

WMU College of Aviation

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2008 - 8:00 a.m.

Dean’s Conference Room


Rob Bunday, Program Manager

James Canders, Airport Operations Manager

Bill Feenstra, Maintenance

Anne Fry, Manager - Dispatch/Schedules

Rob Geske, Student Council

Tom Grossman, Chief Instructor

Steve Jones, Director Safety

Dave Schrader, Standards

Gil Sinclair, Faculty Chair

Rich Weir, ATC


Martin Grant, Faculty

Unfinished business from the last meeting:

The Committee discussed how to interpret and further evaluate the top two causal factors that had been assigned over the past year or so, inadvertent or intentional disregard for policy or procedure, and attention to detail. The question of whether a third tier causal factor might result in better data collection was discussed further with no conclusions reached. After the meeting

Gil S suggested we engage with Bill Rantz for help with this project. WIP Action: Committee.

Safety Reporting Forms:

08-177 – 9/23/08 -While retrieving aircraft documents for

Dispatch, magneto switches were found to be in the ON position.

The crew has been counseled. NFAR


08-178 – 9/25/08 - CAPS Pin - SR-20 - During preflight inspection the CAPS pin was found to have not been installed in the firing handle by the previous crew. WIP Action: Tom G. to investigate.

08-179 – 9/26/08 - Operating Procedures-FOM-Dispatch - Flight team activity authorized using the paper authorization form by an instructor other than the SOF. Will take offline to clarify policy.

WIP Action: Tom G./Steve J.

08-180 – 9/27/08 - Hard Landing – SR-20 - Student had a hard landing, porpoised, and performed a go around. Student landed uneventfully on the second attempt. Aircraft suffered damage to the nose gear and rudder. Issue was addressed at 10/8/08 CFI

Meeting and Tom G. address the issue with the student and instructor. NFAR

08-181 – 9/26/08 - ATC Incident-Controller Error – SR-20 -

Tower Controller issued taxi clearance to student solo while on short final. Student initially did not respond and ultimately did not land long as instructed due to the distraction. A review of the

Tower tape revealed that no taxi clearance was given. Causal factor changed to Readback/Hearback. Tom G will follow-up with crew. For the Committee, NFAR.

08-182 – 10/3/08 - ATC Incident-Other – SR-20 - Dual instructional flight, expecting clearance to RWY 5 per the ATIS, received clearance to land on RWY 31. Resulting confusion was resolved by receiving clearance to land on RWY 5. Rich W advised the Committee that his Tower controllers had not included the use of the second runway on the ATIS which led to the confusion. For the Committee, NFAR.



08-184 – 10/6/08 - ATC Incident-Pilot Error – SR-20 - Dual instructional flight called Tower inside the gate and entered Class

C airspace without clearance. Instructor has been counseled and

NASA report was filed. NFAR

08-185 – 10/83/08 - ATC Incident-Other – SR-20 - Tower controller was rushing, not allowing time for the crews to respond and stepping on their transmissions when they tried to respond.

Discussions were subsequently held with the controller and the situation will be monitored. For the Committee, NFAR.

08-186 – 10/6/08 - Handling Difficulty-No Intent for Flight

(Ground Movement) – CFI opened the entry door to a college

Beech Baron and was subsequently unable to close and secure the door without assistance from another CFI. Instructor counseled. NFAR

Around the Table:

Tom G reported that another crew had elected to take off without the tin having flown the aircraft the sortie before and that no discrepancies were noted. It was agreed that the issue would be taken off line for resolution. WIP Action: Tom G

James C reported that a hubcap was found on the runway belonging to one of the twins. The hubcap looked like it had been run over multiple times. FOD rundowns are completed at least once per day and always before an incoming charter operation.


There will be a Basic Airport Managers’ Meeting regarding Airport

Management conducted by MDOT on October 21 st from 0800-

1600 in Room 1207. The meeting will address basic fundamentals of airport management and is open to WMU students. Gil will speak with James regarding student attendance. For the Committee, NFAR


A discussion of the WMU policy of reporting the abeam position to

Tower in the closed pattern was held. A Western flight had been cleared to land prior to reaching the abeam position yet made the position report anyway. NFAR

Rob G reported overhearing one of the students discussing a possible near mid-air collision (NMAC). He will follow-up and report back to Steve J. Action: Rob G

The next meeting of the Safety Committee will be


October 22, at 0800.

Meeting adjourned at 0900.

