Application for Sophomore Year Exerience

African American Male Mentorship Program-LLC
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
Residential Living and Learning
This community is open to all mentors and mentees of the African American Mentorship Program
(AAMP) through an application process. Up to 30 residents will be chosen based on interest and
commitment to the purpose of the AAMP LLC. If accepted into the AAMP LLC, members should
understand that they will be assigned to a room in the Phase II for the Fall 2014-Spring 2015 academic
year, and required to live within the community for the full academic year.
To receive priority consideration for the program, please complete the application below and email it to, by July 04, 2014. All applicants will receive notification by August 1, 2014.
African American Mentorship Program (AAMP) LLC Learning Outcomes:
Through participation in the AAMP LLC, community members will:
 Explore issues of leadership through opportunities for involvement and learning
 Develop positive interpersonal relationships with faculty, peers, LLC community members, and
University staff through opportunities for active engagement and community building
 Develop essential leadership skills relevant to future careers and success as a college student
 Contribute to the intellectual and academic community environment through sharing, exploration
and questioning of self and others’ experiences
African American Mentorship Program (AAMP) LLC Expectations and Requirements
All members of the AAMP LLC must meet the following expectation and requirements:
 Mentors must maintain a 2.3 cumulative grade point average and a 2.0 semester average; all
mentees must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and a 2.0 semester average.
 Mentors and Mentees must attend 80% of all meetings and intellectual sessions throughout the
As a participant in the AAMP Living Learning Community, my responsibilities are:
 Meet all the expectations of the LLC Program Model (See below)
 Meet all requirements necessary to remain enrolled at Texas A&M University-Commerce. This
includes remaining in good academic and judicial standing.
 Respect fellow community members, resident assistants, A&M-Commerce staff, faculty members,
and others met during this experience.
 Act with integrity in everything that is done for the community and represent the A&M-Commerce
Living Learning Program with courtesy & professionalism.
 Be willing to collaborate with others as well as be proactive in helping the community reach its
AAMMP LLC Common Reading Program
New for the 2014-2015 academic year, the AAMMP LLC will be implementing a common reading book for
all participants. This book will be provided to students accepted to enroll within the LLC. It is the
expectation of the program that all members of the LLC read the book and actively engage in
conversations surrounding the topics that are being discussed.
AAMMP Mentor/Mentee Commitment
Each mentee selected for the program will be grouped into a mentee group and paired with a mentor. It is
the expectation of the coordinators of the program that these groups meet consistently throughout the
semester and engage in conversations surrounding: the presented educational sessions, study and life
skills, and the common reading program.
Housing Requirement for the AAMMP LLC
Returning Applicants:
 Returning applicants are required to re-apply for the Living and Learning Community;
 All returning applicants must apply and be accepted into the AAMMP program to be accepted onto
the floor;
 Applicants must have applied for housing for the upcoming semester, if not applied they must
apply and pay for housing;
 Once accepted into the Living and Learning Community, the applicants housing will be re-assigned
to the LLC
New Applicants:
 Applicants must apply and pay for housing;
 Once accepted into the Living and Learning Community, applicants will be re-assigned to the LLC
Removal from the AAMMP LLC
Failure to uphold the expectations of the AAMMP program or the AAMMP LLC will result in a warning to
be issued to the student. Repeated demonstration of these behaviors will result in the immediate removal
of student from the AAMMP LLC, and will result in the student being re-assigned to a different
community, which may be within a different residence hall and may result in a balance on the students
account due to the change of housing options.
African American Mentorship (AAMP) LLC Applicant Personal Information
Name: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Phone Number: Click here to enter text
CWID #Click here to enter text.
Preferred E-mail Address:Click here to enter text.
University Email Address:Click here to enter text.
Home Address: Click here to enter text.
Intended Major:Click here to enter text.
Name of Preferred Roommate: Click here to enter text.
*To request a roommate, both individuals must apply, request each other and be accepted for the
intended community. By placing a name in the preferred roommate box, you are making a request to live
with that individual. All requests are considered, but are not guaranteed.
Please continue to the next page for further application questions.
African American Male Mentorship Program (AAMMP) Living Learning Community
application questions:
(1) Why are you interested in being a part of the AAMP LLC?
Click here to enter text.
(2) Please describe your personal philosophy of leadership.
Click here to enter text.
(3) Why is your view on a successful mentor/mentee relationship?
Click here to enter text.
(4) Scholarship is a crucial component of this community. Give an example of how you work to
achieve your dream of a successful college education.
Click here to enter text.
(5) Please give an example of a person you look up to, and explain why you admire them.
Click here to enter text.
My name typed/signed below is an indication of my commitment to comply with all the stated LLC
Applicant Name: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Please submit all application materials via email to
Kyle Williams, Area Coordinator of Residential Living and Learning at
For questions, please contact Kyle Williams at 903.468.4405 or by email at