The Outsiders - ShikhaSharma-NEIUCOE

The Outsiders
Reading Chapter 7
Lesson Plan: Reading in class-Newspaper Article
Clinical Student: Shikha Sharma
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Allen
Site: 6th grade Language Arts classroom at Oriole Park Elementary
Duration: One 50-minute class period
Homework Assignment:
End of the lesson homework assignment as per cooperating teacher’s requirement: To
write a newspaper article on the “heroic” acts committed by Ponyboy, Dally, and Johnny.
Rationale: Checking for understanding and writing about the events in one’s own words.
In addition, this activity also reinforces writing for an audience.
Preparation for the assignment:
1. Pass newspaper article.
2. Pass Homework Assignment Instructions.
3. Begin reading by playing the CD version, pausing and checking for understanding
by asking questions.
4. Play Vocabulary game. Divide the class into 5 teams. Write down the names of
teams on the board. One by one, write the word on the board. Tell students to use
context clues, word structure, word association to figure out the meaning. Write
down points for each team. For every correct word meaning, a team gets 5 points.
STATE GOAL 4: Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations.
4.A.3a Demonstrate ways (e.g., ask probing questions, provide feedback to a
speaker, summarize and paraphrase complex spoken messages) that listening
attentively can improve comprehension.
STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
C. Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes.
3.C.3a Compose narrative, informative, and persuasive writings (e.g., in
addition to previous writings, literature reviews, instructions, news articles,
correspondence) for a specified audience.
STATE GOAL 1: Read with understanding and fluency.
A. Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selections.
1.A.3a Apply knowledge of word origins and derivations to comprehend
words used in specific content areas (e.g., scientific, political, literary,
1.A.3b Analyze the meaning of words and phrases in their context.
1. Newspaper Article from:
2. Assignment instructions attached.
1. Writing assignment will be graded on rubric determined by cooperating teacher.
2. Vocabulary will be assessed taught and informally assessed through playing
classroom game.
To be discussed with cooperating teacher.
Local Heroes Newspaper Article Writing Assignment
1. Name of Publication
2. Headline
3. Blurb
4. Byline
5. Date
6. Place
7. Body of the text/ Main Story
Questions to ask yourself, the writer:
1. What is the name of your publication?
Do headline after you have written your main story.
3. Blurb: What is the main idea that you wish to communicate about the leading
characters in your article? Or, how do you want the audience to remember
Ponyboy and Johnny or about this episode? Your blurb should also be a
continuation of your headline.
Eg: Headline: Teenagers wanted for manslaughter save children from burning in
Jay mountain church. Blurb: Anyone would have saved those kids, says 15-year old
Ponyboy Curtis, the youngest of the three Tulsa boys who plunged into fire on Mar.
4. Byline is your name.
5. Report will come the day after the event.
6. Where did the fire take place? What is the name of the town?
7.Main Story: Things to think about: Your story must a. describe the event from the
perspective of someone you interviewed for the story (Who is interviewed in the
novel?) b. How will you convey what a heroic act this was: how dangerous it
was? What details can you pull from chapter 6.? How will you make the reader
feel that he was there? How will you portray Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally as
heroes when they are wanted for manslaughter? What family details / individual
achievements will you include in the story so that your reader gets to know the
heroes better?