UGA LAW LIBRARY PATRON INFORMATION Note: Use this form only if you are a member of the UGA community. Non-Alum Attorneys please complete the “Attorney Information Form” DATE_______________________ Last Name___________________________ First Name _______________ M.I._______ UGA Law School Affiliation: UGA but Non-Law School Affiliation: _____Law Student (Select: 1L 2L 3L) _____UGA Undergraduate Student P-type=005; Expiration date=8/1/(yr of graduation) _____Law Student (LLM) P-type=006; Expiration date=Sept. 1 of next year _____Law Faculty P-type=000; No expiration date _____Law Faculty: visit/adjunct P-type=001; Expiration=end of semester _____Law Alum (Class of _______) P-type=200; No expiration date _____Law School Staff P-type=004; No expiration date P-type=105; Expiration date= the next June 1 _____UGA Graduate Student (non-law) P-type=106; Expiration date= the next June 1 _____UGA Faculty (non-law) P-type=100; No expiration date _____UGA Staff (non-law) P-type=104; No expiration date _____UGA Fac/Staff/Student Dependent P-type=107; Expiration date=one year from application NOTE: Must present proof of claimed relationship (e.g., the sponsor’s ID, which should be entered into the Dependent’s patron record in Note field E-mail address [z] ____________________________________________ This is our means of communicating with law library patrons. Overdue notices, fines and bills will be sent via e-mail only. Students MUST use their UGA e-mail. Address 1 [a] (If a student, this is your local address; if faculty or staff, this is your campus address; if alum, this is your home address.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Address 2 [h] (If a student, this is your home address; if faculty or staff, this is your home address; if alum, this is your work address.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone 1 [t] (If a student, this is your local number; if faculty or staff, this is your campus number; if alum, this is your home phone.) _____ _____ _________ Telephone 2 [p] (If student, this is your permanent number; if faculty or staff, this is your home number; if alum, this is your work phone.) _____ _____ _______ STAFF USE ONLY: Eligibility verified [Yes/No]______________________ Circ Worker accepting this form: ____________ Verify alumni in Alumni directory/database; verify all others only using “Patron Verify” icon on computer terminal Barcode assigned: _________________________________ This field necessary only if collecting information for later input PUT COMPLETED FORM IN CIRCULATION MANAGER’S MAILBOX Rev. 7/2007