Management Department Long Range Plan 2007-2012 List of Abbreviations in the Report AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business BAA: Business Alumni Association BAC: Business Advisory Council BAC Degree: Bachelor of Accounting BBA Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration CIC: Continuous Improvement Committee CIU: Continuous Improvement Unit GSSO: Graduate Student Service Office MBA: Master of Business Administration SSU: Student Service Unit Strategic Theme I: Academic Excellence GOAL # 1: ATTRACT AND REWARD OUTSTANDING FACULTY; SUPPORT HIGH QUALITY TEACHING AND RESEARCH Strategies: 1. Continue efforts to recruit and retain full and part-time faculty who represent the highest quality instructors and researchers in their respective fields 2. Implement and enhance a plan to encourage, assess and improve classroom teaching and student-faculty interaction 3. Develop and implement a faculty development plan that provides faculty members with the support and resources needed for maximum personal growth and development 4. Increase opportunities for practitioner interaction with faculty in the delivery of the curriculum 5. Improve information and communication technology infrastructure and its use within the department 6. Increase coordination of teaching effectiveness activities with the Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) 7. Foster a corporate culture that encourages team work and faculty cooperation and collaborations Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics 1. Continue to improve teaching skills of Continuing Dean Attendance at both full and part-time faculty through 1) Department Chair conferences faculty attendance at international All Faculty Record of experts conferences, 2) inviting recognized experts conducting workshops in teaching methodology to conduct Records of workshops and 3) faculty participation in participating in technical training opportunities technical training opportunities Student evaluations of teaching EBI Survey Senior and Graduating MBA surveys 2. Continue to seek new ways to recognize Continuing Dean Development of new excellence in teaching including the Department Chair recognition programs examination of financial awards and Student evaluations of 1 participation in recognized programs such as the Harvard case teaching workshop 3. Continue to encourage the use of tools that enhance critical thinking and communication skills such as case competitions 4. Continue to encourage faculty to make full use of available conference and research grants 5. Maintain orientation programs for new part-time and full-time faculty 6. Develop mentoring program for new full-time faculty Continuing Dean Department Chair Continuing 7. Continue efforts to improve faculty recruitment to include the use of advertising in relevant outlets and greater participation of faculty in international conferences 8. Integrate participating part-time faculty into work of the department more fully 9. Finalize and implement a comprehensive faculty development plan to assist faculty in maximizing their career potential and reaching personal career goals 10. Develop collaborative programs with American universities for faculty development Continuing Dean Department Chair Unit heads Dean Department Chair Dean Department Chair Faculty affairs committee Dean Department Chair Continuing Started Spring 2006 Continuing teaching EBI survey Senior and Graduating MBA surveys Annual reports Number of grants applied for and received Records of orientation program attendance Development and implementation of program Continuing Department Chair Record of recruitment efforts Quantity and quality of applications for faculty positions Level of participation Continuing Department chair Faculty affairs committee Development and implementation of plan Continuing Dean Progress of development of programs 2 11. Increase use of business professionals in the classroom as guest speakers, etc. Continuing All faculty Record of participation of business professionals Annual reports 12. Encourage more effective use of IT in the student learning process including hands-on training and practical applications 13. Continue to encourage faculty to write and use local teaching cases, focusing on the agreement with Thurderbird University and agreements with EJB 14. Encourage more interaction with the business community through practical research, cases, and consulting by members of faculty, and implementation of the protocol agreement with the Egyptian Junior Business Association 15. Encourage further collaborations and cooperation between the department faculty in research and teaching skills improvement, i.e., joint teaching, joint research, and joint student interactive services Continuing All faculty Continuing Dean Department Chair Number of cases started and completed during year Continuing Department Chair Annual reports Continuing Department chair Unit heads Annual reports 3 GOAL # 2: FOSTER CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF ACADEMIC STANDARDS AND INTEGRITY To maintain a continuous improvement environment that 1) stimulates faculty and students to identify opportunities for improvement and develop plans for implementation, 2) increases pride in programs, and 3) maintains the competitive stance of the business programs as the best in the regions Strategies: 1. Continue to implement an ongoing effective strategic planning process 2. Continue assessment of all aspects of the Department of Management 3. Continue to involve the Business Advisory Council and other stakeholders in continuous improvement of all aspects of the Department of Management Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics 1. Implement programs for assessment of Continuing All faculty Report of assessment all aspects of the Department of CIC of learning goals Management 2. Continue to monitor program elements Continuing CIU Results of surveys through alumni survey, senior survey, CIC graduating MBA survey, focus groups, etc. 3. Develop and implement a process to Fall 2007 Continuing CIU Report of results of evaluate the department chair and unit CIC evaluation heads 4. Develop, approve, implement and Fall 2007 Continuing All faculty Report on completion evaluate results of revised annual strategic CIC of action items plan Dean Department Chair 5. Develop post-accreditation long-term Fall 2006 Continuing All faculty Development of plans vision/plans for department CIC Dean Department Chair BAA BAC Student Advisory 4 Board 5 GOAL # 3: STRENGTHEN QUALITY OF CURRENT PROGRAMS, CREATE NEW REGIONALLY-COMPETITIVE PROGRAMS, RAISE TUITION AND ENHANCE ENROLLMENTS. THIS GOAL IS DIVIDIED INTO 2 PARTS: 1)CURRICULUM AND PROGRAMS AND 2) STUDENT RECRUITMENT 1) CURRICULUM AND PROGRAMS Maintain and improve high quality academic programs and services that 1) meet international standards for excellence, 2) recognize the dynamic nature of business and the evolving needs of Egypt and the Middle East, 3) provide the business community with high-quality graduates, 4) stimulate personal integrity and ethical business behavior, and 5) stress a global orientation Strategies: 1. Continue to monitor and improve BBA, BAC, and MBA degree programs through interacting with all stakeholders 2. Continue to place emphasis on personal integrity and ethical business behavior in all aspects of curriculum and program 3. Continue to include a global focus in all programs and courses Specific Actions Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics BBA AND BAC PROGRAMS 1. Develop requirements and/or opportunities Continuing Department Faculty survey for improvement of business communication Academic Affairs Evaluation of skills of BBA and BAC degree students Committee improvements implemented 2. Provide regular feedback to the entire End of fall semester Continuing Management Unit Faculty survey faculty on the implementation of new Head capstone Business Planning and Strategy course and Business Environment and Ethics course and assess their effectiveness MBA program 1. Publish and communicate 3-year MBA Started Continuing Department Chair Verification of course schedule to enable MBA students to GSSO publication of plan their academic careers while at the same schedule time using faculty resources most efficiently Graduating MBA students survey 6 2. Monitor implementation of MBA course in communication skills and assess its effectiveness BBA, BAC AND MBA PROGRAMS 1. Continue to implement the various elements of the curriculum continuous improvement plan 2. As part of the curriculum continuous improvement plan, develop and implement structures and processes at the unit level to monitor and make suggestions with regard to programs and curriculum revisions 3. Continue to monitor implementation of revised BAC, BBA and MBA curricula with special attention to maintaining currency and the adaptation of programs and curricula to evolving changes Continuing CIC Faculty survey Learning goals assessment Continuing CIC CIU Entire faculty Unit heads CIC Documentation of process Assessment results Reports of work on units Continuing Department chair Unit heads All faculty 4. Continue to implement and assess methods Continuing of integration of functional areas in all business degree programs CIC Department chair Unit heads All faculty Alumni survey Faculty survey Senior and graduating MBA student surveys Assessment results Started 5. Continue to obtain feedback from students on curriculum and other program issues Continuing 6. Continue efforts to ensure schedule of BBA, BAC and MBA courses meets student Continuing Continuing Unit heads Department Chair Reports from Dean’s Student Advisory Board Senior and Graduating MBA student surveys Reports from Dean’s Student Advisory 7 needs 7. Continue to seek advice from a variety of stakeholders on curriculum needs Continuing 8. Continue to look for opportunities for funding and other resources needed to support the programs of the department 