. T ABLE OF CONTENTS A detailed Table of Contents for each tide appears at the beginning of the tide \ Page Introduetİon . [7] Arrangement ofTİdes by Volum e [9] Referenees and Abbrevİatİons [15] Abbrevİatİons ofReports used İn the W ork [17] Table ofStatutes [37] Table Instruments ofStatutory [41 ] Table ofCases [55] Admiralty . 3 Agene y 51 Agriculture . 109 Part 1 Agricultural Development and Marketing 129 Part 2 Plant Varieties and Plant Health. 620 Part 3 Agricultural Tenaneies 713 Part 4 Agricultural Credits 935 Part 5 Employment 959 Index. . 1013 [ 13 ] ADMIRAL TY Table ofContents Preliminary Nafe. Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 Supreme Court Act 1981, ss 20-24, 150,151(1),153(1)-(3) Civiljurisdiction andjudgments Act 1982, ss 26,50,52,53,55, Sch 13, Pt l, Pt II, para 6 . County Courts Act 1984, ss 26-31, 59, 66(1)(a), 73, 78,147(1),150,151 Page 3 4 17 31 36 Cross References For Admiralty Board . Admiralty Court . Cinque Ports Crimes within the Admiralty]urisdietion . Limitation of Aetions Marine Insuranee . Praetiee and Proeedure . Prize ]urisdietion and Law Shipping Law, generally S!ave Trade See fitle Constitutiona! Law Courts Courts Crimina! Law; Commonwealth Limitation of Aqions Insuranee Courts; County Courts Prize Shipping and Navigation Trade and Industry (Pt 3) Preliminary N ote The modern Admiralty jurisdiction of the courts dates from a statute of Richard II, namely, the Admiralty Jurisdiction Act 1391 (repealed), which was passed to limit the jurisdiction of the Court of the Lord High Admiral to the high seas and the great rivers "below the bridges", and thereby prevent the increasing usurpation ofthejurisdiction of the Common Law Courts over cases arising in inland tidal waters. The statutes included within this title are the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890, and certain Admiralty provisions of the Supreme Court Act 1981, the CivilJurisdiction andJudgments Act 1982 and the County Courts Act 1984. The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 established Colonial Courts of Admiralty to supersede the previously existing Vice-Admiralty Courts in British possessions. The jurisdiction of these courts, subject to limitations imposed by the Coloniallegislature (see s 3), is co-terminous with the Admiralty jurisdiction of the High Court of England as it existed at the time of the passing of the Act (see s 2) and as subsequently extended in relation to particular colonies, by Orders in Council made under the Administration of Justice Act 1956, s 56(2), and now having effect under the Supreme Court Act 1981, s 150. Appeal from the judgments of such courts lies to Her Majesty in Council, subject to the provisions contained in s 6 of the 1890 Act. The Admiralty may be empowered by commission under the Great Seal to establish a Vice-Admiralty Co urt in a British possession and vest in such court all or any of the Admiralty jurisdiction of other courts in the possession (s 9 of the 1890 Act). The Administration of Justice Act 1956, Pt i originally govemed the Admiralty jurisdiction ofboth the High Court and county courts. That Part, so far as it applied to county courts, was consolidateci in, principally, the County Courts Act 1959, ss 55-61. Ss 58 and 59 of the 1959 Act, which dealt with the transfer of Admiralty proceedings to or from a county court, were repealed and replaced by provisions of the Supreme Court 3 .. AGENCY Table of Contents Page 51 53 60 62 69 Preliminary Nofe . Faetors Aet 1889 . Aeeommodation Ageneies Act 1953 . Powers of Attorney Aet 1971, ss 1,3-7,10, 11, Sehs 1,2 . Estate Agents Aet 1979 . For Aneillary Credİt Busİness Auetİoneers Bankruptey, Effeet of Carrİers Corruptİon of Agents Eleetİon Agents Insuranee Brokers Money-lender's Agents . Patent Agents Sale of Goods Theatrİeal Agents . Trustees, Employment of Agents Valuers and Appraİsers . Cross References Consumer Credit Auetİon Bankruptey and Insolveney Carrİers Crİmİnal Law; Eleetions Eleetİons Insuranee Consumer Credİt Patents and Desİgns Sale of Goods Theatres Trusts and Settlements (Pt 1) Valuers