Scarlet Ibis Notes and Assignment

The Scarlet Ibis
by James Hurst
- Pg. 343 in textbook
Audiobook can be found on Youtube
Bleeding Tree
“Graveyard Flowers”
Symbolism: (We talked about this last
A symbol is an object, person, animal or
event that stands for something more
than itself.
 Public Symbols are common and known
to most people:
◦ Dove = peace
◦ cross = Christianity
In literature, an author can invent a
symbol linking an object to a character, or
event in the story.
What does the scarlet ibis stand
The bird is a rare, beautiful thing that is
destroyed when it is blown out of its
natural habitat
 Doodle is also a rare, beautiful thing that
is destroyed when his brother tries to
make him do things he cannot do.
Other Symbols in the Story:
The screech owls: in many cultures, the
cry of an owl is an omen of death.
 The casket: obvious death symbol
 Wreaths are circles of plants or flowers
that symbolize the circular nature of life,
ending with death. They are often used to
mark graves.
 The storms that blow the bird off course
and cause Doodle’s death are symbolic of
fear and chaos.
Grindstone: a round stone used to
grind grain into flour (also called a
“But if anyone causes one of
these little ones who believe
in me to sin, it would be
better for him to have a large
millstone hung around his
neck and to be drowned in
the depths of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6
New International
Version (Bible)
Mr. Harrell’s Scarlet Ibis
Symbolism Individual Assignment
You will do the following:
◦ Choose an image that shows something used as a symbol in The Scarlet Ibis. (pg.
343 – 354 in purple textbook)
◦ Symbols = Screech owls, casket, bleeding tree, the color red, thunderstorm or
anything else you can think of
◦ Write two paragraphs telling what the symbol is, how it is used, and what it
stands for in the story.
Make it pretty and colorful. I have card stock for you to use the final draft.
Bonus 10 points for presenting in front of your classmates
I will not accept incomplete, or incorrect work; you will re-do it.
You also need to have completed #6-10 (1-5 are extra credit) on pg. 356
Examples of Assignment
Selection Vocabulary
sullenly (adv.) – resentfully; gloomily
imminent (adj.) – near, soon, about to happen
iridescent (adj.) – rainbowlike; with shifting colors
serene (adj.) – peaceful; calm
infallibility (noun) – inability to make a mistake
blighted (adj.) – suffering from disease that keeps
growth from happening (usually referring to a plant
7. doggedness (noun) – stubbornness; persistence
8. reiterated (verb) - repeated
9. precariously (adv.) – unsteadily; insecurely
10. mar (verb) – to damage; spoil