Mrs. Wooley – Syllabus English 12 AP 2º & 3 º Monday 2-10

Mrs. Wooley – Syllabus English 12 AP 2º & 3 º
Monday 2-10-14
Literary Terms Make-up Test II. Assign Dream Journal – two
weeks 2-10 to 2-24-14.
Review explications. Read “Words” pp 688-695 (to poem). Discuss
Diction, Decorum, Syntax, Denotation and Connotation.
Homework – Read pp 695-707 and answer questions.
Tuesday 2-11-14
Read and discuss 12 poems, pp 695-707. Answer questions.
Homework – Read pp 708-718. Read pp 868-883, Chapter 19
Wednesday 2-12-14 Read and discuss 9 poems, answer questions.
Review homework information. Read poems pp 884-908, as assigned for
group project. Answer questions about assigned poems including the
meaning of the poems and the prosody.
Homework – Read Writing about Prosody pp 912-921.
Thursday 2-13-14
Computer Lab - explicate poem. Save on H drive. Do not print. If
computer lab is not available, explicate the poem in writing and use the
computer in 910.
Friday 2-14-14
Present and explain poetry. (Valentine’s Day Celebration with poetry!)
Monday 2-17-14
Presidents’ Day – No School
Homework – Read novel – write an analysis, not character.
Tuesday 2-18-14
Literary Terms Make-up Test III.
Present and explain poetry.
Homework – Read pp 923-930, Chapter 20 Form.
Wednesday 2-19-14 Discuss form: blank verse, sonnet, villanelle. Read poetry.
In-class writing assignment – poetry.
Homework – Written assignment (analysis not character) for novel
#5 due tomorrow.
Thursday 2-20-14
Collect novel #5 paper. Discuss novels.
Read “Pantoums.” Begin activity. Write a “class” pantoum.
Homework – Original pantoum due Monday 2-24-14. Read pages
931-935 Open-form poetry and Visual and Concrete poetry.
Friday 2-21-14
In-class writing assignment – poetry. Read and discuss “Ballad of
Birmingham” page 951. Connect poetry to other literary genre.
Homework – Choose one poem from pages 937 thru 960, read the
poem and answer the questions in writing. (Omit “Ballad” p 951,
“The Waking” p 952, “Do Not Go Gentle” p 957.)
Monday 2-24-14
Turn in homework – questions answered from poem of choice.
Present Original Poems.
Homework – Study for EXAM.
Tuesday 2-25-14
Discuss dream journals – collect.
Wednesday 2-26-14 Practice AP Multiple Choice Questions regarding poetry. Review for
exam. (Practice AP exam + literary terms.)
Thursday 2-27-14
EXAM (Exams of the day 1º, 2º and 3º)
Friday 2-28-14
Teacher Work Day – No school for students
(Snow Day February 5, 2014 – tentative plans for first week of March.
Second trimester may be extended due to nine snow days.)
Monday 3-3-14
Third Trimester Begins. Choose novels/poetry for third trimester Smart
Board presentations.
Tuesday 3-4-14
Computer Lab – create individual presentations of novels/poetry.
Wednesday 3-5-14
Computer Lab – create individual presentations of novels/poetry.
Thursday 3-6-14
Computer Lab – create individual presentations of novels/poetry.
Friday 3-7-14
Begin presentations – to be decided as a class.
Homework – Choose and begin reading novel #6, due March 20,