University of Maryland Dept. of Criminology & Criminal Justice FALL Semester -- 2011 Course Title: Policing Course Number: CCJS 601 Class Time: Monday, 4 to 6:45 Professor: Jean M. McGloin Office Hours: Monday 10-12 or by appointment Contact Information: Phone: 301-405-3007 E-mail: Office: 2220L LeFrak Hall Course Overview: Although it is impossible to review all issues related to policing within one semester, this course will provide a foundation and context within which to assimilate such topics. In particular, it will first focus on the historical roots and strategic evolution of policing in the United States. Then, it will investigate the shift towards community policing, as well as review other innovations in policing. It will end with a discussion on whether the United States is again progressing through a strategic policing change. Reading Materials: Kelling, G.L., & Coles, C. (1996). Fixing Broken Windows. Available at the bookstore. Weisburd, D., & Braga. A. (eds). (2006). Policing Innovation: Contrasting Perspectives. Available at the bookstore. Selected articles and excerpts. Grading Schema: Final Paper: 35% Paper Outline and Annotated Bibliography: 10% Paper Presentation: 10% Midterm Exam: 25% Class Participation: 20% Final Paper: The paper provides every student with two potential pathways: (1) write a paper on a policing topic that we do not have the opportunity to cover in class, but is of substantive interest; or, (2) select a topic from class discussions and expand on it in a meaningful and novel way. In either case, the literature reviews should be 25-40 pages in length and in APA format. I will grade papers based on the persuasiveness of the thesis, style, accuracy, and cohesion. I will review complete rough drafts of the papers up until December 2nd. Paper Outline and Annotated Bibliography: With the aim of ensuring an “early start” on a paper that is on the correct pathway, all students must submit an outline of the proposed paper, as well as a working bibliography with at least 5 annotated sources. The annotations should be two paragraphs for each citation. The first should be an abstract of the source, while the second should explain the purpose of including this source in your paper. Paper Presentation: The end of the semester provides an opportunity for all students to share their research. The presentation should be in Power Point format and be approximately 12 minutes in length. More specific guidelines will be provided. Midterm Exam: This will be an essay exam that investigates your mastery of the readings and class discussions in the previous weeks. Class Participation: Since this class operates as a seminar, participation is vital. Students are expected to share their perspectives on the reading in a manner that illustrates critical thinking. In addition, every student will be responsible for leading a discussion within one class based on the relevant materials. Class Policies: Attendance: On May 10, 2011, the Campus Senate amended the University of Maryland Policy for A Student’s Medically Necessitated Absence from Class V-100 (G). Under this new policy, instructors are expected to accept as an excused absence a self-signed note from a student who has missed a single lecture, recitation, or laboratory, attesting to the date of the illness. This note must also contain an acknowledgement by the student that the information is true and correct and that providing false information is prohibited under the Code of Student Conduct. The student is also obligated to make a reasonable attempt to inform the instructor of his/her illness in advance. A student is allowed only ONE self-signed note per class for the semester, but this DOES NOT apply to days of major grading events (the day of the midterm and your presentation). Please note that multiple unexcused absences will affect your participation grade. Missed Deadlines/Late Assignments: Extensions for papers or presentations will not be given except in cases of a medical or family emergency. Accompanying written documentation is required. If a completed assignment is late without my prior approval, it will lose one letter grade for every day that is past the due date. Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any form and any violations will be reported to the Office of Judicial Programs. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication of information used in assignments, plagiarism, and knowingly facilitating the academic dishonesty of another. Class schedule - September 12: The Roots of Policing Readings: Klockars, “The Idea of Police”, Chapters 1, 2, & 5; Critchley, “A History of Police in England and Wales: 900-1966”, pp. 38-57; Radzinowicz, L. (1848) “A History of English Criminal Law”, pp54-62, 110-121, 252-298, 448-462. - September 19: Diverging Paths, Politics and Change Readings: Klockars, “The Idea of Police”, Chapter 3; Steinberg, A. (1986) “The Spirit of Litigation”, The Journal of Social History, 20(2), pp. 231-249; Miller, W.R. (1999) “Cops and Bobbies: Police and Authority in New York and London, 1830-1870”, Chapters 1 & 2; Kelling, G.L., & Moore, M.M. (1989) “The Evolving Strategy of Policing”, Perspectives on Policing, #4. Johnson, “Entrepreneurs, Reformers & the Emergence of Professionalism: 1870-1920”; Wickersham Commission Reports, #14 – A Report on Police (1968) - September 26: The Professional Era Readings: Vollmer, A. (1933) “Police Progress in the Last Twenty-Five Years”, Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology; Wilson, O.W. (1956) “Basic Police Policies”, Police Chief, November; President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (1968); Kelling, G.L. et al., (1974) “The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment”; Kansas City Police Department, (1980) “Response Time Analysis: Volume II – Part I Crime Analysis” - October 3 – NO CLASS - October 10: Changing Perspectives Readings: Goldstein, J. (1960) “Police Discretion not to Invoke the Criminal Justice Process: Low Visibility in the Administration of Justice”, The Yale Law Journal, 69; Bittner, E. (1967) “The Police on Skid Row: A Study of Peacekeeping”, American Sociological Review, 32(5); Wilson, J.Q. (1970) “Varieties of Police Behavior”, Chapter 9; Police Foundation, (1981) “The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment”, Chapter 8. - October 10: Broken Windows and Order Maintenance ***PAPER OUTLINE AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DUE AT BEGINNING OF CLASS Readings: Kelling, & Coles “Fixing Broken Windows”; Chapters 4 & 5 from the Weisburd and Braga text. - October 17: Community Policing Readings: Cordner, G.W. (1997) “Community Policing: Elements and Effects”, Critical Issues in Policing; Goldstein, H. (1979) “Improving policing: A problem-oriented approach”, Crime and Delinquency, April; Silverman, E.B. & O’Connell, P.E. (1999) “Organizational Change and Decision Making…”, International Journal of Public Administration, 22(2); Chapters 2 and 3 in the Weisburd and Braga text. - October 24: Midterm Exam - October 31: Issues Related to Community Policing Readings: Black, D.J. (1970) “Production of Crime Rates”, American Sociological Review, 35; Kelling, G.L. (1992) “Measuring What Matters”, The City Journal, 21; Harcourt, B. (1998). “Reflecting on a subject…” Michigan Law Review, 97, 291-389; Reisig, M.D., & Parks, R.B. (2004). “Can community policing help the truly disadvantaged?” Crime and Delinquency, 50(2), 139-167; Terrill, W., & Reisig, M.D. (2003). “Neighborhood context and police use of force.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40(3), 291-321 - November 7: A Closer look at POP and Hot Spots Readings: Chapters 6, 7, 12 & 13 in the Weisburd and Braga text - November 14: Other Innovations in Policing Readings: Chapters 8-11 in the Weisburd and Braga text - November 21: What Works? Readings: Chapters 16, 17 & 18 in the Weisburd and Braga text; Chapter 8 (Policing Chapter) in the 1997 “What Works” Maryland Report: - November 28: The Future of Policing? Readings: Bayley, D.H. & Shearing, C.D. (1996) “The Future of Policing”, Law and Society Review, 30; Jones, T. & Newburn, T. (2002) “The Transformation of Policing?”, British Journal of Criminology, 42.; MacDonald, H. (2001) “Keeping New York Safe from Terrorists”, The City Journal, Autumn. - December 5 & 12: Student Presentations ***FINAL PAPERS DUE BY 12pm ON 12/19. Papers will be considered late after 12pm.