Different generations require different feedback, motivation Jacksonville Business Journal - by Mark Szakonyi Staff Writer Friday, January 4, 2008 JACKSONVILLE -- So a traditionalist, a baby boomer, a Generation X'-er, and Generation Y'-er walk into the workplace. There is no punchline, except that four different generations in the workforce means bosses often need to change the way they motivate and give feedback to workers. Understanding the differences amongst traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X-'ers and Generation Y'-ers can lead to a more energetic and focussed workforce. For many employers, like Miller Electric Co., the biggest challenge is keeping members of the younger generation on for more than five years. The company has reduced its apprenticeship from five to four years, said Senior Vice President David Long, who serves on the Jacksonville Academy of Electric Technology board. Providing a new type of feedback and motivation can keep those employees on longer. "You can see it in sports. The rigid, military-type and employers have gone by the wayside," Long said. "People want to feel good about what they're doing and have instant gratification." Experts caution, however, against assuming that an employee is motivated and needs feedback the same ways as the majority of members of their generation. The issue is a hot one in the human resources industry. Many employers are bracing for the loss of the baby boomer generation work force and are concerned about Gen X'-er and Gen Y'-ers' work ethic, said Kathy Wentworth, director of human resources for ICS Logistics Inc., a provider of stevedoring, transportation and warehousing services for perishable and dry cargo in the Southeast. "I suspect our parents said the same things about us, and their parents went through the same thing and thought [their children] had it easy." Generation Y The generation composed of people born between 1981 and 1995 is informally known as the "plugged in" generation because of their familiarity with computers and the Internet. Because they are used to getting results at a touch of a button, they also require the most feedback of any of the previous generations, said Michelle Pargman, account manager for Corporate Care Works Inc., an employee assistance program and people development firm. This need for constant feedback is also driven by their interest in bettering themselves and getting ready for their next position in or out of the company. Jamie Porcheddu, transactional group leader for Craig/is Ltd., has found that members of the younger generation are more in tune with how the company is performing and are curious about how they can grow with the company. Porcheddu, who oversees more than 70 people, said she motivates these people by making sure they get the feedback and tools they need. Their relative newness to the business world also makes them question their performance, said Genny Mitchell, human resources director for Craig/is, an outsourcing and professional services provider for the property and casualty insurance industry. Generation X Gen X-ers -- people born between 1967 and 1980 -- are similar to Gen Y'-ers in that they both require more feedback than baby boomers and traditionalists. Like Gen Y'-ers, Gen X'-ers are keyed into technology and see their job as a career step instead of a destination, Wentworth said. Pargman said part of the reason Gen X'-ers require constant feedback is because of the attention they received from their baby boomer parents, who were encouraged by peers and child rearing books to give their children constant feedback. "What is motivating for Gen X'-ers is a family-friendly environment," she said. "Flexibility is important." They also place a higher priority on relationships with colleagues than with their employer, Wentworth said. Baby boomers The baby boomer generation -- people born between 1946 and 1964 -- are typically considered more conventional than their younger counterparts. The conventional types of feedback, such as annual or quarterly reviews, usually suffice, said Pargman. The so-called "me" generation are more willing to stay at a job longer than Gen X'-ers or Gen Y'-ers, but they don't want to be slaves to their job like their parents. They are more motivated by the opportunities to shine within the company, and their interest in business-self-help books and tapes reflect this. Having to pay for their children's' college, inability to retire comfortably or unwillingness to have a conventional retirement has baby boomers staying in the work force. Miller Electric's Long has noticed that younger baby boomers have adopted some of the signature characteristics of Gen X'-ers and Gen Y'-ers, such as technology savvy and openness to change. Traditionalists The generation composed of people born between 1900 to 1945 is the smallest slice of the work force. Their loyalty to the company is largely driven by their experience during the Depression and World War II. When it comes to feedback, they believe in the mantra of "no news is good news," Pargman said. Wentworth said, "They get their feedback from stock prices and are generally uncomfortable with giving feedback." mszakonyi@bizjournals.com | 265-2239