tentative Agenda for Physical Science
Dec. 7-11
SOL P.S. 4, 5 b, c
The student will investigate and understand the organization and use of the periodic table
of the elements to obtain information.
The student will investigate and understand changes in matter and the relationship of
these changes to the Law of Conservation and Energy
Warm-Up Review of the Elements
Monday: Dec. 7
1. Warm-up Exercise: Elements and their symbols
Move to your own place in the room
All you need is a pencil.
2. Discussion and review of the periodic table
3. DVD: The Periodic Table
Class work/ Homework
Ch.12 p. 364. Ozone. In one to two well written paragraphs, describe how CFC’s
destroy ozone. Complete this sentence and use it in your paragraphs. Ozone is an
__________ of oxygen.
Define under a Ch. 18 heading in your notebook: radioactivity, transmutation,
alpha particle, beta particle, and gamma ray.
Tuesday: Dec. 8:
1. Quiz: Review of Ch. 17 Vocabulary ( Properties of Atoms and The Periodic
Table Res. p.37 )
2. Read paragraphs on ozone to the class.
3. Ch. 18 Section 3: Oral Reading
4. Assignment: Use the Ch. 18 Foldable notes: Ch. 18 Sec. 2Section Review,
Incorporate the question into the answer for # 1-3.
Wednesday: Dec. 9:
1. Discuss H.W. p. 545, # 1-3.
2. As a class: Answer questions # 1-3, Ch. 18 Sec. 2 p. 550.
3. Guided practice: Handout: Directed Reading: Key Terms. ( Res. P.p. 19 and 22)
4. Assignment: READ Ch. 18 Section 4
Thursday: Dec. 10:
1. Lesson on Half- Life
2. Complete and turn in Half-Life problem, page 565 # 12:
a. Copy the problem
b. Show the formula
c. Show all work
d. Square off answer
3. Assignment: Using paragraph form, differentiate between alpha decay, beta
decay and gamma rays.
Page 562: Under a Ch. 18 Vocabulary Heading, define all terms you do not
already have in science notebook.
Friday Dec. 11:
1. DVD’s Nuclear Energy and Matter and Energy Series ( 10 min. each )
2. Review: Handout: Ch. 18 Overview ( Res. P. 40 )
3. Using vocabulary list on page 562, Locate and highlight each term in your Ch. 18
Foldable and notes.