Thematic Unit Katie Sobolewski EDAT 6119 Spring 2010 Introduction My unit consists of Narrative Writing and types of sentences. While I do cover these two concepts before we take the GCRCT, I do not have time to allow the students the freedom to express themselves through creative writing. It is vital that the students know how to effectively incorporate compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences into their writing. Using these types of sentences in their writing makes their writing sound much more mature; therefore, we are going to incorporate this concept into our unit on Narrative Writing. I have created a unit that combines fairy tales and persuasive writing. There is one formal assessment that is the culminating project at the end of the unit, and there are several informal assessments throughout the unit. The culminating formal assessment uses excel to create a branching story. The students always enjoy completing this project because it allows them to see different uses for the Excel program. It also allows the students to write creatively, which is something they rarely get to do in 7th grade. I have created my own example of a branching story for the students to model their story after. My students are not very diverse this school year. I currently teach 102 students 7th grade Language Arts. Two of those students are African American, and one student is of Hispanic origin. The rest of my students are Caucasian. I teach two segments of gifted Language Arts and three segments of on level Language Arts. I have no team taught classes or students with modifications in any of my classes. Overview My unit incorporates a grammar standard and a writing standard. For this unit we will focus on Narrative Writing and types of sentences such as compound, complex, and compound-complex. Although we have already introduced types of sentences, I feel that the students need remediation on this difficult concept. The students will be given the opportunity to write creatively which they do not often get to do during the school year. I will give the students the opportunity to work both individually and in cooperative groups. I do not often do group work in Language Arts, but I do think that when I am using technology, it is a good idea to allow students to work in groups since some of them are more technologically advanced than others. The students will be given the opportunity to use Excel to create a branching story. This is always an exciting assignment for the students since they are not used to using this program for this purpose. Technology Assignments in the unit: 1. Introduce vocabulary with PowerPoint 2. Inspiration to create vocabulary word wall 3. Quia activity to review vocabulary 4. Quia vocabulary quiz 5. Quia choice board 6. Blog topic ( 6. United Streaming and Brain Pop videos (using Quizdom remotes for quiz) 7. Using Excel to create a branching story 8. PowerPoint biographies 9. Movie Maker “Where I come from” 10. Wordle to create poetry Unit Schedule 4-14 4-15 4-16 Introduce Quia activity Review types vocabulary for for vocabulary of sentences Narrative review with stations Writing via PowerPoint and Inspiration 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 “Types of Introduce Work on Work on Work on Narrative” Branching Branching Branching Branching clips from Stories Stories Stories Stories 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 Work on Present Present Introduce Work on Branching Branching Branching group project group projects Stories Stories Stories options 5- 3 5-4 5-5 Work on Present group Present group group projects projects projects United Streaming and Brain Pop Lesson Plan Template LESSON PLAN ONE Introduction For the introduction to this unit, I will introduce my students to the vocabulary that goes along with Narrative Writing. We will discuss what Narrative Writing is, and what it is not. We will discuss the elements of Narrative Writing, and I will show some examples of what is considered Narrative Writing. This unit consists of both Narrative Writing and types of sentences. We have already discussed types of sentences such as compound, complex, and compound-complex, but the students have not had the opportunity to put that knowledge into practice in their own writing. Therefore, we will briefly review the differences in these types of sentences, and incorporate those skills into their writing. I think it is important to teach elements of grammar as they relate to students’ writing. Students need to know that these concepts can improve their writing. This is why I incorporate this particular grammar concept with Narrative Writing. Students enjoy writing this particular genre, so it comes relatively easy for them, but writing with more complex sentences is difficult for them. Therefore, I incorporate these two concepts together. Outcomes Will be able to incorporate compound, complex, and compoundcomplex sentences into their writing Will be able to use and understand vocabulary terms as they relate to Narrative Writing Standards ELA7R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. ELA7C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student a. Identifies and writes simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences correctly, punctuating properly, avoiding fragments and run-ons, adding or deleting modifiers, combining or revising sentences. Resources Off-line: PowerPoint and Inspiration Online: Integration of Technology Description of what technologies (database, spreadsheet, etc.) will be integrated: PowerPoint, Inspiration, and Quia for vocabulary activity How the technology will be integrated (How a student centered approach will be taken to the integration.): Students will use the program Inspiration to create web diagrams of the vocabulary that we are learning. This is student centered because they are creating a product that will enable them to learn about the vocabulary with similar words or pictures. They will also use my website on Quia to complete a vocabulary activity to reinforce what we learned in the classroom. The learning objective(s) the integration will address: What is Narrative Writing? A description of the artifacts the students will produce: Students will produce work from the program Inspiration. They will also complete an activity for reinforcement on my Quia homepage. Materials Student laptops Internet access to get to my Quia homepage PowerPoint Inspiration Smart board Process Preparations: in order to prepare for the first lesson in this unit, I will need to create a PowerPoint of the vocabulary words that we will be studying on Narrative Writing. I will also need to run off copies of the web diagram for what Narrative Writing is. (copy attached). Lastly, I will need to create an activity in Quia for my students to review. Tips: It is difficult for this entire activity to be student centered. I will need to introduce the vocabulary to them regarding Narrative Writing via PowerPoint. It is also important that I make sure the program Inspiration is up and running on all student laptops for them. Tasks: 1. Introduce students to Narrative Writing using the web diagram. 2. Introduce students to the vocabulary associated with Narrative Writing through PowerPoint. 3. Explain the Inspiration assignment, and assign groups. I will differentiate as needed for the groups, and I will be available as needed. The students have used this program before in my classroom, so I will be available to troubleshoot issues for them, but they will not need whole class instruction on using the program. 4. Day two will be a review of the vocabulary concepts. Students will form the same groups as their Inspiration groups and complete the review from my Quia homepage. Outcomes/Products: 1. At this point, students can memorize vocabulary. I want them to be able to apply the knowledge that they are learning. This is why I am presenting the vocabulary to them, but then requiring them to put the vocabulary in their own words through Inspiration. 2. It is imperative for students to learn the vocabulary that is associated with each type of writing. The Inspiration project and the Quia activity will be a combined class work grade. Assessment The Inspiration project and the Quia activity will be the assessment to determine if they have successfully applied the terms. A rubric will be provided to the students for the Inspiration project, so they know my expectations. Extensions/Modifications This year, I do not teach any special education classes. I also do not have any students in my classes that have an Individualized Education Program. This makes it much easier to plan my units. I do teach two segments of gifted classes. For these two classes, I will give them options as to how to present their vocabulary activity. They can still use Inspiration, but they may also use any other program that they are familiar with. LESSON PLAN TWO Introduction For the second lesson of this unit, we will review types of sentences. I have already taught compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences, but it has been a few months. I feel that the students need some review on this concept; so we will spend a day reviewing the different types of sentences in stations. Outcomes Will be able to correctly identify and create a compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence. Standards ELA7C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student a. Identifies and writes simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences correctly, punctuating properly, avoiding fragments and run-ons, adding or deleting modifiers, combining or revising sentences. Resources Off-line: individual white boards, markers, erasers Online: Integration of Technology Description of what technologies (database, spreadsheet, etc.) will be integrated: and How the technology will be integrated (How a student centered approach will be taken to the integration.): For this lesson, I will integrate technology through the stations or centers. The students will access my Quia website to complete two different review games on types of sentences. They will also access my blog to complete a question. They will have to respond using a minimum number of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. The learning objective(s) the integration will address: How can we incorporate different types of sentences into your writing? Materials Student Laptops White boards, dry erase markers and erasers Internet access to access my blog site and my Quia homepage Process Preparations: In order to prepare for the lesson, I will need to rearrange my room into four distinct groups. This will allow the students to move freely around the room. I will also need to set up laptops at each station and have them ready to get on the internet. I will also have my white boards and materials set up at one of the stations. Tips: The students are very familiar with my blog and Quia homepage since we use both of them on a weekly basis. I do not anticipate any questions regarding the stations since I will be at the one where the students are creating their sentences on the whiteboards. This will be where I can do small group teaching. Tasks: 1. Instruct students on the four different stations and divide them into small groups. 