1 April Barabash CBSE 7201T Seminar in Applied Theory and Research I Fall 2012 Tuesdays: 6:05- 9:35 p.m. Room: 2104J Instructor: Dr. Sharon A. O’Connor-Petruso Mode: Hybrid: Classes will be online and onsite Wiki #2 Due: 10/9/12 Submit at least “six” annotations, cited in APA: 6th ed. format (this is the beginning of your Reference List) on Wikispaces before Class #5. 1. Tomporowski, P. Davis, C. Miller, P. Nagliericite, J. (2008). Exercise and children’s intelligence, cognition, and academic achievement. Educational Psychology Review. 2008 June 1. 20(2): 111–131. doi: 10.1007/s10648-007-9057-0 -MY WRITING There were many studies peer reviewed in this article. Students were given a pre-test and a post- test on a computer. The test was a matching test. The students got more answers correct on the post-test AFTER they exercised in PE. In another study there was no gain in number correct on the post-test in the area of what is called general mental functioning. - But, the one mental function that was positively affected, after exercising, in all the studies, was the area of the brain that does executive functioning. Children who had exercise first, and then did a test for only executive functioning of the brain all improved after exercise. - Executive function is a term that psychologists and medical professionals use to describe 2 the higher functions of our brain that help us control and self-manage ourselves. Here’s one technical definition: “The administrative portion of the brain that coordinates and regulates organization, time management and perception, deferred gratification, prioritization, attention, impulse control and persistence at tasks.” (Edge Foundation Blog. The Role of ADHD and Your Brain’s Executive Function) - Although in all the tests, all aspects of executive functioning improved after exercise, the question remains – Was executive functioning sustained hours later or was it tied immediately to the exercise? More studies need to be done. -This study suggests that higher levels of physical fitness in children, just as it has been proven in adults, may be associated with improved neurocognitive processing [12], and increased physical activity may enhance school 'on-task' behavior [13]. Increased physical activity may therefore provide cognitive and educational benefits across childhood and adolescence. - The study lasted a term of PE. -There were 2 groups. There was a lack of emphasis on aerobic activities in the control group, which they hoped would increase the contrast between intervention and control groups. - Academic tests were administered 3 weeks before the study began, in the middle of the 10 weeks and at the end of the 10 weeks. - Researchers could not count on the fact that children had an hour of activity in PE. - There are so many problems with the study that the researchers advocate to more studies. - I can learn two important points to teach from this article. If I can encourage students to become self-motivated to exercise at home, (maybe even a run before doing homework 3 instead of eating junk food) they will be mentally healthier. The second point is that I have to become an advocate for more gym. We in NY need the DOE to be in compliance with federal regulations and this is the science-backed part of our demand to help our children stay mentally sharper. ........................................................................................ Article: Tomporowski, P. Davis, C. Miller, P. Nagliericite, J. (2008). Exercise and children’s intelligence, cognition, and academic achievement. Educ Psychol Rev. 2008 June 1. 20(2): 111–131. doi: 10.1007/s10648-007-9057-0 Abstract Studies that examine the effects of exercise on children’s intelligence, cognition, or academic achievement were reviewed and results were discussed in light of (a) contemporary cognitive theory development directed toward exercise, (b) recent research demonstrating the salutary effects of exercise on adults’ cognitive functioning, and (c) studies conducted with animals that have linked physical activity to changes in neurological development and behavior. Similar to adults, exercise facilitates children’s executive function (i.e., processes required to select, organize, and properly initiate goaldirected actions). Exercise may prove to be a simple, yet important, method of enhancing those aspects of children’s mental functioning central to cognitive development. Conclusions Evidence accrued from research conducted over the past few years suggests that gains in children’s mental functioning due to exercise training are seen most clearly on tasks that involve executive functions. Executive functions are involved in performing goal-directed actions in complex stimulus environments, especially novel ones, in which elements are constantly changing. Behaviors such as these have long been seen as important for children’s adaptive functioning. Exercise training programs may prove to be simple, yet important, methods of enhancing aspects of children’s mental functioning that are central to cognitive and social development. Many questions concerning the relation between exercise and children’s cognitive functioning remain unanswered, however. It is unknown whether improvements in cognition caused by exercise are maintained following the termination of physical activity or if they decline. Further, it remains to be determined, for instance, if the benefits obtained are related to the type, duration, or intensity of exercise training programs. Answers to these questions will be attained through systematic research designed around contemporary exercise science and cognitive theory. At this 4 time, no theory has been proposed that satisfactorily addresses the relation between exercise and cognition. Several biological hypotheses have been presented that describe how exercise affects brain structure and function (Colcombe et al. 2004a, b; Vaynman and Gomez-Pinilla 2006). While intriguing, these hypotheses are limited to the study of physiological adaptations to exercise training. The merits of attempting to relate brain structure and function to children’s cognitive development and educational psychology have been the focus of considerable discussion (Byrnes and Fox 1998; Mayer 1998; O’Boyle and Gill 1998). Comprehensive theories have yet to be formulated that address numerous contextual and psycho-social factors that may moderate or mediate the relation between exercise and children’s cognitive function. Research that addresses the impact of physical activity on children’s physical health, mental function, and psychological well being is of critical importance. Authorities note that school administrators, who are faced with the demands of preparing children for standardized tests, have reduced children’s time spent in systematic physical activity programs. The time spent engaged in physical activity and recess by grade-school children in schools in the United States has declined significantly over the past decade (Allegrante 2004). Pleas to maintain physical activity in school curricula have been made by several researchers who provide evidence that participation in physical activity programs does not negatively impact children’s academic performance (Sallis et al. 1999; Shephard 1997; Sibley and Etnier 2003). The present review of research findings suggests that systematic exercise programs may actually enhance the development of specific types of mental processing known to be important for meeting challenges encountered both in academics and throughout the lifespan.][‘ References Allegrante JP. Unfit to learn. Education Week. 2004;24(14):38. Alonso-Alonso M, Pascual-Leone A. The right brain hypothesis for obesity. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2007;297(16):1819–1822. [PubMed] Amso D, Casey BJ. Beyond what develops when. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2006;15(1):24–29. Baddeley A. Working memory. New York: Oxford; 1986. Barde YA. Trophic factors and neuronal survival. 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[PubMed] ........................................................................................ 2.Watson, K. Baranowski, T. Thompson, D. (2012). Item response modeling: an evaluation of the children's fruit and vegetable self-efficacy questionnaire. Health Education Research. 21(1); i47-i57. http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publications.htm?seq_no_115=2049 45 - MY WRITING -A test with 24-items (five-point scale) FVSEQ (Fruit, Vegetable, Self Efficacy Questionnaire) was administered to 1578 fourth graders from 26 Houston schools. - The researchers found little to no significant difference in the way boys and girls 8 answered the questions in the study. However, there was significant difference by ethnic groups in 10 items or answers. - The way that children perceived their own power (self-efficacy) (SE) [4] to make choices in eating fruit and vegetables is the key. Any intervention lessons have to empower the children in their own eating patterns[5, 6]. - There is concern because young children do not eat fruit/veggies (FV) in healthy quantities. An intervention program is suggested and the kind of program suggested is to get children to want to eat FV on their own, without nagging or punishment. (eat your veggies or no ice cream) - A few studies have noted gender [27] and ethnic [28] differences in the eating habits of adults, this is the first study that has analyzed the item choice, or the response of the children and included an analysis of their ethnic or gender identity. - There was a control group who were given the test, without lessons and while the experimental group was given lessons. The lessons included a psycho educational interactive multimedia game delivered in 10 sessions over a 5-week period. Each session lasted ∼25 min. The program used social cognitive theory to attempt to increase (i) fruit, juice and vegetable (FJV) preferences, (ii) asking behaviors for FJV and (iii) skills in FJV preparation. The program also attempted to associate fun with consumption of FJV. The important word here is fun – the children were encouraged to associate fun with eating well. This is something I intend to include in my lessons and I am glad to see a study on fun and veggies! - Several items exhibited differing responses across ethnic groups. White children found it significantly easier than Black and Hispanic children to ‘ask” their parents to serve or buy 9 more FV. Blacks and Hispanics found it significantly easier than Whites to eat what their parents or the school cafeteria served them without complaint. According to the researchers, this difference was most likely due to ethnic differences in such as family structure or cultural differences and family dynamics. For example, Cullen et al. [28] showed that Whites were in families with greater meal planning practices. This difference provided additional insight into tailoring interventions for ethnic groups that incorporate the cultural differences of family dynamics. - More work is necessary to clarify ethnic differences. - One issue the researchers did not investigate is economic level. A child from a middle class family can more easily ask a parent to buy something while a poorer child learned very early in life not to ask for things – food, toys etc. This does not have a footnote except in real life observations. - The questionnaire could be improved. The researcher were interested in finding students with high efficacy and a question like - ‘I can eat a vegetable that is served for school lunch’ might be modified for greater difficulty as ‘I can eat any vegetable that is served in the school lunch.”- The middle answer “not sure” could indicate a child with high motivation or willingness to eat different f/v or one less self-motivated. Better wording might make the analysis stronger. -I will make my own questionnaire, being considerate of parents economic ability- and try to make eating F/V fun. ........................................................................................ Article: 10 Watson, K. Baranowski, T. Thompson, D. (2012). Item response modeling: an evaluation of the children's fruit and vegetable self-efficacy questionnaire. Health Education Research. 21(1); i47-i57. http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publications.htm?seq_no_115=2049 45 Abstract Perceived self-efficacy (SE) for eating fruit and vegetables (FV) is a key variable mediating FV change in interventions. This study applies item response modeling (IRM) to a fruit, juice and vegetable self-efficacy questionnaire (FVSEQ) previously validated with classical test theory (CTT) procedures. The 24-item (five-point Likert scale) FVSEQ was administered to 1578 fourth graders from 26 Houston schools. The IRM partial credit model indicated the five-point response options were not fully utilized. The questionnaire exhibited acceptable (>0.70) reliability except at the extremes of the SE scale. Differential item functioning (DIF) analyses revealed no response bias due to gender. However, DIF was detected by ethnic groups in 10 items. IRM of this scale expanded what was known from CTT methods in three ways: (i) areas of the scale were identified that were not as reliable, (ii) limitations were found in the response format and (c) areas of the SE scale levels were not measured. The FVSEQ can be improved by including items at the extreme levels of difficulty. DIF analyses identified areas where IRM can be useful to improve the functioning of measures. Discussion The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the FVSEQ items and their stability across gender and ethnic groups using IRM [29]. CTT results showed that the FVSEQ scale had high internal consistency, the item difficulties were moderately easy to difficult and the items were discriminating. IRM complemented the results from CTT by showing (i) the scale yielded adequate reliability except for participants with very low or high levels of SE, (ii) the scale did not appear to adequately assess participants with high levels of SE and (iii) the five-point response format was not fully utilized. Additional information provided by IRM showed no gender DIF, but several items exhibited DIF across ethnic groups. Whites found it significantly easier than Blacks and Hispanics to perform ‘asking’ tasks, while Blacks and Hispanics found it significantly easier than Whites to perform intake behaviors such as eating a vegetable that is served. Examination by experts suggested this difference was more likely due to real ethnic differences in factors such as family structure, cultural differences in the activity or family dynamics. For example, Cullen et al. [28] showed that Hispanics were in families with a permissive style of parenting and Whites were in families with greater meal planning practices. This DIF likely provided additional insight into tailoring interventions to ethnic groups to incorporate cultural differences in family dynamics. More work is necessary to clarify ethnic differences. Results from IRM provided more in-depth information about the scale and identified areas in which the FVSEQ could be improved. For example, to target participants with high levels of SE, an item of average difficulty such as ‘I can eat a vegetable that is served for 11 school lunch’ might be modified for greater difficulty as ‘I can eat any vegetable that is served for school lunch every day’. Newer possibilities need to be explored, e.g. ‘I can make myself learn to like any vegetable’ or ‘I can problem solve to overcome any barrier to eating more vegetables’. Also, the current five-point scale should be replaced with fewer response options, or the response options should be changed so that responses will be more uniform. The strengths of this study include (i) ample sample size necessary to perform IRM, and more specifically, DIF analyses and (ii) the use of an existing and previously validated instrument to measure FVSE. The limitations of this study include the disregard of possible clustering within schools and the determination of ethnicity via school roster instead of self-report. Additional limitations include the use of ‘not sure’ as a neutral category, i.e. some error in estimating the true level of SE may be associated with the assumption that those who are ‘not sure’ reflect more positivity than ‘disagree’. In summary, IRM provided (i) difficulty estimates that were not dependent on this sample, (ii) the ability estimates of FV SE were not specific to the items on the instrument and (iii) measurement error was a function of ability. The major practical value of applying IRM was that although the test was adequately reliable, it was not measuring the full range of the construct. The scale was not able to provide discrimination among participants with higher levels of SE, thus indicating a need to revise the instrument. Although some items exhibited minor DIF, this can probably be ignored. Closer examination of these items in future studies should be performed to ensure that the items are not biased. A questionnaire revised to assess the full range of SE difficulty estimates should correlate better with FV intake. This work remains to be done. References . 