Newsletter March 2013 - Duncannon Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran Church
Duncannon, PA
Church web address:
Pastor Elizabeth Martini
Office Hours 9-12:30 Mon thru Thurs. That sometimes has to change so it doesn't hurt to
call first. 717-586-8571
Newsletter February 2013
People to hold in prayer:
Betsy Karlik, Edgar Herr, Madelyn Hoover, Jacob Liddick, Corey Stuckey, Ritter Gamble, Bob Larish,
Briellie Kelly, Alberta Rogers, Nancy Moore, Allison Speck, Sara Jane Hickoff, Jim and Karin Shumaker,
Tom Daub, Geraldine Owen, Shirley Bucher, A.E. Balsbaugh, Jack Smith, Louise Preston, Jesse Reed,
Daisy Rohrer, Helen Huss, Dottie Deiter, Linda Burger, Ron Little, Delores Lowe, Rachel Lesh, Hunter
Hazzard, Vaughn Schlacher, Kevin Eckerd, Chad and Sarah Hummel, Sethina Tringali, Pastor Peter
Kuebler, Penny Knepp, Barbara Lesh, Pat Watcher, Herbert Kresge, Kent Johnson, Rose Barrick, Evelyn
Hoy, Jeff Eckerdt, Mike and Britany Boyer, Mary Beecroft, Barbara Curran, Rebecca Kephart, Ron
DeAngelis, Tom Pappos, Nicholas Boyer, Jim Palmer, Verna Dagen, Ronald Moore, Kaye Ford, Paul
Nappe, Ann Verobish, Leola O’Shell, Janine O’Shell, Earl Hayes, and Trevor and Dillon.
Notes from the Pastor’s Desk:
Grace and peace to you, brothers and sisters in Christ.
As we move through the season of Lent, Holy Week is close at hand. In Lent, we follow
Jesus’ journey to the cross. This path climaxes in his death and resurrection.
Worship together in Holy Week moves us through death into new life by the power of the
Crucified and Risen Christ.
Maundy Thursday is March 28 with a Communion service at 7PM. On Good Friday,
different Duncannon churches will gather for worship at the Presbyterian Church from
noon-3PM. This service is centered on the seven last words of Jesus. In the evening,
Christ Lutheran will have Stations of the Cross at 7PM.
Easter this year is on March 31, with an outdoor sunrise service at 6:30AM and festive
worship at 10AM in the sanctuary.
God graciously blesses this church community. On Wednesday nights in Lent, we gather
for prayer, reflection, and a consideration of how we respond to God’s generosity. Soup
supper is at 5:45PM and worship at 6:30.
ELCA Malaria Campaign
Did you know malaria is the leading cause of death in Africa? Many churches and
organizations are working together to eradicate this preventable disease. Let’s join the
fight with the Malaria Campaign. On Sunday, March 17 we will welcome a guest
preacher to the pulpit, Pastor Amani Hosea. A Tanzanian, Pastor Amani is in the US now
to study at the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg. Malaria is a personal issue for Pastor
Amani, and his work is greatly impacted by the disease.
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel, as we study, give, serve, and pray, and
study together.
Pastor Beth
Ireland Trip
Pastor Julie Hart, retired former pastor of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, invites you to
journey with her and her husband Jeff as they lead a tour, “The Best of Ireland,” October
30 – November 9, 2013. The Harts will serve as your Tour Hosts through NAWAS
International Travel, Inc. For further information and a brochure, address inquiries with
your name, address, and phone and e-mail to:
Rev. Julie Hart
105 West Chew Ave
PO Box 637
St. Michaels, MD 21663
The price for the 11 day trip is $2729 per person.
The Lower Susquehanna Synod has been preparing intentionally for the election of a new
bishop this June, 2013. Please hold these efforts in your prayers.
Daylight Savings Time Reminder
Daylight Savings Time begins 2:00 a.m. on Sunday March 10, 2013.
Social Ministry
(Velma Wittlinger)
Perry County food bank items for the month of March are snack items; crackers, cookies,
popcorn, instant tea mix, soda, jello and pudding mix. This helps out needy people in
Perry County. Place items in the hall way of the education wing.
There are envelopes in the pew racks for Join Hands, donations here helps needy people
in Perry County. Our Church has contacted them several times for help for the people in
our community.
CLC is responsible for helping with the food distribution at Asbury U.M. Church on
Saturday, March 16. We are to be at Asbury Church at 8:00a.m. to help pack up the bags
and set up.
We will have the plants for shut-ins on Sunday, March 24. We appreciate people to help
deliver them.
.We are continuing to sell Mutzy Money, see Cindy Brookhart downstairs during the
coffee hour. We receive 5% of what we sell to fund our programs, but we need to buy
$500 worth to get the 5% back to the Church. The money can also be used to buy gas. it.
Also, we are still collecting used cell phones. There is a container in the education area
by the bulletin board for them. If you have a friend who needs to dispose of an old
phone, maybe they will donate it to us. We cannot send the extra items, just the phone.
We earn money for what we recycle, they also pay for the shipping of them. This keeps
these phones out of the waste dumps. We also are collecting old ink cartridges. I take
them to Staples and use the money to buy paper for the copier.
Members on our committee are; Peg Ryan, Donna Clay, Sandy Hoover, Norma Jones,
Gail Smith, Joanne Speis and Velma Wittlinger, Council Liaison and chairman. We
welcome anyone who would like to be part of our ministry.
Our mission Statement is: To provide the congregation of Christ Lutheran Church with
ways to serve the needs of our neighbors and to encourage each member of the church to
participate in this service.
Duncannon Community Lenten Lunches
A Soup and Sandwich Luncheon will be held at 12 noon prior to the Thursday Lenten
Services which begin at 12:30. Services will be held as follows:
March 7 – Asbury United Methodist
March 14 – Otterbein United Methodist
March 21 – Duncannon Church of God
Easter Lilies
It is again time to order Easter Lilies. Cost is $10.50 per pot. Last date to order is March
3. Checks can be made out to Peggy Payden.
Newport H.S. Play
Newport High and Middle School is doing the musical "Greese" on March 14, 15, & 16
starting at 7:00p.m. We have three of our youth in it. Drew Chubb is Kenickie, Brianne
Chubb and Rebecca Still are cheerleaders, angels and in the dance routines. Tickets are
Relay For Life
The Relay For Life is selling Harrisburg Senator vouchers to be used at any game. The
cost is $10.00 and our church team will make $4.00 on each voucher sold. The vouchers
are for the Box Seats behind home plate. If you are interested in purchasing vouchers
contact Terry Hoffman or Sue Masser. The actual day that Relay For Life will be
recognized is Friday night May 31st. Maybe our church could go as a group to this
Sue Masser
CLC Church Directory
Christ Lutheran Church will be creating a church directory through Lifetouch
Photography this spring. Family photographs are scheduled for April 4, 5, and 6. Hours
for photographs will be from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and from
10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Sign up for photos is happening now. If you have not yet been contacted, please call
Sandy Hoover or Norma Jones to schedule your family for photographing. There will
also be a sign up sheet located at the rear of the church. You should plan on spending 30
to 60 minutes for your session as you review your family’s name/address for accuracy,
pose for photos, and finally view/select your photo for the directory and/or for purchase.
A directory and an 8 x 10 photo will be provided to each family free of charge. You can
also choose to purchase additional pictures; however, you are not obligated to do so.
Bring along a non-perishable food item and receive a $5 voucher to be used toward any
photographs you plan to purchase.
Bring some can goods for our food bank and get a $5 off coupon.
We are hoping for 100% participation. Please join us in April.
To most of us in the United States, mosquitoes are usually no more
than a nuisance. But in many parts of Africa, a bite from an infected
mosquito could transmit malaria and lead to death. In sub-Saharan
Africa malaria kills more people than war or malnutrition.
Malaria Facts: Malaria claims the life of a child every 60 seconds.
An African child has on average between 1.6 and 5.4 episodes of malaria each year.
About 9 out of 10 of the 655,000 people who die from malaria each year live in Africa.
Most are young children.
The good news is that malaria is treatable and preventable. In partnership with
companion churches, the ELCA Malaria Campaign will treat malaria by providing life
saving medication, health care, educate people about the disease and prevent the spread
of malaria by distributing mosquito nets and supporting water treatment projects to
control the environments where mosquitoes breed.
YOU CAN HELP! During Lent CLC will conduct a Malaria Campaign. Our
goal is to raise $1,000. We already have $300 towards that goal. Be on the look out for
our own mosquito net to appear. There will be opportunites to learn more about this
disease and we will hear from a Tanzanain pastor who has a very personal interest in
eradicating malaria.
The goal of the Malaria Campaign is to raise $15 million by 2015. Our help is needed.
Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts Project
There was a wonderful response and interest in making mission quilts to be sent to
Lutheran World relief Mission Quilt Project. We are in the process of gathering the
materials and the tools we will need to make these much needed quilts. We hope to begin
production in a week or two. We will have a on going need of fabrics. The
recommended fabrics for the LWR quilts include cotton, cotton blends, twill, corduroy,
polyester knits, fleece, and donated upholstery and drapery samples (no fiberglass). We
also need an assortment of colors or crochet cord used for hand tying the quilts. If
anyone has any of the above fabric or crochet cord, please bring it to the church. There
will be a collection box in the undercroft to gather the needed materials. Also we are in
need of used double bed sheet blankets, light weight blankets, or double bed sheets in
good condition. These will be used as backings or fillers for the quilts. There will be two
sessions of quilting scheduled, a day time group and an evening group We invite anyone
who would like to help make the mission quilts. It will be a great joy to share in this new
ministry at Christ Lutheran.
Nursery Service
Nursery service is provided during the 10 AM worship service for infants and pre-school
children only. Children who are in the first grade and over are asked to attend the
worship service in the sanctuary. The nursery is staffed by an adult volunteer.
Mixed Up Affair
A modern mother was explaining to her little girl about the pictures in the family photo
"This is the geneticist with your surrogate mother and here's your sperm donor and your
father's clone. This is me holding you when you were just a frozen embryo."
"Mummy," said the little girl. "Who is the lady with the worried look on her face?"
"That's your aunt Kim. She's the family genealogist."
The Talking Cow
A man was driving down a country lane when his car ground to a halt.
As he lifted the hood to study the engine, a brown and white cow from an adjoining field lumbered over
to the car and stuck her head under the hood next to the man's.
After a moment or two, the cow turned to the man and said: "Looks like a dodgy carburettor to me."
Then she walked back into the field and resumed her grazing.
Amazed, the man walked up to the farmhouse and asked the farmer: "Is that your cow in the field?"
"The brown and white one? Yes, that's old Buttercup."
"Well," continued the man, "my car was broken down, and she just said: 'Looks like a dodgy carburettor
to me.'"
The farmer shook his head and said: "Don't mind old Buttercup. She don't know a thing about cars."