Dichotomous Key

Dichotomous Key
Skulls of Small Mammals Found in Barn Owl Pellets
SC. Investigates how scientists use taxonomic systems to classify organisms
(CMCS 3.1) (CAS 4.2.1)
NOTE: After pressing the skull chart key (above) use your browser's forward
and back keys to flip between this page and the skull chart.
Start Here!!
1. No gap (diastema) between incisors and cheek teeth: Go to Order Insectivora
(Moles and shrews); go to key below.
2. Gap (diastema) between incisors and cheek teeth: Go to Order Rodentia (Rats,
voles, and mice); go to key below.
Order insectivora (Moles and shrews)
Zygomatic arch complete, skull flat and broad ---- (Moles) Go to
Zygomatic arch not complete, skull not flat and
broad --------------
(Shrews) Go
to 3
Upper teeth 10 on each side: mandibular teeth 8 (SE Mole)
each -------------Upper teeth 10 on each side: mandibuIar teeth
11 on each side --------------
(NW Mole)
Skull 1.0 to 1.5cm total length; upper teeth 9 on
each side --------------
(Least Shrew)
Skull greater than 1.5cm total length; upper teeth
Go to 4
10 on each side -------------Skull robust; second and third teeth of same size
and larger than fourth and fifth teeth which are
(Short Tailed
Shrew) Blarina
also of the same size; sixth tooth minute and
hidden from lateral view -------------Skull delicate; second through fifth teeth not
distinctly paired by size but almost uniform; sixth
Shrew) Sorex
minute but clearly visible from lateral view ------------Order rodentia (Rats, voles, and mice)
1. Infraorbital canal present -------------Infraorbital canal not present -------------2. Upper incisors distinctly grooved --------------
Go to 2
Go to 3
(Pocket Mouse)
Upper incisors not distinctly grooved ------------- (Pocket Gopher)
Skull flat and broad; cheek teeth acutely
3. angled and may appear as one continuous
Skull generally rounded; cheek teeth lobed or
rounded and easily distinguished individually
4. Upper incisors distinctly grooved --------------
(Pine Vole)
Go to 4
(Harvest Mouse)
Upper incisors not distinctly grooved ------------Go to 5
Posterior edge of palate ending well beyond
last cheek teeth --------------
Go to 6
Posterior edge of palate ending even with or
slightly beyond last cheek teeth
Go to 8
Upper incisors notched; anterior palatine
6. foramina extend well beyond anterior edge of
cheek teeth
Upper incisors not notched; anterior palatine
foramina do not extend well beyond anterior
edge of cheek teeth -------------7.
(House Mouse)
Go to 7
Posterior palatine foramina obvious and
(Rice Rat)
located just beyond last cheek teeth -------------- Oryzomys
Posterior palatine formina minute and located
between second pair of cheek teeth
Rat) Rattus
Zygomatic plate undercut and having a distinct
(Cotton Rat)
8. dorsal protrusion; second and third pair of
cheek teeth sigmoid or "S" Shaped -------------Zygomatic plate not undercut; cheek teeth not
sigmoid --------------
(Deer Mouse)