1.↵ Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for school health programs to promote lifelong healthy eating. 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Preventive Chronic Disease. 6(3):A106. http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2009/ -MY WRITING -This article lays out all the toughest problems I will face teaching students who are overweight how to become; “Fit for Life.” - The family shapes children's dietary intake and eating habits (11-13) and their physical activity patterns (14). - If everyone in the family is overweight, but the parents do not think anyone is overweight, they may refuse to support their children in a weight lose diet. The authors in one study analyzed by Gruber and Halderman,- Borra S, Kelly L, Shirrefs M, Neville K, and Geiger C - are concerned about improving communication skills between parents, students and 15 teachers so that overweight students can develop healthier lifestyles and prevent obesity. - Obesity tends to run in families and the most effective way to intervene and help children lose weight is to influence and educate parents. ‘Some parents believe that actions that could help their children lose weight are ill-advised, so they refuse to support their engaging in strenuous activity. - Parental influence is a critical determinant of children's food preferences (60,61). Though the data are limited, research does suggest that some food preferences developed in early childhood persist into adulthood (62). - Evidence indicates that direct involvement of at least 1 parent improves a child's weight management (15). - Parental involvement has been identified as an important determinant influencing young girls to be physically active (14,67,68). - Results revealed that reinforcing weight loss for both the parent and the child produced the greatest weight loss over a 5-year period. - The authors share the perspective of Baranowski and Nader (74) who suggest that rather than pit an individual approach and a family-oriented approach against each other, involving the entire family may be helpful in determining how to best promote behavior change among all its members. - Teaching in a NYC public school is not an ideal environment. Ideally, my PE department should be able to attend a PTA meeting that is packed with parents, and we should be able to inspire all the parents (average and overweight) to get behind the idea that their children should join a team or exercise on a regular basis. Ideally, my department should be able to hire a social worker and a nutritionist who will meet on a monthly basis with the parents 16 and talk about health and wellness through diet. - In reality, I can only hope that a few of the less physically fit children have parents that remember to visit me on Open School Night so that I can gently tell them that their children may not pass gym if they do not wear sneakers and shorts to class. I will, of course, teach about fitness and eating healthy to the best of my ability no matter what circumstances I have at school. ...................................................................................... Article: Gruber, K. & Halderman, L.(2009). Using the Family to Combat Childhood and Adult Obesity. Preventive Chronic Disease. 6(3):A106. http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2009/ Abstract The purpose of this article is to emphasize the value of the family as a source of behavior change, particularly with respect to attaining achievable goals of weight loss and regular physical activity for youth and their families. We present a review of the literature, providing support for the value of the family in influencing children to form good diet and exercise behaviors and as a source of support and motivation for individuals seeking to lose or control their weight and to start and maintain a physically active lifestyle. Recognizing the importance of family behavior in the development of weight control and weight loss activities is essential. Future work should focus on identifying measurable parameters of family-level weight control behaviors and ways to apply those parameters to help create new interventions that use the strengths of the family for achieving weight control goals. Back to top Introduction The extensiveness of the obesity issue and the potential for obesity to affect the quality of life of individuals and families underscore the urgent need for actions that can produce safe weight loss and result in effective weight management (1). The solution seems simple 17 — take in fewer calories than you expend — but for most people this remedy is challenging. Diets and exercise routines can fail for many reasons. In part, this failure occurs because achieving weight loss through dieting or exercise requires maintenance of behavior change, which is difficult to sustain unless people have support (2-4). Support occurs most readily in a social environment that facilitates healthy eating and healthpromoting exercise. 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Evaluating a model of parental influence on youth physical activity. 19 Am J Prev Med 2003;25(4):277-82. Sallis JF, Prochaska JJ, Taylor WC, Hill JO, Geraci JC. Correlates of physical activity in a national sample of girls and boys in Grades 4 through 12. Health Psych 1999;18(4):410-5. Thompson VJ, Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Rittenberry L, Baranowski J, Taylor WC, et al. Influences on diet and physical activity among middle-class African American 8- to 10 year-old girls at risk of becoming obese. J Nutr Educ Behav 2003;35(3):11523. Stang J, Rehorst J, Golicic M. Parental feeding practices and risk of childhood overweight in girls: Implications for dietetics practice. J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104(7):1076-9. Spruijt-Metz D, Lindquist CH, Birch LL, Fisher JO, Goran MI. Relation between mothers’ child-feeding practices and children’s adiposity. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75(3):581-6. Neumark-Sztainer D, Hannan PJ, Story M, Croll J, Perry C. Family meal patterns: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and improved dietary intake among adolescents. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103(3):317-22. Ayala GX, Baquero B, Arredondo EM, Campbell N, Larios S, Elder JP. Association between family variables and Mexican American children’s dietary behaviors. J Nutr Educ Behav 2007;39(2):62-9. Golan M, Fainaru M, Weizman A. Role of behavior modification in the treatment of childhood obesity with the parents as the exclusive agents of change. Int J Obes 1998;22(12):1217-24. Baranowski T, Nader PR. Family involvement in health behavior change programs. In: Turk DC, Kerns RD, editors. Health, illness, and families. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1985. pp. 81-107. Lindsay AC, Sussner KM, Kim J, Gortmaker SL. The role of parents in preventing childhood obesity. Future Child 2006;16(1):16986. Chatterjee N, Blakely DE, Barton C. Perspectives on obesity and barriers to control from workers at a community center serving lowincome Hispanic children and families. J Community Health Nurs 2005;22(1):23-36. American Academy of Pediatrics. Prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity. Pediatrics 2003;112(2):424-30. Sothern MS. Obesity prevention in children: physical activity and nutrition. Nutr 2004;20(7-8):704-8. American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: dietary guidance for healthy children ages 2 to 11 years. J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104(4):660-77. Kirk S, Scott BJ, Daniels SR. Pediatric obesity epidemic: treatment options. J Am Diet Assoc 2005;105(Suppl 1):S44-51. Gustafson SL, Rhodes RE. Parental correlates of physical activity in children and early adolescents. Sport Med 2006;36(1):79-97. Gortmaker SL, Cheung LWY, Peterson KE, Chomitz G, Cradle JH, Dart H, et al. Impact of a school-based interdisciplinary intervention on diet and physical activity among urban primary school children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1999;153(9):97583. Hawley SR, Beckman H, Bishop T. Development of an obesity prevention and management program for children and adolescents in a rural setting. J Community Health Nurs 2006;23(2):69-80. Müller MJ, Danilezik S, Pust S. School- and family-based interventions to prevent overweight in children. Proc Nutr Soc 2005;64(2):249-54. Peterson KE, Fox MK. Addressing the epidemic of childhood obesity through school-based interventions: what has been done and where do we go from here? J Law Med Ethics 2007;35(1):113-30. Slawta J, Bentley J, Smith J, Kelly J, Syman-Degler L. Promoting healthy lifestyles in children: a pilot program of Be A Fit Kid. Health Promot Pract 2008;9(3):305-12. Beech BM, Klesges RC, Kumanyika SK, Murray DM, Klesges L, McClanahan B, et al. Child- and parent-targeted interventions: the Memphis GEMS Pilot Study. Ethn Dis 2003;13(Suppl 1):40-53. Ford BS, McDonald TE, Owens AS, Robinson TN. Primary care interventions to reduce television viewing in African-American children. Am J Prev Med 2002;22(2):106-9. Golley RK, Magarey AM, Baur LA, Steinbeck KS, Daniels LA. Twelve-month effectiveness of a parent-led family-focused weightmanagement program for prepubertal children: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2007;119(3):517-25. Rodearmel SJ, Wyatt HR, Barry MJ, Dong F, Pan D, Israel RG, et al. A family-based approach to preventing excessive weight gain. Obesity 2006;14(8):1392-1401. Coleman KJ, Tiller CL, Sanchez J, Heath EM, Sy O, Milliken G, et al. Prevention of the epidemic increase in child risk of overweight in low-income schools. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2005;159(3):217-24. Fitzgibbon ML, Stolley MR, Schiffer L, Van Horn L, Kauferchrisoffel K, Dyer A. Two-year follow-up results for Hip-Hop to Health Jr.: a randomized controlled trial for overweight prevention in preschool minority children. J Pediatrics 2005;146(5):618-25. Engels HJ, Gretebek RJ, Gretebek KA, Jiménez L. Promoting healthful diets and exercise: efficacy of a 12-week after-school program in urban African Americans. J Am Diet Assoc 2005;105(3):721-8. Borra ST, Kelly L, Shirreffs MB, Neville K, Geiger CJ. Developing health messages: qualitative studies with children, parents, and teachers help identify communications opportunities for healthful lifestyles and the prevention of obesity. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103(6):721-8. Neumark-Sztainer D, Wall M, Story M, van den Berg P. Accurate parental classification of overweight adolescents’ status: does it matter? Pediatrics 2008;121(6):e1495-e1502. Eckstein KC, Mikhail LM, Ariza AJ, Thomson JS, Millard SC, Binns HJ, et al. Parents’ perceptions of their child’s weight and health. Pediatrics 2006;117(3):681-90. Contento IR, Basch C, Zybert P. Body image, weight, and food choices of Latina women and their young children. J Nutr Educ Behav 2003;35(5):236-48. Jain A, Sherman SN, Chamberlin LA, Carter Y, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Why don’t low-income mothers worry about their preschoolers being overweight? Pediatrics 2001;107(50):1138-46. Laroche HH, Davis MM, Forman J, Palmisano G, Heisler M. What about the children? The experience of families involved in an adult-focused diabetes intervention. Public Health Nutr 2008;11(4):427-36. Paisley J, Beanlands H, Goldman J, Evers S, Chappell J. Dietary change: what are the responses and roles of significant others? J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40(2):80-8. Roos E, Sarlio-Lähteenkorva S, Laauka T, Lahelma E. Associations of work-family conflicts with food habits and physical activity. 20 Public Health Nutr 2007;10(3):2229 ........................................................................................ 4.Fisher, A. Boyle, J. Paton, J. Tomporowski, P. Watson, C. McColl, J. Reilly, J. (2011). Effects of a physical education intervention on cognitive function in young children: randomized controlled pilot study. BMC Pediatrics. 11:97 doi:10.1186/1471-2431-11-97. -MY WRITING - This study suggests that higher levels of physical fitness in children, just as it has been proven in adults, may be associated with improved neurocognitive processing [12], and increased physical activity may enhance school 'on-task' behavior [13]. Increased physical activity may therefore provide cognitive and educational benefits across childhood and adolescence. - The researchers could not conclude what an optimal dose of exercise might be. Meters connected to the children during the study from the hours of 7 AM – 11 PM daily. - The study lasted a term of PE. - There were 2 groups. There was a lack of emphasis on aerobic activities in the control group which they hoped would increase the contrast between intervention and control groups. - Academic tests were administered 3 weeks before the study began, in the middle of the 10 weeks and at the end of the 10 weeks. 21 - Researchers could not count on the fact that the children actually moved for a full hour of PE. - There are so many problems with the study that the researchers advocate to more studies. -Tests used : - The Cognitive Assessment System (CAS;[19]); - The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB http://www.cantab.com); -The Attention Network Test (ANT) [20]. - High reliability of measurements in children under age 7 has been reported in one study for the CAS [19], but such data are not available for the ANT or the CANTAB and so reliability data for the ANT and CANTAB were collected in the present study prior to the exploratory RCT. -I have one research study that concluded that the executive function of the brain improves with exercise but mental function, in general, did not improve. This is study comes to the part of the conclusion that,” Exercise and Children’s Intelligence, Cognition and Academic Achievement” concluded. - Both studies agree that exercise is important. The questions are – how much is effective and how powerful is the effect of exercise on mental ability. ........................................................................................ Article: Fisher, A. Boyle, J. Paton, J. Tomporowski, P. Watson, C. McColl, J. Reilly, J. (2011). Effects of a physical education intervention on cognitive function in young children: randomized controlled pilot study. BMC Pediatrics. 11:97 22 doi:10.1186/1471-2431-11-97. Abstract Background Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are required to test relationships between physical activity and cognition in children, but these must be informed by exploratory studies. This study aimed to inform future RCT by: conducting practical utility and reliability studies to identify appropriate cognitive outcome measures; piloting an RCT of a 10 week physical education (PE) intervention which involved 2 hours per week of aerobically intense PE compared to 2 hours of standard PE (control). Methods 64 healthy children (mean age 6.2 yrs SD 0.3; 33 boys) recruited from 6 primary schools. Outcome measures were the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Battery (CANTAB), the Attention Network Test (ANT), the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) and the short form of the Connor's Parent Rating Scale (CPRS:S). Physical activity was measured habitually and during PE sessions using the Actigraph accelerometer. Results Test- retest intraclass correlations from CANTAB Spatial Span (r 0.51) and Spatial Working Memory Errors (0.59) and ANT Reaction Time (0.37) and ANT Accuracy (0.60) were significant, but low. Physical activity was significantly higher during intervention vs. control PE sessions (p < 0.0001). There were no significant differences between intervention and control group changes in CAS scores. Differences between intervention and control groups favoring the intervention were observed for CANTAB Spatial Span, CANTAB Spatial Working Memory Errors, and ANT Accuracy. Conclusions The present study has identified practical and age-appropriate cognitive and behavioral outcome measures for future RCT, and identified that schools are willing to increase PE time. Trial registration number ISRCTN70853932 (http://www.controlled-trials.com) Background There has been a resurgence of interest in the relationship between physical activity and human cognitive function in recent years [1-5]. Animal evidence suggests that increased physical activity can enhance brain function [6]. Research, largely in older adults, supports the notion that aerobic exercise can enhance human brain structure, prevent age-related brain tissue loss, and improve cognitive performance [7-9]. Aerobic activity may influence executive function specifically [2,7-9]. The literature is consistent in reporting that increased time spent on physical education in 23 schools has no detrimental effect on more 'academic' subjects and may even enhance academic attainment [10-13]. Higher levels of physical fitness in children may be associated with improved neurocognitive processing [12], and increased physical activity may enhance school 'on-task' behavior [13]. Increased physical activity may therefore provide cognitive and educational benefits across childhood and adolescence. Experimental evidence in children is very limited [3,5]: < 1% of published exercise and cognition studies have involved child participants, and experimental evidence from preschool children is absent. There is therefore a need for randomized trials in children to establish definitively the presence of any cognitive effects of physical activity and to identify their nature (e.g. dose-response effects; specificity to particular cognitive processes). The UK Medical Research Council framework for complex interventions suggests that prior to carrying out full RCT it is important to carry out exploratory trials to examine: acceptability of study measurements; feasibility of the proposed trial; likely retention of participants and missing data [14]. The measurement of executive function is especially problematic in younger children [15]. Testing for effects of exercise on executive function in children is also problematic because of the difficulty of establishing exercise programs that effectively increase the levels of physical activity [16-18]. Carrying out well designed and adequately powered RCT to test for relationships between physical activity and executive function in young children therefore presents researchers with a number of major challenges. Future RCT in this area will have to be informed by exploratory studies. These studies need to establish which interventions are practical and what is the optimal 'dose' of physical activity. They will also need to establish the practical utility and reliability of potential measures of executive function (outcome measures) in young children. Finally, they will need to provide information on effect sizes to calculate sample size and ensure adequate power of future large scale RCT. The present study therefore aimed to collect the data necessary to design and power a future school-based RCT on the influence of aerobic activity on executive function in 5-6 year olds. 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Stang J, Rehorst J, Golicic M. Parental feeding practices and risk of childhood overweight in girls: Implications for dietetics practice. J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104(7):1076-9. Spruijt-Metz D, Lindquist CH, Birch LL, Fisher JO, Goran MI. Relation between mothers’ child-feeding practices and children’s adiposity. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75(3):581-6. Neumark-Sztainer D, Hannan PJ, Story M, Croll J, Perry C. Family meal patterns: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and improved dietary intake among adolescents. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103(3):317-22. Ayala GX, Baquero B, Arredondo EM, Campbell N, Larios S, Elder JP. Association between family variables and Mexican American children’s dietary behaviors. J Nutr Educ Behav 2007;39(2):62-9. Golan M, Fainaru M, Weizman A. Role of behavior modification in the treatment of childhood obesity with the parents as the exclusive agents of change. Int J Obes 1998;22(12):1217-24. Baranowski T, Nader PR. Family involvement in health behavior change programs. In: Turk DC, Kerns RD, editors. Health, illness, and families. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1985. pp. 81-107. Lindsay AC, Sussner KM, Kim J, Gortmaker SL. The role of parents in preventing childhood obesity. Future Child 2006;16(1):16986. Chatterjee N, Blakely DE, Barton C. Perspectives on obesity and barriers to control from workers at a community center serving lowincome Hispanic children and families. J Community Health Nurs 2005;22(1):23-36. American Academy of Pediatrics. Prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity. Pediatrics 2003;112(2):424-30. Sothern MS. Obesity prevention in children: physical activity and nutrition. Nutr 2004;20(7-8):704-8. American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: dietary guidance for healthy children ages 2 to 11 years. J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104(4):660-77. Kirk S, Scott BJ, Daniels SR. Pediatric obesity epidemic: treatment options. J Am Diet Assoc 2005;105(Suppl 1):S44-51. Gustafson SL, Rhodes RE. Parental correlates of physical activity in children and early adolescents. Sport Med 2006;36(1):79-97. Gortmaker SL, Cheung LWY, Peterson KE, Chomitz G, Cradle JH, Dart H, et al. Impact of a school-based interdisciplinary intervention on diet and physical activity among urban primary school children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1999;153(9):97583. Hawley SR, Beckman H, Bishop T. Development of an obesity prevention and management program for children and adolescents in a rural setting. J Community Health Nurs 2006;23(2):69-80. Müller MJ, Danilezik S, Pust S. School- and family-based interventions to prevent overweight in children. Proc Nutr Soc 2005;64(2):249-54. Peterson KE, Fox MK. Addressing the epidemic of childhood obesity through school-based interventions: what has been done and 26 where do we go from here? J Law Med Ethics 2007;35(1):113-30. Slawta J, Bentley J, Smith J, Kelly J, Syman-Degler L. Promoting healthy lifestyles in children: a pilot program of Be A Fit Kid. Health Promot Pract 2008;9(3):305-12. Beech BM, Klesges RC, Kumanyika SK, Murray DM, Klesges L, McClanahan B, et al. Child- and parent-targeted interventions: the Memphis GEMS Pilot Study. Ethn Dis 2003;13(Suppl 1):40-53. Ford BS, McDonald TE, Owens AS, Robinson TN. Primary care interventions to reduce television viewing in African-American children. Am J Prev Med 2002;22(2):106-9. Golley RK, Magarey AM, Baur LA, Steinbeck KS, Daniels LA. Twelve-month effectiveness of a parent-led family-focused weightmanagement program for prepubertal children: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics 2007;119(3):517-25. Rodearmel SJ, Wyatt HR, Barry MJ, Dong F, Pan D, Israel RG, et al. A family-based approach to preventing excessive weight gain. Obesity 2006;14(8):1392-1401. Coleman KJ, Tiller CL, Sanchez J, Heath EM, Sy O, Milliken G, et al. Prevention of the epidemic increase in child risk of overweight in low-income schools. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2005;159(3):217-24. Fitzgibbon ML, Stolley MR, Schiffer L, Van Horn L, Kauferchrisoffel K, Dyer A. Two-year follow-up results for Hip-Hop to Health Jr.: a randomized controlled trial for overweight prevention in preschool minority children. J Pediatrics 2005;146(5):618-25. Engels HJ, Gretebek RJ, Gretebek KA, Jiménez L. Promoting healthful diets and exercise: efficacy of a 12-week after-school program in urban African Americans. J Am Diet Assoc 2005;105(3):721-8. Borra ST, Kelly L, Shirreffs MB, Neville K, Geiger CJ. Developing health messages: qualitative studies with children, parents, and teachers help identify communications opportunities for healthful lifestyles and the prevention of obesity. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103(6):721-8. Neumark-Sztainer D, Wall M, Story M, van den Berg P. Accurate parental classification of overweight adolescents’ status: does it matter? 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Associations of work-family conflicts with food habits and physical activity. Public Health Nutr 2007;10(3):222-9. ........................................................................................ 5 Mancino, L. Todd, J. Guthrie, J. & Lin, B. (July, 2009). How Food Away From Home Affects Children’s Diet Quality. Paper Presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s AAEA & ACCI Joint Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/49251/2/Mancino,%20Todd%20&%20Lin.pdf - MY WRITING -This study was based on 2 days of recorded food by elementary, junior high and high school students. Among younger children, who are more likely than older children to eat a USDA school meal and face a more healthful school food environment, the effect of food 27 from school on caloric intake and diet quality does not differ significantly from that of food from home. - This only means that students who eat school meals eat healthy foods. If the parents or guardians buy unhealthy food for children – that is what they eat. - According to the researchers, children eat too much unhealthy, high calorie food and they have noted a rise in consumption based on 2 days of study. - Based on 2 days of dietary data and panel data methods, this study includes estimates of how each child’s consumption of food away from home, food from school (which includes all foods available for purchase at schools, not only those offered as part of USDA reimbursable meals), and caloric sweetened beverages affects that child’s diet quality and calorie consumption. - Compared with meals and snacks prepared at home, food prepared away from home increases caloric intake of children, especially older children. -Each food-away-from-home meal adds 108 more calories to daily total intake among children ages 13-18 than a snack or meal from home; all food from school is estimated to add 145 more calories. Both food away from home and all food from school also lower the daily diet quality of older children (as measured by the 2005 Healthy Eating Index). ........................................................................................ Article: Mancino, L. Todd, J. Guthrie, J. & Lin, B. (July, 2009). How Food Away From Home Affects Children’s Diet Quality. Paper Presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s AAEA & ACCI Joint Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/49251/2/Mancino,%20Todd%20&%20Lin.pdf Abstract 28 This study confirms that eating food away from home (FAFH) adversely affects dietary intake. By looking at changes within individuals’ dietary intake over two days, thus controlling for self- selection issues, we find that FAFH causes increased caloric intake and reduced diet quality. Our estimates on the effect of specific meals show that lunch and dinner consumed away from home have the largest effect on total daily caloric intake, but that breakfast has the largest negative effect on total diet quality. In particular, eating breakfast away from home decreases intake of fruit, whole grains and dairy and increases the percent of calories from saturated fats and solid fats, alcohol and added sugar. Eating lunch and dinner away from home also reduce diet quality, affecting similar dietary components, with dinner away from home also reducing vegetable intake. Unlike past studies based on correlation analyses, this study shows how FAFH can have a causal impact on weight gain. Introduction Despite enduring public health messages about the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle, most Americans continue to choose low quality diets and obesity rates continue to rise. One oft cited reason for persistently poor diets may be that today’s food environment offers many opportunities to select unhealthy foods. Busy schedules may also affect the quality of the food we eat, by changing the regularity with which we eat, the time available for meal preparation, and the consumption of foods prepared away from home. Consumers today spend an increasing share of total food expenditures of food away from home (FAFH). In 2007, families spent nearly 42 % of their food dollars on foods outside the home, up from 25% in 1970 (Clauson and Leibtag, 2008). Noting that the share of calories from FAFH increased from 18 to 32% between 1977 and 1996, Guthrie et al (2002), examined the differences in the nutritional quality of food prepared at home (FAH) and FAFH. They found that FAFH was higher in total fat and saturated fat and lower in dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. Others have documented that diet quality is lower, or 1that body mass index (BMI)1 is higher, among individuals who eat FAFH as compared to those who do not, suggesting that FAFH contributes to the obesity epidemic and decreases diet quality (Binkley 2008, Binkley 2000; Jeffery and French 1998; Bowman et al 2004; Bowman and Vinyard 2004; Clemens et al 1999; Paeratakul et al 2003). However, such cross-sectional comparisons fail to account for the fact that the choice of where to eat is not exogenously determined. Rather, this choice is based on preferences, prices, time constraints and other factors--the same factors that affect food choices, diet quality, and body weight. It may be that individuals who consume a high share of FAFH also prefer lower nutritional quality foods when eating at home. Or if the time demands of family and work raise demand for convenient foods, both at and away from home, and also reduce time available for physical activity, then BMI levels among individuals who eat more convenient foods would likely be higher than those who do not. Thus not accounting for these unobservable factors will bias the estimated impact of FAFH on caloric intake and diet-quality. Other studies have attempted to overcome the issue of bias due to unobservables by estimating the effect of access or proximity to restaurants. Chou et al. (2004) take an historical approach and find the state-level growth in availability of restaurants explains the majority of the growth in weight over time. However, the study does not account for the fact that the growth in the number of restaurants is largely demand-driven and thus, is most likely correlated with diet preferences and other factors affecting food choice. Anderson and Matsa (2007) use instrumental variables and find that access to restaurants has little to no effect on weight. However, their study is limited to rural areas in a small number of states. 1 Body Mass Index is a measure of height (in meters) divided by weight (in kilograms), 29 squared. 2 The objective of this study is to provide more precise estimates on how food away from home affects both caloric intake and diet quality. We overcome the selection issue by employing a first-difference, or fixed-effects, estimator utilizing two days of dietary intake data. We assume that individual’s preferences for diet quality are fixed over a short time – frame within individuals, but day-to-day variation in activities and other constraints affects consumption of FAFH. Because the two days of dietary recalls are typically collected 7 to 10 days apart, this is a reasonable assumption. This allows us to directly identify FAFH’s daily effect on diet quality and energy consumption and thus, its potential impact on bodyweight and obesity. While some past studies have attempted to control for the selection issue using fixed effects estimation (Bowman and Vinyard, 2004; Bowman et al 2004; Paeratakul et al, 2003; and Binkley, 2008), these studies limited FAFH consumption measures to either a dichotomous or frequency measure, only considered consumption of fast food (or a specific form of food away from home) and usually limited their sample to individuals that consume FAFH on one, but not both days of dietary recall. We improve on past studies by using a continuous measure of FAFH consumption, which provides an estimate of the marginal effect of increasing consumption of FAFH and allows us to include all sample individuals with two days of dietary recall. We also add to the literature by testing for differences in the effect by meal occasion, across the two periods covered by our data (1994-96 and 2003-04), as well as across various population subgroups, including gender, weight status and whether or not an individual was dieting. The remainder of this report is structured as follows. Section 2 presents a brief review of previous research on the effect of FAFH on diet quality, Section 3 describes the data, sample and variable construction, section 4 describes the first difference estimator and section 5 presents the results. The paper concludes with a discussion of the results and their policy implications. References Behrman, Jere R., and Anil B. Deolalikar. (1990). “The Intrahousehold Demand for Nutrients in Rural South India: Individual Estimates, Fixed Effects, and Permanent Income,” The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 25(4): 665-96. Bleich, S.N., Y.C. Wang, Y. Wang, and S.L. Gortmaker. 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FITNESSGRAM is http://www.fitnessgram.net/overview/ -The students were given questionnaires and interviews on an ongoing basis. This is another important element I will add to my class – continuous evaluation by the students of their own progress will enable me to create a positive inter-active atmosphere. I do not want my students to feel oppressed or nervous that they can’t do an activity perfectly. - I want each one to judge him or her self by comparing their own progress. (Findings revealed that children enjoyed a self-testing format, understood the purpose of fitness selftesting, and connected their FITNESSGRAM results to their overall health lending support to the use of a fitness self-testing approach in PE.) -FITNESSGRAM was developed by the Cooper Institutes (Meredith & Welk, 2004). Unlike norm-referenced fitness tests, FITNESSGRAM is a criterion-referenced test battery that relates performance outcomes to indicators associated with one's health. -This might be ideal for my “Fit for Life” curriculum plan. I would hope my supervisor would allow me to make any changes in the FITNESSGRAM for research purposes. - The researcher emphasized that there are two important reasons why students do not like fitness testing; one is when students have to reach to a standard level – regardless of how physically fit they were when at the beginning of the term. The second is that they dislike a public display of their abilities or inabilities. In my class, I will not compare students against each other or against a norm. The research tells me that only 15% of children ever reach the norm. I will compare them to their own progress. I will not make an issue of their performance in front of other students. Everyone will be evaluated without any public 33 announcements of their abilities. I expect to take on the role of cheerleader/coach – encouraging and supportive toward all my students. ........................................................................................ Article: Graser, S. Sampson, B. Pennington, T. Prusak, K. (2011). Children's Perceptions of Fitness Self-Testing, the Purpose of Fitness Testing, and Personal Health. Physical Educator. v68 n4 p175-187 Flohr and Williams (1997) emphasized the importance of assessing students' attitudes about fitness testing as it contributes to effective, positive, and motivating physical education (PE) classes. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify fifth and sixth graders' perceptions of fitness testing using FITNESSGRAM in a self-testing format. Specifically, this study evaluated (a) children's perceptions of FITNESSGRAM, administered in a self-testing format, (b) children's understanding of the purpose of fitness self-testing, and (c) the effects of participation in FITNESSGRAM self-testing on children s perceptions of personal health. This study used questionnaires (n = 78) and follow-up interviews (n = 45) to identify children's perceptions of their experience. Using inductive content analysis (Lincoln & Guba, 1985) of student perceptions, three main categories emerged: (a) self-testing procedures, (b) cognitive understanding, and (c) overall influence of fitness testing. Findings revealed that children enjoyed a self-testing format, understood the purpose of fitness self-testing, and connected their FITNESSGRAM results to their overall health lending support to the use of a fitness self-testing approach in PE. Schools, teachers, and students are in an era of outcomes-based education, physical educators included. For example, states such as California, South Carolina, and Texas (National Association of Sport and Physical Education & American Heart Association, 2010) mandate annual fitness testing in physical education (PE) classes for the purpose of providing evidence that PE works--that kids are getting more fit. While fitness testing has a long history in PE, unfortunately, it tends to also have a bad reputation with teachers and students alike. Yet, because fitness indicators are closely related to health indicators, the goals of identifying fitness levels of children are still important. Thus Pate's (1991) queries about fitness testing have provided valuable guidance for researchers in their examination of all things in relation to fitness testing in the PE setting. Said Pate, It would be desirable to know how children respond to participation in these [physical fitness] tests. Do fitness tests enhance or decrease youngsters' motivation to exercise? Are tests viewed as fun? Do tests have differential effects on different types of children? Though relevant from a strict measurement perspective, these issues may determine appropriateness of fitness testing in the school setting (p. 233). 34 Despite Pate's recommendations some 20 years ago, only limited research has attempted to answer some of these questions and generally shows that youth (a) do not like fitness testing because it doesn't seem important to them, (b) don't enjoy the way it is administered, and (c) it is not fun (Flohr & Williams, 1997; Fox & Biddle, 1988; Keating, Silverman, & Kulinna, 2002). Some of the dislike of fitness testing has come from using (a) norm-referenced standards to assess youth and (b) a format that makes a public display of student abilities or inabilities. Norm-referenced standards compare a student's scores to a percentile standard that ranks them among their nationwide peers. This type of standard has given students an idea of how they fare against their peers but tells them nothing of how their level of fitness affects their overall health. This type of fitness testing is essentially a nationwide competition and not a fitness assessment that informs children and youth about personal fitness and health status. Additionally, norm-referenced standards have produced a very high failure rate given that only the top 15% of students are considered fit. The rest often walk away from the experience feeling as though they have failed (Ernst, Corbin, Beighle, & Pangrazi, 2006). This type of fitness testing experience (normreferenced standards and public display) contributes to youth disliking fitness testing. Recognizing the need for an approach to fitness testing that would be informative and instructive to participants, FITNESSGRAM was developed by the Cooper Institutes (Meredith & Welk, 2004). Unlike norm-referenced fitness tests, FITNESSGRAM is a criterion-referenced test battery that relates performance outcomes to indicators associated with one's health. Health-referenced fitness standards allow youth to compare their performance to criteria that inform them of their personal health status instead of being compared to their peers. FITNESSGRAM enables students to see if they are within the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ; Meredith & Welk, 2004) in the five components of healthrelated fitness (aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition). For those students in the HFZ, the instructor helps them develop a maintenance program and for those with fitness deficiencies, a plan for improvement. Flohr and Williams (1997) emphasized the importance of assessing students' attitudes about fitness testing in order to better create an effective, positive, and motivating PE experience. Since it is unlikely that students benefit from a fitness testing experience that they dislike, efforts to create a positive fitness testing experience may be critical to students gaining associated learning outcomes. A positive and educationally informative fitness testing experience might be described as one where students (a) feel they are in a safe environment for testing, (b) understand the purpose of the fitness testing, (c) make connections between their own healthy-fitness levels and their physical activity behaviors, and (d) conclude the experience feeling positively about fitness testing. Therefore, in an effort to create a more positive fitness testing experience the present researchers created and administered FITNESSGRAM in a self-testing format to fifth and sixth grade PE students. According to Welk & Meredith (2008), the primary purpose of FITNESSGRAM is that students become self-sufficient with respect to personal fitness, able to test and then interpret their own results. Pangrazi (2001), and Corbin, Pangrazi, and Welk (1995) favor a self-testing approach because it focuses on the process of the test, is student-centered, and focuses less attention on performance scores (i.e., as compared to peers). Fox and Biddle (1986) and Welk and Meredith (2008) argue that the life-long value of fitness testing is realized when individuals learn to engage in the process of testing, interpreting, and making lifestyle decisions and interventions far outweighs their performance scores. 35 Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine (a) children's perceptions of FITNESSGRAM, administered in a self-testing format (b) children's understanding of the purpose of fitness self-testing, and (c) the effects of participation in FITNESSGRAM selftesting on children's perceptions of personal health. References Adler, P. A., & Adler, P. (1994). Observational techniques. In N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln, (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (1998). Qualitative research of education: An introduction to theory and methods (3rd Ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Corbin, C. B., Pangrazi, R. P., & Welk, G. J. (1995). A response to "The horse is dead; let's dismount." Pediatric Exercise Science, 7, 347-351. Ernst, M. P., Corbin, C. B., Beighle, A., & Pangrazi, R. P. (2006). Appropriate and inappropriate uses of FITNESSGRAM: A commentary. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 3(Suppl. 2), S90-S100. Flohr, J. A., & Williams, J. A. (1997). Rural fourth graders' perceptions of physical fitness and fitness testing. Health Source, 54, 78-87. Fox, K. R., & Biddle, S.J.(l986).Health-related fitness testing in schools: Introduction and problems of interpretation. Bulletin of Physical Education, 22(3), 54-64. Fox, K. R., & Biddle. S. J. (1988). The use of fitness tests: Educational and psychological considerations. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 59(2), 47-53. Gerdes, D. A., & Conn, J. H. (2001). A user-friendly look at qualitative research methods. The Physical Educator, 58 (4), 183-190. Hanson, T., & Newburg, D. (1992). Naturalistic inquiry as a paradigm for doing applied performance research. A Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 1, 26-48. Hopple, C, & Graham. G. (1995). What children think, feel, and know about physical fitness testing. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 14, 408-417. Keating, X. D. (2003). The current often implemented fitness tests in physical education programs: Problems and future directions. Quest, 55, 141-160. Keating, X. D., Silverman, S., & Kulinna, P. H. (2002). Preservice physical education teacher attitudes toward fitness tests and the factors influencing their attitudes. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 21, 193-207. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park: Sage, 339-344. Meredeth, M.D. & Welk, G.J. (Eds.). (2004). FITNESSGRAM ACTIVITYGRAM Test administration manual (3rd ed.) Human Kinetics, Champaign, II. National Association for Sport and Physical Education & American Heart Association. (2010). 2010 Shape of the nation report: Status of physical education in the USA. Reston, VA: National Association for Sport and Physical Education. Pangrazi, R. P. (2001). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Pate, R. (1991). Health-related measures of children's physical fitness. Journal of School Health, 61, 231-233. 36 Welch, E. (2007). Physical fitness assessment: Is there a better way? Unpublished master's thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Welk, G. J., & Meredith, M.D. (Eds.). (2008). FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM Reference Guide. Dallas, TX: The Cooper Institute. . http://ehis.ebscohost.com.ez-proxy.brooklyn.cuny.edu:2048/ehost/detail?sid=714f9e485c99-4f92-b4d4c0e7fb7a0046%40sessionmgr14&vid=2&hid=4&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d %3d#db=a9h&AN=72260562&anchor=AN0072260562-9 ........................................................................................ 7. Milei, J., Losada, M., Llambí, H., Grana, D., Suárez, D., Azzato, F., & Ambrosio, G. (2011). Chronic cola drinking induces metabolic and cardiac alterations in rats. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health World Journal of Cardiology, 3(4), 111-116. 10.4330/wjc.v3.i4.111 -MY WRITING -This study was done on 48 rats because their metabolic systems react in similar ways as humans -1/3 were allowed to drink soda (diet and regular) and water – and killed after 6 months to study effects on their organs. _Other 1/3 allowed soda and water for 6 months –and given water for 6 more months – then killed to study effects on their organs. - -Metabolic syndrome is defined as a variety of diseases. This syndrome consists of; type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and premature death. Soft drinks are the leading source of added sugar worldwide, and their consumption in this study, and others, has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Skip to main content - - A recent survey on the dietary habits and nutritional status of 4 to 18 years olds in Great Britain showed that on average 56% of total fluid intake was in the form of soft drinks. Skip to navigation -Body weight gain, hypertension, decreased food intake, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and a tendency to hypercholesterolemia were found after chronic 37 consumption of regular (sucrose-sweetened) cola beverage in rats[6]. -This means that when children in England drank soda, they did not eat healthier food or drink enough water– and they had a tendency to become ill. - The researchers are aware that soft drinks are compound substances, making difficult to single out the ingredients that are detrimental and beninge. However, they note the statistic that that soft drink consumption has increased by 300% in the past 20 years, and 56%-85% of children in school consume at least one soft drink daily. The aim of the study was to study the effect of chronic cola beverage drinking. Using rats as a mammalian base they concluded that serious health problems occur when children have a high consumption of soft drinks. ........................................................................................ Article: Milei, J., Losada, M., Llambí, H., Grana, D., Suárez, D., Azzato, F., & Ambrosio, G. (2011). Chronic cola drinking induces metabolic and cardiac alterations in rats. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health World Journal of Cardiology, 3(4), 111-116. 10.4330/wjc.v3.i4.111 Abstract AIM: To investigate the effects of chronic drinking of cola beverages on metabolic and echocardiographic parameters in rats. METHODS: Forty-eight male Wistar rats were divided in 3 groups and allowed to drink regular cola (C), diet cola (L), or tap water (W) ad libitum during 6 mo. After this period, 50% of the animals in each group were euthanized. The remaining rats drank tap water ad libitum for an additional 6 mo and were then sacrificed. Rat weight, food, and beverage consumption were measured regularly. Biochemical, echocardiographic and systolic blood pressure data were obtained at baseline, and at 6 mo (treatment) and 12 mo (washout). A complete histopathology study was performed after sacrifice. RESULTS: After 6 mo, C rats had increased body weight (+7%, P < 0.01), increased liquid consumption (+69%, P < 0.001), and decreased food intake (-31%, P < 0.001). C rats showed mild hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Normoglycemia (+69%, P < 0.01) and sustained hypertriglyceridemia (+69%, P < 0.01) were observed in C after washout. Both cola beverages induced an increase in left ventricular diastolic diameter (C: +9%, L: +7%, P < 0.05 vs W) and volumes (diastolic C: +26%, L: +22%, P < 0.01 vs W; systolic C: +24%, L: +24%, P < 0.05 vs W) and reduction of relative posterior wall thickness (C: -8%, L: -10%, P < 0.05 vs W). Cardiac output tended to increase (C: +25%, P < 0.05 vs W; L: +17%, not significant vs W). Heart rate was not affected. Pathology findings were scarce, related to aging rather than treatment. CONCLUSION: This experimental model may prove useful to investigate the consequences of high consumption of soft drinks. Keywords: Cola beverages, Echocardiography, Metabolic syndrome, Soft drinks Go to: 38 INTRODUCTION Metabolic syndrome has been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and premature death[1]. Soft drinks are the leading source of added sugar worldwide, and their consumption has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome[2-4]. Epidemiological and experimental evidence indicate that a greater consumption of sweet carbonated beverages is associated with overweight and obesity by virtue of the high sugar content, low satiety, and incomplete compensation for total energy in subsequent meals[5]. The health impact of soft drink consumption is becoming alarming, particularly among adolescents. A recent survey on the dietary habits and nutritional status of 4 to 18 years olds in Great Britain showed that on average 56% of total fluid intake was in the form of soft drinks[2]. Recently, we have demonstrated that most features of metabolic syndrome can be replicated in an experimental model of soft drink consumption. Body weight gain, hypertension, decreased food intake, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and a tendency to hypercholesterolemia were found after chronic consumption of regular (sucrosesweetened) cola beverage in rats[6]. As a logical extension to that earlier report, the present paper aimed to investigate possible biochemical, echocardiographic and pathological alterations associated with chronic consumption of cola beverage in rats. This experimental model has the advantage of being able to dissect out potentially confounding factors usually associated with soft drinks consumption in human subjects, such as increased smoking, increased junk food consumption, and sedentary lifestyle, which might all indirectly contribute to development of metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, compared with previous animal models of metabolic syndrome[7], this approach has the potential advantage that it lends itself well to a direct comparison with the situation commonly found in real life. References 1. Harrington S. The role of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in adolescent obesity: a review of the literature. J Sch Nurs. 2008;24:3–12. [PubMed] 2. He FJ, Marrero NM, MacGregor GA. Salt intake is related to soft drink consumption in children and adolescents: a link to obesity? Hypertension. 2008;51:629–634. [PubMed] 3. Dhingra R, Sullivan L, Jacques PF, Wang TJ, Fox CS, Meigs JB, D'Agostino RB, Gaziano JM, Vasan RS. Soft drink consumption and risk of developing cardiometabolic risk factors and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged adults in the community. Circulation. 2007;116:480–488. [PubMed] 4. Nseir W, Nassar F, Assy N. Soft drinks consumption and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2010;16:2579–2588. [PMC free article] [PubMed] 5. Malik VS, Schulze MB, Hu FB. Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;84:274–288. [PMC free article] [PubMed] 6. Otero-Losada ME, Grana DR, Müller A, Ottaviano G, Ambrosio G, Milei J. Lipid profile and plasma antioxidant status in sweet carbonated beverage-induced metabolic syndrome in rat. Int J Cardiol. 2011;146:106–109. [PubMed] 7. Oron-Herman M, Kamari Y, Grossman E, Yeger G, Peleg E, Shabtay Z, Shamiss A, Sharabi Y. Metabolic syndrome: comparison of the two commonly used animal models. Am J Hypertens. 2008;21:1018–1022. [PubMed] 8. Canadian Council on Animal Care 2nd Edition. Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals. 2 vols. (Ottawa, Ontario: CCAC); 1993. Available from: http://psych.utoronto.ca/users/shannonian/Psych%20369%20Readings/ccacguide.pdf. 9. Kaplan A. Biochemical studies. In: Kaplan A, Jack R, Opheim KE, Toivola B, Lyon AW, et al., editors. Clinical chemistry: Interpretation and techniques. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Williams and Wilkins; 1995. pp. 220–250. 10. Devereux RB, Reichek N. Echocardiographic determination of left ventricular mass in man. Anatomic validation of the method. Circulation. 1977;55:613–618. [PubMed] 11. Kleiner DE, Brunt EM, Van Natta M, Behling C, Contos MJ, Cummings OW, Ferrell LD, Liu YC, Torbenson MS, Unalp-Arida A, Yeh M, McCullough AJ, Sanyal AJ; Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network. Design and validation of a histological scoring system for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatology. 2005;41:1313–1321. [PubMed] 12. Mattes RD, Popkin BM. 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Effects of simvastatin on blood lipids, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 levels and left ventricular function in humans. Eur J Clin Invest. 2005;35:251–258. [PubMed] 17. Wilson JF, Nugent NR, Baltes JE, Tokunaga S, Canic T, Young BW, Bellinger ER, Delac DT, Golston GA, Hendershot DM. Effects of low doses of caffeine on aggressive behavior of male rats. Psychol Rep. 2000;86:941–946. [PubMed] ...................................................................................... 8. Glazebrook, C., Batty, M., Mullan, N., MacDonald, I., Nathan, D., Sayal, K., Smyth, A., Yang, M., Boliang, G. & Hollis, C. (2011). Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote exercise self-efficacy in children and young people with risk factors for obesity: Steps to active kids (stak). BioMedCentral Public Health , 11(830), doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-830 - MY WRITING - This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of a schools-based activity programme suitable for unhealthy children. - Targeted group is 325 emotionally insecure or children who are below average in PE due to asthma or overweight, students aged 9 -11. They will be chosen from schools in one British neighborhood. - -low self esteemed has been redefined as “low self-efficacy”. In this study it applies to low self efficacy in sports. In the Fruit Veggie study it referred to students who have do not feel self empowered to eat fruit or veggies. - Parents are asked to volunteer their children for the program. - The first step is to give students an activity diary and ask them to keep track of the times they walk anywhere, play in a park, bike etc. The are encouraged to exercise one hour a day. They are given a ten minute video entitled “Street Dance” and asked to practice it at home. - Step 2 is held in school. They are taught 12 two minute activities – games, throw and catch a ball with a group opr partner, skipping rope, stepping, trampette technique etc. circuit training on a few machines. All designed to increase their self esteem or self- 40 efficacy. The classes last for 10 weeks. -Step 3 Children who are successful (over the 91%) in the class move to step 3. The children complete two ten-minute sessions with a researcher trained in motivational interview techniques. In the first session, agreed goals will be set. They are to be reviewed 7 days later during the second session. Progress of these goals will be reviewed during the 4 month follow up. -If the program is successful, it will be distributed to elementary schools throughout England. ........................................................................................ Article: Glazebrook, C., Batty, M., Mullan, N., MacDonald, I., Nathan, D., Sayal, K., Smyth, A., Yang, M., Boliang, G. & Hollis, C. (2011). Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote exercise self-efficacy in children and young people with risk factors for obesity: Steps to active kids (stak). BioMedCentral Public Health , 11(830), doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-830 Abstract Background Low levels of physical activity in children have been linked to an increased risk of obesity, but many children lack confidence in relation to exercise (exercise self-efficacy). Factors which can impact on confidence include a chronic health condition such as asthma, poor motor skills and being overweight. Increasing levels of physical activity have obvious benefits for children with asthma and children who are overweight, but few activity interventions with children specifically target children with low exercise self-efficacy (ESE). This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of a schools-based activity programme suitable for children with risk factors for adult obesity, including asthma, overweight and low exercise self-efficacy. Methods/Design A clustered (at the level of school) RCT will be used to compare a targeted, 10 week, stepped activity programme (activity diary, dance DVD, circuit-training and motivational interviewing) designed to promote ESE. We will recruit 20 41 primary schools to participate in the intervention and 9-11 year old children will be screened for low levels of ESE, asthma and overweight. In order to provide sufficient power to detect a difference in primary outcomes (Body Mass IndexBMI & ESE at 12 month follow-up) between children in the intervention schools and control schools, the target sample size is 396. Assessments of BMI, ESE, waist circumference, peak flow, activity levels and emotional and behavioural difficulties will be made at baseline, 4 months and 12 month follow-up. Discussion We aim to increase ESE and levels of physical activity in children with risk factors for adult obesity. The outcomes of this study will inform policy makers about the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of delivering targeted health interventions within a school setting. Trial Registration ISRCTN Register no. ISRCTN12650001 Go to: Background The increasing prevalence of children and young people classified as overweight or obese presents a significant challenge to public health authorities. Obesity is often chronic and is associated with increased morbidity, including heart disease and diabetes [1]. Around 10% of the world's school children are estimated to be overweight, with higher rates still in countries with well-developed economies [2]. The national child measurement programme in England (2009/10) found that a third of children in year 6 (age 10 to 11 years) are currently overweight or obese. The risk of obesity increases through childhood with 19% of 10 to 11 year olds above the 95th centile of the 1990 weight charts, compared to 10% in reception classes. The global and national trend of increasing rates of obesity is mirrored here in the East Midlands. Children aged 10-11 years have higher levels of obesity compared to the national average, particularly in girls [3]. Health status is a key factor in determining exercise behaviour. In the East Midlands, only 9% of those with a limiting, longstanding illness reported taking regular exercise compared to 23% of those without longstanding health problems [4]. Other evidence suggests that chronic health conditions act as a barrier to exercise and are a risk factor for obesity in children and young people [5]. 42 The UK has one of the highest rates of childhood asthma in Europe and the ISAAC study [6] found nearly 1 in 5 12-14 year olds reported treatment for asthma in the previous year. Poorly controlled asthma in childhood is associated with significant psychological and social burden. Data from a national survey of mental health in 10,438 children aged 5-15 years showed that children with asthma and in poor health were 3.5 times more likely to receive a diagnosis of depression or anxiety than children without health problems [7]. The relationship between asthma and mental health may be mediated by the impact of the condition on schooling and recent research has found that children with asthma are more likely to have missed school in the previous year than their peers [8]. Children with asthma were found to have specific social difficulties and were more likely to report not having a group of friends to socialise with and unhappiness at school. Increasing physical activity may have particular benefits for children with health problems such as asthma, since increased levels of physical activity are associated with better mental and physical health [9]. Furthermore, children with asthma who were more active were found to have fewer emotional and behavioural difficulties [10]. Children attending paediatric clinics for the treatment of asthma were found to be less active than children attending other paediatric clinics, with both parents and children typically perceiving asthma as a significant barrier to activity. The same study found that children with asthma were also more likely to be overweight, with 21% being classified as obese [10]. This represents a significant co-morbidity, as overweight children are less likely to experience remission of asthma symptoms in adolescence [11]. In obese adults with asthma, weight is strongly associated with severity of symptoms, and a large US study of children aged 4 to 9 years with asthma found that obese children had more emergency room visits than their normal weight counterparts [12]. Even modest weight reductions are associated with improved lung function [13]. Increasing physical activity can also have direct benefits for children with asthma by improving lung function and reducing the symptoms of exercise induced wheeze [14]. One mechanism by which asthma and other chronic health conditions such as obesity reduce activity levels is through their impact on children's confidence in relation to exercise, or exercise self-efficacy (ESE). For example, children who performed poorest on a shuttle run task were those who were both overweight and had low exercise self- 43 efficacy. Exercise self-efficacy (ESE) has been shown to increase following successful completion of a physical exercise challenge [15], suggesting that exercise selfefficacy may improve following positive experiences of physical activity. This is important since exercise selfefficacy is strongly predictive of future levels of physical activity [16]. Exercise self-efficacy is also a predictor of perceptions of exercise, independent of the actual nature of the exercise itself. For example, in a sample of girls aged 8 to 15 years, those with lower exercise self-efficacy rated a cycling task as harder regardless of their actual energy expenditure [15]. The aim of present study is to evaluate whether a targeted intervention to promote exercise selfefficacy in children with risk factors for adult obesity can be successfully implemented in primary schools and can improve ESE, BMI, mental health and lung function in children. Go to: Go to: References Barlow SE, Dietz WH. Obesity Evaluation and Treatment: Expert Committee Recommendations. Pediatrics. 