"Scarlet Ibis" Introduction Guided Notes

Name ____________________________________________________________
English 9
“The Scarlet Ibis”
Symbolism and Inference Notes
A symbol is an _________________________, _________________________,
_________________________, or _________________________ that stands for
something more than itself.
In literature, symbols add
_______________________________________________________________ to a
A writer might take a regular object or event and make it stand for some
Sometimes a symbol is associated with a
In “The Scarlet Ibis,” notice similarities and links between one character and a
Pay attention to how the author makes a symbolic connection between the
character and the bird.
This symbolism can help
of the character.
An inference is an ____________________________________________________
about what the writer is trying to say.
Inferences are based on your own ______________________ knowledge
and ________________________ from the text.
 About how
stories work
 About your own
life experience
 Descriptions
 Setting
 Dialogue
Name ____________________________________________________________
English 9
“The Scarlet Ibis”
Symbolism and Inference Notes
One way to make better inferences is to notice important details in the story.
Details may seem insignificant at first, but many writers choose details
carefully to help _____________________________ a certain
_________________________ or ___________________________.
__________________________, _____________________________,
names, times, objects, animals, and clothing – almost any little thing can help
you make _____________________________ about meaning.
Pay attention to details as you read “The Scarlet Ibis,” and practice making inferences.
Keep track of the little things:
Quickwrite – With a partner, brainstorm at least FIVE symbols, that were not
mentioned in the lecture, and their meanings
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________