USVA Government Issues Project Second Semester 2011 The project for the second semester is a three part assignment. The major portion of the assignment will be the completion of a position paper on some governmental issue. You will also be making a short 3 minute video using “moviemaker”, or some other video production software highlighting the governmental issue developed in your position paper. Finally, you will be asked to compose a short 3-5 paragraph letter to a governmental official. Your “issue” may focus on a local, state, national or international issue for which governmental action is either necessary or desirable. Although we will several dates scheduled for the computer lab for this project, it will be necessary for a significant portion to be completed on your own time as homework, or utilizing JAYEM AM. To ensure that all students are utilizing the time allotted to the computer lab, this assignment will be broken into several parts and there will be specific due dates for the various aspects of this assignment. Key Components of Issues Project: A. Research-based Position Paper a. MIN 3 pages typed (double-spaced) b. Academic writing, proper grammar and syntax c. Correct MLA format d. appropriate parenthetical citations/ works cited page e. Meet deadlines for due dates B. Video-Issue a. 2-3 minute format b. use of both pictures/video c. creative, highlights the issue and actions to be taken d. high quality editing, narration C. Letter to Government Official a. 3-5 paragraphs b. Sent to either local, state, federal governmental official c. Address your issue to the representative in proper and appropriate academic writing Schedule of Computer Lab time/ Deadlines Computer Lab: (Tentative) Some portion of the following dates Dec. 8, 9, 12, 15, 16 & 19; Jan 5, 6, 10, 12 Due Dates: Topic/Thesis Friday Dec. 9 Minimum 3 viable resources Friday- Dec. 9 Position Paper Introduction (1-3 paragraphs) Monday, Dec. 12 Introduction Peer Edit Tuesday, Dec. 13 Rough Draft Position Paper Monday, Dec. 19 Rough Draft-Peer Edit Tuesday, Dec. 20 Video Storyboard Wednesday, Jan 4 Rough draft-Letter Friday, Jan. 6 Final Paper Monday, Jan. 10 Video-Final Thursday, Jan 19