ET502 syllabus





Instructional Design

Fall 2011

INSTRUCTOR Linda Lohr, Ed.D.

Professor of Educational Technology

McKee Hall, Room 501

University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639




Voice: 970 351 25135 ~ FAX: 970 351- 1622




OFFICE HOURS: As needed.

970 351 2807

Keyleigh Gurney, Ed. Tech office manager

This class has an optional* face-to-face section for those interested.

*Time and location will be determined by the participants in the optional section.

To participate in an instructional design process for performance and learning outcomes.



This class teaches you how to create effective, efficient, and appealing information, job-aids, and instruction ( that become part of a larger LEARNING

ENVIRONMENT). In learning environments a teacher may not be physically present, so the instructions must be very clear. You learn how to make the instructions clear AND how to make effective, efficient and appealing instruction.

You will create visual instruction, and you will also create strategies that ask learners to employ visualization and visual composition skills. To accomplish this goal you will be using an ABCD design process thoroughly discussed in class and in the text chapters.

TEXTBOOK Instructional Design for Teaching and Learning with Visual Media: Creating

Visualize to Learn Environments. Linda Lohr and Anna Ursyn, in press.

OBJECTIVES Objective 1, 18% of grade; Given unit mini-lessons and readings you will discuss topics that are generated by the teacher and fellow students. Your discussion entry must: make a contribution (you add a new idea or pose a question), and extend the discussion elaborating on the topic in a way that moves the discussion forward.

You receive a check minus (meaning you need to improve your contribution),

a check (meaning you have satisfied the discussion requirement above), and a check plus (meaning you have gone beyond the discussion requirements and have posted a thoughtful, thorough, targeted response.

A check minus = 0 – 6 points, a check is 7-8 points, a check plus is 9-10 points per unit. You may earn a total of 60 points over the semester.

Objective 2, 34% of grade: Given readings, the unit mini-lesson, discussion and homework assignments you will create two forms of visual instruction: an accesslevel visualization and a generate level-visualization. You will have a visualization assignment for each unit, 20 points per unit for Units 1 – 4, 40 points for unit 5, a total of 120 points over the semester.

Objective 3, 18% of grade: Given readings, the unit mini-lesson, discussions and homework feedback you will participate in a unit test at the conclusion of each unit. This unit test will include multiple-choice, true/false, matching, and short answer items covering the central ideas in each unit. You have two hours to complete this test. It is open book and you may work in small teams of up to three people to take the test. The tests will not require two hours of work, but are open for two hours to give you extra time if needed. Each quiz is worth 10 points for a total of 60 points over the semester.

Objective 4, 30% of grade : Given the semester long experience (discussions, readings, visualization assignments) you will create two forms of instructional visualizations for a final project (these visualizations will be similar to those required in Objective 2 above).

You will create a job-aid or access-level visualization and a generative visualization for a topic determined by an outside person. Both visualization assignments must be done for another person, not yourself. You can work for your employer, your teachers, or some organization that requires instruction.

You will also turn in a design document that shows how you employed the ABCD design process in your work.

The project is worth 100 points. 30 points for the access-level (job-aid) visualization, 50 points for the generative level visualization, and 20 points for the design document.


Unit Overview and tentative schedule

Unit Date Reading

Unit 1 8/29 – 9/11 midnight

Read Chapter 1 ,

An Introduction to

Instructional Design for Visual


Read Unit 1 folder contents (minilesson and discussion question description)

Homework Due, point value

Contribute to the class discussion (10 points) in a minimum of one of the following options:

Ask a question in the class site and thoroughly describe your reason for asking the question,

Post a thoughtful answer to a question asked by a class member in the class site

Answer the unit discussion question:

Share a reaction to traditional instructional design models, learning as a noun, experiences related to ineffective instruction.

Create and post the visualization (20 points) homework assignment (describe and visualize your best instructional experience)

Take Unit 1 test (10 points)


Unit 2 9/12 – 9/25 midnight

Read Chapter 2 ,


Instructional Design


Read Unit 2 folder contents (minilesson and discussion question description)

Contribute to the class discussion (10 points) in a minimum of one of the following options:

Ask a question in the class site and thoroughly describe your reason for asking the question,

Post a thoughtful answer to a question asked by a class member in the class site

Answer the unit discussion question:

Why are variables ABCD variable?

What does this mean for the instructional designer?

Create and post the visualization (20 points) homework assignment (show how your best instructional experiences matches the ABCD process, use the Project Runway example as a guide)

Take Unit 1 test (10 points)


Unit 3 9/26 – 10/9 midnight

Read Chapter 3 ,

Variable A,


Read Unit 3 folder contents (minilesson and discussion question description)

Contribute to the class discussion (10 points) in a minimum of one of the following options:

Ask a question in the class site and thoroughly describe your reason for asking the question,

Post a thoughtful answer to a question asked by a class member in the class site

Answer the unit discussion question:

Share a high cognitive load experience that you had and how an instructional designer might improve that experience for learners. You may want to describe the characteristics of the learner involved in the experience.

Create and post the visualization (20 points) homework assignment (create a concept map to help us see what a traveler to the center of the earth might want to know and learn if such a journey were possible – think of layers of the earth, composition of earth layers, temperature and perhaps something creative like clothing needs, dietary needs, etc.). You may do this in a team of up to 3 people and you may want to work as a class, for example one team might create a concept map related to temperature conditions on the way to the center of the earth,

Take Unit 3 test (10 points)


Unit 4 10/10 –

10/23 midnight

Read Chapter 4 ,

Variable B, Visual


Read Unit 4 folder contents (minilesson and discussion question description)

Contribute to the class discussion (10 points) in a minimum of one of the following options:

Ask a question in the class site and thoroughly describe your reason for asking the question,

Post a thoughtful answer to a question asked by a class member in the class site

Answer the unit discussion question:

Share your experiences with both types of visual outcomes: information access outcomes and generative learning outcomes.

Create and post the visualization (20 points) homework assignment (create a job aid related to an item(s) on your concept map to help the center of the earth traveler access relevant information on their journey. You may work in teams or individually.

Take Unit 4 test (10 points)


Unit 5 10/24 – 11/6 midnight

Read Chapter 5 ,

Variable C,

Catalysts for learning, scaffolding interactions

Read Unit 5 folder contents (minilesson and discussion question description)

Contribute to the class discussion (10 points) in a minimum of one of the following options:

Ask a question in the class site and thoroughly describe your reason for asking the question,

Post a thoughtful answer to a question asked by a class member in the class site

Answer the unit discussion question:

Share your experiences with both an effectively scaffolded learning experience and an ineffective one.

What types of learner interaction were involved in both experiences?

Create and post the visualization (40 points) homework assignment showing how a traveler to the center of the earth visualizes the experience.

This visualization might take a creative form (for example visualize the layers as a sandwich showing crust, lettuce, etc, and matching the elements to the composition of the earth) or an information design form

(draw a diagram or information graphic).

You might also think of some other strategy.

Take Unit 5 test (10 points)


Unit 6 11/7 – 11/28 midnight

You have until finals week to turn in the visualization for this unit.

Read Chapter 6 ,

Variable D, usability

Read Unit 6 folder contents (minilesson and discussion question description)

Contribute to the class discussion (10 points) in a minimum of one of the following options:

Ask a question in the class site and thoroughly describe your reason for asking the question,

Post a thoughtful answer to a question asked by a class member in the class site

Answer the unit discussion question:

Describe an instructional event (you may use your final project if you like) and how you would assess its usability.

Create and post a custom instructional visualization intervention ( 100 points) for someone else. You must create an access level visual (30 points) and a generative level visual (50 points) and a design document showing how ABCD variables were addressed in your visualizations.

Take Unit 6 test (10 points)



 Apply appropriate instructional or performance interventions (AECT: 1.3,

1.4; ISTE: V ABC; CDE: 3)

 Develop educational materials that incorporate audio, video, print, distance and computer based formats (AECT: 2, ISTE: III)

GRADING 93 % = A

90 - 92 % = A-

86 – 89 %= B+

83 – 85 %= B

80 – 82 %= B-

76 – 79 %= C+

73 – 75 %= C

70 – 72 %= C-

66 – 69 %= D+

63 – 65 %= D

60 – 62 %= D-

Below 60 %= F


Note: Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class should contact the Disability Access Center (970-351-2289) as soon as possible after the start of class to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

The College of Education and Behavioral Sciences (CEBS) supports an inclusive learning environment where diversity and individual differences are understood, respected, appreciated and recognized as a source of strength. We expect that students, faculty and staff within CEBS will be accepting of differences and demonstrate diligence in understanding how other peoples’ perspectives, behaviors, and world views may be different from their own. Further more, as stated by UNC

“The University will not engage in unlawful discrimination in educational services against any person because of race, religion, gender, age, national orgin, disability, or veteran status. It is the University’s policy to prohibit discrimination in educational services on the basis of sexual orientation or political affiliation.” See

Academic Honesty:

It is expected that members of this class will observe strict policies of academic honesty and will be respectful of each other. Any instances in which cheating including plagiarism and unauthorized use of copyrighted materials, computer accounts, or someone else’s work is determined will be referred to Student Services and will be investigated to its full extent.