2. I will be at the station where the students are working on the whiteboards, but the students from other stations can ask me questions as needed. Outcomes/Products: 3. This activity will be a review for students, but I think it is a needed review since it is so important that they understand how to use the different types of sentences in their own writing. The students always enjoy having centers in the classroom since it gets them up and moving, and they get to complete a different activity each 12 minutes. Assessment The students will be assessed on their blog response. The guidelines are available in the instructions on the blog website. They will also be assessed on their sentences that they create in the whiteboard station. The whiteboard stations will be an informal assessment, and it will not count for a grade; however, the blog assignment will count as a class work grade. Extensions/Modifications As an extension for this activity, I have also created a few more review activities and placed them on my Quia homepage. These activities will not count for a grade; however, they are available if the students feel that they need additional remediation on types of sentences. LESSON PLAN THREE Introduction For this lesson, students will watch a few segments of videos from United Streaming and Brain Pop on Narrative Writing and types of sentences. This will give the information a different way than what I have already reviewed with the students. Outcomes Will be able to compare Narrative Writing to Expository and Persuasive Writing Will be able to create compound, complex, and compoundcomplex sentences Standards ELA7W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. The student produces a narrative (fictional, personal, experiential) that: a. Engages readers by establishing and developing a plot, setting, and point of view that are appropriate to the story (e.g., varied beginnings, standard plot line, cohesive devices, and a sharpened focus). b. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context. c. Develops characters using standard methods of characterization. d. Includes sensory details and concrete language to develop plot, setting, and character (e.g., vivid verbs, descriptive adjectives, and varied sentence structures). e. Excludes extraneous details and inconsistencies. f. Uses a range of strategies (e.g., suspense, figurative language, dialogue, expanded vocabulary, flashback, movement, gestures, expressions, tone, and mood). ELA7C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student a. Identifies and writes simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences correctly, punctuating properly, avoiding fragments and run-ons, adding or deleting modifiers, combining or revising sentences. Resources Off-line: none Online: Integration of Technology Description of what technologies (database, spreadsheet, etc.) will be integrated: United Streaming and Brain Pop video segments and Quizdom remotes for quizzes at the end of each segment of video How the technology will be integrated (How a student centered approach will be taken to the integration.): We will watch a few video segments from United Streaming on Narrative Writing and types of sentences. After most of the segments, there is a short quiz at the end. We will use our Quizdom remotes for the students to take a short quiz to ensure understanding. The learning objective(s) the integration will address: What are the different forms of Narrative Writing? How can we effectively integrate different types of sentences into our writing to make it more interesting? A description of the artifacts the students will produce: Students will not produce anything tangible during today’s lesson. Materials Smart board Quizdom remotes Process Preparations: To prepare for this lesson, I will need to preview the videos on United Streaming and BrainPop. I will also need to get the Quizdom remotes out and ready to go for the students. Tips: It is easier to get started if I have two different Internet Explorers up and running. This will save time during the transition period. I will also hand out Quizdom remotes as the students enter the classroom. This will also allow plenty of time to watch the selected videos. Tasks: 1. Preview video segments from BrainPop and United Streaming. 2. Set up Quizdom remotes for students Outcomes/Products: 1. I wanted to take a day to view these video segments because they offer ideas of how many different ways Narrative Writing can be used. It is also good to hear someone else explain types of sentences in different words than I use. Sometimes if a student hears it from someone different, it will click with them. Assessment The United Streaming video quizzes and the BrainPop quizzes will be averaged together for one quiz grade. This is a great tool from the Quizdom remotes that I have in my classroom. It will take all quizzes from one day for a certain remote and average the grades of all quizzes together. Extensions/Modifications All classes will complete the same activities today. I will give all students the student access code for United Streaming and BrainPop in case they feel they need more remediation at home. LESSON PLAN FOUR Introduction For this lesson, my students will create their own