school board of pinellas county, florida

The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida, met in Regular Session
on Tuesday, December 13, at 5:00 p.m. in the Conference Hall of the
Administration Building, 301 4th Street S.W., Largo, Florida. Present:
Mrs. Carol J. Cook, Chairperson; Mrs. Mary L. Tyus Brown, Vice
Chairperson; Mrs. Nancy N. Bostock, Ms. Janet R. Clark, Mrs. Jane
Gallucci, Mrs. Linda S. Lerner and Mrs. Mary L. Russell, Members;
Dr. Clayton M. Wilcox, Superintendent and Ex-officio Secretary to the
Board; Dr. Nancy Zambito, Deputy Superintendent; Mr. Lanse
Johansen, Chief Business Officer; and, Mr. James A. Robinson, School
Board Attorney.
The Invocation was given by the Reverend Kelly Greenawald, Sylvan
Abbey United Methodist Church, Clearwater. This was followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of the following representatives of professional and
community organizations was given by Dr. Ron Stone: Randy Dodds,
PESPA; Alexandra Kincy, Students Rights & Responsibilities
Committee Representatives, Boca Ciega High School; Maria Cantonis,
Pinellas Arts for a Complete Education Coalition; and, Dr. Barbara
Hires, Mr. Michael Bessette, and Mr. Oscar Robinson, Operations
Mrs. Brown reviewed the process to be followed by the audience for
participation at School Board meetings.
It was moved Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Russell to adopt the
CONSENT #4, #6, #9, #10,
#11, and #18
Recognition by NTI –
Notification Technologies, Inc.
by Mr. Tom Motter
Dr. Wilcox requested that CONSENT items #30 and #34 be moved to
the NONCONSENT agenda, as follows:
#34 to #54 – Request approval of a Fundamental High School to
be Phased in Over a 4-Year Period Starting with a 9th Grade Class
in 2006-07
#30 to #55 – Request approval of Master Lease Agreement with
Dell Financial Services
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
Dr. Wilcox notified the Board that the employee in CONSENT #16, Mr.
Windell Robinson, has requested an administrative hearing. Therefore,
the recommendation will be to approve Alternative #1, Grant the hearing
and suspend Mr. Windell Robinson without pay, effective December 14,
2005, pending the outcome of the administrative hearing.
The motion to adopt the agenda, as amended, was carried with a 7-0
The presentation by SRR was heard following Item F.
Dr. Ron Stone introduced the following student representatives
from St. Petersburg High School . The students, faculty and
staff at St. Petersburg High converted their traditional
homecoming celebration to one called "Hopecoming" to benefit
the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund. The students presented a
check to the American Red Cross in an amount in excess of
Taylor Traviesa, Student Government Executive President
Lauren Ellis, Student Government Executive Vice President
Meredith Brandimore, Freshman Class President
Daren Miller, Sophomore Class President
Kendyl Tash, Junior Class President
Sakira Hadley, Senior Class President
The students and a representative from the American Red Cross
were greeted and thanked by the School Board Members.
Jan Kucerik, Supervisor, World Languages, presented the
following State Winners for Teacher-Made Materials, Florida
Foreign Language Association:
Sylvia Amaya, Campbell Park Elementary
Lillian Lewis, Perkins Elementary
Sandra Rosado, Perkins Elementary
John Meros, Melrose Elementary
Those present were greeted and congratulated by the School
Board Members.
Randy Lightfoot, Supervisor, K-12 Social Studies, recognized
the following Pinellas County Social Studies Teacher of the Year
Recipients for the 2005-2006 School Year:
Kelly McGee, North Shore Elementary
Brett Volland, Madeira Beach Middle School
Scott Kaplan, Largo High School
Those present were greeted and congratulated by the School
Board Members.
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
Ms. Jan Rouse, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum,
presented to the Board Mr. David Barnes, Director, Workforce
Education, in recognition of Mr. Barnes receiving the Adult and
Community Educators of Florida and the Florida Administrators
of Adult and Community Education 2005 Hall of Fame Award.