and Appraİsers Preliminary N ote i, The generallaw of agency is to be found in decided cases and not in the statute book (see generaııy 1 Halsbury's Laws (4th edn) paras 701 et seq), and although the re are many statutes in which the relationship of principal and agent is incidentaııy referred to, there are only four statutes, namely, the Factors Act 1889, the Accommodation Agencies Act 1953, the Powers of Attorney Act 1971 and the Estate Agents Act 1979, to be included in this title. The Factors Act 1889 consolidated and somewhat extended the Factors Acts of 1823, 1825, 1842 and 1877, aıı of which it repealed. Despite its title it deals with aıı classes of mercantile agents and not factors alone. The Factors Acts were passed to afford protection to persons dealing with factors in good faith and without notice. Additional protection to persons so dealing, not only with factors, but als o with buyers of goods, was afforded from time to time. it is only in cases where an owner has in so me way been deprived ofhis goods without his authority that the legislation in question is required, for, if he is not so deprived, no legislation is needed to protect bona fide transactions with agents and buyers (Cahn v Pockett's Bristol Channel Steam Packet Co [1899] 1 QB 643 at 652, CA per ALSmith L]). In Cole v North Western Bank (1875) LR 10 CP 354 at 372, Blackbum] stated the 51 .. AGRICUL TURE Outline Table ofContents Pag e 109 129 620 713 935 959 Preliminary Nole . Pt 1 : Agricultural Development and Marketing Pt 2: Plant Varieties and Plant Health Pt 3: Agricultural T enancies Pt 4: Agricultural Credits Pt 5: Employment Cross Refere For Agricultural Rates Allotments . Anima1s, generally Common Pasture . Diseases of Animals Drainage Fisheries; fishing . Game and Sporting Rights Land Improvement Milk and Dairies . Smallholdings . . . See tı le .." s ~ Rating Allotments and Smallholdings Animals Commons Animals Land Drainage Fisheries Animals Land Drainage Food AlIotments and Smallholdings Preliminary Note The Acts falIing within the tide Agriculture have, for ease of reference, been grouped under the following heads: (1) Agricultural Development and Marketing (2) Plant Varieties and Plant Health (3) Agricultural Tenancies (4) Agricultural Credits (5) Employment This note follows the same divisions, but additionally includes a brief oudine of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Communities, which immediately follows Part 1: Agricultural Development and Marketing. Part 1: Agricultural Development and Marketing Apart from the nationalised industries, there can be few activities that are assisted and controlled by the State to the same extent as is farming. The aim of many of the statutory provisions dealt with in Pt 1 is to assist farmers and improve the effıciency of farming in this country. Assistance is given to farmers by providing the machinery for making grants, subsidies and other payments; by providing technical assistance through such 109 ii' .. 129 CONTENTS iIii 'il Part 1 Agricultural Development and Marketing Table ofContents Com Returns Aet 1882 . Com Sales Aet 1921 Horticultural Produee (Sales on Commission) Aet 1926 . Agrieultural Produee (Grading and Marking) Aet 1928 . Agrieultural Produee (Grading and Marking) Amendment Aet 1931 . Agrieulture Aet 1937, ss 1,3-5,29-32,34 . Agrieultural Development Aet 1939 . . . . . . Agrieulture (Miseellaneous War Provisions) A 1940, ss 27,33 . Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Aet 194 , ss 1, 14, 16. . Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Aet 194 , ss 1, 15, 18,22-24 . Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Aet 194 ,ss 1,9,10, Sehedule Hill Farming Aet 1946 . Agrieulture Aet 1947, ss 1, 2, 8,10,11,14,20,73-75,82-84,86,88-90,92-101,103 109,111, Sehs 2, 9,11. Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Act 1949, ss 12,15-17 . ~ Page 130 135 136 138 146 149 156 159 160 161 164 167 190 224 225 Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Act 1950 , 228 Livestoek Rearing Aet 1951 232 Agrieulture (Fertilisers) Aet 1952 235 Agrieulture (Ploughing Grants) Aet 1952 237 Agrieulture (CalfSubsidies) Aet 1952 240 Agrieultural Land (Removal ofSurfaee Soil) Aet 1953 243 Hill Farming Aet 1954 . 245 Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Aet 1954, ss 2, 5,6,15-17 249 Pests Aet 1954, ss 1-4,7,13-15 255 Agrieultural Researeh Aet 1956 256 Hill Farming Aet 1956 . 257 Agrieulture (Silo Subsidies) Aet 1956 258 Agrieulture Aet 1957 273 Agrieultural Marketing Aet 1958 329 Agrieulture Aet 1958, ss 5,8-11, Seh 1, Pt I, para 4, Sch 4, paras 1-4, 10 333 Agrieulture (Smail Farmers) Aet 1959 339 Agrieultural Improvement Grants Act 1959 341 WeedsAet1959 . 346 Hortieulture Aet 1960 . 356 Agrieultural Researeh ete (Pensions) Act 1961 Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Act 1963, ss 4, 5, 8-10,12,23,26,27,29 Agrieulture and 357 367 Hortieulture Aet 1964 389 Cereals Marketing Aet 1965 Agrieulture Aet 1967, ss 1, lA, 2-29 33-35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 45-55, 57, 58,60-62,64,65, 69-72,74,75, Sehs 1-3, 5,7 . Farm and Garden Chemieals Aet 1967 Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Aet 1968, ss 38-40,47,50-53,54(1), (4), Seh 8 Agrieulture Aet 1970, ss 1-30,32-35,103,107,108,110,111,113, Seh 1, Sch 5, Pts I, II, IV,V Agrieulture (Miseellaneous Provisions) Aet 1972, ss 4. 9. 10, 12, 17, 21, 25-27, Seh 6 European Communities Aet 1972, ss 1(1),6,12 414 506 511 520 561 572 ııı ii r 130 VOL 1 AGRICULTURE (Pt 1) Horticulture (Special Payments) Act 1974 . Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, ss 3-5, 7,15,25,26,27(1), (2), (6), Sch 3, Sch 4, Pt II . Agricultural Statistics Act 1979 Hops Marketing Act 1982 . .i Agricultural Marketing Act 1983 Pig Industry Levy Act 1983 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1984 . CORN RETURNS ACT 1882 (45 & 46 Vict c 37) ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Section 1 Short title 2 Extent of Act 4 Returns of purchases of British corn, and publication of average price. 5 Weekly returns ofpurchases of British corn. 8 Computing of corn 9 Computation and publication of averages by Board of Trade . 11 Penalty for failure to make return 12 Penalty for false return . 14 Regulations as to execution of Act and supply ofbooks, ete 15 Expenses 17 Recovery of fines . 18 Definitions. An Act to amend the Law respecting the obtaining of Corn Returns [10 August i As to the delegation of certain functions of the Minister (other than those under s 14 post) under this to the Home-Grown CereaIs Authority, see the Agriculture Act 1970, s 108(1), (4), and the Com Retu (Delegation offunctions) Order 1981, Sıı 981/142; and as to publication of contents of retums fumishe the Authority by virtue of the delegation, see s 108(2) of that Act. Transfer offunctions. By the Transfer offunctions (Wales) (No 1) Order 1978, SI 1978/272, art 4 Sch 2, the functions of the Minister of Agriculture, fisheries and food under this Act are transferred to t Minister and the Secretary of State jointly. Northern Ireland. This Act does not apply; see s 2 post. 18~ 1 Short title This Act may be cited as the Com Returns Act 1882. 2 Extent of Act This Act shall not extend to . . . Ireland. NOTE The words omitted were repealed by the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954, s 17(2), Sch ~ 3 (Repealed by the SLR Act 1898.) 620 VOL 1 AGRICUL TURE (Pt 2) ~ Part 2 Plant Varİetİes and Plant Health Table ofContents Agriculture (MisceIlaneous Provisions) Act 1954, ss 9, 17 Plant Varieties and Seeds Act 1964 Plant Health Act 1967 . Agriculture (MisceIlaneous Provisions) Act 1968, ss 43(2), (3), 50(3), 54(1), (4) Agriculture Act 1970 73A, 74, 74A, 75-87,110,111,113(1), SS 66-73, (2), (4) Agriculture (MiseeIla ous Provisions) Act 1972, ss 20, 26(2), 27(1). European Communitie Act 1972, ss 1(1),4, Sch 3, Pt III. . . Plant Varieties Act 198 . . . . . . . ~ . . . Pag e 620 623 668 675 677 706 708 710 AGRICUL TURE (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1954 (2 & 3 Eliz 2 c 39) , J .. An Act to continue the power to make grants or contributions in respeet of field drainage, liming and other matters; to amend Part IV of the Agriculture Act 1947 with respeet to the holdings to be treated as smallholdings, and to the contributions to losses of smallholdings authorities; to alter the manner of appointing nominated members of Agricultural Land Tribunals, and enable those Tribunals to award costs and to refer questions of law to the High Court; to amend the Agricultural Holdings Act 1948 with respeet to the operation of certain notices to quit; to make further provision with respeet to research and education in sugar beet growing, to the collection of waste for use as animal feeding stujJs, to preventing the spread of pests and diseases by imported bees and to the application of the Diseases of Animals Act 1950 to air transport; to amend the Seeds Act 1920 with respeet to the consequences of contraventions of that Aet, and to the delivery and tiffeet of particulars given thereunder; to amend the law as to agricultural wages of holiday workers in Seotland; and to extend the Corn Returns Aet 1882 to Seotland [4 june 1954] Northern Ireland. The provisions of this Act printed in this part of this tide do not apply; see s 16 of this Act, Pt 1 of this tide ante. 1-8 (S 1 repeals in part the Agriculture Act 1947, s 96, Pt 1 of this title ante; for ss 2, 5, 6, see Pt 1 of this title ante ;for s 3, see Vol 2, title Allotments and Smallholdings; s 4 repealed by the Agriculture Act 1958, s 10(1), Sch 2, Pt I; s 7 repealed by the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s 26(3), Sch 4, Pt II; s 8 repealed by the Sugar Aet 1956, s 32(2); see now s 18 afthat Act, Vol 47, title Trade and Industry (Pt 3).) 9 Colleetion ofkitehen waste ete for animal feeding stuffs in England and Wales (1) A local authority in England or Wales may, whether in the discharge of their functions as to the removal ofhouse or trade refuse or otherwise, collect kitchen or other waste in their area for use as animal feeding stuffs, with or without processing. (2) An authority collecting waste under this section may agree to pay for waste sav ed Aı LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT 1851 s 2 713 Part 3 Agricultural Tenancies Table of Contents Pag e gs Act . . . . . . . . . 714 Landlord and Tenant Act1948 1851 ....................................................................................... 713 AgricultureAct19 . . 786 Agricultural HOldi8,ss4,8-11,Schl,PtI,paras4,21,Sch4,paras5,9,11. Agriculture (Miseel aneous Provisions) Act 1963, ss 20, 22, 29 . . . . . 792 Agriculture (Miseel aneous Provisions) Act 1968, ss 9, 10, 12, 13,15,17,50,53,54(1), (4), Sch 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795 Agriculture(Miscel . . .804 1 aneousProvisions) Act 1972, ss 15,26(2),27(1 ). Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, ss 18-25,26(2),27(1), (6), Sch 3A 806 Rent (Agriculture) Act 1976 . .. 826 Agricultural Holdings (Notices to Quit) Act 1977. 889 Rent (Agriculture) Amendment Act 1977 .. 910 Housing Act 1980, ss 73(5), 155(1), Sch 8, Pts II, III, Sch 25, Pt II, para 63 911 Agricultural Holdings Act 1984 914 LANDLORDANDTENANT ACT 1851 (14 & 15 Vict C 25) An Act to improve the Law oj Landlord and Tenant in relation to Emblements, to growing Crops seized in Execution, and to Agricultural Tenants Fix:tures [24 JuLy 1851] The short title was given to this Act by the Short Titles Act 1896. Northern Ireland. This Act applies. 1 (Repealed by the SL(R) Act 1971.) 2 Growing crops seized and sold under execution to be liable for accruing rent In case all or any part of the growing crops of the tenant of any farm or lands shall be seized and sold by any sheriff or other offıcer by virtue of any writ of fıeri facias or ~ other writ of execution, such crops, so long as the same shall remain on the farms or lands, shall, in default of suffıcient distress of the goods and chattels of the tenant, be liable to the rent which may accrue and become due to the landlord af ter any such seizure and sale, and to the remedies by distress for recovery of such rent, and that notwithstanding any bargain and sale or assignment which may have been made or executed of such growing crops by any such sheriff or other offıcer. NOTES Distress. As to execution on crops where there is a covenant against removal, see the Sale of Farming Stock Act 1816, Vol 13, title Distress. For the position of growing crops with regard to distress, see the Distress for Rent Act 1737, V 0113, title Distress. O! AGRICUL TURAL CREDlTS ACT 1923 s 3 935 d f Part 4 Agricultural Credits Table of Contents Page 935 936 948 950 952 954 956 Agricultural Credits Act 1923 . Agricultural redits Act 1928 . Agricultural redits Act 1932 . Agricultur (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1944, ss 2, 9, 10 Agricultu al Mortgage Corporation Act 1956 Agriculture Act 1967, ss 68,72(1), (4), 74, 75(1), (5), (8) . Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, ss 2, 25, 26(1), (2),27(1) . AGRICUL TURAL CREDITS ACT 1923 (13&14Ge05c34) An Act to facilitate the advance of money and the grant of credit for certain agricultural purposes, and to amend the Improvement ofLand Act 1864, andfor purposes connected therewith [31 JuLy 1923] Northern Ireland. This Act does not apply. 1,2 (5 1 repealed by National Loans Act 1968, s 24(2), (3), Sch 6, Pt II; s 2 repealed by the SLR Act 1950.) 3 Amendment of Land Improvement Acts (1) Notwithstanding any provision in the Improvement of Land Act 1864 which limits the rate of interest payable under a charge created under such Act, the rate of interest under such a charge may be such as the Minister may from time to time authorise. (2) The foregoing provisions of this section shall apply also to any existing Act of Parliament which authorises a company to execute or advance money for the execution ofimprovements of agriculturalland. (3) Where an application is ma de under any such Act for sanction of a charge on any lands in respect of the erection or improvement of a farmhouse or of a cottage for occupation by a person engaged in cultivation of the said lands or any of them, the Minister may, if satisfıed that the erection or improvement is required for the proper cultivation of the land, sanction the charge although it may not be shown that the work will effect a direct yearIy increase in the value of the lands exceeding the yearIy amount proposed to be charged thereon. (4) ... (5) (Applies to Seotland only.) i . AGRICUL TURAL W AGES ACT 1948 959 Part 5 Employment Table ofContents Agricu!tura! Wages Act 1948 . Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1949, ss 8, 17 Agriculture (Poisonous Substances) Act 1952 Agriculture (Safety, Health and Welfare Provisions) Act 1956 . AgricultureAct1967,ss67,75(1),(8) . . . . . . Agrid~lture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1968, ss 46, 50(1), (3), 51,54(1), (4) Agricultura! Training Board Act 1982 Page 959 980 982 985 992 995 999 AGRICUL TURAL W AGES ACT 1948 (11 & 12 Geo 6 c 47) ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS The Agricu/ıura/ Wages Board and Agricu/tura/ Wages Commillees Section 1 The Agricultural Wages Board for England and Wales. 2 Agricultural wages committees for counties and combinations of counties . Wages Page 960 960 and Holidays 3 Power of Agricultural Wages Board to fix wages, holidays and other terms and conditions 4 Enforcement of wages and holidays orders. 5 Permits to incapacitated persons 6 Provisions as to learners . 7 Reckoning ofbenefits and advantages as payment of wages 8 Power of agricultural wages committee to award additional wages for piece work in certain =~. . . . . . . 9 Provisions as to applications, ete, to agricultural wages committees 10 Criminalliability of agents and special defence open to employer . . . Supp/emenıary 11 A voidance of agreements in contravention of this Act and saving for other agreements, ete 12 Offıcers 13 Annual reports 14 Expenses 15 Evidence of resolutions and orders of the Board and agricultural wages committees 16 Power to give effect to, and modify, this Act as respects holidays and holiday remuneration 17 Interpretation 18 London 19 Isles ofScilly 962 963 965 967 968 969 969 970 971 972 973 973 974 974 974 975 975