OSU Tulsa Library @ http://www

OSU Tulsa Library @ http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu/library
Finance, Industry and Company Information
Identifying industry reports and surveys by Industry Classification codes:
The NAICS Desk Reference
REF HF1041.5 N35 2000 functions as cross-reference to convert
‘old’ SIC codes into the newer NAICS codes.
----------------------------------Business. The Ultimate Resource
REF. HD 38.15 .B878 2002
Market Share Reporter
REF. HF5410 .M35
Moody's Industry Review
REF. HG4051.M6
S & P Industry Surveys
REF HG 106.6 .S74 2 volumes
Including corporation records, industry surveys, financial ratios, industry – company comparisons,
company stockquotes, market snapshots, and more.
Standard & Poor’s Corporation Records
Value Line Investment Survey
REF HG 4051 .S 76635
REF HG 4501 .V26 (in print)
Databases with analytic / descriptive company and industry data:
Library Home page =>Journals => Journals by Subject =>Business
►Business Source Elite
Select "Company Profiles" in the menu bar, click on "Datamonitor Report" to retrieve descriptive, statistical
and financial information. The Datamonitor Report also includes a company SWOT analysis.
Use the "CO Company Entity" pull down menu to find articles about a company.
► FACTIVA (formerly Dow Jones Interactive) Good corporate profiles, financial snapshots and reports,
industry news, competitors, trade publications.
[See Search Instructions on Page 2.]
► Mergent Financial Information Service (company statistics, financials, competitors, annual reports, etc)
Wall Street Journal (through Factiva: select Sources, Source look up, add symbol to search window and add
other words)
► Standard & Poor’s Netadvantage
► ValueLine
Online version of S & P Industry Surveys (see above)
(Single account, Library use only. Request password from Reference Desk)
Web Based Resources: Library Home Page:
Check “Resources by Program” for web based financial and business resources. =>Click on Business
Remote Access to Library Databases: (95+ databases, 35, 000+ full text journals online)
Click on “Off Campus Access” on the library home page, enter your student username and password (the
same that is used to open workstations on campus).
Library information: 918-594-8130 - Reference & Research Assistance 594-8137 - Computer Problems: 594-8043
The Journal Research Process:
Proceed to Journals / Databases (library databases).
Select appropriate database(s)
Search by subjects (if available) and / or keyword(s) and phrases
Evaluate search and refine if necessary by: changing search terms, adding additional words,
searching within full text or article, using wildcards [compute* = computed, computer, computers,
Finding full text documents of journal article citations/references
1. If full text (Html or Pdf) is available: Print, email, download
2. Full text not in this database?
Consult Journals by Titles list for alternative databases with full text
3. Journal NOT at OSU Tulsa?
Fill out online Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form for materials from other
Consult library reference staff for alternative options.
Electronic Books Online: (45,000+ eBooks) You must create an eBook account in the library (only library
computers are recognized by web site). On library workstations go to www.netlibrary.com/signup.asp, create
account, thereafter, account can be used from home or office.
Tips: use quotes to indicate phrases ("civil rights"), asterisk as wildcard (comput* for computers or computing).
Searching Factiva (only 5 simultaneous users)
Select Factiva from the list of business databases. Select “Companies / Markets”, type in the company name,
and select the appropriate company,
Library information: 918-594-8130 - Reference & Research Assistance 594-8137 - Computer Problems: 594-8043