Discovering The World Around Us – Let's Go to the Beach

Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
TOA Title:
¡Vamos a la playa!
Discovering the World Around Us
TOA Overview:
You are on vacation on a beautiful beach in Spain. The person next to you turns on the radio and the song by
“Los Payos” comes on. You ask this person if you could borrow the CD to look at the pictures and lyrics. As
you are sitting on the sand, you notice that you can understand quite a few words from the song and you try to
figure out exactly what the song is about. As you are listening to your new favorite group “Los Payos,” a
boy/girl your own age comes over to sit next to you. You find out that he/she lives in Spain. The two of you
would like to find out more about each other; but, your new friend does not speak English. This is not a
problem since you know some Spanish. The two of you will sit down and chat about all the things that you
have in common about the beach, the summer and sports. Just when thought you could sit back and relax, you
found out you won a contest and you have been chosen to be on a television news show!! The producers have
asked you to pick and describe a beach in Spain that you have visited during your vacation. You will have five
minutes on air. You must have a poster representing this beach and discuss different things such as sports,
weather, your family and much, much more.
TOA Title:
¡Vamos a la playa!
Maria Isabel (song by “Los Payos”)
Discovering the World Around Us
Focus Age Group: 10 - 11 years
National Standards Goals:
Communicative Mode:
Time Frame: 25 minutes
Description of Task:
Imagine that you are on a beautiful beach in Spain. The person next to you turns on the radio and the song by
“Los Payos” comes on. You ask this person if you could borrow the CD to look at the pictures and lyrics. Do
the following:
1. Read the lyrics to the song carefully.
2. Answer the following multiple-choice questions.
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
3. Re-read the song and answer the open-ended questions in English.
4. You will find pictures of vocabulary that is used in the song. Please write the words in Spanish on the
line next to the pictures (you may use the song to guide you in the spelling).
Materials Needed: Copy of the lyrics of the song Maria Isabel, copy of the song Maria Isabel, pencils.
Teacher Notes: Please spend a 25-minute class period in preparation phase the day before the test. Please
have the students listen to the song and answer the attached questions in groups.
* Preparation questions:
The students will be asked to brainstorm and discuss the following questions in groups of four.
1. Do you know where Spain is located?
2. Have you ever visited Spain?
3. Have you ever heard any music from Spain? If yes, what kind of music was it? Did you enjoy it?
4. Share any information you know regarding music from Spain.
5. Have you ever heard of a group called “Los Payos?”
6. Have you ever been to a beach? What can you find on a beach? Make a list of ten items.
Adaptations: Teachers can modify the questions to fit the student’s level of comprehension. Also, teachers
can use the following interpretation questions as a follow-up activity during the next class period.
1. Which title do you think would best fit the song?
a. Marίa Josefina
b. Los Payos
c. Marίa Isabel
d. La guitarra
2. Where does this story take place?
3. What instrument is the singer using?
4. What does the singer want you to do with the hat?
5. Where did he write a name?
6. What action was the moon doing?
Write the correct words in Spanish next to the pictures.
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
Banco de palabras
Las olas el mar la arena el sol
La guitarra los ojos
la luna
el sombrero
la playa
Novice-Mid Interpretive Rubric
¡Vamos a la playa!
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
Do I understand the
My answers are accurate
and to the point.
Most of my answers are
relevant and accurate.
My answers are
irrelevant and/or
I identify all vocabulary
words accurately (nine
words correctly).
I identify most
I do not identify
vocabulary words
enough vocabulary
accurately (5 to 8 words). words (1 to 4 words).
I identify the title of the
I identify the title of the
I do not identify the
title of the song.
I give logical
explanations of what
happened in the song.
I attempt to give
explanations of what
happened in the song.
I give no explanations
of what happened in
the song.
Do I understand the
(Word Recognition)
Do I identify the main
(Main Idea)
Can I explain what I
understood from
TOA Title:
¡Vamos a la playa!
Task Title:
Let’s Talk About the Beach!
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
The World Around Us
Focus Age Group: 10 - 11
National Standards Goals:
Communication Cultures
Communicative Mode:
Time Frame: 25 minutes (one class period)
Description of Task:
You are on vacation with your family in Spain on the beautiful beach of Malaga. You become friends with a
boy (Pablo)/girl (Mariana) your own age who lives in Spain and does not speak English. The two of you are
very interested in learning about each other. Answer the following questions in Spanish using as much
vocabulary as you can. (Remember, your friend does not speak English!)
Materials Needed: Teacher’s questions, picture of the beach.
Teacher Notes: This task is meant to be set up as an interview. Two students can be interviewed at once but
you must play the role of the interviewer (or the Spanish friend who does not speak English). If you decide to
interview two students at a time, please make sure that each student has a different set of questions. You may
alternate the questions and the order in which you would like to ask the students. You can be the judge of the
process. You will be responsible for asking all the questions. Do not show the students the questions; they will
only see the picture to describe during this task. If the children come across some difficulty when answering the
questions, you may aid them by providing choices such as either/or or rewording the question. The students are
also encouraged to help each other when giving answers.
Adaptations: Teacher can modify the questions to the level of the students or the group to be interviewed.
Let’s talk about the beach!!
PART ONE: Warm-up questions.
These questions are meant only as a warm-up. Please do not count them as part of the assessment.
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
Questions and answers must be in Spanish.
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
2. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
3. ¿Cómo estás hoy?
4. ¿Cómo está el tiempo hoy?
PART TWO: Questions from Pablo or Mariana.
This is the first part of the assessment. Each student will be asked to pick a set of questions to answer. You are
responsible for asking the questions by playing the role of Pablo or Mariana.
Questionnaire A
1. ¿Te gusta ir a la playa? Explica.