9. Continue to focus on ethical business behavior within the context of the Egyptian society in all courses Continuing Dean CIU CIC Dean Continuing All faculty 10. Investigate opportunities for Fall 2006 collaborative degree programs with U.S. universities 11. Implement assessment of student learning Continuing program 12. Work to improve the global orientation in Continuing all courses that may be enhanced with knowledge transfer through guest speakers in class, foreign faculty visits, etc. Continuing Dean CIC CIU All Faculty Department chair Unit heads All faculty Board Senior and Graduating MBA student surveys Reports from BAC and other stakeholders Availability of new funding Senior and Graduating MBA student surveys Reports from continuous curriculum improvement plan implementation Progress on development of programs Reports of faculty assessment teams Documentation of course content and speakers 8 2) STUDENT RECRUITMENT Attract and retain the highest quality undergraduate and MBA students who seek superior business learning programs and who are dedicated to becoming leaders in business and in their communities Strategies: 1. Continue to implement and improve departmental processes that will ensure highest quality undergraduate students 2. Continue to implement and improve the MBA admissions and recruitment processes Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics 1. Investigate the perception of the Started Spring 2006 Continuing CIU Results of Department of Management among current investigation AUC students and top-tier potential students to assess strengths and weaknesses 2. Develop department recruitment Started Spring 2006 Continuing Graduate Programs Record of activities program to include recruitment at Committee conferences, meetings and employment Department Chair fairs of the American Chamber of Dean Commerce and other organizations such as the Egyptian Junior Business Association 3. Increase growth and involvement of Continuing President of BAA Record of growth and BAA involvement 4. Seek to increase financial resources to Started Spring 2006 Continuing Ad Hoc Increased fund-rasing support quality students Departmental strategies Committee 5. Develop an MBA “Showcase” to Continuing Graduate Programs Development of highlight program faculty, student, and Committee materials student-organization projects and successes CIU Department Chair 9 GOAL #4: STRENGTHEN RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AND EXPAND AUC’S INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS, PARTICULARLY THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE Strategies: 1. Continue to implement a comprehensive program that encourages and supports each individual faculty member to engage in the production of intellectual contributions appropriate to the individual's background and career goals 2. Continue to develop a portfolio of intellectual contributions that support the mission of the department through encouragement of existing faculty and through the selection of new faculty Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics 1. Through a department research series, Started Ongoing Dr. Sherif Kamel Faculty involved provide opportunities for faculty to share Number of attendees research activities and receive feedback Publications resulting from co-authoring 2. Implement excellence in Research Started Ongoing Dean Award 3. Develop and implement an intellectual Fall 2006 Ongoing Dean New research contributions enhancement plan that ill proposals support and increase research Conference applications 4. Plan and implement a process for the Started Ongoing Research Number of regular assessment of research and faculty committee publications in each of intellectual contributions activities different criteria including monitoring the blend of learning and pedagogical research, contributions to practice, and discipline based scholarship 5. Launch a conference with venue for Fall 2006 Yearly Research Quality of participants publications committee Number of participants Dr. Harlow 6. Launch an annual schedule for programs Fall 2006 Ongoing Research Rate of increased to improve faculty knowledge of research committee published work 10 and publishing skills 7. Introduce a departmental annual invitation for top management of large companies to facilitate research opportunities for faculty Started Ongoing Dean Faculty Conference presentations Number of guest speakers Cases produced on companies whose top management are included 11 Strategic Theme II: Institutional Effectiveness GOAL #1: PURSUE INSTITUTIONAL RE-ACCREDITATION AND PROGRAM ACCREDITATION. Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Keeping records and developing reports Continuing Dean pertaining to the maintenance of Department Chair accreditation. Faculty CIU GOAL #2: FURTHER STRENGTHEN ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT AND STUDENT SELECTION PROCESSES. THIS POINT WAS COVERED UNDER STUDENT RECRUITMENT ABOVE. Metrics 12 Strategic Theme VI: Student Experience GOAL #1: IMPROVE AND STREAMLINE STUDENT ADVISING AND COURSE REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. Strategies: 1. Continue to improve an infrastructure and programs that provide exceptional service to students and alumni 2. Continue to place a strong focus on quality student services that operate from admission to career placement Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics Continue to assess and improve faculty Continuing CIU Advising survey academic advising process through assessment and feedback 13 GOAL #2: FURTHER DEVELOP CO-CURRICULAR AND EXTRA CURRICULAR PROGRAMS AND OPPORTUNITIES. Strategies: 1. Continue to expand the opportunities for learning and student-faculty interaction in informal, non-classroom settings Action Item 1. Continue to encourage the BAC and BAA to provide internship opportunities for students 2. Prepare a presentation for BAA and BAC on internships 3. Faculty meet with BAC and BAA once a year 4. Develop AUC Marketing Club Start Date Continuing Completion Date Responsible Party Dean President of BAA Metrics Number of internships developed Started Regularly 2005-2006 year Continuing Academic Affairs committee of dept. Department Chair Started 2005 On-going Marketing Unit Head 5. Ask BAA to broaden their base and promote its activities to include MBA students and to study the possibility of taking over the old MAC as part of its activities 6. Continue to monitor opportunities for improvement of classroom facilities including better equipment, additional smart classrooms and new innovation in information technology 7. Convert Golden Room into smart classroom 8. Work with business alumni association to engage in programs to enhance out-of- Started 2005 Continuing President of BAA Delivery of presentation Number of faculty attending Club development Number of meetings Number of students participating Report from BAA president Continuing Fall 2005 Continuing Spring 2007 All faculty Survey of faculty Dean Completion of project Department Chair Documentation of programs developed 14 class learning 9. Develop a database of BAA and BAC members who would be willing to help with class projects, serve as speakers, etc. Make a database readily available to faculty 10. Cooperate with CAPS to organize and create a system for soliciting internships. Seek to develop joint operations for internships between CAPS and SSU 11. Investigate internships for credit Started 2005 Continuing CIU Completion of database Number of entries in database Started 2005 Continuing Department Chair SSU Development of program Started 2005 Continuing 12. Develop written plan for improvement of GSSO Started 2005 Continuing Academic Affairs Committee Graduate Programs Committee 13. Continue to investigate new initiatives that would encourage greater out-of-class faculty-student interaction 14. Investigate ways to increase facultystudent interaction with student focus groups 15. Continue to monitor new program of required career and job interview workshops for graduating seniors including techniques for creating a positive image of AUC graduates among employers Continuing Report of Academic Affairs Committee Completion of document Changes enacted Documentation of additional activities for interaction Report from focus group research Started Fall 2005 Continuing All faculty Continuing CIU CIU CAPS survey 15 Strategic Theme IV: Service GOAL #1: DEEPEN AND EXPAND VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE LEARNING PROGRAMS. Strategies: 1. Offer service to the business community and learning opportunities for students through field-based learning programs 2. Continue to expand and encourage the support of stakeholders such as the Business Advisory Council in program development and implementation Action Item Start Date Completion Date Responsible Party Metrics 1. Encourage faculty to do service learning, Continuing Department Chair Number of classes the project partner plan (student and faculty Unit Heads including such teams consulting on real problems) and the activities as reported curriculum partner plan (a specialist in a in syllabi and annual company becomes a resource to faculty in a reports specific course) in classes 2. Prepare a presentation for BAA and Started Fall 2005 Regularly Academic Affairs Delivery of BAC to encourage such activities Committee presentation 3. Develop a database of BAA and BAC Started 2005 Continuing CIU Completion of members who would be willing to help database with class projects, serve as speakers, etc. Number of members Make database readily available to faculty included 4. Investigate development of Business Continuing Dean Development of Roundtable or other structure to provide program greater cooperation with business and to provide students with access to business leaders 5. Plan and implement a process for the Continuing CIU Assessment completed regular assessment of external relationships CIC and results reported to faculty 16 17