Mr. Barnes was greeted and congratulated by the School Board
Mr. Tom Motter, Notification Technologies, Inc., addressed the
Board to pay tribute to the Superintendent and the Board for
their leadership in furthering the partnership between the school
and home. Mr. Motter stated Pinellas County Schools was the
first district in Florida to implement their system. Mr. Motter
presented the Board Members with a plaque in recognition of
their support.
Alexandra Kincy, Student Rights and Responsibilities from Boca
Ciega High School, addressed the Board to share information
regarding achievements and activities taking place at her school.
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Brown to
approve the Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of the new
Policy 2.25 School Wellness Policy.
Mark Klutho addressed the Board to say that the Board
continues to build “sick buildings” and, therefore, cannot have a
successful wellness policy.
The motion to approve the Public Hearing to Consider the
Adoption of the new Policy 2.25 School Wellness Policy was
carried with a 7-0 vote.
It was moved by Mrs. Russell, seconded by Mrs. Brown, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the Consent Agenda, as
To approve the Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of
November 8, 2005; the Organization Meeting of November 22,
2005; the Regular Meeting of November 22, 2005; and,
Workshops of November 8, 2005, November 15, 2005, and
November 22, 2005, as submitted.
To approve the Personnel Actions as Recommended by the
Superintendent. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #109.)
Ms. Clark, having pulled this item, requested that a
substantial survey be completed of staff to see if
abbreviated days are in the best interest of students. Ms.
Clark stated that she has heard that this is not a good use
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
of staff time. Mrs. Bostock stated that she has heard that
these days are disruptive to families. Board Members
agreed to have this data collected. It was moved by Mrs.
Bostock, seconded by Mrs. Russell, and carried with a 7-0
vote to approve the Student/Teacher Calendar for School
Year 2006-07 and Special Observance Days.
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Mr. John Daynard,
Teacher Woodlawn Elementary School. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
This item was pulled to allow a speaker, Ms. Debra King, to
address the Board. Dr. Wilcox provided a brief summary of
this item, a recommendation to dismiss Ms. Debra King.
Ms. King addressed the Board to request that she not be
dismissed and presented a file to each Board Member to
support her request. It was moved by Mrs. Russell and
seconded by Mrs. Gallucci to approve the Recommendation
to Dismiss Ms. Debra King, Teacher, Woodlawn Elementary
School. Discussion followed by Board Members, Dr.
Wilcox, Mr. David Koperski (Staff Attorney), and Mr. James
Robinson. Mr. Koperski reminded the Board that Ms. King
is a 97 Day Probationary employee and, therefore, does not
have a substantiated interest in the APA. The motion was
carried with a 6-1 vote, Mrs. Russell voting against, to
approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Ms. Debra King,
Teacher, Woodlawn Elementary School, effective the close
of business day of December 13, 2005. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Recommendation to Suspend Mr. Rodney
Chapman, Teacher, Dunedin High School, For Five (5) Days
Without Pay and Require District Training. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Recommendation to Suspend Mr. Timothy
Dublino, Teacher, Forest Lakes Elementary School and Modesta
Robbins Partnership School for Three (3) Days Without Pay.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
Mrs. Gallucci, having pulled this item and the following two
items (2i & 2j), moved approval of items 2h, 2i, and 2j: This
motion was seconded by Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Gallucci stated that she pulled these three items to
have the Board look closely at the “progressive discipline”
in each item, i.e., one teacher demonstrating areas needing
improvement since 1988, another with a success plan, and
another who had been moved to another school. Mrs.
Gallucci stated that she would like to see a “progressive
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
discipline plan” that was used consistently throughout the
district. Mrs. Gallucci requested that the Board schedule
this issue for a future workshop. Dr. Zambito stated the
Area Superintendents are aware of this concern and are
working with principals in this area. Dr. Zambito stated that
she believes the Board will see much more consistency in
issues coming to the Board in the future. The motion was
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve all three items – 2h, 2i,
and 2j. – To approve the Recommendation to Accept the
Stipulation to Suspend Ms. Shirley Johnson, Teacher,
Walsingham Elementary School, for Three (3) Days Without
Pay, Attend Anger Management Counseling, and Submit her
Signed Letter of Retirement from Pinellas County Schools
Effective the end of the 2005-2006 School Year. (Copy to be
found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
Approved in Item 2h -- To approve the Recommendation to
Accept the Stipulation to Suspend Ms. Marion Peak,
Teacher, Pinellas Park Middle School, for Three (3) Days
Without Pay. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book
Approved in Item 2h -- To approve the Recommendation to
Accept the Stipulation to Suspend Ms. Mary Vanderloop,
Teacher, Tyrone Elementary, for Ten (10) days Without Pay,
Administrative Transfer to Another School Site and Require
Training. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book
To approve the Recommendation to Suspend Ms. Verdell
Mondy, Teacher Assistant, Boca Ciega High School for Three
(3) Days Without Pay. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #109.)
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Ms. Maxine
Richardson, PBX Operator/Receptionist, PTEC, St. Petersburg.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Recommendation to Suspend Mr. Charles Oller,
Jr., Bus Driver, Transportation Department, for Three (3) Days
Without Pay. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book
To approve the Recommendation to Dismiss Ms. Shontell Wells,
Bus Driver, Transportation Department. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To grant the request for an Administrative Hearing and suspend
Mr. Windell Robinson, Plant Operator, Tyrone Elementary
School, without pay, effective December 14, 2005, pending the
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
outcome of the Administrative Hearing. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Division of Administrative Hearings
Administrative Law Judge Services Contract. (Copy to be found
in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
It was moved by Mrs. Bostock and seconded by Mrs.
Gallucci to approve the Agreement Between the City of St.
Petersburg and Boca Ciega High School for the Hooter’s
Holiday Shootout, to be held December 27-30, 2005. Ms.
Clark, having pulled this item, stated that the Hooters
restaurants do give back to the community but that she is
concerned with the stereotype that the restaurant chain
name and the branding gives to young ladies. Mrs. Lerner
stated that the name of the chain has nothing to do with
owls but has to do with a part of a woman’s body. Mrs.
Lerner stated that she will approve this item this year but
would like a change in the name of the tournament for
subsequent years. Discussion followed. Mrs. Cook
suggested that this issue be placed as a leadership
discussion item at a future workshop. The motion to
approve the Agreement Between the City of St. Petersburg
and Boca Ciega High School for the Hooter’s Holiday
Shootout, to be held December 27-30, 2005, was carried
with a 5-2 vote, Ms. Clark and Mrs. Russell voting against.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve to use Educational Tours, a Student Tour Company,
to Arrange for the Coachman Fundamental Middle School Eighth
Grade Trip to St. Augustine, Florida on April 24 and 25, 2006.
To approve to use L. Johnson & Associates and Schwartz
Corporation to Coordinate Travel and Activities to Dallas, Texas,
for the Countryside High School Golden Cougar Band to
Participate in a Music Competition at the Cotton Bowl December
28, 2005 – January 3, 2006.
To approve to use Smoky Mountain Music Festival/Music Tours
Unlimited to Coordinate Travel and Activities to Gatlinburg,
Tennessee, for the Largo Middle School Music Department to
Participate in a Music Competition April 19 – 23, 2006.
To approve to use Educational Tours, a Student Tour Company,
to Arrange the Palm Harbor Middle School Eighth Grade Social
Studies Trip to Washington D.C. March 25 – 30, 2006.
To approve the Acceptance of Vehicle Donation to PTEC,
Clearwater, from Julie Ann Teeters. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
To approve to use Heritage Music Festivals to Coordinate Travel
and Activities to New York City for the Seminole High School
Choral Department to Participate in a Music Competition March
23, - 26, 2006
To approve the Following Special Projects: (Copy/copies, as
appropriate, to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
Renewal of Title I – Part D (Neglected & Delinquent) Project:
Renewal of Tech Prep Project: $25,000
Renewal of Federal Charter School Implementation Project
(Plato): $200,000
Renewal of Federal Impact Aid Project: $ TBA
Renewal of Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT)
Entitlement Project: $934,549.93
Renewal of Agreement with Oliver T. Massey, Ph.D.: $19,000
Early Career/Early Placement Support Program: $250,000
Amendment to Pinellas County Refugee Education Program:
To approve the Budget Amendment No. 2 (October 2005) to the
District’s 2005/06 Budget.
To approve the Financial Statements for Month Ending October
31, 2005 for Fiscal Year 2005-06.
To approve the Principals’ Quarterly Financial Report for the
Quarter Ending September 30, 2005.
To approve the Project Closure Agreement With Laidlaw Transit,
Inc. (Laidlaw), Including its Laidlaw Planning Solutions (LPS)
Division, Concerning the GIS Routing, GPS Tracking and
Student Identification System. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Middle School Course Code Directory and
Uniform Course Descriptions, 2006-2007.
To approve the High School Course Code Directory and the
Uniform Course Descriptions, 2006-2007.
To approve the Renewal of Agreement With the University of
South Florida to Provide the Saturday Morning Academic
Enrichment Program, “YES – We Care!”, for Minority Students.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve an Asset Purchase Agreement With JA Worldwide
for the Sale of Enterprise Village and Finance Park Curricula and
Other Intellectual Property, With Retention of Rights to Use in
Pinellas County. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #109.)
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
To approve to Declare the Jordan Park Facility Surplus and
Transfer Ownership of the Property to the City of St. Petersburg.
To approve the Supplemental Survey for Jordan Kindergarten
Center (00139).
To approve the Grant of Perpetual Easement to Verizon Florida,
Inc. for the Relocation of Utility Lines at the High Point
Elementary School Site and Payment of Associated Cost. (Copy
to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the 2005/2006 Sponsorship Award Agreement With
the City of St. Petersburg Wherein the City Will Pay the School
Bus Parking Fees at the Mahaffey Theatre. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Supplemental Survey for Boca Ciega High
School (00014).
To approve the Supplemental Survey for Tyrone Elementary
School (00121).
2mm. To approve the Supplemental Survey for Tyrone Middle School
To approve Amendment No. 5 to Agreement With Ajax Building
Corporation for an increase in the Guaranteed Maximum Price
(GMP) for Remodeling and Renovations at Bernice Johnson
Student Services Center in the Additional Amount of $885,066.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve Change Order No. 1 for the new Construction at
Lealman Intermediate School. This Change Order will decrease
the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) by $4,124,000.42 with
no time extension. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute
Book #109.)
To approve the Acceptance of Substantial Completion of Oak
Grove Middle School as of September 12, 2005. (Copy to be
found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Acceptance of Final Substantial Completion of
New Construction & Renovations at Starkey Elementary School
as of August 18, 2005. (Copy to be found in Supplemental
Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Agreement With Griffin Design Associates, P.A.
to Provide Design Services and Construction Administration
Services for the Reroofing of Buildings #2, 6, 9, 12, 17, 27, 28,
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
29 and 30 at Seminole High School in the Amount of $76,250.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
To approve the Reimbursement of Isolated Transportation for
V.H. for the 2005/2006 School Year.
To approve the Reimbursement of Isolated Transportation for
R.B. for the 2005/2006 School Year.
To approve the Bids to Vendors at Prices in Bid Documents in
Accordance with Bid Policies and Statutes. (Copy to be found in
Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci, seconded by Mrs. Brown, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to approve the Contract for David A.
Koperski as Assistant School Board Attorney. (Copy to be found
in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Brown to
approve the Amendments to the Superintendent's Employment
Contract. Mrs. Gallucci, as chair of the subcommittee of the
Board identified to study specific areas of the contract and
workshop tape, presented the proposed changes in the contract.
It was moved by Mrs. Lerner, seconded by Mrs. Russell, and
carried with a 7-0 vote to divide out each proposed change item
and address them separately.
Item #1 – Employment – “The Board may annually agree with
the Superintendent to extend the term of this Agreement……”
Discussion followed by the Board. The vote to approve this
amendment was carried with a 4-3 vote, Ms. Clark, Mrs. Lerner,
and Mrs. Russell voting against.
Item #11 – Additional Benefits – “Recognizing that the
Superintendent’s responsibilities require that he communicate
regularly by cellular telephone, computer, and other wireless…..”
Discussion followed by the Board. The vote to approve this
amendment was carried with a 7-0 vote.
Item #15 – Termination – “If the Board takes action to
terminate…” Discussion followed by the Board. The vote to
approve this amendment was carried with a 7-0 vote.
(Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.)
The meeting recessed at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened at 7:13
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
It was moved by Mrs. Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Russell to
approve the Lawsuit Challenging DOE Ban of Use of CoTeaching to Meet Class Size Reduction Transitory Goals. Dr.
Wilcox proposed a third alternative, that the Board authorize the
Superintendent and the Board Counsel to participate in the
negotiations and, should those negotiations not be successful,
then enter into the litigation. Discussion followed by Mr.
Robinson and Board Members.
Mrs. Bostock moved a substitute motion to authorize the
Superintendent and the Board Counsel to participate in the
negotiations and, should those negotiations not be successful,
return to the Board for further direction: This motion was
seconded by Mrs. Russell. Discussion followed.
Mark Klutho addressed the Board to say that the lawsuit would
be “squandering taxpayer’s dollars.” Mr. Klutho stated that the
district is still using incorrect lighting and making bushes out of
Discussion followed by Dr. Wilcox, Board Members, and Mr.
Robinson. Mrs. Gallucci reminded the Board that initiative was
started by the Board of Education, a non-elected body, and that
at this point there is no legislation on this topic. Mrs. Lerner
expressed her agreement with Dr. Wilcox.
Mrs. Bostock requested that the Chairperson help the Board to
refocus and called the question. The call for the question was
carried with a 7-0 vote.
The substitute motion to authorize the Superintendent and the
Board Counsel to participate in the negotiations and, should
those negotiations not be successful, return to the Board for
further direction was carried with a 4-3 vote, Mrs. Brown, Mrs.
Gallucci, and Mrs. Lerner voting against.
Moved from the Consent Agenda – It was moved by Mrs.
Bostock and seconded by Mrs. Gallucci to approve a
Fundamental High School to be Phased in Over a 4-Year Period
Starting With a 9th Grade Class in 2006-07. Dr. Wilcox
requested that Osceola High School be designated as the site
and that the program begin with ninth grade, as described in the
agenda item.
The following individuals addressed the Board:
Loreli Keif and Brent Craven – Addressed the Board to indicate
their support of the proposed program.
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
Terri Lee, Tom Keah, and Eileen Gianfrancesco – Addressed
the Board to state that they are not necessarily against the
fundamental program but that they do have concerns with the
impact the placement of this program at Osceola High School
could have on extended grandfathering that families have
expected to utilize as their younger students move into ninth
Patti Baldwin -- Addressed the Board to say that, as a
Clearwater High School parent, she was upset with receiving a
questionnaire on this item via e-mail. Ms. Baldwin suggested
that such an important message should have been
communicated via the Connect Ed method and thanked Dr.
Wilcox for all he is doing in the district.
Discussion followed by Dr. Wilcox and Board Members.
It was moved by Mrs. Bostock and seconded by Mrs. Gallucci to
amend the main motion and remove the word “only” from “b” on
page 159 of the agenda book and add the word, “first” in the
same section, to read as follows: “b) Implement the fundamental
high school program based on the actual enrollment of the ninth
grade class. Only Fundamental program students and
grandfathered Choice students will be admitted first to the ninth
grade at Osceola High School.” Dr. Wilcox stated that the
intention was to have the entire ninth grade program a
fundamental program. Mr. Robinson suggested that the word,
“fundamental” be added as follows, “……admitted first to the
ninth grade fundamental program at Osceola High School.” Mrs.
Bostock and Mrs. Gallucci agreed to this addition to their motion
to amend. The motion to amend “b)” was carried with a 7-0
The motion to approve a Fundamental High School to be
Phased in Over a 4-Year Period Starting With a 9th Grade Class
in 2006-07, as amended, was carried with a 6-1 vote, Mrs.
Russell voting against.
The meeting recessed at 9:02 p.m. and reconvened at 9:08
Moved from the Consent Agenda – It was moved by Mrs.
Gallucci and seconded by Mrs. Brown to approve the Master
Lease Agreement With Dell Financial Services. Dr. Wilcox
stated that the Board has received a revised impact statement.