branching story in Excel. I will model how to do this for them, and I will give them online resources to walk them through the process. Outcomes Will be able to use the vocabulary from Narrative Writing to apply it to his or her own story. Will be able to use compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences correctly in their own writing. Standards ELA7W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. Resources Off-line: Excel Online: Integration of Technology Description of what technologies (database, spreadsheet, etc.) will be integrated: I will use Excel and the internet. How the technology will be integrated (How a student centered approach will be taken to the integration.): Students will use Excel to create a branching story. This will involve learning to hyperlink pages together. The learning objective(s) the integration will address: How can I incorporate different types of sentences easily into my writing? How can I create my own Narrative piece of work? A description of the artifacts the students will produce: A completed branching story in Excel Materials Student Laptops Process Preparations: In order to prepare for this lesson, I will need to create my own branching story to use as a model for my students. I will also need to provide step by step instructions for them to set up and create their own story. Tips: This is a difficult concept for the students to complete. It challenges them because they are not accustomed to using Excel to write stories. It is imperative that they follow the instructions step by step in order for this to be a successful process for them. Tasks: 1. Create an example of a branching story in Excel. 2. Students will create their own branching story in Excel. This will take approximately five days. Since this is not an easy concept for the students, we will work on this assignment in class, so I am available to answer any questions about the process. Outcomes/Products: 1. The final student product will be their branching story. A rubric will be provided for them. Assessment The branching story will count as a test grade. Extensions/Modifications All students will complete this activity; however, my regular classes will be allowed to work in partnerships of two. LESSON PLAN FIVE Introduction For this final lesson in the unit, the students will have a choice as to what they would like to do for their culminating project for Narrative Writing. They will have two and ½ days in class to work on this assignment and we will present the final products. They will be allowed to work in partnerships of two for this assignment. I am giving options for this last assignment because some students will enjoy using technology to complete this assessment, but some will want to utilize other methods of presentations. A choice board will be provided to the students. Outcomes Will be able to apply what they have learned about Narrative Writing and types of sentences to create their own work. Standards ELA7W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student a. Identifies topics, asks and evaluates questions, and develops ideas leading to inquiry, investigation, and research. b. Gives credit for both quoted and paraphrased information in a bibliography by using a consistent and sanctioned format and methodology for citations. c. Includes researched information in different types of products (e.g., compositions, multimedia presentations, graphic organizers, projects, etc.). d. Documents sources. e. Uses electronic media to locate relevant information. ELA7LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group verbal interactions. Resources Off-line: Rubrics, Movie Maker, PowerPoint Online: Integration of Technology Description of what technologies (database, spreadsheet, etc.) will be integrated: Moviemaker, PowerPoint, online cartoon creator How the technology will be integrated (How a student centered approach will be taken to the integration.): Students will utilize one of the choices given to create their own narrative work. The learning objective(s) the integration will address: What modes of publishing are available to me? A description of the artifacts the students will produce: varies depending on what they chose from the choice board. Rubric is attached. Materials Student Laptops Rubrics Paper, scissors, glue for the students that chose a nontechnology route. Process Preparations: To prepare for this final lesson, I will need to create a choice board for my students with their options. I will also need to create a rubric for each choice given. Tips: The students will be allowed to work in partnerships for this final activity. They rubrics will be provided on my website, so I do not waste paper printing out too many copies of one rubric. Tasks: 1. I will create a movie to show the students as a model. 2. Students will join groups or work individually to create their own movie. 3. A rubric will be provided beforehand so students know their expectations. Outcomes/Products: 1. Students will have a choice as to what their final product will be. They can choose from a Photo story, PowerPoint, children’s book, or children’s book without words. Rubrics will be given. Assessment This assignment will also count as a test grade. This is the second test grade that the students will have for this unit. Extensions/Modifications No modifications are needed since the students can choose their end product. No extensions are needed for my gifted students either since they can choose their own product. Published at: