Quiz #1 Everything You Need to Know

Unit 3-Cardio & Respiratory
Quiz #1
You Need To
(1) Blood:
a. Blood is made of both living and nonliving parts.
b. Living Parts of Blood 
i. Red blood cells
ii. White blood cells
c. Nonliving Parts of Blood 
i. Plasma
ii. Platelets
iii. Proteins, Water, Salts
d. Types of Blood Cells + Parts 
i. Red Blood Cells = Erythrocytes
ii. White Blood Cells = Leukocytes
iii. Platelets = Red blood cell fragments used in clotting
e. Hemoglobin = Protein in red blood cells which allows oxygen to bind with them.
(2) Anemia:
a. A disorder in which a person’s body does not carry oxygen to working tissues.
b. Causes:
i. Low red blood cell count
ii. Low hemoglobin concentration
iii. Deformed red blood cells
(3) White Blood Cells:
a. Part of your immune system ; Help protect the body from infectious agents.
b. Use DIAPEDESIS to travel across organs and tissues.
c. Use POSITIVE CHEMOTAXIS to locate infections.
d. Types:
i. Neutrophils = 1st responders and most common
ii. Basophils = release histamine to dilate blood vessels
iii. Eosinophils = attack larger parasites
iv. B Lymphocytes = produce antibodies
v. T Lymphocytes = respond to antibodies
vi. Monocytes = Last responders during chronic infection
(4) Blood Typing Basics:
a. Antigens = Protein tags on the surface of red blood cells
b. Antibodies = Proteins free-floating in blood (used to bind with foreign cells)
c. There are 3 Types of Antigens/bodies = A , B , Rh (“positive”)
d. Whatever your cells have as antigens, the remaining you have as antibodies…
i. EXAMPLE  If you are blood type A, you have A antigens… therefore
you have B and Rh antibodies in your blood.
e. Agglutination = Used to identify blood types
i. When the SAME antigens and antibodies bind together, forming a clumpy
surface to the blood.
f. Who Can You Donate To?
i. You can donate to anyone who as ALL of the same antigens your cells have.
ii. They might have more antigens, but they at least have to have all the ones
your cells have.
g. Who Can You Receive From?
i. You can receive from anyone who has ANY of you antigens, but NONE of
your antibodies.
ii. They may have fewer types of antigens, but as long as they have one/some
it’s okay.
(5) Working Through Blood Typing Problems:
a. I recommend doing the following:
i. Figure out the antibodies and antigens in the blood type.
ii. Draw a picture of the blood.
iii. Use the picture to figure out who that type can donate to.
iv. Use the picture to figure out who that type CANNOT receive from (which in
turn will tell you who they can receive from).
b. Example 
i. A person’s blood agglutinates with only antibody-Rh serum. What does this
tell you about their blood?
ii. Agglutinates = Antigens Present on Cells
iii. Antigens = Rh only
iv. Which means Antibodies = A and B
v. Blood Type = Antigens = O Positive
vi. Let me draw a picture…
vii. Who can they donate to?
I can see from the picture that they have only Rh tags on the cells.
This means that they have to donate to people who at least have the Rh tags
(they might have more, but they at least need the Rh tags)….
A+ B+ O+ AB+ (or all positive types)
viii. Who can they receive from?
I can see from the picture that they have A and B antibodies in their blood.
This means that they CANNOT receive any types of blood with A’s or B’s.
So they CANNOT receive from: A, A+, B, B+, AB, AB+
That means they can receive from: O and O+
(6) Type A:
a. Antigens = A
b. Therefore Antibodies = B and Rh
c. Can Donate To…
Anyone who has A antigens on their cells too! 
Type A, Type A+, Type AB, Type AB+
d. Can Receive From…
Anyone who has the A antigens, but does NOT have B or Rh!
Type A and Type O
(7) Type A+:
a. Antigens = A and Rh
b. Therefore Antibodies = B only
c. Can Doante To…
Anyone who has A and Rh antigens on their cells too! 
Type A+ and Type AB+
d. Can Receive From…
Anyone who has A and/or Rh antigens, but does NOT have B!
Type A, Type A+, Type O, Type O+
(8) Type B:
a. Antigens = B
b. Therefore Antibodies = A and Rh
c. Can Doante To…
Anyone who has B antigens on their cells too! 
Type B, Type B+, Type AB, Type AB+
d. Can Receive From…
Anyone who has B antigens, but does NOT have A or Rh!
Type B and Type O
(9) Type B+:
a. Antigens = B and Rh
b. Therefore Antibodies = A only
c. Can Donate to…
Anyone who has B and Rh antigens on their cells too! 
Type B+ and Type AB+
d. Can Receive From….
Anyone who has B and/or Rh antigens, but does NOT have A!
Type B, Type B+, Type O and Type O+
Type AB:
Antigens = A and B
Therefore Antibodies = Rh only
Can Donate To…
Anyone who has both A and B antigens on their cells too! 
Type AB and Type AB+
Can Receive From…
Anyone who has A and/or B antigens, but does NOT have Rh!
Type A, Type B, Type AB, and Type O
Type AB+:
Antigens = A, B, and Rh
Therefore Antibodies = NONE
Can Donate To…
Anyone who has A and B and Rh antigens all on their cells too! 
Type AB+ only
Can Receive From…
Anyone! They have no blood cell antibodies! 
Also, anyone who has A and/or B and/or Rh antigens on their cells!
Type A, Type A+, Type B, Type B+, Type AB, Type AB+, Type O, Type O+
Type O:
Antigens = NONE
Therefore Antibodies = A, B, and Rh
Can Donate To…
Anyone! They have no antigens on their cells for your body to recognize as
foreign! 
Can Receive From…
Only O 
They have all 3 antibodies, so they can’t take anything with an A or a B or an Rh
Type O+:
Antigens = Rh only
Therefore Antibodies = A and B
Can Donate To…
Anyone Positive! They only have Rh antigens on their cells!
Type A+, Type B+, Type AB+, Type O+
Can Receive From…
Only Type O and Type O+ 
They have A and B antibodies so they can’t receive any types with A and/or B!