1998;102(3):e29. doi: 10.1542/peds.102.3.e29. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] Lobstein T, Baur L, Uauy R. Obesity in children and young people: a crisis in public health. Obesity Reveiws. 2004;5(Supplement 1):4–85. National Centre for Social Research DoEaPH. Health Survey for England 2003. 2004. p. 25. Active people survey 2005-2006. http://www.sportengland.org/research/active_people_survey/active_people_survey_1/regional_results.aspx Accessed 25th October 2011. Gannotti M, Veneri D, Roberts D. Weight Status and Physical Activity in Third Graders with Chronic Health Conditions. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2007;19(4):301. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e318157da3d. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] Kaur B, Anderson HR, Austin J, Burr M, Harkins LS, Strachan DP, Warner JO. 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[PubMed] [Cross Ref] Glazebrook C, McPherson AC, Macdonald IA, Swift JA, Ramsay C, Newbould R, Smyth A. Asthma as a barrier to children's physical activity: implications for body mass index and mental health. Pediatrics. 2006;118(6):2443. doi: 10.1542/peds.20061846. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] Guerra S, Wright AL, Morgan WJ, Sherrill DL, Holberg CJ, Martinez FD. Persistence of asthma symptoms during adolescence: role of obesity and age at the onset of puberty. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2004;170(1):78. doi: 10.1164/rccm.200309-1224OC. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] Akerman MJH, Calacanis CM, Madsen MK. Relationship between asthma severity and obesity. Journal of Asthma. 2004;41(5):521– 526. doi: 10.1081/JAS-120037651. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] Stenius-Aarniala B, Poussa T, Kvarnström J, Grönlund EL, Ylikahri M, Mustajoki P. Immediate and long term effects of weight reduction in obese people with asthma: randomised controlled study. 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Benefits to physical activity of integrating learning disabled children into the classroom. Pediatric Exercise Science. 1999;11:273. Physical Activity Guidelines for Children and Young People (5-18 years) http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_128144.pdf Bandura A. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control New York. H-Freeman and Company. 1997. Spybrook J, Raudenbush SW, Congdon R, Martinez A. Optimal Design for Longitudinal and Multilevel Research: Documentation for the "Optimal Design" Software. Chicago: University of Chicago; 2011. Goldstein H. Multilevel Statistical Models. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2011. ..................................................................................... ... 9 Ekeland, E., Heian, F., & Hagen, K. (2005). Can exercise improve self-esteem in children and young people? a systematic review of randomized controlled trails. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(11), 792–798. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2004.017707 -MY WRITING -researchers analyzed a 23 studies that tested to see if self esteem could be elevated by intense exercise. Some of the studies were graded as “low level” quality trials. All concluded that intense exercise may have short term positive effect in self-esteem. The children studied were deemed average, not handicapped or mentally disabled, from ages 3 – 20. Gross motor coordination and energetic activity was studied. The tests varied in time, but none were less than four weeks. - issue – researchers of this article studied varied results from all the studies and concluded that self-esteem was elevated after exercise for only a short time. The evaluative definition of self esteem was ‘‘the degree to which individuals feel positive about themselves’’ - in all the studies there was a positive effect form physical activity on depression, anxiety, and behavioural problems in children and adoles- cents. -Self-esteem was not as equally obviously clear in all studies. -One study concluded that directed play and/or physical education programs contributed to the development of self esteem in elementary school age children.11 But the study was 45 flawed due to a lack of a strong systematic approach. Other studies have not bee updated since they were done. - Researchers evaluated studies that used exercise with comprehensive intervention versus no intervention Interventions are defined as teaching skills, counceling sessions and social environment changes that were created to develop self-esteem.They found that studies with intervention had a high risk of bias and interventions were personal and not able to be made into statistics. (See Gilligan) -This groups without interventions were able to be studied. The break down of the sports defined as needing teaching verse just letting students exercise without lessons was also age related. It will not be possible for an elementary school teacher to NOT INTERVENE in PE. ........................................................................................ Article: Ekeland, E., Heian, F., & Hagen, K. (2005). Can exercise improve self-esteem in children and young people? a systematic review of randomized controlled trails. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(11), 792–798. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2004.017707 Abstract Twenty three randomised controlled trials were analysed. A synthesis of several small, low quality trials indicates that exercise may have short term beneficial effects on self esteem in children and adolescents. However, high quality research on defined populations with adequate follow up is needed. Page 1: Between 10% and 20% of children and adolescents have psychological and beha- vioural problems and about 7% need psy- chological treatment.1 2 Resilience research has led to an increasing awareness of positive factors in the environment, social relations, and individuals that protect against the development of problems.3–5 Among individual qualities, self concept is one of the indicators given most attention. Self concept is defined as an ‘‘orga- nised configuration of prescriptions of the self which are admissible to awareness’’.6 The eva- luative component of self concept used in this article, self esteem, is ‘‘the degree to which individuals feel positive about themselves’’.6 Systematic reviews indicate a positive effect of physical activity on depression, anxiety, and behavioural problems in children and adoles- cents.7–9 The effect of physical activity on self esteem in children has also been investigated,10 and one meta-analysis concluded that directed play and/or physical education programmes contributed to the development of self esteem in elementary school age children.11 This and other reviews have not been updated and lack description of systematic search and quality assessment of the included studies.8 9 The aim of this systematic review is to determine if exercise interventions can improve self esteem among children and young people. METHOD Searching Searches were conducted in the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register 46 (CENTRAL) (Issue 1, 2004), Medline (1966–2002), Embase (1982– 2002), CINAHL (1982–2002), PsycINFO (1887– 2002), and ERIC (1965–2002). The search terms were a wide range of terms about children and young people, physical activity, and self esteem. The complete search strategy is available in the original publication.12 The authors of included studies were contacted, and the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry was hand searched (1998–2002). There were no language restrictions. Selection Inclusion of studies was restricted to randomised controlled trials and ‘‘quasi-randomised’’ trials— that is, a study that uses methods of allocation that are subject to bias in assignment, such as alternative allocation, case record numbers, dates of birth—with children from 3 years of age to young people up to 20 years old. Trials with children and young people with psychotic or borderline conditions, autism, physical handicap, eating disorders, and chronic somatic/physical diseases were excluded. The interventions had to be gross motor, energetic activity with minimum duration four weeks. Two reviewers judged independently whether the studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. If there was uncertainty or disagreement, a third reviewer was consulted. Validity assessment Two reviewers independently assigned these five quality criteria to each selected study:13 (1) Concealment of allocation (2) Outcome assessment (assessor unaware of the assigned treatment when collecting outcome measures) (3) Co-intervention (interventions other than exercises avoided, or used similarly across comparison groups) (4) Losses to follow up (5) Intention to treat Uncertainty or disagreement was resolved by discussion with the third reviewer. Studies were then grouped as studies with a low risk of bias (all criteria met), studies with a moderate risk of bias (three to four criteria met), and studies with a high risk of bias (fewer than three criteria met). As there is no clear evidence that some criteria are more important than others, they were given equal weight. Data extraction and study characteristics Each reviewer independently extracted data on population, age, baseline characteristics, charac- teristics of activity, compliance, and outcome measures. In cases of missing information, one author of the paper was contacted. References 1 Sonuga-Barke EJS, Thompson M, Stevenson J, et al. Patterns of behaviour problems among pre-school children. Psychol Med 1997;27:909–18. 2 Prior M. Childhood temperament. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1992;33:249–79. 3 Garmezy N. Stress-resistant children: the search for protective factors. In: Stevenson JE, ed. Recent research in developmental psychopathology. 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In: Amstrong N, eds. New directions in physical education.2. Towards a National Curriculum. Champaign, 47 IL: Human Kinetics, 1992:33–54. 11 Gruber J. Physical activity and self esteem development in children: a meta- analysis. In: Stull G, Eckern H, eds. Effects of physical activity on children. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1986:330–48. 12 Ekeland E, Heian F, Hagen KB, et al. Exercise to improve self esteem in children and young people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004.Issue 1.CD003683. 13 In: Alderson P, Green S, Higgins JPT, eds. Cochrane Reviewers’ Handbook 4. 2.2 (updated December 2003).Cochrane Library.Issue 1. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2004. 14 Piers EV. Piers-Harris children’s self-concept scale: revised manual. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1984. 15 MacMahon JR, Gross RT. Physical and psychological effects of aerobic exercise in delinquent adolescent males. Am J Dis Child 1988;142:1361–6. 16 Alpert B, Field T, Goldstein S, et al. Aerobics enhances cardiovascular fitness and agility in preschoolers. Health Psychol 1990;9:48–56. 17 Basile VC, Motta RW, Allison DB. Antecedent exercise as a treatment for disruptive behavior: testing hypothesized mechanisms of action. Behavioral Interventions 1995;10:119– 40. 18 Bluechardt MHS. Effect of an after-school physical activity program on motor profiency and social skills of learning disabled children aged 8–11 years. PhD thesis, Department of Community Health, 1994. 19 Boyd KR, Hrycaiko DW. The effect of a physical activity intervention package on the self esteem of pre-adolescent and adolescent females. Adolescence 1997;32:693–708. 20 Bruya LD. Effect of selected movement skills on positive self-concept. Percept Mot Skills 1977;45:252–4. 21 Elstein AE. Effects of physical education on the physical fitness, social adjustment, and self-concept of learning disabled students. Temple University, Ed D, Education, special, 1977. 22 Ford HT, Puckett JR, Blessing DL, et al. Effects of selected physical activities on health-related fitness and psychological well-being. Psychol Rep 1989;64:203–8. 23 Herman-Tofler L, Tuckman B. The effects of aerobic training on children’s creativity, self-perception, and aerobic power. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 1998;7:773–90. 24 Hilyer JC, Wilson DG, Dillon C, et al. Physical fitness training and counseling as treatment for youthful offenders. J Couns Psychol 1982;29:292–303. 25 Hilyer JC Jr, Mitchell W. Effect of systematic physical fitness training combined with counseling on the self-concept of college students. J Couns Psychol 1979;26:427–36. 26 Luebke LLL. A comparison of the effects of two programs of elementary physical education on the self concept, knowledge of physical activity and physical fitness of third grade children. Dissertation, Marguette University, 1977. 27 MacMahon JR, Gross RT. Physical and psychological effects of aerobic exercise in boys with learning disabilities. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1987;8:274–7. 28 Marsh HW, Peart ND. Competitive and cooperative physical fitness training programs for girls: effects on physical fitness and multidimensional selfconcepts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1988;10:390–407. 29 McGowan RW, Jarman BO, Pederssen DM. Effects of a competitive endurance training program on self-concept and peer approval. J Psychol 1974;86:57–60. 30 Munson WW, Baker SB, Lundegren HM. Strength training and leisure counseling as treatments for institutionalized juvenile delinquests. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 1985;2:65–75. 31 Munson WW. Effects of leisure education versus physical activity or informal discussion on behaviorally disordered youth offenders. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 1988;5:305– 17. 32 Percy LE, Dziuban CD, Martin JB. Analysis of effects of distance running on selfconcepts of elementary students. Percept Mot Skills 1981;52:42. 33 Platzer WS. Effect of perceptual motor training on gross-motor skill and self- concept of young children. Am J Occup Ther 1976;30:422–8. 34 Salokun SO. Positive change in self-concept as a function of improved performance in sports. Percept Mot Skills 1994;78:752–4. 35 Smith TL. Self-concepts and movement skills of third grade children after physical education programs. Percept Mot Skills 1982;54:1145–6. 36 Smith TP. An evaluation of the psychological effects of physical exercise on children. Diss Abstr Int 1984;7:2260. 37 Tuckman BW, Hinkle JS. An experimental study of the physical and psychological effects of aerobic exercise on schoolchildren. Health Psychol 1986;5:197–207. 38 Durlak JA, Wells AM. Primarly prevention mental health programs for children and adolescents: a meta-analytic review. Am J Community Psychol 1997;25:115–52. 39 Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences, 2nd ed. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1988. ........................................................................................ 48 10. Thijssen, D., Cable, N., & Green, D. (2012). Impact of exercise training on arterial wall thickness in humans. US national library of medicine national institutes of health, 112(Pt7), 311–322. doi: 10.1042/CS20110469 -MY WRITING -Staying fit through exercise and cardio fitness gives cardioprotection Intense cardio exercise remodels the caroid artery and peripheral arteries in the lower limbs. This means that intense exercise removes plaque from arteries in the neck and the limbs and prevents heart attacks and stroke. Moderate exercise is associated with decreased cardiovascular risk . Exercise is associated with decrease in heart attack risk. exercise reduces by one half on the risk of heart attacks and strokes. . The purpose of the present review is to describe the effect of exercise training on remodelling of the arterial wall in conduit arteries in healthy subjects and in those with cardiovascular risk factors or disease. Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) can begin in early life, Although the process of atherothrombosis IMT (intima-media thickness), too much IMT in the blood is a positive marker for hardening of the artieries. the Rotterdam study established that carotid IMT is associated with increased risk for adverse cerebral events (e.g. stroke), which is independent of other risk factors. Carotid IMT (plaque) is a predictor for stroke. IN general, an increase IMT in the carotid artery leading to stroke is associated with an increase in age. The ‘gold-standard’ measure of cardiorespiratory fitness in humans involves direct assessment of peak or maximal oxygen consumption in response to an exercise test. The more O2 you take in through aerobic activity the healthier your heart stays. Arteries of the lower limbs are subject to the development of atherosclerosis, plaque formation and clinical complications . Indeed, thickening of the arterial wall in older subjects is even found in arteries of the upper limbs, such as the brachial (arm) artery in 49 which plaque builds up. Smoking, belly fat and blood pressure effect the amount of plaque that builds up in your arteries. Advanced age is associated with the thickening of atherosclerosis-resistant arteries, such as the brachial artery . They found a 40% lower 6-year progression of carotid IMT when participants were not on any statin drugs. Another study examined the effect of a 4-year lifestyle intervention (PA+diet) (physical activity) in middle-aged women and found attenuated progression of carotid atherosclerosis in peri- and post-menopausal women, but not pre-menopausal women [65] (Table 2). In summary, exercise training appears to have a modest effect on carotid artery atherosclerosis in young subjects (Figure 1) and changes may require intense exercise or interventions performed over prolonged time periods. ........................................................................................ Article: Thijssen, D., Cable, N., & Green, D. (2012). Impact of exercise training on arterial wall thickness in humans. US national library of medicine national institutes of health, 112(Pt7), 311–322. doi: 10.1042/CS20110469 Abstract Thickening of the carotid artery wall has been adopted as a surrogate marker of preclinical atherosclerosis, which is strongly related to increased cardiovascular risk. The cardioprotective effects of exercise training, including direct effects on vascular function and lumen dimension, have been consistently reported in asymptomatic subjects and those with cardiovascular risk factors and diseases. In the present review, we summarize evidence pertaining to the impact of exercise and physical activity on arterial wall remodelling of the carotid artery and peripheral arteries in the upper and lower limbs. We consider the potential role of exercise intensity, duration and modality in the context of putative mechanisms involved in wall remodelling, including haemodynamic forces. Finally, we discuss the impact of exercise training in terms of primary prevention of wall thickening in healthy subjects and remodelling of arteries in subjects with existing cardiovascular disease and risk factors. One of the first studies to examine the effect of exercise training on atherosclerosis examined carotid artery IMT in 137 endurance-trained and sedentary men and found no significant difference between the groups [58]. Subsequent studies performed in younger [59] or older [60] cohorts also observed no difference in carotid atherosclerosis between 50 endurance-trained subjects and sedentary controls. A recent study [61], however, found a significantly lower carotid artery IMT in elite squash players compared with less active controls. The difference in training intensity Go to: SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS Exercise training can decrease arterial wall thickness in healthy asymptomatic subjects as well as in subjects with cardiovascular risk factors and/or disease that demonstrate increased arterial wall thickness a priori. However, differences exist between arteries, since exercise training has more pronounced effects on large peripheral arteries than the carotids. Modification of carotid wall thickness may require more intense or prolonged exercise exposure. Changes in arterial wall thickness may contribute to the cardioprotective effects of exercise, which are not fully explained by effects of traditional risk factors. However, many questions remain unanswered. Little is known regarding the duration, type and intensity of exercise training necessary to induce optimal benefits on the arterial wall and it is unclear whether these effects differ between healthy subjects and clinical groups. Moreover, the mechanisms that explain changes in the arterial wall as a result of exercise training are not fully understood. Identifying these stimuli will help in the design and recommendation of optimal exercise training protocols to attenuate atherosclerosis burden and risk. Technical advances and newer imaging technologies [e.g. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and strain echography] will assist in answering important questions regarding the impact of exercise training on arterial structure and remodelling in future. References 1. 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The benefits are related to -Frequency of exercise -20 – 60 minutes each session -amount of time – 3-5 days a week is ideal -heart rate – maximum or less than ideal level for cardio-vascular effect Lower levels of physical activity (less intensity) was shown to reduce some of the risks for some chronic degenerative diseases and improve metabolic fitness, but lower levels of may not be sufficient enough to improve maximal oxygen uptake capacity. Maximum oxygen uptake makes the heart stronger The results of the study proved that walking and cycling to work enabled a considerable proportion of the working population to perform regular physical activity and maintain or attain better health. 55 Based on this study, As a teacher, I will give extra credit to students who exercise at home. Fortunate students may get a chance to bike or play in a park on the weekends, students without access to the outside will be given a series of exercises (yoga and/or aerobic). The exercises time should be at least bout 20 minutes. Students will have to get an adult to sign off that they students did the exercise. I will put up a chart on the wall entitled “Olympians of Class ____”. After a student has completed 5 routine exercises there name will go up on the chart. Every 5 routines they will earn a star. At the end of the term we will have a ceremony for gold, silver and bronze winners. -At the population level, the substantial health‐ enhancing potential of physical activity can be accomplished preferentially by incorporating physical activity into the daily routine. Physically active commuting to work provides a promising mode for such activity.2 Daily cycling to work has been shown to improve physical performance3,4 and health5 in men and women. Many of the health and fitness benefits are related to the total amount of work (volume) performed.1,7,8,9 The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Position Stand8 makes the following recommendations for the quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiovascular fitness: frequency, 3–5 days/week; intensity, 55–90% of the maximal heart rate; and duration, 20–60 min of continuous or intermittent aerobic activity. Lower levels of physical activity (particularly intensity) may reduce the risk of certain chronic degenerative diseases and improve metabolic fitness, and yet may not be of sufficient quantity or quality to improve maximal oxygen uptake capacity. Many of the health benefits from physical activity can be achieved at lower intensities of exercise if frequency and duration are increased appropriately.8 According to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the ACSM,1 considerable health benefits can be achieved by engaging in physical activity of moderate intensity for at least 30 min per session on most, and preferably all, days of the week. Moderate physical activity is defined as activities performed at an intensity of 3–6 metabolic equivalents (METs; 3.5–7 kcal/min). For people who are quite unfit, the lower intensity values—that is, 55–64% of the maximum heart rate—are most applicable.8 Exercise is a key to good health. This study analyzed the effects of biking to work on adults. The study found that staying physically active improved the health of both men and women. ……………………………………………………………………… Article: Geus, B., Smet, S., Nijs, J. & Meeusen, R. (2007). Determining the intensity and energy expenditure during commuter cycling. British Journal Sports Medince. 41(1),8-12. Abstract Objectives 56 To determine the intensity and energy expenditure during commuter cycling, and to investigate whether cycling to work at a self‐ chosen intensity corresponds to recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) for health improvement and ACSM recommendations for fitness improvement. Methods 18 healthy, untrained middle‐ aged people, who did not cycle to work, underwent two maximal exercise tests (MT and MT2) in order to measure their maximal heart rate and oxygen consumption (VO2). MT2 was performed 24 weeks after MT. Participants were asked to cycle at least three times a week to their workplace over a one‐ way minimum distance of 2 km. Data on cycling were recorded in a diary. 12 weeks after MT, a field test was conducted, where participants had to cycle to or from their workplace. The same measurements were taken as during MT as markers of exercise intensity. Metabolic equivalents (METs) and energy expenditure were calculated. Results The intensity during the field test was >75% of their maximal aerobic capacity. The mean (SD) MET value was 6.8 (1.9). The energy expenditure during the field test was 220 (115) kcal or 540 (139) kcal/h and 1539 (892) kcal/week. Men consumed significantly (p<0.01) more energy per hour than women. Conclusion Commuter cycling at a self‐ selected intensity meets the CDC and ACSM recommendations for health improvement and the ACSM recommendations for improvement of cardiorespiratory fitness. However, as the participants cycled faster during the field test than during daily cycling, the results should be interpreted with caution. References 1. Pate R R, Pratt M, Blair S N. 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BioMedicalCenter Public Health, 12(374), doi: :10.1186/1471-2458-12-374 The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/374 - MY WRITING Physical fitness tests European Test of Physical Fitness - Standing broad jump is designed to measure explosive strength and the results are expressed in centimeter. Bent arm hang is designed to measure static arm strength and is expressed in seconds. Sit-ups, designed to measure functional strength, is expressed in the number of situps in 30 seconds. Girls and boys tested - underweight and overweight students were able to do the exercises but on the whole, there are more underweight boys than girls who could do the exercises well over and under weight girls had good functional strength to lift weights and do sits up but face problems in their future due undernourishment due to poverty _______________________________________________________________________ Abstract Background: Little is known about the relationship between body composition and physical fitness in 14 year-old high school adolescents of South Africa. Baseline data from a longitudinal study on physical activity and health (PAHLS) may provide valuable information for future studies, hence to inform public health policy makers. The objectives of this study are to determine the prevalence of underweight, normal weight and overweight among adolescents aged 14 years in the Tlokwe Local Municipality of the North West Province of South Africa, and to assess the association between physical fitness and body composition separately for boys and girls, adjusted for race and locality. Methods: Body weight, height and triceps, and subscapular skinfolds of 256 adolescents (100 boys and 156 girls) aged 14 years were measured, and percentage body fat and body mass index (BMI) were 58 calculated. BMI was used to determine underweight, normal weight and overweight based on the standard criterion. Physical fitness was assessed by standing broad jump, bent arm hang and sit-ups according to the EUROFIT fitness standard procedures. Multinomial logistic regression analyses stratified for gender and adjusted for race (black or white), and the locality (urban or township) of the schools were used to analyze the data. Results: In the total group 35.9% were underweight and 13.7% overweight. Boys were more underweight (44%) than girls (30.7%). The prevalence of overweight was 8% in boys and 17.3% in girls. BMI was strongly (p = 0.01) related with percentage body fat. Strong and significant positive associations between physical fitness and BMI for the underweight girls with high physical fitness scores (OR, 10.69 [95%CI: 2.81-40.73], and overweight girls with high physical fitness scores (OR, 0.11 [95%CI: 0.03-0.50]) were found. Non-significant weaker positive relationship between physical fitness and BMI for the underweight boys with high physical fitness scores (OR, 1.80 [95%CI: 0.63-5.09]), and the overweight boys with high physical fitness scores (OR, 0.18 [95%CI: 0.02-1.78]) were found. Conclusion: Both underweight and overweight among boys and girls in Tlokwe Local Municipality exist, and their effects on physical fitness performances were also noticed. As such, strategic physical activity, interventions or follow-up studies recognizing this relationship particularly in the overweight adolescents are needed. In addition, authorities in health and education departments dealing with adolescents should make use of this evidence base information in policies development. Keywords: Physical fitness, Body composition, Underweight, Overweight, Adolescents, PAHL study Conclusion Our baseline study of 14 year-old high school adolescents residing within the Tlokwe Local Municipality indicates the coexistence of both underweight and overweight. In addition, the results show a strong association between physical fitness and body composition especially in the overweight girls on the one hand, while on the other hand the underweight performed better than the normal weight, and than the overweight. The results show the same trend for boys, but not as strong. The girls were therefore more affected than the boys. 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But, if you getting fat – drink her low calorie soda This quote reveals how much a person can be bought – the research is clear that coke soda is bad for the body and MS. Douglas has no ethicsBut we’re also against obesity. That’s why we joined first lady Michelle Obama in her goal to end childhood obesity in a generation. We’re for moderation, with innovations like the 90-calorie mini can, zero-calorie natural sweeteners like Truvia, and the more than 130 low- and no-calorie products we’ve introduced in the U.S. during the past decade. Coke gets into the act. Fearing a lose of revenuve they have innoviated low calorie and zero calorie soda but they have not eliminated the toxins and chemicals that preserve the drink and give it flavor. Ms. Obama can’t say or do much against coke. ........................................................................................ Article: 61 Douglas, S. (2010). Pro & con: Is a ‘soda tax’ a good policy to reduce obesity in the u.s.?. The Atlanta Journal- Constitution, Retrieved from http://www.ajc.com/news/news/opinion/pro-con-is-a-soda-tax-a-good-policy-toreduce-obes/nQdxW/ Like so many of us, I could stand to lose a few pounds. I know that if I do, I’ll feel better, have more energy and, as my doctor reminds me, be healthier. Many people tell me they’re in the same place. We eat on the run and don’t always choose a balanced diet. We don’t get enough exercise — it seems there’s never enough time in a busy day. It’s not a simple problem, or a simple solution. Obesity is an issue with myriad causes and everyone in business, government and civil society should be working together to solve it. But not everyone sees it that way. Some want to demonize us because our products have calories. They say no one should enjoy the simple pleasure of a Coca-Cola. They say we have no role in finding solutions. They shout at lawmakers: “Blame soft drinks! Tax soft drinks and you’ll not only raise revenues, you’ll lower obesity rates!” They have loud voices that can drown out the facts, which are: A beverage tax, such as has been adopted in Arkansas and West Virginia, will not solve obesity. Science has shown that all calories count — regardless of source — when it comes to weight gain or loss. Soft drinks, sports drinks, sweetened waters and energy drinks combined account for only 5.5 percent of the American diet, according to the National Cancer Institute, which means 94.5 percent of calories come from other foods and beverages. The two states that tax soft drinks have obesity rates that are among the highest in the nation. No one single food or beverage is responsible for obesity. While the volume of regularcalorie soft drinks sold declined 10 percent from 2000 to 2008, according to industry publication Beverage Digest, obesity trends increased during that same period, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A beverage tax will eliminate jobs and hurt the economy. A beverage tax would be regressive and hit hardest people who can least afford it. The beverage industry directly employs more than 220,000 people in the United States (including nearly 9,500 in the Coca-Cola System in Georgia), and, through supporting industries, an additional 3 million people. A beverage tax will cost jobs. Can we really afford that? The good news is that most Americans can recognize a bad idea. A recent CBS poll found that 60 percent oppose a food tax. And nearly 9 in 10 say obesity can be controlled through diet and exercise, not taxation. We’re against beverage taxes, too. But we’re also against obesity. That’s why we joined first lady Michelle Obama in her goal to end childhood obesity in a generation. We’re for moderation, with innovations like the 90-calorie mini can, zero-calorie natural sweeteners like Truvia, and the more than 130 low- and nocalorie products we’ve introduced in the U.S. during the past decade. We’re for transparency, as the first beverage company to commit that nearly all our packages will have calories displayed on the front label. We’re for education, through support for organizations such as the American Academy of Family Physicians, which is providing consumers science-based information about sweeteners. And we’re for active lifestyles, with more than 6 billion Diet Coke packages helping the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute remind women about the importance of staying active and maintaining a healthy weight, and our support of physical activity initiatives like 62 Exercise Is Medicine. Obesity is a serious problem. But we can overcome it if we all work together. At CocaCola, we’re playing our part in helping develop and support workable solutions. Let’s stop pointing fingers and start working together productively. I think we’ll discover we burn more calories that way. Sandy Douglas is president of Coca-Cola North America. ........................................................................................ 141. A brief history of usda food guides. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.choosemyplate.gov/foodgroups/downloads/MyPlate/ABriefHistoryOfUSDAFoodGuides.pdf -MY WRITING -This article is a summary of the knowledge about nutrition that the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) has created for the public. The requirements of calories, the need to eat less sugar and fat and the value of balancing a diet with fresh fruit and vegetables was slow to appear on the national scene. -There has bee a series of pictures that suggest the best foods to eat. The first was focused on protecting children by making sure they ate food from all the food groups. -Each time the USDA produces a graphic they are addressing a specific need – caloric needs, example less meat and less sugar more grain and vegetables -The latest stands on the shoulders of al the knowledge the USDA has learned and is the best one so far that tries to address ways to eat that can prevent obesity. ........................................................................................ Article: A brief history of USDA food guides. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.choosemyplate.gov/foodgroups/downloads/MyPlate/ABriefHistoryOfUSDAFoodGuides.pdf 63 The US Department of Agriculture recommendations for balanced and healthy meals began in 1916. The guidelines’ were suggestions for “protective food”, especially for children. In the 1970’s the concept of the four food groups was created. Even though these four groups were presented to the public the USDA did not include guidance on appropriate fats, sugars, and calorie intake. By 1984 the “Food Wheel” was developed with five subdivisions of food. By 1992, the Food Pyramid Daily guide added caloric intake at three levels. Calories were recommended for men, 2000 calories , women, 1200 calories, and children (1600 - 2200). In the mid 1980’s, the wheel was renamed the “Food Guide Pyramid” and it was also adopted by the Red Cross into their programs. In 2005, the” Food Pyramid” was updated. It now included 12 caloric levels, recommends eating in moderation, cooking and eating with healthy oils and encouraged physical activity. In 2010, First Lady, Michele Obama introduced the Food Plate. The purpose is to grab consumers’ attention with an easy to see visual cue Icon. The categories are broadprotein has a smaller place than vegetables or friut, grain has one fourth of the plate, vegetables have the biggest place on the plate, fruit has the second biggest place, and a small circle Is placed to next the plate signifying a glass or milk or container of yogurt. The plate allows cultural, ethnic and poorer people to fill in the category with food acceptable and affordable. For example, the protein part of the plate can be – lean meat, red, white or black beans, lentils, chick peas or tofu. Ms. Obama recommended we eat food that is in season and grown locally. These are recommendations that will be comfortable for me to teach to my students. In 1984 the government developed a “Food Wheel”. This approach divided food into a pyramid with 5 levels. The wheel suggested foods to eat that would provide an adequate amount of good nutrition. In 1992, the : A Pattern for Daily Food Choices Total diet approach concluded goals for both nutrient adequacy and moderation Five food groups and amounts formed the basis for the Food Guide Pyramid Daily amounts of food provided at three calorie levels First illustrated for a Red Cross nutrition course as a food wheel1992: Food Guide Pyramid 1916 to 1930s: “Food for Young Children” and “How to Select Food” Established guidance based on food groups and household measures Focus was on “protective foods” 1940s: A Guide to Good Eating (Basic Seven) Foundation diet for nutrient adequacy Included daily number of servings needed from each of seven food groups Lacked specific serving sizes Considered complex 1956 to 1970s: Food for Fitness, A Daily Food Guide (Basic Four) Foundation diet approach—goals for nutrient adequacy Specified amounts from four food groups Did not include guidance on appropriate fats, sugars, and calorie intake 1979: Hassle-Free Daily Food Guide Developed after the 1977 Dietary Goals for the United States were released Based on the Basic Four, but also included a fifth group to highlight the need to moderate intake of fats, sweets, and alcohol 1984: Food Wheel: A Pattern for Daily Food Choices Total diet approach concluded goals for both nutrient adequacy and moderation Five food groups and amounts formed the basis for the Food Guide Pyramid Daily amounts of food provided at three calorie levels First illustrated for a Red Cross nutrition course as a food wheel1992: Food Guide Pyramid 64 Total diet approach—goals for both nutrient adequacy and moderation Developed using consumer research, to bring awareness to the new food patterns Illustration focused on concepts of variety, moderation, and proportion Included visualization of added fats and sugars throughout five food groups and in the tip Included range for daily amounts of food across three calorie levels 2005: MyPyramid Food Guidance System Introduced along with updating of Food Guide Pyramid food patterns for the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including daily amounts of food at 12 calorie levels Continued “pyramid” concept, based on consumer research, but simplified illustration. Detailed information provided on website “MyPyramid.gov” Added a band for oils and the concept of physical activity Illustration could be used to describe concepts of variety, moderation, and proportion 2011: MyPlate Introduced along with updating of USDA food patterns for the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Different shape to help grab consumers’ attention with a new visual cue Icon that serves as a reminder for healthy eating, not intended to provide specific messages Visual is linked to food and is a familiar mealtime symbol in consumers’ minds, as identified through testing “My” continues the personalization approach from MyPyramid References The Article is referenced with these articles: Welsh, S., Davis , C., & Shaw, A. (1992). A brief history of food guides in the United States. Nutrition Today, 6(11), Welsh S, Davis C, Shaw A. (1992). Development of the Food Guide Pyramid. Nutrition Today, 12(23), Haven, J., Burns, A., Britten, P., & Davis, C. (2006). Developing the consumer interface for the mypryamid food guidance system. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 38, S124-S135. ........................................................................................ 15Neuman, W. (2011, 05 02). Nutrition plate unveiled, replacing food pyramid. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/03/business/03plate.html -MY WRITING -one of the most significant negative comments about MyPlate is that it is not specific 65 enough about the definition of protein. There are proteins in dairy and grains that should be included in the protein part of the picture. -as I did my research, I noted that the protein content of beans, lentils, corn, tofu and milk was explained – but not on the icon. The USDA (US Department of Agriculture is going to spend 2 million trying to educate the public about the need to eat more fruit and vegetables. ........................................................................................ Article: Neuman, W. (2011, 05 02). Nutrition plate unveiled, replacing food pyramid. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/03/business/03plate.html Nutritionists often criticized the food pyramid, which was first advanced in 1992, for being misleading or hard to understand. Some gave the plate cautious praise on Thursday. “It’s better than the pyramid, but that’s not saying a lot,” said Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University.Dr. Nestle praised the plate for being generally easy to understand, but she said that labeling a large section of the plate “protein” was confusing and unnecessary, because grains and dairy products also are important sources of protein and most Americans get far more protein than they need.But she said the emphasis on fruits and vegetables was a significant step.“Americans aren’t used to eating this way, so this is a big change,” Dr. Nestle said. The plate was created by the Agriculture Department with advice from the first lady’s anti-obesity team and federal health officials. The Agriculture Department said that it had conducted focus groups with about 4,500 people, including children, as it developed the plate. The project, with the Web site and related educational materials, cost about $2 million. That money will also help pay for an educational campaign about the plate over the next year, officials said. ........................................................................................ 16.Presidential youth fitness program adopts the fitnessgram assessment; new fitness program teaches skills for lifelong physical activity. (2012, 09 11). PRWeb. Retrieved from: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/9/prweb9892195.htm 66 -MY WRITING - There is a growing body of evidence that suggests a link between physical activity and improved academic success. - the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) adopts the FITNESSGRAM . Unlike the older President’s Council Fitness Test, FITNESSGRAM® helps minimize comparisons between children and instead supports students as they pursue personal fitness goals for lifelong health -the FITNESSGRAM emphasizes health over performance and the program will provide lesson plans professional and materials to help physical educators effectively implement the program. ........................................................................................ Article: Presidential youth fitness program adopts the fitnessgram assessment; new fitness program teaches skills for lifelong physical activity. (2012, 09 11). PRWeb. Retrieved from: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/9/prweb9892195.htm . Champaign, IL (PRWEB) September 11, 2012 Physical activity is critical to children’s health and well-being. Research shows that children with better health are in school more days, are better able to learn, have higher self-esteem and are at lower risk for developing chronic diseases. In an effort to help get 67 kids moving, the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) is launching the Presidential Youth Fitness Program this month. The new school-based program will replace the President’s Council Youth Fitness Test, which has been implemented in schools since 1985. Although the President’s Council Fitness Test evolved through the years, that test used physical fitness data from a 1985 National School Population Fitness Survey. The test only measured how students performed certain activities compared to peers and reported little about students’ actual health. Based on the latest science, the PCFSN has teamed up with leaders in the fields of physical education, fitness, and health including the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and The Cooper Institute to launch the Presidential Youth Fitness Program, a voluntary school-based program that promotes health and regular physical activity for America’s kids. “Schools can play a critical role in inspiring a love of physical activity,” says Shellie Pfohl, Executive Director of the President’s Council on Fitness Sports and Nutrition. “There is a growing body of evidence that suggests a link between physical activity and improved academic success.” The Presidential Youth Fitness Program has adopted FITNESSGRAM® as its assessment. FITNESSGRAM® in partnership with NFL PLAY 60 is a health-related, criterion-based assessment developed by The Cooper Institute. Unlike the President’s Council Fitness Test, FITNESSGRAM® helps minimize comparisons between children and instead supports students as they pursue personal fitness goals for lifelong health. The assessment measures health-related fitness through a variety of items designed to assess cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The Presidential Youth Fitness Program has also adopted Physical Best for professional development. Human Kinetics publishes FITNESSGRAM® for The Cooper Institute and Physical Best for AAHPERD. The Presidential Youth Fitness Program represents the beginning of a new era in youth fitness assessment, one that emphasizes health over performance. In addition, the program provides options for professional development and materials to help physical educators effectively implement the program. The program also provides information to help parents understand the benefits of regular activity for their children. More information on the Presidential Youth Fitness Program can be found at http://www.presidentialyouthfitnessprogram.org.