Blood Typing Blood types There are 4 blood types A B AB O Blood Types Blood type alleles: IA : produces A antigens on surface of cell (dominant) IB : produces B antigens (dominant) i: does not produce antigens (recessive) Type AB shows codominance, both the A and B antigens are present on the cell Type O blood is homozygous recessive Blood types Genotypes Phenotypes IAIA or IAi Type A IBIB or IBi Type B IAIB Type AB ii Type O Blood Donation and Transfusions You have to receive the right type of blood, or your immune system will cause the cells to clump up (agglutinate) and you will get very sick and this can be fatal. Type O is the Universal Donor, all blood types can accept Type O blood Type AB blood is the Universal Acceptor, as people with blood type do not have an immune reaction to any of the blood types Blood Transfusions Type A can accept Types A and O Type B can accept Types B and O Type AB can accept Types AB, A, B and O Type O can ONLY accept Type O Practice A female with type AB blood has children with a man who is heterozygous for type B blood. What types of blood could their children have?