Alaina Randerson Garrett Maclachlan Katie Roley 5/29/11 Submaximal Lab Report Purpose Sub-maximal exercise testing is a useful test in estimating an individual’s aerobic power when maximal exercise testing is not practical. Based on a subject’s age and body mass, sub-maximal tests apply the connection of oxygen consumption, workload, and heart rate to gather information about aerobic capacity and therefore identify the fitness level of the subject. This form of exercise testing is often used to monitor the progress of an individual in a training program. Sub-maximal testing is also a successful alternative to maximal testing when the subject has injuries or other health issues preventing them from being able to safely complete a maximal exercise test. Methods The subjects resting heart rate and blood pressure was taken before any exercise began. Then, the subject pedaled at an intensity of 0.5 kp for three minutes at a cadence of 50 bpm. The heart rate was taken for 15 seconds each minute for three minutes. The subject’s blood pressure was taken at the end of the third minute. Depending on the heart rate at the end of the first stage, the subjects next intensity was determined. Once the workload column was determined, the subject was to stay in that column and increase the intensity depending on the designated column every three minutes. Again, heart rate was taken for 15 seconds every minute and the blood pressure was taken at the end of every third minute, thus twelve heart rates and four blood pressures were recorded for all four workloads. After the test was complete, all intensity was taken off and heart rate and blood pressure were immediately recorded post exercise. Results Garrett is a 22 year old, active male. His lowest heart rate of 95 bpm, was at the first workload of 0.5 kp. The highest heart rate was 130 bpm and was recorded at the 4th workload of 2.5 kp. He has an estimated maximum heart rate of 198 bpm based on the equation: HR max= 220-age. His predicted maximum O2 uptake is 4.4 L/m which also equals 62.86 ml/kg/min. Resting (bpm) 0.5 (kp) 1.5 (kp) 2.0 (kp) 2.5 (kp) HR 1 95 97 118 122 HR 2 98 106 121 128 HR 3 101 109 120 130 Final (bpm) Resting (bpm) 0.5 (kp) 1.5 (kp) 2.0 (kp) 2.5 (kp) 95 Final (bpm) 97 Table 1: Heart Rates and Corresponding Workload for Garrett Maclachlan Heart Rate (bpm) Estimated VO2 max (ml/kg/min) Predicted Heart Rate 62.86 -10 57.14 +10 68.57 Table 2: Estimated VO2 max Depending on Heart Rate, Increasing and Decreasing for Garrett Maclachlan Alaina is a 21 year old, active female. Her lowest heart rate was 87 bpm at a workload of 0.5 kp. Her highest heart rate was 155 bpm at a workload of 2.0 kp. She has an estimated maximum heart rate of 199 bpm. Her predicted max O2 uptake was 3.0 L/min which also equals 42.37 mL/kg/min. Resting (bpm) 0.5 (kp) 1.0 (kp) 1.5 (kp) 2.0 (kp) HR 1 103 119 141 138 HR 2 101 120 146 148 HR 3 116 119 136 155 87 113 Table 3: Heart Rates and Corresponding Workload for Alaina Randerson Heart Rate (bpm) Final (bpm) Estimated VO2 max (ml/kg/min) Predicted Heart Rate 42.37 -10 36.72 +10 47.32 Table 4: Estimated VO2 max Depending on Heart Rate, Increasing and Decreasing for Alaina Randerson Katie is a 21 year old, active female. Her lowest heart rate was 92 bpm at a workload of 0.5 kp. Her highest heart rate was 160 bpm at a work load of 2.0 kp. She has an estimated heart rate of 199 bpm. Her predicted maximum O2 uptake was 2.1 L/min which equals 35.89 mL/kg/min. Resting (bpm) 0.5 (kp) 1.0 (kp) 1.5 (kp) 2.0 (kp) HR 1 97 104 130 149 HR 2 98 113 135 158 HR 3 103 114 140 160 92 Final (bpm) 139 Table 5: Heart Rates and Corresponding Workload for Katie Roley Heart Rate (bpm) Estimated VO2 max (ml/kg/min) Predicted Heart Rate 35.89 -10 33.33 +10 38.46 Table 6: Estimated VO2 max Depending on Heart Rate, Increasing and Decreasing for Katie Roley Conclusion Garrett’s predicted maximum O2 output and maximum heart rate were 62.86 mL/kg/min and 130 bpm, respectively. Alaina’s predicted maximum O2 output and maximum heart rate were 42.37 mL/kg/min and 155 bpm, respectively. Katie’s predictect maximum O2 output and maximum heart rate were 35.89 mL/kg/min and 160 bpm. This shows that all subjects were successful at completing the Submaximal Test without reaching too high of a heart rate. This is important in a clinical setting to allow researchers to determine an individual’s max O2 output without causing too much stress on their cardiovascular system. This would be useful for subjects with obesity, cardiovascular disease, or high blood pressure. Garrett’s maximum O2 output was predicted from his maximum heart rate. This was then used to make a rough estimate of his maximum O2 output had his heart rate been 10 bpm lower and 10 bpm higher than his predicted heart rate. The values, 57.14 mL/kg/min and 68.57 mL/kg/min, respectively, are not as accurate as they would be if the test manipulated his heart rate accordingly. These are good indicators of the general parameters his maximum O2 output would be if an actual maximal test was performed. Alaina noted that as the experiment continued and the intensity increased, her muscles began to fatigue more and had a slight “burning” sensation. The “burning” sensations is most likely due to the build of of free H+ ions in her skeletal muscle. We also noted, that her heart rate had a tendency to drop slightly each time after the intensity was established. This is probably due to the buffering of H+ ions out of the muscle through the production of lactate, thus her heart did not have to work as hard to maintain the same pace. The drop in heart rate may also be due to the “acclimation” to the workload that was presented. Katie had the highest heart rate out of all the subjects with a lower estimated maximum O2 output. Compared against Alaina’s data, Katie has a lower endurance capacity and would reach fatigue faster. Garrett was capable of completing this test with the least amount of effort, showing that he has the highest endurance capacity out of all the subjects. These assumptions are to be expected based on the differences in body mass, gender, age, and the types of training between the subjects. It has been proven that exercise stress inhibits leptin, which is a hormone that affects dietary intake of carbohydrates . With this decrease in leptin, subjects with higher O2 uptake levels would use carbohydrates more as a fuel then subjects with low O2 uptake levels (Hilton and Loucks 2000). Even though this experiment helps to predict individual’s maximum O2 output, there are a few possible errors in the test. The test assumes that maximum O2 output is dependent the subject’s heart rate which is not actually calculated or tested, but simply assumed by a simple and over generalized calculation of maximum heart rate=220-age. The test also assumes that the mechanical efficiency is the same for all subjects, thus making the test more generic and less specific for each individual. Also, if the ergometer was not calibrated correctly, all of the results would be inaccurate. The Submaximal Test could be made more accurate to estimate an individual’s maximum O2 output by changing the workload values for females and males, thus accounting for the mechanical efficiencies for individual’s. Because female muscles are different in maximal contraction than male’s, equations from different Submaximal Tests can be used to calculate the appropriate workloads for different genders. By changing the workloads, the maximum O2 output can be estimated graphically more accurately since the intensity would be more precise for the individual. References Hilton, L.K., and A.B. Loucks. "Low Energy Availability, Not Exercise Stress, Suppresses the Diurnal Rhythm of Leptin in Healthy Young Women." Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab., 2000: E43-E49.