Discussion followed by Board Members. The motion to approve
the Master Lease Agreement With Dell Financial Services was
carried with a 7-0 vote. (Copy to be found in Supplemental
Minute Book #109.)
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
The following individuals addressed
Presentations From the Audience:
Lenore Faulkner – Addressed the Board to offer her assistance
in changing the school district logo.
Mark Klutho – Addressed the Board to state that the district is
still ignoring science and technology when designing school
The Following are Items Introduced by Board Members:
Mrs. Russell – Stated that the Board has received a request to
change the date that students return after the winter holiday. Dr.
Wilcox stated that the Board has the authority to change that;
however, he believes that many families have already planned
around that return date. Both Mrs. Lerner and Mrs. Brown stated
their agreement with Dr. Wilcox. The date will not be changed.
Dr. Wilcox’s report included the following:
 Called the Board’s attention to the many photos placed
around the Conference Hall and stated that many of the
students from Melrose Elementary and John Hopkins Middle
schools are responsible for producing this artwork.
 Read a portion of a letter from the Superintendent of the
Baton Rouge school system expressing that system’s
gratitude for the resources sent to them following the
devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
 Reported that he had also received a note of gratitude from
Broward School District for the assistance and resources
given to that district following devastation caused by
 Thanked the Board for their approval of the proposed
changes in his contract.
 Stated that he had intended to bring a report to the Board
regarding Tarpon Springs Elementary in December but will be
bringing that report to the Board in January.
 Updated the Board on the district’s agreement with Laidlaw
and stated that the attorney has negotiated a good
 Commended the Board for agreeing to sell the rights to
Enterprise Village to JA and stated that there will be many
Enterprise Villages opening all over the world, with the
Education Foundation benefiting as a result of this
 Wished all a great winter holiday.
Mr. Robinson reported that he had no report.
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
Reports from School Board Members were as follows:
Mrs. Brown – Requested assistance from the community that
should they see children on the streets or in stores who should
be in school during that time of day to report this to the district
staff at 507-4760. Mrs. Brown stated in order for children to
learn, they must be in school; and, that this assistance by
community members will help reduce truancy. Requested that
the Board, at a future workshop, discuss methods that the district
could implement that would insist that parents support their
children in their education. Expressed her appreciation to all
who worked on building “Brooke’s Brook” at James B. Sanderlin
Elementary School in memory of Brooke Ingoldsby. Wished
everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, and Happy
Mrs. Bostock – Stated that for clarification purposes, she wanted
to emphasize the district will now begin to promote the
fundamental high school program for all eighth-grade families.
Congratulated the Largo High School football team for
representing their school so well this season. Wished everyone
a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Ms. Clark – Stated that she had a nice conversation with Mr.
Mark Lindemann (Director, Purchasing) and questioned whether
the Board Members would be interested in scheduling a
presentation by Mr. Lindemann regarding the operations of his
department. Board Members discussed this and the decision
was made to schedule it as a work session and those who could
arrange to attend would do so.
Mrs. Russell – Stated that she has finished reading, “The Five
Dysfunctions of a Team” and offered the book to those who
would like to read it.
Wished everyone a Happy Holiday and
stated that no one should take work home this holiday, but
should spend time with their family.
Mrs. Lerner – Stated that this Board is not a dysfunctional board
and that the board is functioning quite well. Stated that she has
always appreciated the community, the experienced staff, and
the students who she believes want to be successful. Mrs.
Lerner stated that she hopes that “we can redirect ourselves to
operate in a respectful manner, each of us looking at ourselves.”
Wished everyone a great vacation.
Mrs. Gallucci – Stated that Dr. Wilcox had given the Board a
“board score card” and requested that the Board discuss this tool
at a future workshop. Congratulated Countryside High School
for being invited to the Cotton Bowl. Thanked volunteers for what
they do for students. Wished everyone a happy holiday.
Regular School Board Meeting
December 13, 2005
Mrs. Cook – Thanked the audience for being here and for going
easy on her during her first meeting. Expressed her gratitude to
the staff, teachers, parents, and community for their support of
education. Wished everyone a happy holiday season.
Dr. Zambito’s summary of the directives will be e-mailed to the
Board Members.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board,
this meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
/db(05Dec 13)