2. ¿Cómo se llama tu playa favorita?
3. ¿Qué actividades te gusta hacer en
la playa? ¿Con quién?
4. ¿Cuál es tu actividad favorita en la
playa? ¿Por qué?
5. ¿Qué deporte te gusta hacer en la
6. ¿Qué ropa necesitas para ir a la
playa? ¿Por qué?
Questionnaire B
1. ¿Cuál es tu playa favorita?
2. ¿Te gusta nadar en el mar? ¿Mucho,
para nada? ¿Te gusta nadar cuando
el agua está muy frίa?
3. ¿Qué animales hay en el mar?
4. Describe tres animales. Usa color,
tamaño y si te gusta o no.
5. Describe a tu playa favorita.
6. ¿Qué ropa NO necesitas para ir a la
PART THREE: Descriptive piece.
This is part of the assessment. You will show the students a picture of a beach. Explain to the students that
they must utilize and alternate within the three categories listed below. Please encourage them to help each
other. The students will be asked to take turns doing the following:
1. Describe the activities that the people are practicing on the beach.
2. Give each other commands, such as “Toca la pala azul.”
3. Ask each other questions regarding the picture, such as “Te gusta la playa? De que color es la
Use your judgment as to how long they can go on taking turns!
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
PART FOUR: Wind down
This part is not part of the assessment. Use simple TPR instructions to bring the assessment to an end. Give
commands that the students will be able to perform with no difficulties. The purpose of this activity is to allow
the students to leave with a feeling of success.
You may use the following:
 Toca la cabeza
 Levanta la mano derecha
 Aplaude una vez
Novice-Mid Interpersonal Rubric
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
¡Vamos a la playa!
Do we understand you?
Do I understand the
person I am talking to?
The information I ask
for/give regarding the
beach is understood by the
teacher without difficulty.
The information I ask
for/give regarding the beach
is understood by the teacher
with much difficulty.
I am mostly correct when
producing simple
The information I ask
for/give regarding the
beach is understood by
the teacher with
occasional difficulty.
I understand my teacher
and my partner
sometimes, but I need
repetition or
I am mostly correct with
memorized and familiar
I attempt to create with
the language but I make
some mistakes.
I make more mistakes
when attempting to
I do not attempt to create.
I recognize and use
vocabulary with ease.
I recognize and use most I use a limited number of
of the vocabulary
I understand my teacher
and my partner without
How well do I use the
Spanish language?
(Vocabulary Use &
Language Control)
How well do I keep the
conversation going?
TOA Title:
I begin to recombine some I use memorized chunks
memorized language to
of language to keep the
keep the conversation
conversation going.
I ask for repetition.
I ask for repetition and/or I tell my teacher and/or
my partner when I do
not understand.
¡Vamos a la playa!
Most of my responses to my
teacher and/or my partner do
not reflect comprehension.
I am accurate only when
using words.
I do not demonstrate an
ability to keep the
conversation going.
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
Task Title:
I am on Television!
Discovering the World Around Us
Focus Age Group: 10 - 11
National Standards Goals:
Communicative Mode:
Time Frame: 25 minute class period (brainstorming) and 5 minutes for presentation
Description of Task:
Pretend that you are in Spain on vacation with your family. You won a contest and you have been chosen to be
on a television news show! The producers have asked you to pick and describe a beach in Spain that you have
visited during your vacation. You will have five minutes on air. You must have a poster representing this
beach. The poster must include a drawing of you and your family at the beach doing different activities. You
must also discuss and describer the following things regarding this beach:
 What is the name of the beach you chose?
 What is the weather like in your poster?
 What is the temperature of the water?
 What weather do you enjoy when going to the beach?
 What activity are you doing on the poster?
 Who is there with you? What are their names?
 What are you and your family wearing?
 What animals did you see in the water? Please describe them.
 Describe what else you see around. Places, restaurants, things and items.
 Did you like this beach?
 Will you come back to this beach?
Feel free to bring in props and be creative!
Materials Needed: Students will provide the poster and props.
Teacher Notes: When assigning this task, please make sure that you give the students the appropriate time to
prepare. You may want to give two or more days for the students to prepare their poster as well as their
presentational speech. The students might want to come up with a rough draft of their speech and have the
opportunity to share it with a group for feedback. Please remind the students that they are not allowed to use
notes or cards when presenting.
Adaptations: Teacher can modify the task and criteria questions to the level of the student.
Natalie Serrano
Edison Township
Novice-Mid Presentational Rubric
¡Vamos a la playa!
Do we understand you?
How well do I use the
Spanish language?
(Language Control &
Vocabulary Use)
I am understood by my
audience without
I am mostly correct when
producing simple
My presentation is rich in
appropriate vocabulary.
How well do I impact the I use gestures and my
poster and the tone of my
voice to maintain
audience’s attention and
How well do I organize My main idea is supported
by examples and by my
the presentation?
How well do I act like a I demonstrate some
awareness of Mexico’s
native speaker?
cultural appropriateness.
(Cultural Awareness)
I am understood by the
audience most of the time.
I may have some
hesitations or unnatural
I am mostly correct with
memorized language and
My choice of vocabulary
reveals basic information.
I use some gestures and my
poster to maintain the
audience’s attention and
interest. My tone of voice
is acceptable.
I talk about all the items
about the beach that I was
asked to discuss. All the
items are also presented on
the poster.
I demonstrate some
awareness of Mexico’s
cultural appropriateness
I am not clearly
understood. I have
frequent hesitations and
unnatural pauses.
I am correct only at the
word level.
My vocabulary is limited
and/or repetitive.
I make no effort to get
reader’s attention and
I present the information
randomly. My poster
does not include all the
I demonstrate a limited
awareness of Mexico’s
cultural appropriateness