1 State of art of IP telephony and MPLS L. Subirats, Telematics Engineering Dept., Technical University of Catalonia Abstract — There are several quality of service (QoS) requirements in order to provide a high – quality voice over IP (VoIP) call. Initially, QoS schemes where defined for the TCP / IP networks with Integrated Service (IntServ) architecture and then as Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture. However, the TCP/IP networks operate on the hop – by – hop basis and cannot provide a comprehensive Traffic Engineering (TE) as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) does. Although IP/MPLS technology will be at the core of multiservice networks and is the future, MPLS is still maturing. QoS standards now associated to ATM and traffic dimensioning of Telephony over MPLS (ToMPLS), must be improved; so there is research to do in this field. Since VoIP is the solution available and is most likely to be implemented in the evolution from ATM to MPLS, it would be natural on a later stage to evolve from VoIP to VoMPLS in the core network. Index Terms—Telephony; MPLS; VoIP; QoS; SLA I. INTRODUCTION T HERE is a plethora of published papers describing the factors involved in a high – quality VoIP call. These factors include the speech codec, packetization, packet loss, delay, delay variation, and the network architecture to provide quality of service (QoS). Other factors involved in making a successful voice over IP (VoIP) call include the call setup signaling protocol, call admission control, security concerns and the ability to traverse network address translation (NAT) and firewall. Although VoIP involves the transmission of digitized voice in packets, the telephone itself may be analog or digital. The voice may be digitized and encoded either before or concurrently with packetization. Fig. 1 shows a business in which a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is connected to VoIP gateways as well as to the local telephone company central office [4]. Fig. 1. Business use of VoIP Initially, QoS schemes were defined for the TCP / IP networks, first as the Integrated Services (IntServ) architecture with the Resource reservation protocol (RSVP) signaling, and then as the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture. However, the TCP/IP networks operate on the hop – by – hop basis and cannot provide a comprehensive Traffic Engineering (TE). The Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology has emerged as a connection – oriented layer serving connectionless IP networks, and thus it provided the means for TE of the IP traffic. Furthermore, by implementing QoS mechanisms in the MPLS networks, signaling paths (SPs) can use both necessary technologies (TE and QoS) for offering QoS guarantees to their customers. The end – to end (E2E) path of an application flow usually traverses several environments including the end user's workstation and local, access and core networks. The user's perception of quality is based on the end – to – end performance, and QoS mechanisms of various components must interwork for achieving the E2E QoS targets. In conclusion, MPLS is being adopted as a key protocol within ISP’s and carrier networks because of: Traffic Engineering Flexible signaling plane which support service differentiation Flexible path definition (including redundant paths for security functions) Ability to transport almost anything (i.e. voice over IP or directly over MPLS) QoS techniques implemented with Diffserv or IntServ. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we provide an overall view of the telephony over MPLS state of art. In Sec. III some topics such as QoS, Service Level Agreement (SLA) and service classes of the Diff-serv/MPLS architecture are analyzed. In Sec. IV two hot topics in this field like “Dimensioning Aggregated Voice Traffic in MPLS nodes” and “An End – to – End QoS Architecture with the MPLS – Based core” are summarized in a systematic way focusing on the problem, the steps followed to solve it, and the final result of the research. The contribution of this paper is in Sec V, where there is a ranking of telephony over MPLS (ToMPLS) papers according to several variables such as the interest, the impact and the newness of the field of the paper. Furthermore, positive and negative opinions of references are given, ranking them depending on the interest, impact or newness of the field and other personal comments. Finally, in Sec. VI, we arrive to some conclusions of the advantages and disadvantages of telephony over MPLS comparing to other transport technologies. 2 II. TELEPHONY OVER MPLS We can have several voice trunking scenarios in MPLS as it can be seen in Fig. 2. In that figure we have some examples of Voice Networks which describe the possibilities how voice can be transported. We can also see the MPLS network with its gateway devices, the Label Switched Path and the Label Switching Routers inside the network that allow providing traffic engineering. After the MPLS network, the voice continues being transported through another bunch of networks. Fig. 4. Dimensioning example for the G.729 code, Dmax=50ms and different N values. Fig. 2. Voice trunking transport scenarios in MPLS Basically, telephony over MPLS can refer to two different solutions: VoIP over MPLS, which consists of a number of VoIP streams integrated in a common LSP. If we see the stack of protocols of Fig 2. voice would be over IP in the protocol stack. Voice over MPLS (VoMPLS), where a number of voice calls may be transported over an LSP. The multiplexing structure consists of a mandatory outer label, zero or more inner labels, and one or more VoMPLS primary subframes consisting of a 4-octet header (HDR) and variable length primary payload (i.e. voice frames or a single SID frame), as shown. In Fig 2. we can also appreciate the stack of protocols of VoMPLS. It can be seen in Fig 3. that VoMPLS is more efficient in terms of bandwidth than VoIP over MPLS shown by Fig.4. Within the header of a primary subframe, the length field is indicated in multiples of 4 octets. Thus, up to three padding octets can be inserted in each subframe depending on the codec’s frame size and the number of codec’s frames carried in the primary subframe. However, it must be considered that other combinations of protocol stacks are possible, and they are shown at Fig. 5. Fig. 3. G.729 codec over MPLS, Dmax=50ms and different N values. Fig. 5. Protocol stacks of voice with different transport technologies 3 III. QOS A SLA is a formal contract of the relationship that exists between a service provider and its customers. Today, people on Internet can be divided into three roles: users, application providers and network service providers. Users are concerned about application price which they have to pay and user – level QoS which they may receive, e.g., call blocking rate and voice quality in VoIP services. Application providers care about the balance of revenue and investment, and how to provide a wonderful application service to users. Similarly, network providers are concerned about the balance of revenue and investment, and how to provide a good transport service. How to satisfy the expectations of each role depends on a suitable service contract and a fair and flexible QoS management framework. In fact, although many operators who are offering application services to the end users are often offering Internet access service at the same time, the operators also need a general framework of SLA management to resolve the QoS – mapping issue and the balances of application service and network service between revenue and cost. In Fig. 6, two VoIP users communicate which each other, and they may or may not belong to the same VoIP provider. The VoIP users and their VoIP service provider should contract a vertical SLA defined as a session – level SLA (S- SLA) in this paper, where the session is defined as a lasting relationship or connection between a user (or user agent) and a peer on application layer, i.e. a call. Furthermore, both VoIP users in Fig. 6 have a horizontal relationship such as a family or a friend. several AS domains. Fig. 7. QoS – oriented VoIP service over DiffServ/MPLS network In order to commit the contract, SLA is usually contracted loosely to tolerate the variation of system condition; however, some application required critical QoS cannot be compromised. Therefore, the issue of how to develop a SLA management framework to provide a SLA predesign, optimal QoS mapping and on – line adaptive QoS tuning is very important. Three major concerns for such systems are performance, availability and security. Performance requirements imply that these systems must be adaptable and self-configurable to the changes of workload. Availability and security requirements suggest that these systems must also adapt and reconfigure themselves to withstand attacks and failures. A robust, fair and efficient SLA management model continuously monitors the system workload and determines the optional configuration to reach the goal of service provider in Fig. 8. [6]. As for the Diff-Serv/MPLS architecture, three service classes can be provided, as it can be seen in Table 1. TABLE I QOS – ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE THREE SERVICE CLASSES PROVIDED FOR THE DIFF-SERV/MPLS ARCHITECTURE. Advantages Expedited Forwarding (EF) Assured Forwarding (AF) Best Effort (BF) Fig. 6. SLAs between VoIP users, VoIP service provider and network provider In reference to the system environment, the design of our SLA management framework and QoS mapping scheme is based on the system environments shown in Fig. 7. Unlike the conventional best – effort VoIP service on Internet, the VoIP service provider provides QoS – oriented VoIP service via QoS – enabled Diffserv/MPLS networks. In addition the QoS – enabled Diffserv/MPLS networks may be composed of Disadvantages VoIP end-to-end QoS guarantee QoS/ Cost trade off Cost Cost VoIP end – to – end QoS guarantee QoS/Cost trade off Regarding the table, the AF+ service model has simultaneously the advantages of EF-class service and AFclass service. On the other hand all of these conventional differentiated services in Diff- Serv/MPLS network only provide one EF-class service, one AF-class service or one BFclass service to a group of VoIP users individually. AF+ Service Model is defined as a VoIP trunk and is treat as an EF class with α ratio and AF class with 1 − α ratio. 4 10. According to the theorem of Birth-death system [10], the equilibrium equations can be written as below: Fig. 8 QoS – SLA management network Fig 10. Two-dimension state-transition-rate diagram for the AF+ service model Fig 9. EF-class and AF-class provisioned bandwidth in a VoIP trunk. Bandwidth provisioning of a VoIP trunk is contracted by a network provider and a VoIP service provider in advance. All of the VoIP calls in this VoIP trunk can be served as AF class and EF class simultaneously, e.g. the gray EF-class VoIP flows and the white AF-class VoIP flows in Fig.9. AF+ Service has the advantages of better QoS than EF class and lower cost than AF class in the meantime. If α approximates to 1, the network QoS is very nice, but its cost is very expensive. Otherwise, if α approximates to 0, the voice quality is not to be guaranteed, but the cost is cheaper than EF class. In the below sessions, the analysis of AF+ Service Model will be presented, and we will give a guideline to provision network bandwidth with the parameter α. Under the framework of Diff-Serv/MPLS network service model, we propose an AF+ service class for VoIP applications. In this service, the amount of bandwidth for m EF class and n AF class is reserved at the same time in advance. The ratio of bandwidth provision for EF class α is shown in Eq. 1. α = m; m + n , where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 (1) λP0,0 = μP0,1 + μP1,0 , if i = 0 and j = 0 (2) (λ + iμ)Pi,0 = λPi−1,0 + (i + 1)μPi+1,0 + μPi,1 , if 1 ≤ i ≤ m − 1 and j = 0 (λ + mμ)Pm,0 = λPm−1,0 + μPm,1, if i = m and j = 0 (λ + jμ)P0,j = (j + 1)μP0,j+1 + μP1,j , if i = 0 and 1 ≤ j < ∞ (3) (λ + iμ + jμ)Pi,j = (i + 1)μPi+1,j + (j + 1)μ P(i, j + 1) + λPi−1,j , if 1 ≤ i ≤ m − 1 and 1 ≤ j < ∞ (λ + mμ + jμ)Pm,j = λPm,j−1 + λPm−1,j+(j + 1)μPm,j+1 , if i = m and 1 ≤ j < ∞ Because of the characteristic of the Birth-death Process, the constraint equations are shown in Eq. 4, Eq. 5 and Eq. 6. The summation of all steady-states probabilities equals to 1. Eq. 5 and Eq. 6 are the probability characteristic. m Pi, j 1 j 0 i 0 Pi,j = 1 Pi,j ≥ 0 , where 0 ≤ i ≤ m and 0 ≤ j < ∞ Pi,j ≤ 1 , where 0 ≤ i ≤ m and 0 ≤ j < ∞ n (4) (5) (6) m U EF ( m,n ) iPi , j j 0 i 0 m When a new call arrives and the provisioned bandwidth of EF class is available, this call is served with the EF-class level first. Otherwise, if the provisioning bandwidth of EF class is unavailable, it is serviced with the AF-class level and is regarded as an AF class in the conventional Diff-Serv/MPLS model. The proposed AF+ service are modeled as a two dimension Birth-death Process [10], which is illustrated in Fig. (3) n U AF ( m,n ) jPi , j (7) (8) i 0 j 0 m n U cb ( m,n ) 1 Pi , j (9) i 0 j 0 Because this two-dimension Birth-death Process is an asymmetric system, the closed-form equation of the steady- 5 state probabilities cannot be proved directly. However, it can be resolve by approximate analysis (LINGO) from Eq. 4, Eq. 5 and Eq. 6. If m is the number of channels and equal to 25 reserved for EF class, and the AF class bandwidth is always available. Thus, the provisioned bandwidth utilization of EF class and AF class are calculated from Eq. 7 and Eq. 8. and illustrated in Fig. 11. It can be seen that most of the VoIP calls in the VoIP trunk can be served as EF class, and their QoS can be guaranteed well. Then a few burst arrival call can be served as AF class. class and AF class simultaneously. The QoS of most VoIP calls can be guaranteed and the cost can be minimized. IV. HOT TOPICS Having contextualized the scenarios of telephony over TABLE II DIMENSIONING AGGREGATED VOICE TRAFFIC IN MPLS NODES [1] MPLS in the previous sections, two hot topics about the subject are explained in tables I and II together with the solutions that researchers of the field have arrived. Problem Steps Classical dimensioning models based on on-off sources multiplexing are not accurate since they assume that no traffic is generated during off periods. What are bandwidth requirements for voice traffic aggregated of traffic engineering? Step 1: Define a model for a generic voice source which embodies any current type of voice source (which we name Generalized VoIP source) Step 2: Extend the fluid model with our new GVoIP source to obtain a loss and delay prediction for each multiplexer node. Step 3: Design a simple but efficient dimensioning algorithm that provides the bandwidth requirement for a desired performance when multiplexing a number of homogeneous GVoIP sources. Result Using the dimensioning algorithm we compare the bandwidth requirements for VoIP over MPLS and VoMPLS. The estimation of the bandwidth requirement of a voice traffic trunk over MPLS was improved. Fig 11. The provisioned bandwidth utilization while m=25. Now, we assume that the traffic intensity of VoIP calls equals to 25 Erlang. The call blocking rate with the EF – class provisioned bandwidth and AF – class provisioned bandwidth can be calculated from Eq. 9, and the call blocking rate with the EF – class and AF – class bandwidth provisioning as illustrated in Fig. 12. TABLE III AN END – TO – END QOS ARCHITECTURE WITH THE MPLS – BASED CORE [2] Some MPLS mechanisms are necessary in order to allow TE + Problem QoS guarantees. Steps Step 1: LAN QoS: The 802.1D-compatible switches provide strict priority queuing and assure QoS for VoIP and other high priority traffic. Step 2: Core QoS: - DiffServ: based on a set of enhancements to the IP protocol which enables scalable service discrimination in an IP network. Scheduling and packet discard are determined based on the value of the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) marked in the header of an incoming IP packet. - MPLS support of DiffServ: The mapping between the DiffServ BAs and the MPLS LSPs achieve the best match for the DiffServ, TE and protection objectives within a particular network. Step 3: LAN-to-CORE QoS internetworking: DiffServ-toMPLS InterWorking and MPLS UNI. Result Fig 12. The call blocking rate with the EF – class and AF – class bandwidth provisioning while Erlang = 25. Therefore, the AF+ service model has the advantages of EF Network technologies contributing to the end-to-end QoS, including those in the customer premises networks, in the service provider’s core, and the interworking between the LAN and service provider core mechanisms. V. PERSONAL OPINION OF THE REFERENCES A ranking was elaborated taking as variables the interest of 6 networks technology. the topic, the impact of the research and the newness of the field. A total mark with the mean of these three variables resulted and can be seen in Fig. 13. considering the following references: [1] Dimensioning Aggregated Voice Traffic in MPLS Nodes. [2] An end-to-end QoS architecture with the MPLSbased core. [3] Voice over MPLS compared to voice over other packet transport technologies. [4] Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). [5] A novel AF+ service for VoIP applications over a Diff-Serv/MPLS network. [6] Session-Level and Network-Level SLA Structures and VoIP Service Policy over DiffServBased MPLS Networks. [4] [5] [6] High but not as high as the other parameters. / High as it defines the basic concepts of VoIP. Not very recent because it uses studies done by others. Technical. High as the numerical results are useful for VoIP users and network manager to contract SLA and plan network resource distribution. Considerable new as it provides a service that has a compromise between efficiency and price having the benefits of the two service levels models. Very high. Not extremely new as it describes the SLA structure. Technical. High as it implements a framework session – level to provide QoS- oriented application services. TABLE V PERSONAL OPINION OF THE ARTICLES Paper Positive / Negative [1] (+) Reads well. (+) Good contextualization and theoretical analysis. (+) Algorithm which leads to numerical results (+) Good outcome. (+) Easy application to real life. (-) Simulations made only for m=25 (m=number of channels). (-) No proof in a real scenario. Fig 13. Personal opinion of the articles described in the document. [2] The reasons for these punctuations are described at Table IV and some personal opinion of the articles is given at Table V. (-) No simulation to see the improvement when using this architecture. (-) No proof in a real scenario. TABLE IV REASONS OF THE ARTICLE PUNCTUATIONS Newness of the field Paper Interest / Impact [1] High as QoS estimation is really important in dimensioning current MPLS. / Considerable because it describes concrete models of aggregated traffic. Not really recent. Ordinary. / It is normal as it described various network technologies and made emphasis on the MPLS mechanisms that allow to traffic engineer the core networks. Ordinary, this field has already been investigated. High as it compares MPLS with the other packet transport technologies and it analyzes which of them is more efficient. / High because it shows the viability of a migration in the High because it describes the VoIP protocol (the article is of a senior member of IEEE). [2] [3] (+) Reads well. (+) Well analyzed architecture in terms of a state of the art. (+) Advantages and disadvantages of using each technology for each specific scenario. [3] Technical (+) Summary of the state of Voice over MPLS compared to other packet transport technologies. (+) Analysis of voice codecs in different scenarios. (+) Talks about implementation to real life. (-) Neither theoretical analysis nor analysis. (-) Neither examples nor case studies. Very technical. [4] (+) Reads well and full of examples. (+) Gives a clear overview of VoIP. (-) No implementation of the protocol. [5] Not much technical (-) Would be interesting to look for the bandwidth and call blocking rate for different number of channels. (-) Scheduling explanation is not really clear. [6] Not very technical. (+) Reads well. (+) Really positive outcome. (+) Interesting theoretical results proved by the simulation results. (+) Nice to do a real implementation. (+) Reads well. (+) Several algorithms and a numeric example which helps the reader to see the benefits of this structures. (+) Application to different fields such as real – time multimedia and non – real time data services. (-) No real implementation. 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was fully supported by “la Caixa” Foundation through “la Caixa” Fellowship for Spanish master students. VI. CONCLUSIONS Several conclusions are extracted from all these analyzed papers mentioned in the document: Most enterprises still use Frame Relay Network growth will be focused on existing revenue-generating services and interoperability with other existing network infrastructures in place is needed MPLS is still maturing (finalizing QoS standards now associated to ATM and traffic dimensioning of ToMPLS) IP/MPLS technology will be at the core of multiservice networks and is the future VoIP is the solution available, as MPLS matures, VoIP will evolve to VoMPLS Since VoIP is the solution available and is most likely to be implemented in the evolution from ATM to MPLS, it would be natural on a later stage to evolve from VoIP to VoMPLS in the core network. A comparison between MPLS and other transport networks can be seen at Table VI. TABLE VI A COMPARISON BETWEEN MPLS AND OTHER NETWORKS THAT CARRY VOICE VoMPLS VoIP VoATM VoFR Quantitat ive guarantee s. Not standardi zed. None. QoS Comprehensi ve QoS on aggregated traffic. Scalable with qualitative guarantees or non – scalable with quantitative guarantees. Signaling CR – LDP and RSVP TE Non – scalable. PNNI. Access network Software upgrade to customer IAD. Integration with CPE IP applications. Standard for cable networks. Backbone network Traffic engineering Interworking with IP/DiffServ. Implementabl e over ATM. No quantitative scalable QoS. Standard for DSL loop emulatio n. Large installed base. Proven network managem ent. Very high with PPP. Requires RTP multiplexing. Header compression improves efficiency in the access network. Bandwidth efficiency Non monotoni c with increasin g traffic. Widespre ad deployme nt. N/A. Very high. VII. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] A. Estepa, R. Estepa, I. Campos, A. Delgado. Dimensioning Aggregated Voice Traffic in MPLS Nodes. University of Seville Seville, Spain. 41092, International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, 2008. ONDM 2008. V. Fineberg, C. Cheng; X. XiPeng. An end-to-end QoS architecture with the MPLS-based core. Workshop on IP Operations and Management, 2002 IEEE Volume , Issue , 2002 Page(s): 26 – 30. D. Wright. Voice over MPLS compared to voice over other packet transport technologies. Communications Magazine, IEEE Publication Date: Nov 2002 Volume: 40, Issue: 11 On page(s): 124132. B. Goode. Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). Proceedings of the IEEE Volume 90, Issue 9, Sep 2002 Page(s): 1495 – 1517. H. Su; H. Chen; C. Wang; K. Chen. A novel AF+ service for VoIP applications over a Diff-Serv/MPLS network. Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th Volume 7, Issue , 26-29 Sept. 2004 Page(s): 4846 - 4850 Vol. 7. H. Sui, Z. Yaui, C. Wui and K. Cheni. Session-Level and NetworkLevel SLA Structures and VoIP Service Policy over DiffServ-Based MPLS Networks. IEICE Transactions on Communications 2006 E89B(2):383-392. Laia Subirats received the B.S and M.S degrees in Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona, Spain in 2006 and 2008, respectively. Previously, she was an intern in Telefonica R&D in Barcelona from 2006 to 2008 and during the summer in European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland and participated in the program Google Summer of Code. She is currently a telematics master student in Information Security Group in the Department of Telematics of the Technical University of Catalonia, also in Barcelona.